The universe according to trajaten part 3

Space station triangle.
Mess hall
Trajaten was really nervous about seing luzole again. He was really nervous about seing her in a casual situation. Then again he always was around her. She had always made him nervous.
Only a few weeks into there training,luzole had already been named a freshman class company commander. She was already a superior officer to him. While he was an operations officer in training,he was training to be a support officer. He was shy and reserve. He had not the temperament or the desire to be a leader.
After an inspection of the cadets,they were dismissed.luzole came over to him. He tensed up. Though he had some warm interaction with her but that was before she was given a leadership position.
She came over to him. He went to attention. “At ease! “She said. He was stil at attention but not as much so. “No look can you forget I am a unit corporal for a minute. Can we just be luzole and trajaten for a couple of urchins.”she said.
“I don’t see how. I can’t just turn on and off ,I can’t go from cadet trajaten to trajaten at a drop of a hat. I can’t see you as ujole after seing you as corporal whole!”trajaten said
“I am not that scary !”she said with a gleam in her eye. “You made a cadet wash there quarters with a tooth brush and do 100 push ups while reciting the articles of consortium in the brial sub laungrege. “Trajaten said.
“That story has been exaduated experientialy. “She said. “Your my commanding officer let’s keep things professional. “He said. “I am a student leader. I am a peer amount pears. It is not that big of an issue. “She said.
He recalled that she was always was stoic and down to business. She was an iron lady except around trajaten. Around him she was night and day  different. He was almost the oposite.
As he neared her table,he got more and more buterfilies in his atomic.he tried to ignore them.he tried to remane calm.
She saw him. She smiled and got up. They hugged. “It is good to see you ! ” she said. “It is good to see you!” he said.
“I have missed you!” she told him.”I have missed you. “Trajaten said “I never understood your decision to go to earth. I was very surprised when you joined the crew of They 1000!”she said.
“It was a split decision. I was in the com room at the embassy. The ambassador came in and said that earth was lunching a ship and wanted a com tech. Next thing I knew I was in the x. “He said.
“I have never sparked me as impulsive. “She said. “Though it was a quick decision I do not beleve that it was an impulsive one!”he said.
“Perhaps. You have gotten are the talk of Manny quarters. “She said. “Oh how so?” he said. “The x 1000 misons have garnered a lot of attention. They have already made history. They have gotten noticed. Humanity could play a major role in galactic affairs. If not now perhaps in the future. It seams inevetible now. Baring unforesee. Events. “She said.
“I would agree with that. Humans are never satisfied. They keep excelling. They keep striving for more. They want to better themselves. They have already taken gigantic leaps Sense leaving earth space. “He said.

“Our government wants to have good relations with them. They taking over those bases would be a big help. We get to not have to wory about those sectors.humans get to get there hands on new technology. “She said.
“You support this were sceptical of working with The humans!”he said. “I support our government working with the humans. It you I don’t want working In human space.

“So that’s what it was!”he said. “Look the current head of communications of Triangle is accepting a promotion. It cod be yours. It includes a promotion to vice commander. “She said.
“You should know what my answer will be. I am needed on x”he said.”surely they could get another com tech. Your talents are not utilized to There full potentle.”she told him.
“I disagree. I beleve I have a lot to teach and to learn from humans. I am not like you luzole. “He said. “Are you running to the humans or away from me. ” she asked.
“It was not going to work between us!”trajaten said. “You never gave it a chance. Your a loner. You prefer to be isolated. You and I could have worked. You would not have it. You would not let me in. I was willing to do it your would not even go for that!”she said.
“I am planing to remane on the x 1000 for the foreseeable future. “Trajaten said. “If you change your mind tell me. The com tech has a mounth before he assumes his new post.”she told him. “My decision is final. I do not intend to do differently!” he said. “Then I Will drop the matter. “He said.
X 1000
Quarters of tisora and Gina.
“I can’t beleve you are doing this!”Gina said. “I am surprised you object. You are always saying I should get out more!”tisora said. “Not like this. Are you trying to make Jason jealous?”she asked. “That is highly ilogical?”tisora said. “What is this ?”Gina asked
“Ethen was my superior officer.we had something but we both felt we could not persue it. ” tisora said.
“What about you and Jason? It is like it never happened. “Gina said.
“I have a great respect for Jason but we have never had anything official. ” she said.
“You should. You two are ment for each other!”Gina said. “I don’t beleve that people are destined for each other. ” tisora said. “Of course you don’t. ” Gina said.
“Commander Grant would be a fine choice for a husband !”she said. “What about Jason?”she asked.”he is a times he can be erratic. I beleve the commander would be more stable. “Tisora said
She was styling her hair. Gina was surprised that she was making such an effort for this. She never altered her hair style.
She was dresed in Vivian clothing.she wore red blouse,gray pants and sandles. She opened the airlock. Grant smiled.
He took his hand and they went arm in arm though the station. They headed for one of the restaurant in the station’s food court.
“I have missed you!”Grant said.”I have been aware of your absence!”The younger officer said.he chuckled. “You have not changed a bit. “He said. “You appear to be very similar yourself then!”she told him.
“I gues I could see that. I like that you call me Ethen. This is the first time you have not called me commander!”he said.”we are off duty. “She said.
X 1000
Jason boyed was performing diagnostic on the ships weapons syistom. “Hey you want to play ping pong?”Kelly Wayne renelds asked. “Oh no I want to get this done!” Jason said. “Ok! You know. My wife was engaged to someone else. She was way out of my league. She was a med student I am a jarhead really. “Kelly Wayne said.”if she decides to persue a relationship with the commander,I am fine with that.”
Ensign Kenny gel was potroling the ship. He saw an alien man near the cargo bay. “Sir! This is a restricted area. “The security officer said. “I’m sorry I did not realize that.”the blue skinned alien said. He’ll watched him go to a comon area. It was stil suspicious.
The action by the alien was a diversion. Someone else was trying to hack into the ship’s syistom. What he was trying to access was unknown. Whatever it was they got it.
End of part