Restart chapter one (2)

“The republic news network has confirmed that there have been eight simyltamius attacks all over earth. The attacks were in regional capitals or  command and control centers. The attacks included capitals of the north American continent ,European alliance,United states of Africa and Asian alliance.areas near the earth parliament and hexagon were hit. The perpetrators were suicide bombers. This is the first act of violence on earth in a hundred years.”reporter Jessica Armstrong said.

Office of the president
Paris France.
“The media is calling this the end of pax Humana. Have we identified the perpetrators?”president Rodney Alexander asked. “This is the odd attacker was engaged just before the attack. Another gave birf a month ago. None were political at all. All earth born and raised. ” plaitary security advisor Eli Thurmond said.
“Has any one claimed responsibility?”the Newfoundland assembly man turned president asked. “No Mr. President. We are looking into dove society, Feinstein society,other groups but nothing. They are all cooperating. The use of cyber tech is concerning. The technology is not form Eller or daystrorm or others. “General part commented.
Alexander was a Newfoundland politician.he served in the legislator. And was premier of new Newfoundland and Labrador. He was balding.
“The planet is on high alert and is the whole republic. We believe this is domestic not alien. All of the bombers were earth lings.”Commodore eagen declared.
“I want houey updates. I want answers yesterday. “The president ordered.
“Mr. PreIdent !”the receptionist said. “Yes Mrs landinghan?”he said .”Mr. President a lady names Guinean wishes to see you. She claims to pe part of the intergalactic security advisors “she said.
“Send her in. That will be all. You too Craig!”he said. His chief of staf was surprised.the lady entered.
“You said I would not see you unless the sky is falling. Is the sky falling?”the president asked .”this incident is an opening is a mere fraction on what they can do. “The lady said.
“Whose they?”the president asked.”you have to figure that in your own. I give you bread crumbs you have to connect the dotes Mr. President.”she said.
“I can’t believe your involved in an interna matter on earth. We are barely significant. Most races don’t even know life excite out hear. “The president said.
“You think this is an internal matter? “She said. “The attackers were humans!”the president said. “Humans with cybernetic devices.”Guinean said .”they are known human tech.a third party?”he asked. “You think so two dimensionally. You thinking too small.”she said.
“If this is a third party what do they want? “The president asked. “What do you think they want?”she asked.”prelude to invasion. Why. We are not a threat to anyone. We are too far this the gorn ?”he asked .”your not seing the big picture. ” she said.
She left. “Mrs landingham.get me Lyman Eller.”the president said. The president trusted his mysterious source.
Atkeological site.
Styles kept looking though the ship. He tried to make Sense of this ship. Nothing worked. Why was the information gone. Why did the ship remain? Why were there no clues as to who these people were.
His communicator went off. He took it out. “Styles !”the captain said.”sir! The old man wants told speak to you.priority one. We are sending the pod. ” Lindsey said.
“Understood! Standing by Lindsey.”the captain said.the ship had a tram car connected to the an emergency it lowered a cable. The cable came down. The captain could be instantly be brought up. He got into the car. It was retracted.
He went to his quarters.he activated the com unit. “Sir!”he said. “Corner there has been a series of attacks on earth. I am. Sending you the specific to trajaten. The attackers were common just had a daughter. We suspect a dissident group but there are no dissident has been suggested that this may be a non human influence.”Eller said.
“What kind of influence?”styles asked.”the attackers were equoed with cybernetic implants. I would like you to return to earth. I would like you to investigate the cybernetic angle. “Eller said.
“Understood. I will have my people returns to the x. We will prepare to return to earth.”styles said. “Good. I will see you soon. “Eller said. The screen faded.
X 1000
Qurters of steveren
“Commander I was about to contact you!”the andorian said “oh! “The commander said “there is an American legend of a super ship. A ship capable of destroying solar syiatoms. I have seen pictures drawn by children well attributed to children. Other world’s have similar legends. This could be one of those  Ships. The purging of the computer records is peculiar . ” the andorian said.
“I agree. I need your help on another matter. “The captain said. “Alright. Sure!” steveren said. “There was a series of attacks on earth. They all used cybernetic technology. I would like you to look into it. It took some doing but I got you access to security files. Can you look it over?”the captain asked. “I would be happy to. What are you looking for?”he asked.
“If this cyber tech is from another species, maybe you recognize it or can tract it down!” the captain said.”I will get right on it. ” stevern said.
” lt. I know your from earth. You must stil have ties to your historic home world. “Styles said. “I still do. ” tivora said . “I am going to need some information. ” styles said.
“All decks standing by. “Tragaten said. “Take us out of orbit . “the captain ordered. The x 1000 left orbit. “We have now left orbit. “Kelly Wayne renelds reported. “Very good set course for earth. Maximum warp.”commander styles ordered. The pilot altered the course. “Now on course. ” the pilot reported.
The x 1000 neared the planet. “We have been cleared at dry dock 4. ” Tragaten reported. “Take us in.”the captain ordered. The x headed to the dock .
“Now entering. ” Kelly w said. “Wait! Hold on!” the commander said. “All stop!”the pilot said. “Is there a problem? ” lt. Bryce Schumer asked. ” back us off nice and slow. ” the commander ordered.
The x slowly left the docking area. The dock started to explode. The x tried to outrun the shock wave. The wave passed.
“Infirmary to Bridge what happened?” Dr. Renelds asked.”the dry dock exploded. Everyone on the bridge is ok. “The commander said.
He set the com panel on the chair.”engineering! Are you ok down there?”he asked. “Yes this needs to stop! My ship is stil an infants . as a farther to this ship I would appreciate more delicate handling of the ship!” parazau pleaded. “I will do my best Jacques.”the captain said.
The captain did not enjoy putting the ship in jeopardy even more then the chief did. Sometimes it was unavoidable. What was going on? Why was the x targarted?
“How did you know ? “Bryce asked.”something did not feel right. ” the commander said. “Fate protects fool little children and the x 1000!”Bryce said. “I certainty hope so Bryce. ” styles said.
End of chapter one.
My inspiration for president Rodney Alexander is Jerry Doyle from Babylon five. Although he is not canadien.

