Vulcan heart part six

“Starship log, lt Lindsay markum reporting. After looking at the files on lt. Tisora,i have decided to go to the serface and look at evidence and intervued witness and principles. I am hoping to get some conclusions to all of this. ” Lindsay said in her log.
She took a travel pod from the x to the obital station and then to the planet. She went to the police beracks. She was escorted to the office of colnel jurat.
“I thank you for meating me colnel!”Lindsay said. “Of course. I intend to coperate with all investigations into this matter!”jurat said. “Does the prosicution consider the matter closed?”she asked. “They feel confident that they know what happened! There are witnesses,she confesed!”jurat said.
“One investigator to another what do you think?”she asked. “Well ! Off the record, i don’t know. I think she is guilty. The evidence says she is guilty,the witnesses say she is guilty,she says she is guilty ,i just don’t know. I would never say that anywhere but hear!”he said. “I can respect that !”she said.
“I have seen some odd things but this is a top one i must say.”the colnel declared.”the thing i don’t understand is where did the pistol come from ?”Lindsay said. “No one knows for sure. No one i intervuer clams to have seen it before the  schoting. I got to say were it not for that,i would be convinced that i know every thing there was to know in this case!”jurat said. “That what i thought!”Lindsay said.
“Was there any prints on it except for tisora?”she asked. “No just her. We checked believe me!”jurat said. “This is odd!”she said. “I know!”he said.
  After talking to the police colnel,Lindsay left the station and headed for the market place.she tried to be a fly on the wall.she tried to observe only. She wanted to see what they would have seen. She wantes to feal what they would have felt that day. She believed that the answers were out there. She juat had to find them.
She was aproched by a shop keaper. She had been lost in thought. “Your from that ship. The sane ship that the killer was on!”a fellow shop keaper said. “Yes i am ! Did you did the event?”she asked. “I did. Odest thing i have ever seen. I have never seen a person killed right in front of me before. Its something i hope i never see again !”everk said. “I’m sure! “Markum said.
“What happened?”she asked. I saw her. She had been at my table with another person,a male. I think he is from your race. Then i was deeling with another customer and i heard the shcot. I looked up and i saw odark dead. “Everk said.
“Did you see the pistol before the schoting?” Lindsay asked. “No but manny murchents have personal protection just in case. We don’t anounce it. Before everk there had never been an incident. I had not seen any weapon around before the scoting. I asumed it was hers!”he said.
She intervewed several witnesses. None of them saw the weapon before the schoting.every one thought it was odd to have a pistol just lying around in plain sight. That was unheard off.
She had gone with the pain staking process of interviwing every murcent and other witnesses. None saw the weapon prior to its use. All implicated tisora as the schoter.
She saw steveren the andorian.she went over to him. “What are you doing hear? Shore leave was cancelled?”she asked. “I did not get that message !”steveren said.
“What are you doing hear?”she asked. “Conducting my own investigation. We andorians are famous for getting information from people ?”he asked. “I have heard that. What have you found ?”she asked.
“I think she was framed?”steveren said. “Come on. Every one saw it. Do you really think the whole market is lying?”she asked. “I discovered that pistol is used by a street gang on trabus five. The trabisians do freqient this world. One of the witnesses was a trabesien. Ardet luton !”steveren said. “Yes i interviewed him. Did not have too much information to contribute i did not already know. ” She said.
“Trabisiens don’t have telipathic abilities but they like to employ those who do. I suspect mind control was used!”steveren said.
“Woa! Slow down! You think that a telipath made people think that tisora fired that schot? ” Lindsay asked. “Either that or they made her fire it?” He said.”come on! That’s obsurd. For what perpouse?”she asked. “I don’t know! “Steveren said.
“The tradisiens and the humans have no contact. Our space are far from each other. “She said.”i have no idea. This is our first clue. Why don’t we what is the human expresion team up!”steveren said. “I don’t know you. We have had quite the discussion about you at eller hq and uspha. We are not totally sure you can be trusted. You did come out of no where!” She said.
“So did you. At least from my perspective. “Steveren said. “You sure this trabisien conection is not a wild ghose chase?”she asked. “What is a wild ghose and what does that have to do with the subject at hand?”the andorian said. “Never mind. Ok lets work together for now. Tick me off your off the team. “She said. “What if you tick me off ? Do i get to boot you off the investigation?”he asked. “Your not off to a good start !”she said.
