The society part 4

“Captain’s journal after colecting data from the debree field. While the evidence indicates that the vulcans are waging a gurila war against us probably aimed at destobolizing us. ”
“While the evidence sugest that the vulcans are behind this ,i have my doubts. It just does not seam to add up. Eaqily troubiling is the presence of earth representitive commadore engstrom. He seams to have an ax to grind. ”
Qurters of engstrom
“You wanted to see me sir? ” the captain asked. “Yes come in! I want to get underway as soon as possible ! I want to see the look on the devils when we are stil alive!” Engstrom said.
“Sir. I am concerned by the battle with the vulcan ship. You almost got my crew killed. The evidence was clear this was a suiside mission ! Yet you were going to continue to engage them!” Styles said.
“Corner ! It was a simple mistake. An oversight!”he said.”one that could have gotten my crew killed!  A captain has to be a bit of a dictator. He cant be second guised for every minute detail. In exchange for the loyalty that is required for a deep space mission ,a captain is that much more responsible to protect his crew. A crew trust there commanding officer with there life. Is a solum duty. These people have sacrificed a lot. They deserve better. “Styles said.
“Look i made a mistake. Contrary to my persona i am not God! I apolozize ! Can we move on now?”engstrom asked.
“Look! During a battle there can only be one commander! You can assume command of the x. The ship so much as get its paint chiped i will be lodging a formal complant!”corner said. “Understood captain!” Engstrom said.
“Sir! I am woried about tivora! She wont leave her qurters. She won’t see me!”boyd said. “Look she is woried. Earth history does not paint a rosey picture of what hapends when one group attack another. “Styles said.
“Sir! About that. I am concerned. Will this become another japinese internment. If there are more like the commadore!”boyd said. “The commidore is a prick who think way too highly of himself !”the captain said.
“He is a commadore so he must have some influence!”boyd said. “He is commanding a garrison that protects live stock shipments while i am bodly going where no human has gone before. That ought to tell you something ! Jason! Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I for one don’t want to repeat those dark chaptors of human history ! ” styles said. “Alright !” Jason said.
Qurters of lt. Julie holister
The chime rang. “Come in!”she said. The door opened. It was commander shumar. “I wondered when you would come by or if you would come by !” Julie said.
“I have been buisy. As your boss said,we are in a defacto sate of war ! “Bryce said.
“Can i have a hug or we are going to be formal ?”she asked. He huged her.  “It is good to see you! So you got your wish! Off into deep space ?”she said. “I told you i would !”shumar said.
“Eller industeries is staering a publicity effort to promote his program. There is a bryce shumar action figure!” She said. “No! Your kidding?”he asked. She took it out of the draw. “You have one?” He asked. “In 20 years or so it will be a colectors item!”she said.
“I don’t want to know. So how can you work for a man like engstrom?” Shumar said. “He is not so bad when you get to know him. “Julie said. “He seams like a relic form a bi gone error. He reminds me of general custor. “He said.
“So how have you been?” Sge asked. “Good! Buisy. Now i am. I left uspha because i did not think it was going any where. We seamed to be more of aj agency reserching climate information then space exploration. Then i jouned eller industeries. They talked a good game but got very little results. Now the two have joined forces and I’m out hear. We are going to make a go if this. In 30 years humanity will be a house hold name out amoungst the stars!” Shumar said.
“It seams so. If we are not whiped out first . Don’t get me wrong i agree with you. The fact is the old gaurd does not like new blood. It may be a strugal! It may not be the romantic picture eller likes to paint!” Julie said.
“Nothing is easy. The first colony is Virginia vanished. Rome was not built in a day. It could be dark at first !”she said. “I know that. If we suceed we wiill built something . Something future generations can be proud of!” He said.
“We never did quite agree on this. You were the dreamer. I was the realest!”she said. “I tempered my idealism for a while. I see it may be possible !”bryce said.
“Captain’s journal we got underway ans headed for the planet babel. We arived in record time. The planet is a center of intergalatic diplomocy. It has compared to an intergalitic united nations. I hope they have a little more luck then they did. ”
“Now in orbit!” Kelly w said. “Alright ! Prep the shartle! I am going down there! ” engstrom said.”i am going with you!” The captain said. “That is not necessary captain! I can handle this !”he said. “My ship was almost destroyed. This involves me! Besides regulation states that a commanding officer may accompony all off ship missions! I looked it up!”styles said. “Fine but stay out of my way! “He said. “Fine! Shumar you have the bridge !” He said. “Aye sir!”shumar said.
The x had one shartle. It was a cramped craft in a cramped hanger bay. The original design called for three shartle pods. It was just not pratical.  The design team considered not having any shartle. It was decided that a ground craft was needed for the nature of there mission.
Kelly w took the controls. The vessel was cleared to depart. The bay opened. The craft left the bay. The vesel was off.
“To stand on an alien planet ! It is disqueting a little!”engstrom said. “Regretible it has to be under these circumstances !”kellt w said. “It was bound to happ. Force is a universal laungrege lt!”the commadore said. No one said anything in response.
The craft began to discend to the planet. The craft lowered itself to the space port. The craft touched down and docked.
The door opened, the team excited the craft. They walked though the area. A vulcan female came towards him. Styles and the commidore’s chief of staf went up to the vulcan. The vulcan detonated herself. The rest of the team tried to sicure the commadore.
The commander was dead. Styles fell back. He was unconscious. Things had just gone from worse to even worse.
End of part four