Asamov’s rule part three

“Journal entry captain corner styles reporting. We are currently surveying uncharted religion far everything has been fairly routine even mundane. It has allowed us to do some routine maintenance and diagnostic on ships syistom. ”
Mess hall
In the mess hall,several of the crew were having breakfast before day shift began. At one table was commander shumar,lt and doctor renelds, the perizau and others.
” so are you feeling?”Schumer asked .”well I am over morning sickness phase of the pregnentcy.I am feeling prety good!”Marie said. “She is stil volunteering for bridge duty much to my shagrin!”perizau said. “She is not the first human pregnancy in space but she will b e the first pregnancy In deep space. “Dr. Renelds said. “I Sence a paper or a book!”shumar said. “I gave her permission to do that . maybe me and my baby will be famous. “She said. “I will be famous for breaking warp 6!”perizau said . “credit that will be shared with me Sense I Wil be flying the ship that makes warp six and beyond!”the male Kelly. Said. “I will make sure you get a sentence or two in the history book.”the Frenchman said.”thanks.”the pilot said.
At another table . “so have you talk to tisora?”steveren asked. “Not Sense we left numorian space. “Jason Boyd said. “Is she and commander Grant an item?”the andorian asked. “I have no idea I have not asked!”he said. “You two should be together. Your wasting time! Grow up ?”the andorian said.”what do you really think?”Jason asked.
Trajaten Sat alone.he perfered privacy . some might look at him anti social. His thoughts on it was he is hear to do a task.his off time is his own. He is not required to solicilize after hours.if he is he is happy to resign and return home or to the embassy on earth.
He heard the sound of a tray landing on the table. He looked was ensign Gina brell.”may I join you?”she asked. “Of course!” he said. She Sat down.
“Captian I am getting a distress is a rygelian vessel. They say they are under attack by the romulons. “Kat said. ”
Romulons?”ema asked. “We are not that far from where we believe the romulon border to be.”tisora said.
“Ok pilot set course for the distress calls location. “Captain styles said.  Skyler ,the ensign had the helm plotted the course. “Course laid in. “She announced.
“Have the senior officers come to the bridge. I want to have them briefed before We arrive. “The captain ordered.
When they arrived on the bridge,the captain filled them in. “Now raving! Captain I cannot locate the ship. I am detecting evidence of debree. It was recent. The drebre is consistent with rygelin technology. “Tisora reported.
“Is there a record of hostility between the two races?”sumar asked.”not recently. The romulon seam to believe in a kind of manifes Destiny. If the rygeliens were an obstacle whatever there prior relationship I believe that they would deal with them as they saw fit!”the Vulcan.reported.
“Lt. Have the debre brought abored bored.tisora,chief I want you to anilize the debris. No stone unturned. “Styles ordered. The science officer and chief enginer understood his directive.
In the cramped cargo bay,several engineers  and other crewman looked over the wrekege of the il fated vessel. They anilized everything. They were detailed oriented. They had to be. This was too important not to be.
“Are the rygeliens a friendly species?”the chief asked. “For the most part yes. Vulcans have several trade agreements with them. Vulcans  have diplomatic ties with them. “Tisora informed the enginer.
“I see!”he said. “Chief the weapons used are consistent with the weapons used at our border and against the robot ship!”an enginer said.
“Is this a prelude to an attack or more of there hit and run style?”perizau asked. “I don’t know. That would be difficult to determine.
“Your prety sure it is the romulans!”captain styles asked. “Yes I am captain. “The chief enginer said. “Alright does the rygelian have an embassy on Vulcan?”the captain asked. “They do sir!”tisora said.”inform Vulcan of what has occured and Have them pass it on to the rygeliens!”the captain ordered. “Sending sir!”trajaten said. The com officer sent the messege.
“I am detecting a large concentration of warp signature. It is  right for us!” tisora said.
Romulan ship
“Detecting incoming ship. It is the human vessel.”the sensor tech said. “We should destroy it and be done with it! We have a different misson now! Don’t worry human ship ,we will be back for you! “The primus said.
“They are weapons hot!” Jason reported. ” we Will never make it! If they fire ,we are toast!” shumar said.
The ships moved closer to the ship hail the command ship!”styles ordered. “No response !”trajaten said.
The ships kept going for the ship. They almost headed to the x.then the swarm went to warp. The swarm kept going.
” what just happened?” the first officer asked. “This hardly seams like the romulon we have come to know and love. ” Jason said.
“It seams like we are not the intended target at least right now!”the captain said. “They hit The rygeliens, why not us?” the doctor asked. “Are we in the middle of a war zone?” the chief enginer asked. “It looks like it.we need to stay out on our toes! It I s going to get dicy I suspect!” the captain said.
End of part three

