Ruins part five

“Journal what started off as a simple planitary servey has terned into anything but.  One crewman is dead,killed by a creture that resembles an earth dinosaur.  At least two crewman hath tested positive for a parisite. Another team had vanished. ”
“The landing teans canot return to the ship until they have been screaned for the pathogin. We all have our work cut out for us and thensome!”
  “This is the last known location of the team!”boyd said. “Team was this way. The other will pick a different direction. We will see where it leeds!” Styles ordered. The teams dispersed.
“You think they are alive?”perizu said. “I really hope so. I knew there might be casulties but having already done one funeral and now with at least one more i am not looking foward to it. I am woried that they are not. I chose to keep hopful until i know orther wise!” Styles said.
They heard a noise. They ran towards the sound. They saw crewman tod ridge. ” Tod your ok!”styles said. ” Stay back!”he said. The man seamed to be delerious. He started laughing. “I told you stay back!”he said
“What’s going on?”perizu said. ” We are gone captain. Our future is them. We died the minute we set foot hear. We signed our deatj warent. Some worlds are better left alone! Some questioned should never be ansered!”ridge said.
The man came towards him. The team fired. The crewman was hit. The crewman did not stop. Styles said a forgive me and then fired.
He fired at point blank range. The man was hit. The man had evidence of a head wound but stil came at him. He seamed to be a zombi. The whole team fired at once. The man exploded and started to transform into an oil like substance. The team fell back.
“Is that the parisite?” Perizu asked. “That is what i am thinking! “Styles said. “Are we all going to end up that way?” A crewman asked. “Not if i can help it!”styles asured the crewman. 
A medical tent was set up. Dr. Renelds and her staf got every thing set up. Carl ayote agred to go first in case it did not work.
The put on surgicall goans and mask. Every thing had been sterilized. “Hear goes nothing !”dr. Renelds said.
She started opening the crewman up. It was near the instestines. “That is nasty looking !” Steverin who was asisting the medical team said. They atempted to seperate it from the body. “It fuised!”a nerse said.
She atempted to use a lazer to get it free. The creture emited a goo. The goo hit a nerse. The.nerse was in pain.
“You cannot kill me dr. Renelds!”the creture inside ayote said. “How do you know who i am?”she asked. “I know what ayote knows! You cannot harm me! Even if you kill ayote,i will endure!” The creture declared.
The creture caused the crewman exploded. The creture went the air. Steveren caught the cteture. Steveren strugled to keep the creture. “You sure this is wise?”dr. Renelds asked. “I don’t think it is going to eat me. It is rather ticked off!”Steveren said. The creture struggled to break free but the andorian,for now had the uper hand. 
“Can we kill it?”a nerse asked.”that i don’t know. It seams unable or unwilling to infest me as it does with humans and presumibly the tridarnie colonest. “He said.
The creture was trying to get away. The andorian was persistent. He saw the danger it could inflict and was not going to alow it to keep going.
“Can you restrain it indefinitely !”one of the medical team members asked. “That would be a no! I am not super andorian!”he said.
“Can we drown it?”a nurse asked. “It may be afraid of the water but i am not sure i would risk it!” He said.
“You! Whats your name?”steveren asked. ” Able crewman eric mahascal “he said.”i am not sure how able you are but i am about to find out i gues! “He said.
The young crewman was a bit confused. “You have a land lazer?”he said. “I am required to sir!”he said. ” Aim for the creture’s head and fire !”he said.
“Yes sir!”he said.
The young man aimed his hand lazer at the head of the parisite. He hastily fired. The creture was hit. The head exploded. The rest of the creture went limp.
” As i suspected,the creture is only invincible when conected to a host ! I suspect he did not know that he could not infest an.andorian. i am hoping that he does not comunicate telipathically with his fellow cretures. We may have an advantage but i fear it will be short lived!” He said.
“It is too late for crewman ayote. I really don’t want to atempt any more surgeries! ” kelly ann said. “We will need to somehow contain crewman mconnel . She is not one of us at least not for the time being !”the andorian said.
“We will double security on her!”dr. Renelds said. “That was the frekiest thing i think i have ever seen!”nurse ramsdel said.”i have seen worse. One time i steped foot on a planet of mudusons. You go insane if you look right at them!” He said. “I need to do an autopsy on ayote!”dr. Renelds said. Everyone was mentaly and physically excahusted. The worst was far from over. It had only begun.
End of part five