Lt. Jason boyed tried and tried to see tisora. Apearently she did not want to see him. Finally she relented.
He was escorted into a waiting room. He waited for what seamed like eternity. Finally he heard footsteps. The door opened. She wore a gray and pink prison isue jumpsuit. She had shakles. She sat down. A gourd stood by at a distence.
“I miss you! I was sad that you would not see me! “Jason said. “I considered not seing you. “She said. “I suspected as much. Its me,whatever happened. It does not change us. It does not change our friendship!”Jason said.”i know that. I just find it difficult to talk to you right now. I understand your perspective but try to understand myine.”she said. “I do understand where your coming from. I understand your reasoning but i disagree with it. Don’t shut me out not now!”Jason said. “It is hard for me not to. “She said. “This is not the time to shut me out. This is the time you should embrace me. “He said. “I know but i just can’t. “She said.
“So you don’t think she fired the schot ?”Lindsay asked. “I don’t know but i do have my doubts. “Steveren said. “There were so many witnesses?”she said. “I know. This things smell of a frame up. “Steveren said.
“I am suprised your so quick to defend her. I have heard that the Vulcans and the andorians don’t like each other?”she asked.”our races don’t. I have come to respect her. “He said.
They saw arcon. “You again ? “Arcon said. “That pistol ? Is it one of yours?”Lindsay asked. “Its trabisien. Its not from my afiliation. We mark ours. Those are not our markings. Those markings are from the yocub group. They do not have a presence hear. “Arcon said.
“Your killing me arcon !”she said.”i do have a potential lead. A smugler names yildon. He is frelance. He arived two days before the event!”he said. “Thank you!”steveren said.
Office if jurat
“Yildon is known to us. He has never engaged in criminal activities hear. He has iligitiment interest as well. He builds hospital ,prividea famine relief,medical reserch. He has helped refugues in war torn areas. We keep a close eye on him but there is no evidence he has done anything wrong hear. We have looked!”jurat said.
“The pistol may be conected to him. “Lindsay said. “Why would he leave a pistol near a bizzar?”jurat said. “What if he fired the weapon? ” Steveren asked. “No way! I have witness who saw tisora discharge that energy weapon!”jurat said. “Maybe they thought that?”steveren said. “Mind control . Why? “Jurat said. “I don’t know !”steveren said. “This is a strech. I understand your need to exanerate her but you will have to do better then that!”jurat said.
“Come on!”steveren said. “Where?”she said. “To see yeldin. He frequencts a bar not far from hear!”he said. “Your not sugesting we walk up to him and ask him if he framed tisora?”she asked. “No if course not. We can discretly pay attention to his activities. ” He said. “Your going to drive me to drink you know that ?”she asked. “Are you coming ?”he asked. “Yes! I thought i was in charge of this investigation?” She asked.
They entered. Sure enough he was there. He had several of his alies there. They got a table nearby. Then the table exploded. Steveren threw Lindsay across the room. He bearly made it out. Yeldin was killed instently. There was one servivor. The alien flee the area.
Lindsay and steveren ran after him. Was he a victim or a perpitrator? They tried to find out.
Court room.
“We have heard from friends and coleges of the acused. We have heard from her commanding officer and other superiors. We also heard from the victim’s family . A husband ,a farther,a son,a brother was taken. You were a guest on our world and you deprived us of a precious comadity wutch we would not and could nor replace. I do not enjoy imposing this punishment but i see no orther option available to me. I hearby sentence you to death to be caried out tomorrow at 1600 tomorrow (12pm) . If you believe In an afterlife i hope your soul finds solice there. ” The judge said.

Vulcan heart part five

  Jason’s heart sank. He could not believe what he was hearing. She had just confessed. He had heard that they has capital punishments for murder and usually imposed it for preditated murder especially for off wolders.
Captain styles patted him on the back. Styles did not know what he could do but would try everything to help. Earth only had diplomatic relations with the Vulcan and noberians. They had traded with the galideriens but had no formal diplomatic acord with them or any of the other races they had contacted. None of them had any dealings with the debiesiens.
