At every turn part six

“Commadore engstorm!”shumar said. “We can dispatch with the huging. Unless you want to give me a hug!” Engstrom said. “No that’s fine! “Styles said.
“Thought so. Look ! You really messed this up!”engstorm said. “How so?”the captain asked.”the x cannot take in every stray puppy captain. You have to admit that this was a bad call. “The commadore said.
“Look it apears to be an oversight but that is stil oppen!”styles said. “The fact is he pulled out the legs out from under us. I don’t apreciate it. From now on any civilian advisor will have to be aproved by me. “The commadore said. “Of course sir!” Styles said.
“The Vulcans won’t alow us to talk to steveren. He is a kind of protective custody. “Engstrom said.
“Can we get a nutral party to speak to him. Perhaps the galiderians. “Shumar said.
The door opened,an aid went over to the commadore. The two talked back and forth for a few minutes. The aid then left the office. The door closed.
“A Vulcan freighter carying a crew of ten was attacked by old class of earth fighters. There were no servivors. We suspect it was a vilegilente group.”engstorm said.
“Something is really odd about this. This thing is spiraling out of control!”styles said. “Things happen corner. All it takes is a little match and we have a forest fire. “The commadore said.
“This does not seam like business as usual. “Shumar said.”look this thing did not happen in a vacuum. This all started with your andorian friend. Sence the Vulcans will not alow us to meat with steveren,i intend to force the isue!” Engstrom said.
“I don’t understand!”styles said.”i want you to sneek into Vulcan space and go to the planet Vulcan. Capture steveren and bring him hear!”engstrom said.
“You realize that this could make a bad situation worse.”styles said. “The situation is dire already. We have no facts. I need to talk to steveren. “The commadore said.
“If we are caught or destroyed or if we suceed this could escilate into a full fledged war. A war i am prety sure we would lose. “Styles said.
“We will get alies i am sure. Look i don’t want a war with Vulcan . I want to prevent one. I need answers! This is a direct order!”engstrom said.
“Has the old man signed off on this?”styles said. “I don’t have to have eller sign off on every nunute detail. I am a flag officer.i have the right to order this. Will you follow my orders?”engstrom asked. “Yes i will follow your orders. “Styles said. “Good. We have been able to create a detailed map of Vulcan space. I believe that we can acess Vulcan space hear. It is not heavily patroled. We have a trail that will lead to Vulcan. “The commadore said.
X 10000
“Your really going to do this?”shumar asked. “I don’t want to but if i don’t engstrom will just have someone else do it. I would like to have a little chat with steveren. “Styles said.
“You think we can pull it off corner?” Shumar said. “We have to bryce. If we don’t we could end up making things far worse.”he said.
He entered the bridge. “Ok move it in!”styles said. The sr officers came in for an officers huddle. ” Ok we have ordered to sneek into Vulcan space and go to Vulcan. We are to kidnap steveren and bring him to vega. “Styles said.
“Woa woa woa! Let me get me straight! We are sneaking into Vulcan space,then we are kidnapping steveren from the Vulcan security ministery and bring him back to earth space. “Lindsay said.
“That is corect.”styles said. “Ok i might be out of line but this plan is the siliest idea i have ever heard. ” Lindsay said. 
“I understand your view lind and it has some validity. We do need answers and it apears that steveren is the only one who can provide the answers. “Styles said.
“I know this is not ideal. I think it is doable. Kell plot course according to the plan!”styles ordered. The pilot agreed.
“Jayce talk to tisora. Go over our trail with her!”styles said. “Will she help us break into her space ?” Trajaten Asked. “I think she might. “Styles said.
Qurters of tisora
The chime rang. Tisora was barefoot and was engaged in meditation. Tisora was woken up from her lethergy. She got up and unlocked the door. The door opened.
“Hello jayce!” Tisora said. “How are you doing ?”Jason asked.”the treatments are going well. I am doing well. “She said. “I am glad to hear that!”Jason said.
“Your not hear just to check up on me are you? “Tisora asked. “No I’m not ! We are going to try to sneek into Vulcan space in order to try to smugle steveren out so we can question him.” Jason said.
“You want me to look over your flight plan?”she asked. ” Yes!”Jason said. “Let me see it!”she said. She looked over the device with the map. She made some ajustments. “I would make these changes. “She said.
“Thank you.” Jason said. “No problem Jason. Anything i can do,i will!”she told him.
“We have cleared vega!”gina reported. “Set course for Vulcan space !”the captain said. “Course already ploted. Engaging now. “Kelly wyane said.
The x went into warp. It headed for a remote area of Vulcan space.
“Now nearing the designated point of entry. “Gina said. “Scan for ships or instilations or any mobile equipment !”shumar ordered.
Gina began the scan. The equipment scaned the area inside Vulcan space. “None detected!”she said.
“Go to secondary alert 2. Shields up. Weapons on stand by!”styles ordered. The claxon sounded. “We are now at secondary alert 2. Shields are at maxumum. Weapons standing by. “Boyed reported.
“Take us in kell!”the pilot said. The x went into Vulcan ship. “We are now inside Vulcan space. “Kelly wayne renelds reported.
“Stay on the path kel. Keep monitoring for any ship or setilite or the like.”styles ordered.
For a while ,the ship had been able to avoid any ship or tracking device. It had been several houers inside Vulcan space without any incident. That would not last foever.
“I got something !”gina anonced. “Report !”first officer shumar ordered. “We have a Vulcan patrol vessel. Tishura class. “Gina said. “Does it detect us?”styles asked. “It does not apear to.”gina answered. “Stay on um!”shumar said. “Count on it sir!”gina said.