Asamov’s rule the conclusion

“Captain’s log,we were able tonsubdue the robotic fleet. The robots had some kind of contingency plan.they had a drone ship totally independent of other ships. The vessel is a kind of doomsday weapon,a vessel armed with a metagenic weapon” styles said in his log.
“A metagenic weapon neutralizes all organic tissues on a planet. It dissipates in a short time. The planet can again be haunted without danger. Many planets have agreed not to create them. Apearently the Romulun empire is not one of them. ”
“The drone ship is on a direct course for a telerite colony. While earth has had no contact with the telerite they are in trouble. We may be able to help .I have decided to try to stop this ship .” styles said.
“Jamming device is stil active!” trajaten said .”dawn it! “The Captain said. “They are not going to make this easy are they?”Schumer remarked.”that’s for certain exo!”styles said.
The x traveled at high speed. The x finally caught up with the drone ship.
“Sir! The way the ship is designed impact from lazer style weapons seam to unlease the metagenic particles!”tisora said.
“Exposure in space Wil not be as potent as on a planet. It will poison the area. Even thretning a ship’s exoskeleton.  Dr. Renelds said. “They think of everything!”Jason said.
“Grappling hook!”the captain ordered. Tisora got the grapple ready. Kelly Wayne took the x just above the drone ship. The ship activated the grapile. The x tried to activate the hook on to the drone ship.
The drone ship chafed against the hook. The x did not give up. The drone ship went to its maximum speed. The drone ship overcame the governor.
“Vessel is free. “Jason reported. “Stil on course for the colony!” the Vulcan science officer announced. “Stay on um Kell!” the captain ordered. The pilot complied. The x followed the drone ship. The drone continued to try to get away.
The x did all it could to catch up with the enemy ship. The ship steamed to outthink the x and its crew at every turn. For every action by the x,the drone ship reacted. Its reaction was usually affective.
The drone ship was a redesigned freighter. The vessel was now large weapon. A fail safe. A doomsday weapon. The robots thought differently then humanoids. They did not have the same fear of doomsday day scenarios as humanoids did. Thus the weapon ship was headed for a heavily populated planet.
“The ship is ten minutes away from the planet.” tisora said .”you always do have an encouraging word song you Tory?”Jason said .”it is pertinent Information is it not?” she asked. ” yes it is thank you lautennent!” styles responded. “Pertinent but Stil annoying!”Jason said.
The x headed for the drone ship.the x tried to again latch on to the dro e ship. This Time they got a hold of the ship.
“I May be able to momentarily imobilize the ship. “Tisora said. “Do it!”styles ordered. The x emitted a pulse at the ship. The freighter deflected it.
“They anticipated it and adapted. I really dislike this ship !”perizau said. “I am sure it us losing sleep over that chief!”the doctor said.
The ship continued to chafe against the net. “Is there a Sun nearby?” the first officer asked.
  “Yes there is! Seting coordinates now!”the male Kelly reported. The x moved to the Sun. The drone ship continued to fight the grapple.
The x went inside. The x had to get the ship pass the point of no return .that ment staying inside for a few minutes longer then they should.
The x got closer. “Now!”tisora reported. Kely w let go. The x let go of the drone ship.the drones ship got trapped in one of the rays.
“Kell get us of hear!”styles said. “Do we have to go? I am having fun!”Jason said. Everyone looked at him. “Sorry!”Jason said.
The x tried to get away. It went to high warp. The x haddificulty freeing itself from the Sun. Kelly tried hi darndest to get the ship out. He took the ship to then highest possible speed the ship had.
The ship finally made It out. The x went to a safe distance. “Now at full stop !” Kelly said. ” chief now that we have messed up your ship,you get to access the damage” styles told perizau.
“Oh joy! You wrack it I repair It. Some how it does not seam like a fair arrangement! “The engineering officer said. HLife is not fair chief!” he said. “Of course!”he responded .
“We have incoming! Romulan ships!” tisora reported. “Hail them !”styles said. “I have a direct line,audio only!” trajaten said.”it will have to do ! Romulan Ship we cleaned up your mess! Your need to control everything nearly doomed this sector. I suggest you cut your loses and be on your way!”styles said.
