In the shadow chapter four (5)

Eller industries
San Francisco
Office of Lyman Eller.
“You wanted to see me!” gunen said.”I need answers !”Eller said. “About?”he asked. “A women who looks a lot like you was seen on the super star ship. “He said.
“It was not me!”she said. “I know that. You insisted I find this ship.I see someone else is aiding a potential adversary. How can I not suspect your not telling me everything. ” Eller said.
“I a not. I have no choice. These are perilous times. The universe is at a crossroads. Everything is on doubt. “Gunen said.
“This ship,your doupleganger,you know more then telling me. I want answers.”Eller said.
“In the distant future weapons become more abd more powerfull. The steaks get higher. Two empire fought for dominance. The Saberu and hongorens. The super star ship can’t be destroyed. It regenerates. The hongoriens discovered the shop and ambushed it. They caused the destruction of time itself. Then it restarted. ” gunen said.
“How is that possible?” Lyman asked. “I don’t know. I have the ability to perceive time differently then you. It is only a sense. It is similar to telepathic abilities in sometimes. It is not  exaxt. It is a feeling. “Gunen said.
“This is a lot to take in. ” he said. “I know that . that ship why did it materialize on the past?”Eller asked. “My gues is that the destruction of the universe caused temporal description. The ship was sent back . due to the uncertainty principle there was no way to preuxt where it would go. ” gunen said.
“Where does the other gunen come in?” Eller asked. “My gues , there are alternate realities. For every action there are possible choices. There are rumors of parallel universe’s even universes witch could be compared to a mirror. I think that gunen is from one of those realities. She could be my opposite. My evil twin perhaps. ” gunen said.
“If your  double is working for the rihansu,is it possible that they are doing the same thing that you are doing  with us?”eller asked. “Yes I believe so. ” gunen said.
“I assume that sense the ship is a weapon of universal destruction an apocalypse ship, it could be used on lower settings as well?” he asked. “Yes a very potent weapon. “She said.
“Now it is the hands of the rihansu. A 23rd century Romen empire. If ceaser  had gotten his hands on an atomic bomb I suspect he would have used it. I am certain he would or any of the emperors. ” Eller said.
“This ship cannot be destroyed. It was designed to endure. ” gunen said. “What can we do. I can’t sit by while worlds after world of the republic or our aliens are obliterated. Something must be done! ” Eller said.
“Capture it. There is danger in that. ” she said. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am fully aware of that Mr.Eller!” gunen said.
“What’s option two?” Eller asked. “You know of the theory of dark matter? “She asked. “Of course!”he said. “There is dark time or ecoe time. Area in and out of time.a sate of temporal flux in between universes. You could send the ship there. It is not a permanent solution but will buy us time. “She said.
“How do we access this ecoe time?” Eller asked .” I will show you. First you must secure that ship. ” gunen said.
X 1000
“Captains log we have just been information by Eller induateries concerning the super star ship. We are now going to Try to find the super ship. While the fleet is mobilizing against the supper starship. ”
“I have found the supper starship. We can reach it but the rest of the fleet is further away. It will take longer for them to arrive. ” steverin said.
” should we wait for the fleet?” Lindsey asked. “We can’t afford to. Kell set course for the dreadnauhht. We can’t wait. ” the captain said.
The x went to maximum warp towards the super starship. The fleet though far away set course any way. The ships still tried to get there as fast as they could.
Ki bartan
Office of the prator
The inner circle watched the records of the Sun exploding near the Cyrus sector.those in attendance were astonished.while unlike Vulcan,rihansu did show emotion but were usually more stoic then humans. Not this time. Everyone was in total shock.
“The General region is feeling the affects of after shocks. Even outor areas of the ship are effected by it. ”
Admiral butel said.
“Prator this is very troubling. ” senator jachav said. “Our empire is on the vurge of a great breakthrough. This may be Our greatest development. ” admiral bocray said.
“It is under our control. ” a second consul said .” no it is not . it is under the control of commander emero.a man we know who is willing to defy us if it suits him. This is not under rihansu control . this man is only interested in expanding his power. He would not hesitate to use it against rihansy interest. Even rihansu prime is not safe. “Jachev said.
” you are being an alarmist senator. There is no evidence that he would turn this weapon against us. ” butel said. ” we can infer we might if he was unhappy with us. It is too big it a risk Excellency. ” jachev said.
“What do you purpose ? ” the prator asked. ” the human republic might be a huge threat to the empire. Right now the bigger threat  emero. I purpose we send the fleet to stop the supper starship by whatever means are necessary. “Jachev said.
“You cannot be serious. This is perhaps the greatest thing we have aqured. ” butel said.
“Emero is not the empire. ” Jachev said. “Send the fleet into the area. Don it engage emero. For now emero is a commander in the fleet. Is that clear?” the prator asked .they all said it was.
Jachev was very worried. He knew that no one took him seriously.he saw where this was going. It would back fire on them. Emero was a mad man who only cared about himself. Was the prator and his inner circle any different? How would this end?
X 1000
“This ship is made of a Metel that is virtually impossible. This ship is impentrible. ” perizau said. ” I agree.conventional weapons won’t work. I am not sure unconventional will work. ” Jason said.
“We have to slow it down. Ok Jason prepare mines. ” styles ordered. “You got it. ” he said. “We have to slow it down. We will bord the ship. Our goal is to slow it down. ” the captain said.
Super ship
“I can’t beleve we are stuck hear. ” Gina said. “It could be worse. According to the Vulcan data base a race called the Klingon usually excicute prisoners. Some times they sent prisoners to an asteroid where they run a is called the aliens graveyard.  If given a choice most who perfer death to being sent there. ” ema said.” remind me to never bring you to a party. Your anecdotes are dipresing. I get what your saying. ” Gina said.
“Doc is Marie ok. She has throwing up a lot. ” perizau asked. ” well her life is not endanger. Look you need to talk to her about this. ” Kelly Ann renelds said. ” ok. ” he said.
” everything is in place . steverin is going to pinch hit for me . ” Jason said. ” ok. Lets do it. ” styles said.
” send the fake distress call. ” styles ordered. “Sending.” trajaten said “what if they don’t take the bait?” Lindsey commented. “They will. The commander won’t pass it up. ” the captain said.
Super ship
“Human ship is sending distress  call. They say they are experiencing engine failure. ” com tech said. ” intercept. ” emero said. ” should we do this ?” first officer said. ” the job of a soljer is to crush the enemy. Every non rihansu is the enemy. They must be crushed. Every ship must be fired on. ” emero said.
“Vessel is on intercept. ” Lindsey said. “They took the bait. ” Bryce said. “It seams so. ” styles said.
The super star ship neared the x. The ship stood by weapons. The ship was about to hit the x. The mines exploded.
The Seattle launched. Jasson and his trips neared. The x moved in. Stes knew this was a gamble.the ship had to be could not remain in rihansu hands. Styles knew that ship had to be stoped. He would or die trying.
End of chapter four .