Ruins part four

“Personal journal,exploration of uncharted teratory is frought with unknowns. The exploers find harsh climate,new deseases and animal threats. Exploration of space is not different. It too is fraught with danger.”
“During our mission batiling romulan robots,we lost petty officer sawer. Now we have lost another. Able crewman tim vilsack. Would he be the last?”
Crewman carl ayote and heidi mconnel ran for there lives. “Are we going to make it?” Heidi asked. “Yea we are! “He said. The creture chased them for a while but then found something else more interesting and then moved on. They would find them interesting again . That they know.
Trajaten and tivora worked on translating the artifects. “I’m sory to look over your soulder but this is a mission for the experts,science teama,not much for a solder and adninistrator!”styles said.
“Well! These artifects are what you would expect in a celebrates the founding of the citty. Another celebrates the oldest citizen. “Tivora said.”what is interesting is that there it apears that this planet is not these people planet of origin!”trajaten said.
“They are from another world?”styles asked. ” They describe there homeworld as beyond the great basan we think. We are having difficulty translating it. I think they came from a far off reigion.”trajaten said.
“The tridarnie home world’s location is not known . Up until a hundred years ago the tridarnie were considered myithical but an arkeological team discovered multiple prof of there excistence. “Tivora said.
“Was this a colony or did they conqur an excisting civilization?””styles asked.
“I’m leening towards a colony.i have found nothing to convince me of more then one civilization!”tivora said. “I have come to that conclusion as well. “Trajaten said.
” boyd to captain! Your needed at the command post! “He said. “On my way. Keep investigating!”he ordered.”will do!” Tivora said. He left the area.
“Vilsack is dead. It was like a dinosore!” Carl ayote said. “It almost got us!”heidi said. Dr. Renelds scaned them with her devive. ” SOMETHING WRONG isn’t it?” Heidi asked. ” you both have a perisite! “She reported. They both frieked out.
“Look i need you to remane calm!” She said. ” I would like to perform emergentcy exploritory sergery !”she said. “Can you remove it?”he asked. “This is brand new teratory! To be honest i don’t know. “She told him.
“Ok! “He said. “There is something else. I don’t dare take them to the x. I will have to set up an o.r out hear!” She said. “Anything you need! We will do it! “Styles said. “Thank you! I will need everyone on the serface screaned before they can returned to the ship! ” dr. Renelds said. “Agreed. Captain to all units! All unit are to return to base camp. Be on high alert for cretures that resemble earth dinosaurs. When you arive you will submit to medical screning. No one is to return to the ship until cleared by medical. ” Styles said.
After a while they called styles over. “Sir we have a problem! Team five has failed to call in? We can’t reach them. Team five is petty officer wolf,petty officer cobert ,crewmans ridge and rendel. “Shumar said. “Oh my! Alright ! We wil begin a full search for them. We have to find them!”he said.
“We will lunch search parties! Shumar asemble it. Teams of five at a minimum!” Styles said. They agreed. Then they got right to work.
End of part four