“Very well ! We will let you live today. This is not over. We are a rising power human. I suggest you get out if our way!”the primus said.”the ships have gone to warp!” the Vulcan science officer announced.
“Lets head in the opposite direction!”styles ordered. “Hapily!”Kelly w said. The ship went to warp.
“Senator kenole. I hold you personally responsible for this!”the preator said. “I take full responsibility excelentcy. “The senator responded.
“I am ordering the full dismentiling of the robotic program. The fleet has standing orders to destroy all robot ships Stil out there. As punishment you will oversee the end of the program. You will be expelled from the Senate. All academic privledges will be revoked. “The leader said. “Very well excellently!”kenole said.
“I want a program of expansion involving star navy,marines and technology including bio warfare. I want a comprehensive program. We will  expansion for now. As soon as we are ready we will procede. Woe to anyone who gets in our way. “The preator said.
The end.
Next up
A member of the society warns The crew of a secret shipyard. Could it be a trap?

“Assamov’s rule”

Previously on star trek beginning.
Following mankind breaking the warp barrier,mankind had begun a program to venture out into deep space.
At the same time ,another race is also preparing to venture out.unlike the humans they have a different goal. They desire to expend milierily. 
They lunch a preemptive strike on space controlled by humans. The humans launched the x1000.they led an effort to repel the attacked. They halted the advance. They decided to abandon the plans at least for now.
The preator of the romulan empire stil wanted to expand the empire. He approved a program to use ships piloted by robots.
A robotic ship tried to attack human space.the attack was thawted by the x 1000. The romulans are not ready to give up just yet.
Earth has just reached an agreement to buy space stations along the numorien border. They have arbited a cease fire between the numiruan and a nearby species.  And now tonight’s episode.
Romulan fleet command.
“Now on direct intercept course for the ship!”the pilot reported “hail the drone ship!”primus heleek ordered. The com tech tried to hail the ship. “No responce my Lord! “The com officer replied.
“All stop!”the primus ordered. The pilot stoped the engine as he was ordered to. “Helm at all stop !”the pilot announced.
“Computor tech activate the override protical. Seize that ship!”the primus ordered. The computer tech activated a link with the drone ship.
Each drone ship was designed with an override protical. Every robotic ship had a fail safe. On the primus’ order,the tech activates the device designed to override the control and overpower the ship.
Robotic ship
“Co-ma-nd-e-r co-man-d Shi-p a-temp-ting to com-min-dear our ship!”a robotic underling announced.
“I -s -u-e coun-ter over-ride pro-ti-cal!” the lead robot ordered. The robot acknowledged the order. The robot activated the device.
“Excelentcy the drone ship is trying to override the counter mand syistom. “The science officer reported.
“How do they know to do that?”the first officer asked.”some how they have taught themselves !”the primus asked.
“I am attempting to block them. Every thing I do,they think of a  way to override my road blocks!”the computer tech said.
The tech kept playing with the computer. The robots found a way to emit some kind of electrical charge. The rihansu was hit. The tech struck like bring struck by lightning. The crew man fell to the ground. The exo checked the tech.the tech was dead.
The exo tried to work the computer concil. The station was totally fried.suddenly the bridge went dark. “Report!” the commander ordered.”helm control is off line!”the pilot reported. “Wepons are off line!”the gunner said .
“Life support is failing !” the engineer on the bridge reported. The robotic ship fired a pulse like charge at the romulan naval ship. The pulse hit the vesel’s refer. The pulse caused a shock wave that spread to the rest of the ship.
The bridge exploded. Most of the bridge crew was dead. A few remained.
“Abandon ship! Quickly!”heleek ordered.the remaining bridge crew fled the command deck. The pods were launched.
The robotic ship could have stoped there. The vessel was not going any where. They opened fire again. The vessel exploded.
“Det-Tec-t-ing e-sc-ape pods!”a robot underling reported. “Do-we-destroy the e-sc-a-p-e pods?”another robot asked. The command robot thought it over. “Neg-a-tive ! ” the commander said.
The starship moved out of the way.the ship went to warp. The debre remained.
End of part one.