In the shadow chapter three (4)

“Captians log, the investigation into the mysterious ship has come to an abrupt stop . we have come under attack by aliens called the rihansu.they bear a unmistakable similarity to the Vulcan. They have stolen the ship and vanished. ”
“I have returned to the x 1000. The rihansu vessel and the mystery ship are gone. The trail has gone very cold. While we were unable to reactivate it they may be more luck.”
Captain styles took  the pod back to the x. He went to the bridge. ” you Said they looked like romulons.” the commander said. “Yes. Commander . I believe I know who these people night be. “Tivora said.”say on!” the captain said.
“Vulcans were once violent war like. We used our mentle abilities as weapons. That all changed with the reforms of surek. There is a story that some left Vulcan. Some went to a planet of twin moons .the planet was in habited by a primitive. People. The exiled Vulcan expelled them from the home world. The other world was dark. Only part of it was habitable. The indigenous people became a slave class. Those who escaped the mines though military service were used as Canon fodder. My people do not like to discus this. ” tivora said.
“They want this ship as a weapon?”Lindsey asked. ” yes I believe so. ” tivora said. “I want to see the tape. ” styles said. Keny acesed the information. He played the tape. He looked it over. “Hold that!” the commander ordered.the screen was frozen. “Enchancec that. ” styles said.
“She is not rihansu!” Dr. Renelds said. “I know her. We met at an Eller function. Back when I was assigned to command the asimov. ” he said.
Styles walked. Around the room. “Lt. Styles. Congratulations on your appointment to command an asamov class vessel. ” she said. “Thank you miss…” he said. “Guinen.” she said. “Gunen .my mission is rather mundane. It is confined to planetary research. ” he said. “One has to start somewhere. ” she said.
“Alright! Get me a priority channel to the old man. Lets find that ship. Bryce you have the bridge. ” he ordered.
Rihansu vessel
“You did what?” the prator said. ” I have a weapon of unlimited power and potential. It could reshape the balience of power in this qudrent. ” emero said. “Are you sure it will work?” the prator asked. “We are about to test it. ” the commander said. ” you have proven that you cannot be trusted . why should we trust you now?” the first consul asked.
“This is what we need. Peator if you are serious about expending the empire, this is how it begins. Unless this is just a political campaign without a real objective. Is this to improve your standing in the opinion pols or do you mean it?” enero asked. “You are out if line!” the grand admiral declared.
“I want results . if you can prove that this is a viable arsenal in our war machine I will sanction it’s use. I don’t like how you did this. This could change everything. ” the prator said.
Saberu vessel
“Who is that?” cenrurion firet asked.”not your concern. ” emero said. Gunen took out a disk. She placed it inside the slot. Energy eminated from the disk. The energy hit the panel. The energy spread throughout the ship. The ship came on. The ship began to power up. Within a few minutes the ship was fully operational.
The commander was very pleased with his new aquire. ” do you wish to test it out commander. ” gunen asked. “Order the Sun raider to come into the hanger. Then target the Sun in this sector. ” he ordered.”we should start with a smaller target. ” firet said.
“It is a fine target !” gunen said. “My orders Will be followed. ” emero said. “Yes excellently. ” the centurion said.
The Sun raider went inside the massive ship. The ship prepared to target the Sun.
” you seam unhappy sub commander. ” emero said . “you lied to me. ” the first officer said. “I hate how the star navy has become pawn of political power . the Senate has become a group of old man trying to hold on to power twenty years after they have irelivent. It is time for action. The star empire must be a force in this quadrant. I am loyal to the ideals of the empire but necessarily to those who happen to leed it. ” the commander said.
“You live dangerously commander!” the first officer said. “The prator”s power has always been the rihansu fleet. It is time we flex our muscles. ” emero said. ” this is a big risk !” he said. “I know! As the furengi say the riskier the road the greater the prophet!” emero said.
“Everything is ready excelentcy!” the weapons officer reported. “Fire!”the commander ordered. The supper starship fired a large pulse. The pulse hit the Sun. The center of the Sun exploded. The Sun it self exploded.the starship went to transwarp. It was able to escape the blast.
X 1000
Bridge the ship rocked around. “Report!” the captain ordered. “The nearby sun exploded. This is the effects of the blast. ” tivora reported. ” was this expected?” Dr. Renlds asked. “Negitive the Sun was in perfect health. I believed this was caused by an outside force. ” tivora said. ” the mystery ship! ” “Bryce said. ” then it is a weapon after all. Get US as far away form the shock wave as possible. ” the captain ordered.
“Sir response coming in from Lyman Eller. “Trajaten said. “I Will take it in my office. ” he said.
Office of the commander.
“Look there is no way gunen is trying to destroy us. She has been an important ally. “Eller said. “I understand that but the evidence suggest she is coludng with a race trying to wipe us out. ” the captain said. “She has saved US on numerous occasions. I cannot believe she would work against US. Besides she has been on earth ally this time. Her whereabouts have been fully accounted for. She is not our enemy. ” Lyman Eller. “Then who is the other gunen?”styles said. “Some races have the ability to assume other forms. Some call them shape shifters. She could be a clone. It could be another possibility we have not considered. I will speak to her about this. I honestly don’t think she is involved. “Eller said .
“On the other matter we detected a Sun exploding . it was not a standared supernova. I believe they got the ship working. We are going to need a full mobilization. ” styles said. “You will have it. ” Eller said.
Weapon ship
Gina and Emma and the rest of the crew captured were put in a holding cell. Gina was claustrophobic .”you ok?”Emma asked. “I think so. At least enough. “Gina said. “We have to get off this ship .” crewman Handel said. “I am working on an idea.” Gina said.
They felt the blast. “What was that?”crewman Andrea marik asked. “The ships primary weapon. I a guessing the ship is a weapon. ” Emma said.
“The probe confirms that the Sun was destroyed. It appears to be some short of advanced missile. ” Lindsey said. ” ” come up with the location of that ship. We have to stop it. “Styles said.
End of chapter three

in the shadow chapter two(3)

