In the shadow chapter five (6)

The x fired on the super starship. Jason and troops left the on bored shartles. The shartles sped towards the ship.
The pods attempted to get a foothold on to the super starship. The scout crafts attached itself to the ship. The vessels were grappled to the ship.
Each craft left a pilot in place. On Jason’s order the troops moved out. The troops were able to open a hatch and entered the ship. They we’re immediately fired on by rihansu forces. They returned fire.
” sir! We are being hailed. It is the supper starship. ” trajatan reported.”we got there attention. On screen !” commander styles ordered. The numorien activated the view screen.
On the screen, was the bridge of the supper starship. The command center was filled with rihansu officers. There was also The other gunen.
“I am commander emero of the rihansu star empire.  I know you studied this vessel. It is a very potent vessel. Our sezure of this vessel is quite complete. The balience of power in this quadrant has taken a dramatic turn of events. I sugest you leave the vicinity of my ship now. If you do not withdraw you will suffer my wrath. ” emero declared.
” this is commander corner styles if the human vessel. X 1000. You cannot possibly believe that we Wil not you have what could be the most powerful starship In the galaxy.” the captain remarked.
“You seam like a practical man commander. I don’t expect you will like it. It is simply how it is. I can destroy you and I don’t hesitate to do so. You must have  seen what you did to the Sun nearby.” emero said.
” is that your view as well miss gunen?” the commander asked. ” the rihansu are the future corner.they Will be the next universal power. ” she said. “The future us future.the story is still unwritten. ” styles said.
“That is not how we see it commander. I am very confident that we will be victorious. ” emero said. The screen deactivated.
“He has terminated the feed.” trajatan said. “I did not not want to talk to him any ways. ” styles said.
The andorian activated more mines.the mines exploded. The mines hit The supper starship. The mines did almost no damage but it was a distraction. Then the x fired a volley of ions on the ship.
The supper ship tried to clear the mines and weapons. “Return fire on those fiends! ” emero ordered. The supper starship fired on the x. The x was hit.
“Shields at 45 percent!” Lindsey reported. “Divert non essential power to shields. ” styles said. The x returned fire on the enemy vessel.
On the super starship Jason and his troops battled the Romulin and remen troops. Jason was not sure who was more firce.the rihansu or the remens.
The remens were strong. The harsh climate and conditions in there imposed home world gardine them. They had to adept or die. This was combined with there status as a labor class for the rihansu empire.
Jason and his forces advanced.he was determined to win this battle.he had spent of his adult life fighting battles. He had fought in space on ships and on planets. He had fought them all. He had fought nusicans and Orion and other pirates. This was different.this was the first foreign army he had battled. This was dirtier and was a dirty war,a gurila war. A war where all was fair as long as he brought a potential for a victory or a stale mate.
Jason understood war. He understand battle.he even understood a love for war. He was a soldier a warrior. Mayby a relic if the past. Mayby he did not belong in the post anatomic horror era of humanity. Was he obsolete? Then there was tivora. She was pacifist . a positive realist maybe even an optomist Vulcan style of course.
Jason kept moving. The forces fired on the romulan troops. They advanced. They kept moving further into the hostle territory.
In the holding cell ,Gina ,Emma and the orthers could only wait. Wait for what they had no idea. They hoped that it was a wait to be rescued. It might not be that.
The team got close to the holding cell. They hit the guards. They I opened the door. ” come on let’s get out of hear.” Jason said. “What took You so long?” Gina asked. “Funy!” he said.
They moved. They were hit by the romulans. They held there own. “Gina I need you to hack into the ships computer. ” Jason said. “I thought you rescue me to rescue me not to put me to work. ” Gina said.
Gina went to a terminal. Jason and others in his team covered her.she got right to work.  She tried to gain access to the another time and place she would consider it fun. Too much was at stake. The fate of the universe depended on this.
While the x battled the super starship. The x was hit hard. The x endured. The fleet was on it’s way. Stytles hoped that the x could hold Out until the fleet arrived or the marines captured the ship.
Gina felt the pressure. She knew The stakes. She had a break though. She was able to gain access to a central control. She believed that she could cause the ship to go back into hibernation mode.
The x was hit. ” shields at ten percent. ” Lindsey reported. ” please tell me that you can divert power ?” styles asked . ” not really. ” Lindsey said. She knew he would not be happy with that answer. It was the true answer.   
The super starship fired the Canon that could destroy a star system. The x bridge crew all prepared for the end . there was no way they could avoid this.
Styles regretted that he would not be able to see humanity extend further into space. He would not see humans working with other races. He would not marry or have children.
All of a sudden the pulse vanished.the super starship went dark. They just got a miracle. Styles knew that it was not quite over. It had only begun!
To be concluded.
Next up
The crew of the x deals with the super star ship.