Vulcan heart part two

From the obital space station,tisora and jason joined others and took a transport to the planet.
“I heard this planet is a center of trade and comerce for this sector!”jason said. “Vulcans andorions and noberiens frequent this planet!”tisora said.”so i might see aliens i have never seen before ?”jason asked.”there is a very good chance of it !”tisora said. “I feel like we have bearly scarced the serface. Before a hundred years ago we really had no idea what was out there or if anything was!”jason said.
“You have several new world to discover!”tisora said. “I am excited. Can you tell?”he asked rhetoricaly. “Yes i can!”she said.
“I’m sory. I try to contain my excuberence around you. It us hard to do that. “Jason said.
“I understand! I am not trying to change you. My people believe in tolerence of other people’s beliefs and pratices. We call it. Infinate diversity in infinate combinations. I live by that viewpoint!”she said.
“You don’t want to become a stoic?”she asked. “I personaly believe logic is the best philosophy. I would perfer every one would embrace the teaching of surek. I don’t believe that will happen realistically. I am libertarian in this matter!”tisora said.
“Fair enough!”jason responded. “Do you wish i showed emotion?”she asked. “At first but i gues i have come to respect different cultures. I think i have become less ethnocentric sense we left earth space !”he answered. “I have observed that!”she said.
The shartle discended to the planet. It landed at a ground based port. The shartle went to a designated birth. The shartle activated its landing struts. The ship fully completed the landing proticals. The pasingers waited for clearence to disembark the craft.
“Attention pasingers! This is the co pilot speaking. You are cleared to exit pod 2147. Thank you for using trax transportation services. Have a day full of stars to guide your night. “The spokesperson said.
The pasingers got up from there seats. They headed for the exits in a very orderly fashion. Tisora and jason folowed the orthers and departed the craft.
The port was similar to an earth space port. There was information areas as well as food courts and a prominade. “So where to?”she asked. “I don’t know about you but i want to explore beyond the space port! “Jason said. “Agreed! “Tisora answered.
They excited the transport hub. They walked around the area. They picked up a packet from the planitary transportation ministry. They looked it over.
“Apearently there is an outside bizare not far from hear!”tisora said. “Lets check it out! “Jason said. “Agreed!”tisora said. Tisora led the way and jason folowed.
The planet had a plesent climate. Every major citty had an urban center and a rural. The urban was mostly government buildings. The rural had outside shops. The planitary inhabitents perfered to be outside when possible. Manny off world representives perfered business be done inside. Given the climate it was no reason why natives perfered the outside.
“This is a beutiful planet!”Jason said. “I could see why manny would find it astectically pleasing. It is an efecient world!”tisora said jason laughed. “At times i forget your non emotional but i usually remember !”Jason said.
“Do you resent that i am unlike you?”tisora asked. “No i don’t. I am still working on sheding my ethnocentrism. I respect your views. I see the advantage of non emotion. I am just not ready to adopt it for myself !”he told her.
“That’s fair !”tisora said. They went to the table. She saw a series of trinkets. “Look i have many wondrous objects. This is all that remains of the sword of kahless!”the merchent said.
“It seams far fetched that this is indeed from kahless weapon!”tisora declared. “Are you acusing me of lyng?”the merchent asked.
“We should move on!” She said. She kept on going. “I have never heard of kahless. Who is he?” Jason asked.
“He is a qausi myithical leader of the Klingons. He overthrew a tyrent and created the first Klingon empire. “The vulcan female said.
“Who are the Klingons?”he asked.”they are wariors. Similar to the vikings or spartons on earth!” She said.
“We probably should avoid them as we continue to spread out into deep space!” He said.”that would be very wise. “She said.
The two walked further though the various tables. Jason saw a flower he liked. He considered getting it as a gift for tisora.
He had lost sight of his friend for a few secconds. He heard a noise. He stoped for a few seconds. He tried to asertain what it was.
He listened. He came to suspect that it was some kind of weapons fire. He ran to see what had occured.
He was schocked at what he saw. He saw a male. He was a dibiasien. He was dead. He had been schot by an unknown alien hans pistol. Standing over him was a women. She had the energy pistol aimed at him. It was tisora.
“Tisora put down the weapon!”he urged her. She did not say anything. She paused. He went over and took the pistol. Then a local police force arived. He put the hand weapon down on the ground.
The police seronded the area. They sicured the area. Jason had no idea what had gone on. It apeared at least on the serface that tisora had just killed a man for no apearent reason. The police believed that too. He knew that she was in a lot of trouble.
End of part two.