Cyrus two
“Captains log ,March 24th,2151, our investigation into the mysterious ship continues.despite all efforts we have not found a way to turn it on. ”
“There is no evidence of missing device. This ship should be fully operational. ” chief enginer perizau said.
“Is this some kind of fail safe?” the captain asked .”that is my gues is that the ship was rendered inert but could be reactivated. That I cannot prove.”Emma said.
“The ship could be an enormous paper weight?” the captain asked.”it’s possible. ” Emma said.
“There is something else we need to consider. “Gina said. “What’s that?” captain styles asked. “This could be a pendoras box. Perhaps it’s best not to try to reactivate the ship. Maybe  whoever deactivated it did so for the good of the universe. “Gina said .
“I see what you are saying lt. I disagre. ” styles said. “On earth we had doomsday weapons . thermal nuclear weapons designed as a weapon of last resort. The principle of muturaly assured destruction . maybe it is best to leave it alone .” Gina said
“This is a huge mystery. Perhaps one of the biggest mystery in universal history. We cannot ignore it. It fell into our lap. We have to look into this. “Captain styles said.
Gina felt dismissed. She felt like she was being ignored. She was a Jr officer but she felt like she had a right to be there. She had much to contribute. She just wished that others would see that.
X 1000
Mess hall
“Your unusually quiet today? ” lt. Bryce shumar asked. Lt. Lindsey markum chuckled. “Are you saying I’m loud? ” Lindsey asked. “No is something up linds?” he asked. “There is concern about the captain. He seams to be obsessed with this mystery ship. Concerns are everything from is this our sole mission to what if we get it working. ” Lindsey said.
“He is convinced that this ship is important . ” Bryce said. “What do you think Bryce?” Lindsey said. “I have no reason to question the captain at this point. ” Bryce said .
“At this point! You might later?” Lindsey said. “As first officer I reserve the right to weigh in should I need to but I don’t see that now. ” Bryce said. “You do now you are a starship officer not a politician.” she asked . shumar laughed. “Well one has to do a little bit of politics in this job. ” Bryce said .
“Ok. I won’t bug you about this ! For now I will let it go.” Lindsey said. “Thank you. ” Bryce .
At another table the andorian steverin entered. “Hello !” he Said to tivora and Jason. ” hi steverin.” Jason said in a less then thrilled tone of voice .
Jason liked steverin. He considered him a friend . he was the first alien who was not vulcan,numorian or galiderian. Right now he really wanted to Be alone with tivora. He liked her. He hoped that there budding friendship would develop into something deeper. That might not happen if steverin interfered.
Vulcans and andorian did not get along. They had fought in border skirmishes. They were involved in a kind of cold war. Tivora and steverin were not hostile towards each other. While he appreciated that the x tried to instil universal good Will but why now?
“Are your services needed on this missions?”the andorian asked.”so far it has been low key. This ship could have. Been Booby trapped. So far my people have Been mostly window dressin which is fine with me. I fear for my marines. Sometimes security forces become pawns. A kind of expandibles. I don’t want that to happen hear. ” Jason Said.
“Commander styles is not a person who would blindly sacrifice any of his crew unless he felt it was absolutely necessary ” tivora said .”I know that. Styles answers to Eller industries and to earth defense force. I trust the old man I am not sure about those at the hexagon.” Jason said.
“Why do you refer to the CEO of Eller industries as the old man ? ” steverin said. “It is a term of enderement. It goes back to his grandfather the first Lyman Eller. He created Eller industries after the third world war and the post atomic horror that followed. He was the man behind zefren cochrane. He was the infrastructure arm of the post atomic reforms . he teamed up with Jeremy Grayson and the dove society . ” Jason said.
“Is it true he can’t leave earth ?” steverin asked .” he has a rare disease . if he leaves earth he will start to degenerate. On earth he is fine. ” Jason said.
“Odd someone with his love for space unable to do what he loves .” the andorian said. ” it is more common on earth then one might think. He lives vicariously though us I guess.” Jason said.
Qurters of perizau
“That man is impossible !” perizau said. “The captain ?” Marisa asked. “He wants the impossible .that ship is impenetrable. That does not to matter to grand marshal sir corner styles !” he said.
“Excuse me!” Marie said. She went into the bathroom. She felt sick to her stomach. After a brief time she came out. ” you ok? ” Jose Marie asked . ” yea I’m fine !” she said.
“You sure?” he asked. “I am feeling a bit under the weather that’s all. ” she said. “Ok” he said.
She knew she needed to tell him eventually . she was not ready to just yet. They had both accepted that she could not have children.  He seemed to be fine with it. Would he be ok with having a child ?
“Things are quiet hear ? ” Dr. Renelds commented. “Indeed . the excitement is on the surface . ” Kelly Wayne renelds said.
“We have a perimeter alert ” Kenny gell said. ” can you identify what it is” Kelly Wayne asked.
” negative. Vessel is not in the earth database. ” Kenny said. ” hail the vessel ” Kelly w asked. “They are responding. ” trajaten said. “On screen. ” Kelly w ordered.
The alien com tech activated the view screen. The screen displayed the image of the alien bridge. They were astonished to see Vulcans.
“This is a Vulcan ship?” Kelly w asked. “How dare you insult us.we are nothing like them. No I am commander emero of the rihansu bird of prey Sun raider. We know you are examining an unknown ship. Turn it over to us!” the commander demanded.
“We don’t recognize your claim to it. If you wish to petition the republic parliament …” Kelly w started to say.
“We do not petition, you will turn the ship over to us or prepare to suffer the consequences!” commander emero said. “We will not yield!” Kelly w said.
“They have stoped the transmission!” trajaten said. “They are charging weapons! “Kenny reported. ”  primary alert. Shields up! Warn the captain.  ” the acting captain ordered.
Rihansu bird of prey
“Prepare a plasma war head. ” commander emero ordered. The weapons officer targeted the x. The mistle left the bird of prey. The mistle headed to the x. The war head exploded. The shock wave pushed the x back.
The plasma biased warhead was launched again. It hit the shock wave. The x was made adrift. There were small explosions all though the ship.
The x tried to get back to the planet.the bird of prey also tried to get to the planet.
“The x is under attack !we may come under attack ourselves!” the captain said.
The warship arrived at the planet.the ship fired. The plasma hit the landing party. They ducked. The bird of prey launched a grapple.
Styles ordered the crew to leave the ship. The ship went to the sky.the ship hooked on to the ship. It tried to pick up the vessel. Left the planet.
” did everyone make it out?” styles asked . ” five are missing. Gina and Emma are among the missing ” a crewman said.  “Dawn it!” he said.
“The Rihansu vessel has the dreadnaught!” Kenny said .”Persue!” Kelly w ordered.the x followed the ships.the bird of prey detonated a plasma warhead. The two ships were gone.
“We lost them ! ” Kenny said. ” this is not good!” Kelly w said . the ship went back to the planet.
End of  chapter two.
Next up.
Styles discovers that a mysterious women he recognizes is involved with the rihansu. While gunen activates the ship. Emero tries to get the empire to back him.
In the prime universe, earth encountered the romulins in the twenty second century.they fought a war before the founding of the federations . they never saw what the romulins looked alike until “balience of terror ” (2266) sense this is an alternate reality that goes out the Windows . the pocket book star trek novels call the romulins rihansu. Humans call them romulins because they remind them of the Roman empire. They dislike being called that.
Jeremy Grayson is an ansester of Amanda Grayson and Spock. In the novel “strangers form the sky ” Jeremy Grayson started the dove society. The dove society operated like intelligence gathering agency except it worked to spread pacifism. The novel was contradicted by star trek first contact but that’s ok. While I love first contact I also enjoyed strangers from the sky.

