The storm part 4

“Growing up in the mid west,i had my fair share of storms. What was worse then the actual storm was anticipation of the storms arival. You know its coming but there is nothing you can do about it. You are premptivly freaked out. As a child i always was. ”
“With this storm,we had time to prepare. It was anyone’s gues if it would work or not. Now after all the preperations now was the moment of truth. ”
“At this moment i felt powerless.a part of me wishes i was back on earth. I knew that someone had to pave the way for humanity to reach out for the stars. I Just hope we can make it back in one peace.”
The ion storm began to pass. The ship was hit. The crew could hear the sounds of the ions hit the x 1000. It sounded like a smal lazer hiting the ship.
The whole crew was on pins and neadles. They were just waiting with bated breath. No one was sure what they were waiting for. They were wating for relief or recovery. They knew this storm would be hear for a while. It would not be over in 15 minutes although every one hoped it would. ”
“So far shields are holding. I detect no crack in the shields !” Tivora said. “Keep on it!” Shumar ordered. “Will do!” Tivora said.
“Report any varience lt!” Shumar ordered. “You got it commander!” Tivora answered. The sound of the ship being pumaled could be heard. It was persistent. It was relentless. There was no stoping it.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds waited for any information on the storm. She suposed that no news is good news.  The carm before a worse storm. She was really woried. She heard some crewman talking about reterning to earth. She was not ready for that. She had an adventurous side but was not looking foward for this storm to be over. She stil could not believe she was hear. What a jouney it had been.
   She was at a library. She was studying. A man droped a bunch of brief case and papers. She went over and helped him picked up the books and papers.
“I am a clutch as you can see!” The young men said. “I am too! Are you a student? “She said. “West point! “He said. “Sodjer?’ She asked. “I am in the space infantry program. I am traning to be a pilot. Everyone from uspha to comerce authority and several government wants me and private comercial space services as well! What are you studying ?”he asked. “I want to be a doctor . By the looks of it i will probably be seing you in the e.r!”she said. What s journey indeed.
  So far every thing was holding together . Perizau wanted the engines   check and rechecked. So far the ship was holding together.
The ship was hit. “That was a big one!” Trajaten comented. Tivora checked the shields. “Shields are holding. The safe gaurds are working at least for far!” Tivora said. “Are they going to intensify then deintensify then back?” Bryce asked. “Yes it will! “Tivora reported.
The ship was hit. The shields stil held. It put a crew already on edge even more so. They were stil ok.
  The crew kept scaning the ship including infrastructure and structual intregrety.
  No one knew if it was going to work or not. They worked hard to keep the ship in one peace. It had only just started.
” i take it it is not going to get any easier is it?” Kelly w asked.”no it is going to get any easier. It is only going to get harder from hear!”styles said.