“You do realize that by declaring your guilt,you forfit right of trial. The punishment by necesity is savere and irevocible!”the judge asked. “I do. I do not intend to chalenge the judgement of this hounerable court! I acept its judgement!”she said.
Jason was getting ansy. The captain did his best to keep his calm. The captain understood his consternation. He felt it too. As captain,he had to be the vioce of reason especially now.
“This hearing is a first step. It is to begin the juducial process perscribed by our laws. I am going to turn this over to the chief megistrate for this reigion. Sence you have confesed,it will be the duty of the chief judge to determine sentence. This hearing is ajurned!”the judge said.
“What do we do?”jason asked. “I don’t know. “Styles said. “This is not good is it?”Jason asked. “No its not. This is not over yet. “Styles said.
Tisora was turned over to a higher security force. She was taken to what Americans on earth might refer to a county jail. After she was processed and got settled in,they were alowed to see her.
“Hi!”tisora said nervously.jason huged her. “Sir i cannot expres my regret enough. I have not brought a good reputation for the service or to the ship. I am sory for that!”she said.
“There may be a way we can decrease the saverity of the punishment!”styles said. “I don’t want that captain. It would not be fair. “Tisora said. “This is your life. “Jason said. “I have forfeted it Jason !”she said.
The captain and Jason took a traval pod back to the obital station. From there,they went to the x. Commander shunar and others were there waiting for them. So was lt. Markum.
“I heard from the old man,he wants us to do a full investigation.he wants out i dotted and t’s crosed. Whoever the earth justice minister has a different take. He says we have to respect local law. The foregn minister says first impreson last foever. He does not want us to interfear with there justice system !”shumar said.
“Alright ! I expected every one would probably weigh in on this!”styles said. “What will we do captain?”gina brell asked. “All the evidence sugest she ia guilty. While earth has banned capital punishment except in extreme cases , earth has believed in not interfearing in the afars of other worlds. If there was a question of guilt i might consider orther options but this seam like an open and shut case!”styles said.
“If i may be excused sir!”Jason said. “Of course. Get some rest jayce. The next few days will be very difficult on us all. “Styles said.
“Acualy sir,i need to speak to you lt! “Markum said. “Can’t it wait lt?”gina said. “I am afraid it can’t. “She said.
Qurters of lt. Markum
“Did you witness the murder?”Lindsay asked. “No. I had left her and went to another table across from where she was.the next thing i knew i heard the sound of a weapons fire. She hovered over the dead body.”he told him.
“Where did the weapon come from? “Lindsay asked. “I don’t know. It is not x issued. It was there. It must have been someone there,a shop keper perhaps .”Jason said. “you did not see it prior to the event?”she asked. “No i did not. “He answered.
“What is the nature of your relationship with lt. Tisora?”Lindsay asked. “Woa! That’s out of bounds. That is personal !”Jason said. “Look i need to understand her sate of mind. I need this information !”she said. “You really make an impreson lt!”he said. “Look i have been given an imposible task. This task makes  finding a needle in a haystack easy. Now please answer the question!”Lindsay incisted.
“It is unclear. Undefined. We are friends. We have not really talk about it. We do hang out a lot!” She said.
“Has she been under any stress lately?”Lindsay said. “No more then usual. She has been herself.i meen we have been though high stresed situations. The orion pirates,the virus that targarted males but she seamed to handle it well!”he said.
“There was nothing in her behavor that got you concerned before the event?” Lindsay asked. ” no there was not.”he said. “Think carefully. That is important !”he said. “I know. I really can’t think of anything lt!’he said. “If you can please tell me! “She said. “I will!”he said.
“You have been roomates sence the x left space dock?”Lindsay asked gina. “‘Yes that is true mam!”gina reaplied. “Would you say your friends ?”gina asked. “Yes i would say we are. ” She said. “How has she been?”Lindsay asked. “She has been fine ! I have not noticed any diference. “Gina said. “Would you tell me if you did?”she asked. “Yes i would. The captain ordered me to cooperate with your investigation.”she said. “Do you trust me?”Lindsey asked.”i am stil on the fance. You did save our buts with that virus and  those ships. I don’t know.”gina said.
“I see! You can understand my comfusion. I have an even kealed officer just snap and no one saw it coming?”Lindsey said.”i really saw nothing out of the ordinary. “Gina said.