In the shadows

The distant future.
A space fleet was moving out. The fleet had everything from frigates to dreadnaught and everything in between. The fleet was heavily armed with multiple weapons ports.
“We have located the enemy ship . the fleet has set course.” the hongorian tech reported. “Engage!”the suprime commander ordered.
The expansive fleet moved out. The fleet headed to the nebula where the enemy ship. The ship was hiding. The ship was never ment to be used. It was a bluff. A doomsday machine. Now that seemed unavoidable .
Saberu supper starship
“Detecting hongorian fleet. “The computer said. A tall but thin man went to the center of the bridge.he looked human but with a bulge in his neck. Simular to a  rhino head. “Intercept! ” the leader of the saberu ordered.
Instead of running,the supper starship headed for the agresive hostile fleet. The ship came in weapons hot. All of the turrets were activated .
Hongorian fleet
“Excelentcy! The juggernaught is not trying to flea. It is heading right for us. ” the tech said. “I knew that they would. Hear we go!” the commander said.
The enemy fleet and ship were staring each other down. The hungorian ships opened fire on the saberu super ship. The supper ship had good shields. The shields could not last forever.
The saberu fired back. The ship had a power draining weapon.the pulse weapon hit several ships. Several vessels were immobilized.
The ships not affected by the pulse broke formation and fired on the juggernaught. The super starship was hit from all sides. The ship was surrounded from all sides. There was no way it could make it.
Several ships were able to come up with defences against the pulse weapon. The ships hit back on the supper ship.
The super ship tried to get pass the war fleet. The juggernaught tried to get back the enemy fleet. The fleet was battered. Both the fleet and juggernaught were impacted.
This was one ship against a massive fleet. It should not have gone this way. It should have been an easy victory. It was far from it. The battle was longer and harder then anyone anticipated.
No one knew how it happened. Did the hongorian fleet acidently trigger The doomsday switch ? Did an enemy ship activate it on purpose or out of spite or frustration. Did the saberu ship activate it? No one knows.
The ship exploded. The explosion surged with other super novas. The universe exploded. Somehow time restarted. The saberu ship should have bee. Destroyed.the ship reemerged in the past. It was discovered by commander styles.
Office of the prator
“There seams to be a New power in the galaxy. ” admiral bocray said.”explain!” prator giral said.”they call themselves the human republic. They have expanded into the uncharted area. They were recently involved in ultracations with the gorn and a mysterious cybernetic race. Right now they are far from rihansu sphere of influence. If there expansion continued our interest will run in conflict with there. ” admiral bocrar said . “what is your recommendation ?” preliot the first consul to the prator asked.
“We lunch several swarm near republic space and where they frequent.a show of force. ” admiral butel said.
“Thus could hasten a conflict ?” a second consul remarked. “Conflict is not a bad thing ” commander emero said. “I agree. Do it!” the prator ordered. “I must object !” senator jechav said. “Your pacifism is we’ll known. Peace will not win the day. ” emero said. The senator was not happy by those words.
Jwchav great great grand farther was a celebrated admiral who won multiple conflicts with Klingon,choline,k’zinti,tzencafe and other. Jachav was a tecepint of nepotism. He was a marginal figue in rihansu politics.
“My word is final. You have my blessing. Jolan tru !” the prator said.
After the meating emero went to the military command complex.he went to his office. ” commander emero.” a lady said. “Who are you?” he asked. ” the future your future.” it was revealed that she was gunen.
End of part one.

Restart conclusion

On the order of the president of the human republic, the earth defense force mobilized. The ships left the docks. Ships on patrol near Pluto were recalled to earth. Ships on the outer rim headed back to earth to protect there home world.
Office of the president
“Mr. President we have launched everything we have. “Defence Secretary arnie clanton reported. “Have we begun continuity of government protocol?” the president asked.
“Wr have sir. ” the presidential chief of staf Edwin Leonard said. ” good! Hopefully we won’t need it but we may.” the president said.
Earth fleet
Earth vessel Kingston
Admiral Tony bell looked over his fleet. One of bells ancestors led a revolt against sanctuary districts in u.s. bell had grown up hearing the story.  He always believed in power of the few over an insermontible foe.
” we got something. ” a tech reported. Bell went over to him. “Report!” the admiral asked. ” detecting an energy beam. It is some kind of super warp gateway. ” the tech announced.
“Order the fleet to that gateway! Now!” the African American admiral in command of the fleet ordered. The fleet moved out and headed to the gateway.
X 1000
“I have activated self destruct protocol. Captain I need your pas code. ” tivora said. He took out a smal device. He put it in a slot then turned the key. On the screen the words ‘code. Accepted’ was displayed.
” lt. Shumar ” she said. He did the same. Then Lindsey markum activated hers. Then tivora was about to activate it.
The x got inside the egress. Kelly Wayne tried to get the ship close to the center of the gateway. Styles hoped that humanity would go on. He believed that the sacrifice of the x would not be in veign.
Earth ship Kingston
“I have a hostile fleet. Sending coordinents to the helm. ” a tech reported. “Intercept!” admiral bell ordered. The fleet moved to the gateway.
The fleet entered the gateway.once they were inside they fired on The cubes.
“Calvary has arrived. ” tivora reported. ” hold on on The self destruct. ” styles ordered. The science officer agreed. The x fired on the cubes.
Tivora got an idea.she started to try to tap in to the Borg mainframe. She surmised that the Borg operated as much of a complex network. They were essentially one entity. A collective. A hive. She thought of them as a single unit.
The fleet tried not to let up on them. A kind of strength in numbers. That strategy was not  best in deeling with the Borg. They had to try.
Tivora was able to hack into the mane frame of The Borg. She merged with the x’s computer.then she melded with the enemy . she saw a series of images. Some did not make sense.
Some was of her own childhood. Seeing her parents .she relived key events of her life. Meeting her uncle. Going to school etc. Then she saw a massive war between ship s. She saw a massive battle.
She saw some kind of reset. She saw the Borg. She saw the creation and rise of the Borg.  She saw the bud up of there empire. Then what she preceved to be s potential in which humanity battled the Borg.
She focused on getting to the heart of the collective. She pictured herself entering a white matrix of some kind. She went inside.she exploded.
“The cubes are off line!” Gina reported ” get us out of hear !”styles ordered. The ships left the gateway. The ships fired on the gateway.the gateway exploded. The doorway vanished.
“Is the threat over?” Emma asked .” for now! They will be back. ” tivora said. ” agreed. ” styles said.
Queters of styles
“I do not fully understand it but I believe that in another reality the  tried to conquer humanity abd nearly suceded. Some how they have learned of this time line. ” tivora said.
“How did this time line get created?”styles asked. “I saw an  image of a massive war.a war between two powers. One faction was the ship we have been looking at. ” tivora said . “could the war in the distant future have somehow reset time?” styles asked. ” it could have. ” she said. ” the Borg learned of it. I assume other races will if they have not already. ” the captain said.”I agree with that asestment. “She Said.
“My staff is uncertain of captain styles report of a massive temporal restart. The old man believes it. Do you?” the president asked. “I do Mr. President. ” guinen asked. ” I was prety sure you would. ” the president said.
“Captain’s log with the defeat of the Borg, the sleeper agents have been discovered. The evidence is overwhelming that this was not a threat from without but within. For now the crises is over. The ship with the blessing of chairman Eller is returning to investigate a mystery ship . ” styles said.
X 1000
“All decks standing by. ” trajaten said. ” take us out!” the captain ordered. The x went to warp.
Next up.
The romulsns led by commander emero plot to steal the future ship from the x crew. Enero has an ally is it Guinean ?