The society

Planet rygal 9
The capital citty was as usuel a flutter of activty. There were several marketplaces. Dr. Aridon erdilon a tiburian was not hear for comerce.
Like most in his race,he had large ears. Manny in his race were philosophers, scientist and interlecual. Manny were idelest. Manny were very esentic. This one had some extreme views.
He travaled to the outskirts of town. He went to the door and knocked. The door opened. “Dr. Erdilon. You have been expected !” The butler said.
He was let in. He has led to a parlor. The door opened,”he will see you now!” The doorman said. He was led into the den.
“Come on in dr. Erdilon!” The man said. “Thank you!” Erdilon said. ” are you familer with the drathic oricle?”the man enquired. “Of course. It is a myith. Most republe historians have concluded that it never excisted! ” erdilon said.
” It excisted. It stil does. It is not myithical. It is not even mystical ! I studied it before i was inducted into the order. I suspected it scaned time. It does not. It scans radio signals. It performs a physchological profile of the universe and then determines the future well atempts to. It is called pyscho history . It predicted some kind of turning point on vulcan around the time of surek. It predicted upheval on qonos about the time of kayhless. It is not totally acurate but the closest thing known to excist. “The man said.
He showed him an iner chamber. “Behold the future!”he said. ” The order has had it all this time?” The tiburon asked. “We aquired her 450 years ago. It is one of our most hevily gaurded secrets. Now that you are a patrone you may know of it. “The elder said.
“Are we at a turning point?” Erdilon asked. “What do you think? Do you believe we are?”the alien asked. ” Things seam to be changing. Races we have heard of are becoming regonal powers. Older empires are deminising. The old is making way for the new. ” Erdilon said.
“There is an event none of us anticipated. A race called the humans have begun to venture into deep space. They have diplomatic relationship with the vulcans. They have conducted comerce with the galideriens and have some contact with the andorians. The oricle says that there is a 60 percent chance that the humans will some kind of perminent alience with the vulcans. This presents a threat to our plan. If the humans enter into full diplomatic relations with the andorians something the orical says could happen. We could be looking at an influential shift towards vulcan and andorians. This would change intergalatic politics for a long time. ” The elder said.
“What is thy bidding ?” The tiburion said. “We intend to drive a wedge between the humans and vulcans. If we can convince the humans that vulcans cannot be trusted. If we can even spark a war. The humans and vulcans must be at odds. We must break any chance of a. Vulcan human allience!” The elder said. “I asume you have a plan?”erdilon said. “I do indeed!” The elder said.
“I want you to cary it out! I want you to cary out an attack on the humans and blaime it on the vulcans!” The elder said. “I can handle that!” The tiburon said. “!I thought you could !”the elder said.
Near vega colony
Uspa convoy
Vessel northward
“All ships are functioning at peak efecientcy commadore'” the com officer reported. “Very good ! Steady as she goes helm!” Comadore bob engstrom said. ” Sir! I have incoming. Seven vesels. They are not yet in tracking range!” The science officer reported.
“No orher ships of convoy were sheduled to be in this area!” The comadore reported. “That is correct!”the science officer said. “I don’t like it!”the helm reported.
“Sir! Vesels are now in range! They are vulcan. They are older vesels, solaya class. “The science officer said. “Ship to ship!” Engstrom said.
“Sending commadore. No response!” The comm oficer said. “What are the Vulcans doing hear?” The helm officer asked. “I wish i knew!” Engstrom said.
The vulcan ships took a defensive position. “They are weapons hot!” The science officer reported. “Order them to lower there weapons !”the commadore ordered. “They still are not responding ! “The com tech said.
The vulcan ships opened fire on the ships trying to protect the convoy. “Break formation. Blow those turds out of the sky!” The commadore said.
The human vessels fired on the vulcan vessels. The human vessels fired multiple voleys on to the enimy ships. The vulcan vessels ignored the attacking ships. They absorbed the weapons fire.
The vulcan ships fired a few rounds but there intetest was in the freighters. One of the vulcan heavy crushers fired on the freighters. It fired on the cargo bays in such a way that weekond the overall infulstructure of the ship. The human vessels tried to protect the freighter but they were no match for the attackong ship. The attacking ship returned fire on the vessel.
The vulcan heavy crusher returned to the freighter. The vessel fired multiple volleys on the freighter. The freighter was left awreck. Its cargo unusable.
The rest of the vulcan ships chose a freighter and ponded on it. The protecking ships were spred too thin. They decided that they had to protect some of the ships. They focused on taking out one ship the one closest to them. They had inflicted some damage on the enemy unfortunately not enough.
On commadore engstrom’s flagship the vessel had taken damage. Several deck were on fire. The overall structure of the ship was intact.
The bridge was hit. The pilot was killed in the blast. He shielded the com officer from being hit. The vessel fired on the attacking vessel. The vessel hit the engines. “Warp drive is off line!” The science officer said.
The commadore was going to ram the vessel into the enimy vessel nearest to him. The vessel headed for the vessel. Then the vulcan vessel went to high warp.
“Report!”  engstrom ordered.”sir! Enemy vessels are withdrawing. There speed is beyond our capibilities ! ” the science officer said.
“Lets evaluate our damage!” The commadore said. The com officer activated the viewscreen. The fleet was in ruins. Out of nine freighters,only two went unscathed. The freighter woodstock had to be sctuttled completely. The freighter greenwood had to be towed back to vega colony. The rest were operational but barely. The cargo on three vessels were uterly destroyed.
Off the seven vessels asigned to protect them,three were in bad shape. The vessel bryent pound had to be abbandoned. Several would require weeks of refit. Several might not be worth repairing.
The destinations needed these suplies. The attack thretened the stability of these colonies. They also adversly afected trade and comerce. Manny freighter compinies would be reluctant to risk there ships to ship more cargo. The earth cargo service would be streched thin.
Relief ships were imidiately dispatched from vega. The commadore transfered her flag to u.v bethel. The commadore was very angery.
“I am sory about this bob!” Captain jammison roykirk said.”Jamison i will get revenge. Those vulcan s.o.b will pay dealy for this. If i have to diploy atomic mistles myself at vulcan,i will. So help me they will pay'” he said.
End of part one