  The x mantaned course. “Stil nothing !”gina said. “Is there any way to mask our signuture?”styles asked. “We can minimilize our power usege but that might include reducing the sansors!” Pauriza said. “Why am i not suprised?’styles asked.
  “Ok every one,act natural!”styles said. The bridge crew laughed.
“We have stil not been detected.”gina said. “Are we home free?”dr. Renelds said.”no way we are that lucky!” Shumar said.
“I have an idea.”gina sugested.”ok go for it. “Styles said. “There is a comet that is traving though this system. I believe that we could ride it to Vulcan !”gina said.
“Ok ! Are you really sugesting we hide in a comet?” Lindsay asked. “We can hide from the Vulcans and stil be at a safe distence. “Gina said. “I am not thrilled about it but it is a sound plan. “Perizau said.
“I don’t don’t know anything about the health hazards that could be presented by such a plan .”dr. Renelds said.
“Our shields should hold!”jason said. “It is as good an idea as any. Pilot take us into the comet!”the captain ordered.
“Captain’s log,the x has sucesfully hiden in the comet for several houers. There is no evidence of any adverse efects to ships or crew.”the captain said.
“Captain! I recomend we leave the comet now. We are close to the planet. “Kelly w said. “Do it!”captain styles ordered. The pilot took the out of the comet’s wake. The x left the comet behind. The x headed for the planet.
“So how do we get to the planet undetected ?”dr. Renelds asked.”that is the hard part?”styles said.
“Trajaten do you feel like betraying the crew and crew?”styles asked. “Not really. I am prety content hear. The food is not really to my liking but that’s ok!”the noberian said.
“Jason get tisora. Ok move in it. We need a stratigy seison!’the captain said. The crew came in for a captain’s huddle.”what’s wrong with the food!”styles asked.
Vulcan obital station
“We are detecting an incoming vesel. “A tech said. “Can you identify it?”the commander asked. The tech atempted to identify the ship. “It is the earth vessel designated x 1000.”the tech said.
“Hail the vessel!” The commander ordered. The com officer activated the screen. “Vulcan authority. This is noberian officer trajaten. I have seized control of the vessel. I am standing down. I surender!”trajaten said.
A series of Vulcan vesels serounded the x. The x crew gave no recistence. The Vulcans quickly took charge of the ship.
While the ship had lunched an esape pod before the Vulcans noticed them. The pod made it to the planet.
They walked to a home. They were greated by several Vulcans.”it is agreible to see you again uncle.”tisora said. “And you my neice. You have a lot of timerity coming hear captain. “The uncle said.
“We are being set up. We have no interest at being at war with your people. I personaly want to make stronger ties with your people!”styles said.
“I find it difficult to believe that your people are planing on attacking us. I find some of the evidence troubling,whoever i am trying to keep an open mind!”the man said.
  “We need to talk to steveren. Your government is not cooperitive. “Jason said. “I am aware of that. Do i have your asurence that mr. Steveren will not be harmed?”he asked. “You do. We believe in the rights of the acused. “Styles said. “Alright i will get you into the government complex. The rest is up to you!”the uncle said. “Of course thank you sir!”styles said.
Vulcan government complex.
T’lark and his onterage neared the entrence. “Hello versal!”the uncle said. “Hello minister. “The porter said. They entered.
They went to the confrence room where the andorian was. “I need to see mr. Steveren. ” t’lerk said. “I was not told that you were comming sir!”the gaurd said. ” I need to speak to him at once!”t’lerk said.
“Who are these people with you?”the gaurd asked. “My aides.please stand aside.”he incisted. The porter complied. They entered.
The gaurd started to move out. T’lerk gave a Vulcan nerve pinch.the orther porter tried to come to his aides defense and tisora iniciated a Vulcan neck pinch.”you need to teach that to me some time ?”jason told her. “Perhaps !’tisora answered. “I take it this is not a jail break ?”steveren said. “I could punch you right now !”jason said. “We need to move now!”t’lerk admonished him. 
“This is where we part ways. Live long and prosper. Good to see you tisie !”he said. He went the orther way.
“Tisie?”Jason asked. “It is a nick name. I don’t won’t to talk about it! “She said. “I did not know Vulcan had nick names?”styles said. They tried to leave the complex.
They ran as fast as they could. They neared the egress. Tisora knocked out one of the gaurds with a neck pinch. Jason hit the other gaurd.
They made it to the pod.  “Ok ! Steveren! What the heck is going on hear?”jason asked him. “Look i had no choice. I was ofored pardons from every one who wants me. All i had to do was testify against you. I thought this was a public relations thing. I never thought it could lead to a war!”he said.
“Who? Who told you to do this? Who is behind this? “Styles asked. “Its a tiburon named dr ardulon erdilon!”the andorian said.
“Who are the tiberons?”Jason asked. “They are a warp civilization. They are known for being interlecuals,perfesions,scientist and they are known to have abnormily large ears. “Tisora said. “Your one to talk!”steveren said.
“I assume he was working on behath of someone. Who?”styles asked. “The society !”steveren told them. “I should have known they would be back. They wanted to stop any long term relationship between Vulcan and humans. ” Styles said. It all started to make sence now. The question was where to go from hear?
End of part 6
Given the size of the x , i doubt there is room for a confrence room. Any staf meatings would either be cobducted in a crew qurters,mess hall or the bridge. There would probably be ocasional hudles.