Restart chapter five (6)

“Captain’s log ,a series of attacks on earth led to an investigation of cybernetic technology. That probe has led us to a remote area of space. We discovered a mysterious race called the Borg. Now we are under attack and under manned.”captain styles said.
There were drones all over the ship. The security forces engaged the bording party. The two sides engaged In fearce combat. There was fighting all over The ship.
On the bridge the captain and crew try to defend the bridge from the attacks. The bridge crew battled the Borg drones.
The drones steamed to tied in with cybernetic technology. Styles did not quite understand all that was involved in it. Right now all the crew cared about was defeating them. That was a very tall order.
Jason hit as many drones as he could . he pounded the drones.Jason was a strong soldjer he was a skilled warrior. He did all he could. He faught and faught.he refused to yield. Surrender was not in his vocabulary.
The Borg adapted quickly. Jason was very irritated by this. The crew of the x was working  To hold there own.
The captain ordered his crew to adapt as well. He knew that that was required to win this or push it to a stale mate.
Styles adjusted his pistol .he found a way to destabilize a drone. He kicked the drone. Jason hit the drone. The drone fell.
The team hit the other drones. The drones were overpowered. “Reinforce the shields on the bridge! “Styles ordered.Gina went over to her station.she adjusting the shielding. She tried to protect the bridge.
“Bridge is secure for now! “Gina reported. ” there are multiple drones all over the ship!” Lindsey said.
The Borg sphere fired on the ship. “Evasive action.”styles ordered.The ship returned fire and attempted to get away from the Borg crafts . the Borg sphere fired on the ship. There was explosion throughout the ship.
“Multiple damage to deck three and four. Seiling off effected decks. ” tivora announced. The x hit back on the Borg.
” find me a plasma storm!” styles ordered. “Got one. Course plotted.”Kelly w reported.the was hit. It hit back.the ship entered a plasma storm. It fired on the storm.the storm struck the fired on the sphere. The sphere exploded.
The ship left the area. Kelly w was forced to stop the ship. “I had to deactivate the  engines before they burned out. ” Kelly w said.”we have to retake the ship totally from these drones. We need to do it now!” the captain said.
“Captain’s log followering the destruction of the Borg sphere ,we Have retaken the ship. Lt. Tivora using long-range sensors has detected a fleet. Those are not sphere but cubes. These cubes are far more astounding then any thing I have seen before. If my suspicions are correct they are planing to invade earth. I do not know what has brought this desire to conquer us by them. I fear that they could succeed. ” the captain said.
” you ok?” Jason asked. “I am functioning quite sufficiently. ” tivora said. “I am glad your ok!”Jason said. “We are not out of the proverbial woods yet. ” she said .”true. You don’t believe we will get out of this? ” he asked. “The probilities are not in our favour. I should show you them in detail if you wish!” she said. “No I am good. ” Jason said.
“I do not believe survival is improbable. I like to be realistic in such cases.” the female Vulcan said .
He laughed. “Alright. Your probably right. ” Jason said. ” I assumed that you were a pessimist.” she said. “I tend to be more pasimetic. I usually antipacipate the absolute worse. I am an infantry man I have to. In the back of my mind I hope for some mericle. I least I look out for it.  I am surprised I lived to see 25. ” he said. ” I will try to make sure you make it to thirty. ” she Said.” ok!” he said.
“Wait I got something. “Tivora announced. “What is it?” Jason asked. “I am detecting some kind of energy disturbance. I believe that it may be some kind of warp tunnel. ” tivora said.  “Intergalatix gateway ?”commander shumar asked. “It would appear so sir. “The science officer said. “Where does it lead to?”the captain asked .”straight to earth.” tivora said. “Your certain?”the exo asked. “Confirmed. “Gina said.
“Then they are preparing to invade!”the first officer remarked. “I don’t think it is an invasion. I think they plan to destroy earth. These ships have a fire power I have never seen any where.”Jason said.
“I conqur captain.”tivora said. “Ok. If this is a planed annihilation we don’t have a lot of time. ” shumat said.
“We won’t have enough to go to earth by conventional warp drive.” Kelly w said. “Not even at warp five.” perizau said. “There is always the gateway!” Lindsey said. “That is a huge risk. One of those ships could pulverize us in seconds. “Kelly Wayne said. “I don’t see any other option. All we have to do is to evade long enough to warn the fleet. ” Lindsey said.”that could be a tall order linds. ” Bryce said. ” our survival is preferable but not required. Our fleet could repel this attack. ” Jason reported.
“He is right. I don’t like it but it is true. ” the captain said . “we could take risk to get datta to the fleet. “Shumat said.