Storm part two

” exploration of space is a daunting task. Just as daunting as it was for the explorers who left europe to explore the new world. The jouney by sea was bad enough. There was unexpected dangers including storms,and sickness. ”
“Deep space exploration is just as frought with danger. The 15th and 16th century exploers had an idea of potential dangers. We have no idea. We are way out of our league. Someone has to do it. Someone has to pave the way for future generations. Someone has to volunter to be the pioners ! I gues we are those pioners. ”
“I did not really expect a storm. I gues i should have. I was more concerned about threats from alien races. I never thought out bigest threat would be from the wreather!”
  “Lt. Tivora delivered the news with a dispasion. Any human would be frantic. I apreciated the stotism. I needed the facts right now. I needed a thourough explination of what we faced. She provided that. ”
“When lyman recomended her for the task i was reluctant. I had little experience with Vulcans. At this moment i am glad i agreed with lyman’s request. I see the wisdom in having a dispasionate vioce as head of science ! ”
“I decided to call a meating of the senior staff to my qurters for a brefing. The original specs of the ship called for a brefing room but we could not justify the creation of sutch a room that would only be used for a singular perpose! ”
Qurters of the captain
The captain was the only one who did not have a roomate.every one else even the first officer had a roomate. Even the c.o ‘s qurters was cramped. It was the way it had to be.
“We are too far away from any safe harbors at this point! We have no options !”tivora said.
“Will our shields hold? “Shumar asked. “I am not sure. I don’t know that they will commander!” Tivora said.
“I agree. We can enforce the shields but we are going to have to gut every non esential and some less esential systems . We are going to have to forgot some creture comforts and we will have to rough it. I meen rough it!” Perizau said.
“We can gut most of the com systems but we will need some kind of ship to ship!” Trajatin said.
” Can we servive realistically ?” Dr. Kelly asked. “Honestly i think it will be difficult. It will be doable . We have to be vigilant. This will be a long struggle to the finish with no asurence of victory until the very end!” Tivora said.
“Not a rousy picture ?” Lt. Kelly said. “I am perposely being grim lt. As bad as you might think it is,it is excedingly worse. I want you to see how serious this situation is. “Tivora said.
” Bryce i want you to personaly take charge of getting the shields to as maximum compaticity as you can. Pull out all the stops. Servival is the key! Jose,tivora i want you to consult. I am asking a lot. This is the test. ”
“I don’t know if space exploration is doible! This may be foolhardy! We are at a turning point. I have to think we can make it. I am not going to yield. I am not going to go away qietly. “Styles said.
He dismished the meating. Every one got up. They got right to work. They had a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it.
The first task was to reinforce the shields. The gyim was closed down. Life suport in the gym was deactivated. The area was sealed off.
Trajaten deactivated the long range com relay. The com was confined to ship to ship only.
“I don’t like your facial expreson!” Jason said.”i need to shut down the weapons!”  Perizau said. ” We could be attacked. There may be races who have inpenitrible shields. We cannot shut down all weapons! Trajaten is deactivating the sansors! We won’t know about a hostile until we are hit ! Boyd said.
“We are in the middle of no where! “Perizu said. “Preditors strike in the middle of no where. Captain this is beyond a bad idea!  It is a recipe for disaster! “Boyd said.
” I understand but we have no choice lt. “The chief engineer said. “You won’t change your mind! “Jasson said. “No we have no chioce!”he said. “Fine i get it!”he said. “Look this is our first storm. It is a learning curve for us all!”perizu said.
Qurters of tivora
Steveren and boyd came in with bedding. “Look we need to double up. Can we stay with you and gina?”boyd asked.  ” come on in!”tivora said. 
Boyd had never seen her like this. Her hair was down in a simple pony tail not in a savere braid while she usually had it. She wore a tshirt swet paints and was barefoot.
“What?”she asked. “I have seen you in an informal seting! “Boyd said. ” Jason arnt you needed in engineering ?”the andorian asked.”no!”he said. “I think so! We will be back later!”. The andorian said. Steveren draged him.
“What are you doing?”he asked.”i knew this was a mistake!”steveren said.”you could pick a different room! ” jason said. “Oh no! Someone needs to keep an eye on you until you come to your sencess! “He said. ” You going to folow me around like a pupy dog?”he said. “Only when your around her!”he said. “Great!” He thought.
“Hey jace! “She said. “Yea!”he said. “I have the top bunk! You want it?”she asked. “No we boyds can sleep any where and have! “He said. “Are you sure?”she asked . He said yes. They moved on.
“I think she likes me. Well you know !”jason said. “Jason no off worlder has sucesully been maried to a vulcan sense the reformation by surek. It is not possible !”he said. “Look as i said,right i just want to be her friend !” Jason said. “It is the later that wories me!” He said.
Sick bay
  ” i checked and rechecked. You are in perfect health ! ” dr. Kelly said. “Then what is going on. Why have i been sick this whole week?”marie asked. ” Your pregnant !” She said. “That can’t be. I can’t have children !”she said. “You can see for yourself !”she showered her a scan of her belly. A baby could be sean. “Is the baby ok? “She asked. “Every thing looks fine! ” dr. Kelly said.
End of part 2