“Doctor i look though her files. She had an acident a few years ago. During a training mission.”Lindsey asked. “Yes i know the incident. “Kelly answered. “Could there be some kind of delayed post tremetic stress event?”Lindsey asked. “Mayby but she did go though exstensive counseling. She was closely screaned before being alowed to return to duty or reporting to the x. “Kelly said.
“Could it be related?”Lindsey asked. “Yes it could. Does debiasie have insanity defense ?”kelly asked. “Yes but judges dont like it. They don’t like off worlders trying to use it. It not that to me kell. As Lindsey the person i don’t like it! Tisora is a model officer,model person. I like the idea of building bridges with orher species. Eller envisoned eller space corps being a multi planitart comunity in space and tisora advances that. Tisora is the best of us. I know we can all fail. Sometimes if you supress too long ,you can stop fighting and embrace the darkness. I can’t believe that. There has to be an answer especially in a capital case! “Lindsey said.
“You are human after all. I was beginning to wonder ?”kelly asked. “Why does every one think i am the enemy? “Lindsey said. “We have become a family . We have been though a lot. We get though one crises and we are smack dab in another one. Out of the fireing pan into the fire the whole way. We have had to rely on eachother. We don’t know you. We are not where your loyalties are. Its more then that,i am not sure you know where your loyalties are!”kelly said.
“My loyalty is to earth. To humanity. I serve earth government and eller industries. Those are my loyalties. “She said.   “So what will you do now?” Kelly asked. “I am going to intervue witnesses. I must know where that pistol came from! “She said. With that Lindsey left. Kelly did not fully trust Lindsey. She might be tisora’s only hope.
End of part five
I enjoy the character that is an outsider,the late comer. Star trek the next generation had dr. Pilaski briefly. Ds9 had worf and voyager had seven and Babylon five had lockly and sheridan. I like how i can bring markum in.


Vulcan heart part five

  Jason’s heart sank. He could not believe what he was hearing. She had just confessed. He had heard that they has capital punishments for murder and usually imposed it for preditated murder especially for off wolders.
Captain styles patted him on the back. Styles did not know what he could do but would try everything to help. Earth only had diplomatic relations with the Vulcan and noberians. They had traded with the galideriens but had no formal diplomatic acord with them or any of the other races they had contacted. None of them had any dealings with the debiesiens.
“You do realize that by declaring your guilt,you forfit right of trial. The punishment by necesity is savere and irevocible!”the judge asked. “I do. I do not intend to chalenge the judgement of this hounerable court! I acept its judgement!”she said.
Jason was getting ansy. The captain did his best to keep his calm. The captain understood his consternation. He felt it too. As captain,he had to be the vioce of reason especially now.
“This hearing is a first step. It is to begin the juducial process perscribed by our laws. I am going to turn this over to the chief megistrate for this reigion. Sence you have confesed,it will be the duty of the chief judge to determine sentence. This hearing is ajurned!”the judge said.
“What do we do?”jason asked. “I don’t know. “Styles said. “This is not good is it?”Jason asked. “No its not. This is not over yet. “Styles said.
Tisora was turned over to a higher security force. She was taken to what Americans on earth might refer to a county jail. After she was processed and got settled in,they were alowed to see her.
“Hi!”tisora said nervously.jason huged her. “Sir i cannot expres my regret enough. I have not brought a good reputation for the service or to the ship. I am sory for that!”she said.
“There may be a way we can decrease the saverity of the punishment!”styles said. “I don’t want that captain. It would not be fair. “Tisora said. “This is your life. “Jason said. “I have forfeted it Jason !”she said.
The captain and Jason took a traval pod back to the obital station. From there,they went to the x. Commander shunar and others were there waiting for them. So was lt. Markum.
“I heard from the old man,he wants us to do a full investigation.he wants out i dotted and t’s crosed. Whoever the earth justice minister has a different take. He says we have to respect local law. The foregn minister says first impreson last foever. He does not want us to interfear with there justice system !”shumar said.
“Alright ! I expected every one would probably weigh in on this!”styles said. “What will we do captain?”gina brell asked. “All the evidence sugest she ia guilty. While earth has banned capital punishment except in extreme cases , earth has believed in not interfearing in the afars of other worlds. If there was a question of guilt i might consider orther options but this seam like an open and shut case!”styles said.