Ruins part two

X 1000
“Captain’s journal,we are ariving at a class m planet capible of suporting human life. There are no humanoid life forms on the planet. Acording to data from one of our probes,there is evidence of an civilization. Its fate is not know. I am going to land the ship so that we can begin a comprehensive scan of the planet!”styles said.
“All decks are standing by! “Commander shumar anounced.”the ship went though ascent and decent on earth and mars but never on an alien environment. This is a first!” Perizu said.
“Trajaten all ship buliton,all crew are to have emurgintcy harness in place !” The captain said. “Sending !”he said.
The bridge crew sat down and put on the seat belts. “There has to be an easier way to visit a world then landing all the time!”shumar said. “Someone at eller has come up with an idea of mater energy transportation. It is just a concept at this point!” Kelly w said.
“I don’t know about anyone else but i think i would like it to stay that way!” Styles said.  “the crew has given the ready signal!” Trajaten reported.
“Lets do it! Kell begin discent!”styles ordered. The vessel went to the planet at impulse power. The vessel slowly lowered itself. As it was discending the crew took in the crew.
The ship had neared what apeared to be a space port left over from the previous civilization. The vessel activated its landing struts.
“Landing complete ! ” tivora anounced. ” We will begin an inicial survey of the planet. Plants animal stuctures. This will give our science department including botonest and biologest something to do for a change !”styles said.
“This is an alien environment ,no one is to be alone. Two people minimum. Everyone should check in every. 30 Minutes no exception. Ten  minutes over due, we send in the search party!” Shumar said.
“Tivora you will overse scientific teams coordinate with bryce!”styles ordered.
“Just in case i recomend all teams be armed. Just in case!”boyd said.
” Agreed!” Styles said. “Captain as a linguistic expert i would like to look over the artifects. I am getting a bit of what humans call cabin fevor!”trajaten said. ” i can understand that. Your on the team ensign !”styles said. “Thank you sir!” He said.
“I would like to get things started as soon as possible !” Styles said. Everyone agreed.
The planet was serene. It was qiet. Erily so. There was a bird that resembled an eagle. The citty showed signs of decay but was stil well preserved.
The airlock opened,the survey teams began to exit the craft. Some techs brought equipment with them. The landing parties got right to work.
Styles looked around. He stoped for a minute. “What are you doing corner?” Shumar said. “Taking it all in. Think of it a guy from a smal town in rural ilinois on a distent planet ! I’m hear. Uspha and eller had become a fan club for space enthusiasts. Now all bets are off. Mayby we do live in mythical times! ” Styles said. “Now your sounding like eller! “Shumar said. “He tends to rub off on people !” Shumar said.
“Ok I’m good now! Now i can go begin the survey!” Styles said. “Are you going to do this on every planet we visit? “Shumar asked. “Probably. I will try to be discrete on habited planets!” He asured his exo.
Perizu oversaw the transfer of equipment to the planet. He did not have the enthusism that the captain did. He suported the process but was not excited about it. Not much excited him. He was a meloncoly kind of guy.
They set up the equipment. They got to work looking everything over.
Perizu saw his wife marie . He stoped what he was doing and went over to her. “What are you doing hear?”he asked. “We are on another world. I want to see it! ” marie said. “It may not be safe hear! “He said. “I won’t stay long. I have to see this. I can’t just look at it from a window. “She said.
“You won’t stay long?” He asked. “No i won’t. I had to see it. I am going where no pregnant human female has gone before !” She said. He did an eye role. He tried not to smerk but he did.
Trajaten looked over some structure. “You going to follow me everywhere ?” Trajaten said. “We are to stay together. Captain’s orders!” Gina said. “Very well! He said.
“It is a monument?”gina asked. “That is what i am thinking. It definitely resembles a monument. ” Trajaten said. “Can you translate it?” She asked. “I am going to try!” Trajaten said.
What no one knew was that they were not alone. Someone was watching them.
End of part two.