“We have never met this species. Why go to all this trouble to wipe us out?”Dr. Renelds asked. “We are a growing universal power. We have a ways to go.” shumar said. “I beleve they are more concerned about our future then our present. ” styles said. “They believe we will be a threat someday !”Lindsey Said. “Perhaps they fear us becoming more powerfull then they are. “Shumar said. “Wipe us out now. With earth gone our civilization will be crushed. I doubt they will stop there. They will keep going. Hit our colonies. We have to stop them now or we may never get another chance.”styles said.
“Captain’s log the ship and crew are ready to lunch. Our chances of survival are not good. We have no choice. We have to take a stand against a very real threat to our existence. ” styles said.
“All decks stand ready. “Lindsey said. “Ok hear goes nothing. Pilot set course for the egress .”the captain ordered. The x went at high warp towards the gateway.
“We have been detected. One of the cubes has adjusted the course.they are heading right towards us ” Jason reported.
“Shields at maximum! Stand by all weapons. ” the captain ordered. “Shields are up!” Gina said.”weapons standing by!” Jason announced. The cube headed to the x. The Borg ship fired a pulse at the x. The ship was hit .”shields at forty percent . ” Gina reported.
The x fired on the cube. It fired multiple volleys on the cube. The cube fired more pulse. “Shields at 20 percent. ” Gina reported.
“Mantain course for the egress. Brace everyone it is only going to get worse!” the captain declared.
The x fired and kept going. The Borg maintained fire on the x. The x kept going.
The x flew on top of the cube. The x used the momentum and went to maximum acceleration. The x kept going refusing to yield.
The Borg cube followed the x. Then  they arrived at the massive build up. The x was seronded. The view screen was displayed. “Oh my! I really should have stayed in bed this morning. ” Jason said. “I know the feeling. ” styles said.
“Trajaten can you get a signal to the hexagon?” shumar asked. “Not yet. We are still too far away.I am attempting to boost the signal!” the alien tech reported.
The x was hit. “Our shields are off line! “Gina reported. ” if we are going to send a message to earth we have to do it now!” Lindsey remarked.
The Borg cube started to engage a tractor beam on the x. It started to funnel in the ship presumably to a cargo bay like area of the ship.
“Jeuqes. Do you trust me?” the captain asked. “I really hate it when you ask me things like that commander. ” the chief engineering commented.
The x waited until the cargo bay door opened. The x fired on the cargo bay. The x tried to fight the tractor beam. Kelly w tried to push away from the beam. The x fired an ion projectile at the beam. K.w Then floored it .
The x finally got out of the beam.the ship flew into a bounced off of the ship. It used the inertia to sling shot itself away from the cube.
“We are nearing the gateway. ” tivora reported. “Can we get though to the hexagon?”styles asked. “Attempting to now!” Trajaten said. The Borg cube held there ground. The x flew to the gateway.the cubes held position.
On the bridge a female Borg appeared. The guards brandished there pistols. “Stand by!” the captain ordered.
“Captain your efforts are fruitless. You cannot outrun our ships!” the queen said. “I know that. I would rather live though this battle. I know sacrifice is sometimes nesisary. Sometimes the need of the one are secondary to the needs of the few .if I have to lay down my life to save humanity so be it “!the captain said .
” humanity need not become extinct. You do not need to die. Become a part of the Borg effective. Your biological and technological distinctive will become part of us. It will be better to be part of the collective. ” the queen said. “Sory. I don’t just lay down and die. Neither will humanity. ” the captain said.
“Brave words. Brave words won’t save you. “The queen said. The queen vanished. The x moved towards the egress and the cubes. The x hit the cubes . The x kept going. The cubes fired on the x. The x went to maximum warp.
The x tried to catapult itself to the egress though the cubes. The cubes fired on the x. The x was hit by the weapons but still made it.
New York city
“Sir! We got a message from the x. It was heavily garbled but the gist of it is that earth is about to come under attack by a major force. “Commadore eagen said.
” are we sure ? ” General part asked. “We got long range scan. We found massive ships. ” eagen said. “Very well. Order all ships to lunch. Declare a sector wide alert. ” part said . “aye sir!” the Commodore said.
The x dodged several fire. It was close. Styles feared that they could not withstand this forever. The x kept fireing. Was this mission over? Styles was not quite case excuberent as the old man was but he did believe In the Eller vision. Was his part over.would someone else pick up the peices?
The x neared the egress . the ship went inside. The cube followed The x. ” we have no choice. Rig self district . ” The captain ordered.
To be concluded.

Restart chapter three (4)