“If i may be excused sir!”Jason said. “Of course. Get some rest jayce. The next few days will be very difficult on us all. “Styles said.
“Acualy sir,i need to speak to you lt! “Markum said. “Can’t it wait lt?”gina said. “I am afraid it can’t. “She said.
Qurters of lt. Markum
“Did you witness the murder?”Lindsay asked. “No. I had left her and went to another table across from where she was.the next thing i knew i heard the sound of a weapons fire. She hovered over the dead body.”he told him.
“Where did the weapon come from? “Lindsay asked. “I don’t know. It is not x issued. It was there. It must have been someone there,a shop keper perhaps .”Jason said. “you did not see it prior to the event?”she asked. “No i did not. “He answered.
“What is the nature of your relationship with lt. Tisora?”Lindsay asked. “Woa! That’s out of bounds. That is personal !”Jason said. “Look i need to understand her sate of mind. I need this information !”she said. “You really make an impreson lt!”he said. “Look i have been given an imposible task. This task makes  finding a needle in a haystack easy. Now please answer the question!”Lindsay incisted.
“It is unclear. Undefined. We are friends. We have not really talk about it. We do hang out a lot!” She said.
“Has she been under any stress lately?”Lindsay said. “No more then usual. She has been herself.i meen we have been though high stresed situations. The orion pirates,the virus that targarted males but she seamed to handle it well!”he said.
“There was nothing in her behavor that got you concerned before the event?” Lindsay asked. ” no there was not.”he said. “Think carefully. That is important !”he said. “I know. I really can’t think of anything lt!’he said. “If you can please tell me! “She said. “I will!”he said.
“You have been roomates sence the x left space dock?”Lindsay asked gina. “‘Yes that is true mam!”gina reaplied. “Would you say your friends ?”gina asked. “Yes i would say we are. ” She said. “How has she been?”Lindsay asked. “She has been fine ! I have not noticed any diference. “Gina said. “Would you tell me if you did?”she asked. “Yes i would. The captain ordered me to cooperate with your investigation.”she said. “Do you trust me?”Lindsey asked.”i am stil on the fance. You did save our buts with that virus and  those ships. I don’t know.”gina said.
“I see! You can understand my comfusion. I have an even kealed officer just snap and no one saw it coming?”Lindsey said.”i really saw nothing out of the ordinary. “Gina said.
“Doctor i look though her files. She had an acident a few years ago. During a training mission.”Lindsey asked. “Yes i know the incident. “Kelly answered. “Could there be some kind of delayed post tremetic stress event?”Lindsey asked. “Mayby but she did go though exstensive counseling. She was closely screaned before being alowed to return to duty or reporting to the x. “Kelly said.
“Could it be related?”Lindsey asked. “Yes it could. Does debiasie have insanity defense ?”kelly asked. “Yes but judges dont like it. They don’t like off worlders trying to use it. It not that to me kell. As Lindsey the person i don’t like it! Tisora is a model officer,model person. I like the idea of building bridges with orher species. Eller envisoned eller space corps being a multi planitart comunity in space and tisora advances that. Tisora is the best of us. I know we can all fail. Sometimes if you supress too long ,you can stop fighting and embrace the darkness. I can’t believe that. There has to be an answer especially in a capital case! “Lindsey said.
“You are human after all. I was beginning to wonder ?”kelly asked. “Why does every one think i am the enemy? “Lindsey said. “We have become a family . We have been though a lot. We get though one crises and we are smack dab in another one. Out of the fireing pan into the fire the whole way. We have had to rely on eachother. We don’t know you. We are not where your loyalties are. Its more then that,i am not sure you know where your loyalties are!”kelly said.
“My loyalty is to earth. To humanity. I serve earth government and eller industries. Those are my loyalties. “She said.   “So what will you do now?” Kelly asked. “I am going to intervue witnesses. I must know where that pistol came from! “She said. With that Lindsey left. Kelly did not fully trust Lindsey. She might be tisora’s only hope.
End of part five
I enjoy the character that is an outsider,the late comer. Star trek the next generation had dr. Pilaski briefly. Ds9 had worf and voyager had seven and Babylon five had lockly and sheridan. I like how i can bring markum in.