“To the outor rim and beyond !” Part 13

Sense the first warp test flight on earth, humanity began to experiment with starships. A fleet or freighter were built. Trade routes were set up thoughout the human sector and beyond.
Ships set up for defense were also built. There were several agentcies involved in that aspect. The planet earth was in negotiations to develop a united space service. There were exploration vessels and colonial.vessels as well.
   This was an unprecidented time. The human sector was under attack. The call was sent out to defend humanity from impending attack.
The call was answered. Ships arived to defend the sector and stop the invasion. The ships imidietly struck the romulin swarm.
The romulan vessels hit back on the human fleet. While humans had fought the orions and nusicans, this was different ! This was a real space battle.  this was the test of humanity and there quest to go out into space.
The humans tried to block the romulons from advencing beyond what they had. Then they hoped to push them out of there space.
  Styles felt like he understood better how to fight the romulons.the romulond ambition was bigger then there level of technology. They had the ships. Right now it was an even match. Styles hoped with one  tiny mistake,that could all change. Styles was watching for it. 
Obored the romulan vessel witch first discovered the humans,the commander was very frustrated. The commander wanted a quick swift victory. That was not happening. Not at all. The humans were holding there own. It seams they adapt quickly to circumstances. They were definitely doing that.
Perizau wanted a longer shakedown. He wished the first mission was not a space battle. He wanted a qieter mission like scientific scaning but there was not to be. Perizau did not like that the captain and sr officers tried to do the inposible and expected the enginers to keep the ship together.
So far the ship held together . He was stil not sure humanity was ready for this. This did not help the case. Perizau really disliked the exploration thing. It seam to grow.
 boyd found a glich in the flagship of the hostile swarm. Boyd exploited it. The ship fired on the flag. The flagship was in trouble.
The primus had failed the preator. The romulons would not win this day. They would learn from this incident and do better next time. It would not be the primus.
Commander sherad got the order for the fleet to withdraw. The commander refused to follow the orders. He was not giving up,not yet.
  “Sir the fleet is leaving! “Tivora reported. “Will they return again?”shumar asked . “Yes but in a few years. “Steveren said.”great something to look foward to!”kelly w said.
“We have a problem ! The advanced scout is gone! He is on course for vega colony. I detected a mess amount of energy transfered. They are transfering all non esential system even life suport and a chance to return home!” Tivora said.
“Its a typical romulon ploy! If they can’t win they go what you call scorched earth!”steveren said. “We are the fastest ship! Kell set course for vega!”he said.
“They are going to fire what they use to call.a dirty bomb?”dr. Kelly said. “My gosh! “Shumar said.
The x 1000 went to warp. Time was of the esence. The race was on. While the ship could not destroy the vega colony it could wipe out a mess section of the colonies. The colony could colapse. Not a victory but revenge,spite. It had to be stoped! The race was on.
End of part 13.