New York city.
“You have got to be kidding! We need the x hear. ” Commodore egen said. “The x is not a military vessel. We are a long range exploration ship. The answer to this situation is out there not hear.”the captain said. “I find no evidence that this is anything more then an insurrection. I need your ship as a show of force.under the mahascal but act I have the right to deputize any ship or other equipment during a time of crises. This currently counts “eagen said.
“This technology is not earth bound.all of the evidence proves that the anser are out there. There is a threat but not from within but without. “Styles said.
“This is a wild choose chase. It is wasting valuable time. “Eagen said.”I have the approval of Mr. Eller. “Styles said. “I am in charge of planetary security I need  the x hear. “The Commodore insisted.
“Mr. President I plead with You in the strongest if terms to let us Persue this to it’s conclusion. “Styles said.
“There is little evidence to substantiate this theory. It is unnecessary.”general Pratt said.
“There is no evidence of this being an internal problem.” styles said.”all of the attackers are human. “General greyhorn said. “Humans under the influence of cybernetic equipment we cannot identify. “Tivora said.
“It could have been purchased on the alien black market. It proves nothing. “Eagen said. “Mr president I don’t force me views o. Others for light and transient reason. I only stic my neck out when I am totally sure I’m right.I am sure of it. Lets follow this up! “Styles insisted.
“I don’t see that you need the x to remane hear as this time. Captain you nay proceed with your mission.”the president said. “Sir this is a bad idea. ” the Commodore said. “Your objection is noted but my mind is made up. “The president said. “Very well Mr. President ” eagen said .
“I can’t believe that you went down to the planet alone ?”Jason asked. “I needed to speak to my uncle at the Vulcan consolate. “She said. “Something is wrong on earth !” he said. “Are you worried about me?”she asked. “Yes. I have noticed for a Vulcan you take unnecessary risk. “Jason said. “I know my limitations jasson. I know what I can do. “She said.
” tori! You scare me. “Jasson said. ” you have been known to take unesscisary risk your self. “She said. “I am a marine. Your a science officer . “he said. “You are not a marine anymore. You are an armory officer. “She said. ” next me take me along!” he said.”my discussion with my uncle we’re of a delicate matter. ” she said. “I notice marines or armory officer have to routinely come to the rescue of scientists . “he said.
“You don’t want to come to my rescue?”she asked. “I don’t mind that. Scientist think they ubermench. “He said . “as I said I know my limitations.I will endeavor to be more carefull in the future. ” “she said .
“Ok. Its a good thing I like you.”he said. “You like me ?”She asked.”profesobaly off course. For all I know your mariedor betrothed. “He said. “I am nether. ” she said. “Well we should be getting to The bridge. “Jason said.
“I stil can’t believe the president sided with us.”Kelly w said. “The president is a smart man. I think he senses what I sense. “Styles said. “I don’t like this. Met engines need to be babies. This ship is a child. I don’t have kids so this is kinda my baby. ” perizau said.
Dr. Renelds decided not  say anything she was catefull not to give anything away . she surmised that he did not anything yet. It was up to Marie to tell him.
“Set course for the edge of tellerite . ” the captain ordered. The ship went to warp. “We have  an incoming vessel. It is on a direct intercept course for us. ” tivora said.
“Can you identify the ship?” lt. Bryce shumar asked. “Its the e.d.f.s Wellington. ” Jason said. “Confirmed”tivora said. “You don’t trust me tori?” Jason asked.
“Vessel is coming in weapons hot.”Gina reported. “Teajaten hail the vessel!” the captain ordered. “They are not responding . ” Tragaten responded. “There shields and screens are still up. ” Jason reported.
“We have no choice. Raise shields. Stand by weapons!” the captain ordered. Jason raised the shields.he activated the weapons . “shields up weapons standing by. ” the captain ordered. “Ready at your command ” Jason said
. “I know Neil roykirk. He is by the book. I can’t believe he would pull something like this. “Shumar said. “Any response?”styles asked. “Nothing! ” trajaten. Said.
The Wellington opened fire. The ship rocked back and forth. ” shields holding!” Jason announced. . “return fire!” the captain ordered. The x fired on the warship. The x hit them with ion canyons . the Canon hit the warship. “Minimal damage !” Gina reported.
The x was hit. “Shields at 68 percent!” Lindsey said. “Hit um hard Jason !” the captain ordered.the x fired ion Canon,pulse Canon and the proton torpedoes. The vessel was hit.
“These weapons should be tearing this ship to shreds!”Lindsey Said. “Its been modi. fied. ” Bryce said. “That Is my thought. By who I don’t know. “The captain said.
The x was hit. “Shields at 47 percent !” tivora said. “We need to disable that ship!”the captain said.
The x fired all of it’s weapons simultamiusly at the Wellington. The Wellington was hit from all sides.
“There shields are still intact. ” tivora said. Styles pounded his fist on the command chair. Styles was very frustrated.
” we need to take out those shields over there! ” the captain said. “Captain I recommend we hit non critical syistom. ” Jason said .the ship was hit. “Shields at 34 percent ” Gina said. “Do it!” styles ordered. The x fired on a com relay. The com relay was hit. The relay exploded. The x then struck other non critical syistom. The x headed for a sensor relay . the x took it out.
“Captain, I just got the prefix code from e.d.f command. “Trajaten reported. “Send it to Jason quickly. ” the captain ordered. The com officer sent it to the weapons officer. Jason attempted to seize control of the Wellington’s command. “I am in. Lowering shields now!” the armory officer said. He then fired . the Wellington was hit from all sides.
“They are setting a. Colision course. ” Gina reported. The Wellington started to ram into the x. The x tried to evade. The x fired on the Wellington. The ship kept on it’s collision course.
The x headed to the Wellington. It bounced off the dying ship .the x went to maximum warp. The x drifted away from the Wellington. The x fired everything it had at the Wellington. The Wellington exploded.
The x was hit. Several areas of the ship caught fire. Several conduets exploded. The bridge was hit. The ship finally got to a safe area .
The Wellington was utterly destroyed. There was no good outcome to this.  At least it was over.
” I don’t know what’s going on ! ” the usually smug Commodore said. “Sir. Your organization has been compromised. I believe an off planet entity has infiltrated levels of earth society. A slow invasion. ” the captain said.  “You could be correct.  ” eagen said. “They do not want us to go to the area between andorian and telerite space. I am sure of it. That is why we have to go. ” the captain said.
“Captains log, after a delay we are preparing to leave earth space to investigate who is behind this. We have made repairs but will make most of the repairs on route. ”
“All decks standing by. ” Lindsey reported. ” helm take us out!”the captain ordered.
End of chapter three.
Probably it should have been Lindsey or Gina should have used the prfext code not Jason. Oh well.

New beginning part six

Gorn staging area.
Cyprus sector.
Dameg looked over the fleet. His plan was going according to schedule. The fleet would strike the colony. They would reclaim the planet. Then they would convince the ruling class to approve more operations to hit more world’s with the transponders. If they refused,they would no longer be the ruling class.
“Everything is in place !”the first officer said. “Excelent . stand by to move out. “Dames said.
“Sir! We have an impending fleet. They are human vessels. They are on a direct course for US. ” the science tech said.
“No! How did they find out about our plans?”the commander asked. “Someone must have tipped them off. ” the first officer remarked.
“No matter. Order our fleet to intercept. If the humans want to fight us. We will let them!”Dameg declared.
X 1000
“The hostile had detected us. They are headed right for us!” Gina reported. “Match there course and speed! Let get this over with. ” commander styles said.
The fleet headed to each other. The two sets of fleet . a gorn heavy cruiser was the first to get of a schot.
Then the rest of the gorn fleet opened fire on the human ships.”you ready Jayce? “Styles asked. “In place !” Jason said .”get it done!”styles said. “You got it!” Boyd said.
The two fleets battled it out. The two fleets were just about evenly matched.humans were new to the game but were not novices. They were quick learners.
The x launched several smal pods.the pods opened and the infantry team led by Jason stormed the ships. They got inside.
The teams launched from the other ships. The units deployed grenades and other incidiary devices. The strike force caused quite a stir.
Captain corner styles took advantage of this.the ships fired on the ships.
While Jason and his team hit the gorn. The gorn were firce fighters . they skin provided a natural shielding. They did not need armor. .
As Jason struggled with this enemy. It dawned on him if he did not come home there was no one to miss him. His parents lived in Sumner Maine. They were not terribly close.they would morn but they would move on. He usually did not care.
On sigma epsilon, he saw husband and wives who lost everything consoling each other. Finding strwnth greatly to still be alive. Then he thought of the Vulcan female on the bridge had got to him. She was way out of his league were she human. He had to focus.
X 1000
“We have surrounded the enemy fleet. We have them at bay. “Gina said. “Ok let’s keep it up!hear goes the hard part. ” the Captain said.
While on the flag ship,the sergeant ran to a control panel. Several in his unit covered the sergeant. “Tori it’s your turn! Don’t let me done!” he said.
“I have your link up sergeant. Beging the transfer now!” the Vulcan said.
The Vulcan was able to hack into the central computer of the command ship. She launched a single and sent something similar to an e.m pulse. The single would be transfered to other ship hopefully to the fleet. She found a way to generate the pulse and did so.
The bridge of the gorn flagship went dark. “Report!” the commander of the fleet ordered. “All syistoms are done! We have lost weapons navigation everything but life support . ” the science tech said .
“Restore power to the ship. We have to restore power!”Dameg declared.
X 1000
“The fleet is off line. The pulse will only last for a short time. ” tivora reported. ” we need to get working. Bryce you have the bridge. ” the captain said.
He got up from the command chair.  He left the bridge. He entered a tunnel.
The gorn was immobilized. The fleet worked to repair the ships. The flleet wanted to resume the battle with the humans.
On the bridge of the flagship, the tech on the bridge worked to repair the bridge and the ship at large. “Captain !” styles said.
The gorn took out energy rifles. “How did you get in hear?” the gorn commander demanded to know.
“I am not really hear. I am using a holographic image. I wanted to talk captain ! ” the humans  captain said
“What would I have to talk to you a mere mortal about ?”the gorn asked in a condisending tone. “Your fleet is immobilized . you are surrounded. Your a sitting duck! The only reason we have not taken you out is because I have ordered my fleet to stand down. ” captain styles said.
“What do you want ?” the gorn commander demanded. “We did not detect the transponders we did not realize that the transponders denoted a claim by your people. Violence wasn’t necessary.we could have met and discussed it. ” the captain said.
“We are warrior’s. We do not talk we act. Your colony was an act if war. War was required, war was delivered. ” the gorn said.
” my people have had a war steak. We are violent at least that is our base nature .there has to be a better way .” the captain said.
“We have been wronged.  That wrong must be answered. “The gorn Captain declared. “I understand that captain. We can discus that. We can work out an agreement. We need not destroy each other over this! I m asking you to sit down with us. Lets work out an arrangement that does not involve animation of the other. ” the captain suggested.
The gorn considered it. He paced around the bridge. He went back and forth. Then he stoped.
“Very well. Help me restore my fleets power, then I will order my fleet to withdrawal. You will order our fleet to withdrawal. Then we will discus a cessation of hostilities and a solution to the problem of occupied world’s. ” Dameg said.
“Alright. You have my word. ” styles said. “Then I wil order a cease fire. “The gorn said.
Styes ended the transmission. He was on a pod. “Sergent have your people stand down. Pull out!”he ordered. ” you got it. ” the sergeant said.
“Tivora we are going to help them restore power. “He said .”understood. ” she said.
“Are you out of your mind? The em pulse is our only levege!” the French enginer said. “That is the point! It is the only way. To stop this from becoming an all out war. ” Bryce said. “Mayby war is the only answer. Why delay the inevitable?”peruzau asked . “it May not have to be the inevitable!” shumar said.
To be concluded.

“Assamov’s rule”

Previously on star trek beginning.
Following mankind breaking the warp barrier,mankind had begun a program to venture out into deep space.
At the same time ,another race is also preparing to venture out.unlike the humans they have a different goal. They desire to expend milierily. 
They lunch a preemptive strike on space controlled by humans. The humans launched the x1000.they led an effort to repel the attacked. They halted the advance. They decided to abandon the plans at least for now.
The preator of the romulan empire stil wanted to expand the empire. He approved a program to use ships piloted by robots.
A robotic ship tried to attack human space.the attack was thawted by the x 1000. The romulans are not ready to give up just yet.
Earth has just reached an agreement to buy space stations along the numorien border. They have arbited a cease fire between the numiruan and a nearby species.  And now tonight’s episode.
Romulan fleet command.
“Now on direct intercept course for the ship!”the pilot reported “hail the drone ship!”primus heleek ordered. The com tech tried to hail the ship. “No responce my Lord! “The com officer replied.
“All stop!”the primus ordered. The pilot stoped the engine as he was ordered to. “Helm at all stop !”the pilot announced.
“Computor tech activate the override protical. Seize that ship!”the primus ordered. The computer tech activated a link with the drone ship.
Each drone ship was designed with an override protical. Every robotic ship had a fail safe. On the primus’ order,the tech activates the device designed to override the control and overpower the ship.
Robotic ship
“Co-ma-nd-e-r co-man-d Shi-p a-temp-ting to com-min-dear our ship!”a robotic underling announced.
“I -s -u-e coun-ter over-ride pro-ti-cal!” the lead robot ordered. The robot acknowledged the order. The robot activated the device.
“Excelentcy the drone ship is trying to override the counter mand syistom. “The science officer reported.
“How do they know to do that?”the first officer asked.”some how they have taught themselves !”the primus asked.
“I am attempting to block them. Every thing I do,they think of a  way to override my road blocks!”the computer tech said.
The tech kept playing with the computer. The robots found a way to emit some kind of electrical charge. The rihansu was hit. The tech struck like bring struck by lightning. The crew man fell to the ground. The exo checked the tech.the tech was dead.
The exo tried to work the computer concil. The station was totally fried.suddenly the bridge went dark. “Report!” the commander ordered.”helm control is off line!”the pilot reported. “Wepons are off line!”the gunner said .
“Life support is failing !” the engineer on the bridge reported. The robotic ship fired a pulse like charge at the romulan naval ship. The pulse hit the vesel’s refer. The pulse caused a shock wave that spread to the rest of the ship.
The bridge exploded. Most of the bridge crew was dead. A few remained.
“Abandon ship! Quickly!”heleek ordered.the remaining bridge crew fled the command deck. The pods were launched.
The robotic ship could have stoped there. The vessel was not going any where. They opened fire again. The vessel exploded.
“Det-Tec-t-ing e-sc-ape pods!”a robot underling reported. “Do-we-destroy the e-sc-a-p-e pods?”another robot asked. The command robot thought it over. “Neg-a-tive ! ” the commander said.
The starship moved out of the way.the ship went to warp. The debre remained.
End of part one.