Automation part seven

“I’m reading about six of them! They are heading right for us!” A crewman said. ” Ok people ! Have all weapons ready! Look alive every one!” Styles said.
Dr. Renelds could not believe she was holding a thruster rifle. She had borded this ship with the intention of rendering medical aid not engaging in combat. It seams she was going to engage in combat.
Boyd could not get his thoughts off of tivora. He hoped she was ok. He had no way of knowing. He tried to focus on the task at hand.
The robots all roamed the ship in a methodical mannor. They went deck by deck,section by section. They team heard the noises get louder and louder. They knew that they would be hear soon.
They had there thruster rifles drawn and ready. They waited. They did not wait. As soon as they were in range,they fired.
Boyd got off the first schot. The robots were hit but it did little damage. The rest of the team fired back. It did little good. It did not affect or deter the robots.
One of the robots schot at the team. Styles ordered the team to fall back. The team did so. They moved back but maintaned fire.
They fired on the ceiling. The debree hit the robots but did little. The team fired on the robots.
“Y o u c a n n o t de fe at us! Y o u r o n l y op ti on is to s u r e n der!”the robot said. “Never!” Styles said. The team fired every thing they had at the robots. The robots scaned the team.
The robot leader fired at styles weapon. It vanished. It was vaporized in an instent. Boyd tried to pick up the slack. Styles tried to withdraw from the area.
Boyd weapon was incinerated. “Sir! It must take a lot of energy to vaporize a rifle! We may be able to use it to our advantage ! If every one who stil has a weapon fired during a vaporization who knows!”boyd said. “Lets do it!” Styles said.
The robot turned to gina. As the riffle was being incinerated,the team fired simultaneously on the robot.
The robot had trouble focusing on all of the task he had to complete. He got overwhelmed. They could clearly see it. They fired and fired. The other robots came to there leaders rescue. The plan did not quite go as planed.
X 1000
“Sir! I have located a smal device inside the debree. I believe it may be a command and control unit. ” Tivora said.
“Can we retreve it?” Shumar asked. “Yea we can!”tivora said. “Good! It may be the key to saving our crew!” Bryce said.
The x headed into the debre field. They engaged a grapiling hook. The device was hooked on and brought on to the ship. “Got it sir!” Emma reported. “Have it brought into the hanger bay!”shumar ordered. “You got it sir!” Emma said.
Tivora and emma went to the cargo bay to examaine it. Like every thing on the ship the cargo bay was smal and cramped. Luckily the device was fairly smal. They looked it over.
The robots tried to seround them. They just kept fireing. “This is not as fun as i thought it would be!”perizu said. “You thought it would be fun?”a troper asked. “Well no! This is not my thing !”he said.
They tried to find a vanerable spot. They had not found it yet. They maintained fire any ways. So far it had not accomplished much. That did not deter the crew.
“Anything ?”commander shumar asked. “It is made of a strong alloy. I believe it can be destroyed!”tivora said. “We recomend lunching it into the sun!” Emma said.”lets get it done!” Shumar said.
The x headed for the sun. “We are in position !” Tivora reported.”deploy!” Shumar ordered. Enma presed the button to oppen the cargo bay hatch. The hatch opened. The device was deployed.
The control robot on the drone ship was alerted to what was going. The robotic leader withdrew.
The orther robots tried to fill in the gaps. The team fired on the orther robots. These robots were clumsy. They were not like the c and c robots. They were mindless drones,complete automitons. They were easy to hit.
The drone ship headed to intercept the x. The ship fired on the x. “I don’t think they like what we are doing!” Steveren said. “I am thinking they don’t!” Shumar said.
The drone ship was hit by x. The drone ship wanted to get to the device. The device started to drift futher into the sun. It was stil intact. It was not at the point of no return. That was why the robots were trying to stop it. The robotic leader knew the stakes.
The robot ship fired on the x. The x returned fire on the robotic ship. A ray from the sun hit the device. The device exploded.
The robots went numb. The c and c robot fell down dead as well. The ship stoped.
“The drone ship is dangerously close to the sun!” Tivora anounced. “Prepare the grapiling hook !” Shumar ordered. The x went to the drone ship ans activated the grapole. The two ships left the sun.
“We have a problem !”tivora anounced. “Another one?” Kelly w asked. “The drone ship has rigged a self destruct !”tivora declared. “How long do we have?” Shumar asked. “Two minutes!” Tivora said.
“Corner! This ship is about to blow! You need to get out od hear now!” Shumar said. “Understood!” Styles said.
The ship docked with the x. The hatch opened,kelly and the medical team was the first to boared the ship. Then the rest of the team. Styles was the last to bored.
Styles,perizu and boyd feverishly tried to seal the hatch.finally it closed. “Alright ! Now!” Styles said.
Emma pressed the jetison button. The ship was repelled from the x. The ship was adrift. The vessel went out into space.the x fled the area at maximum warp. The ship exploded.
“Senator we lost contact with robot 379 g!” A technicion declared. ” Oh no ! ” Kezale said. ” The preator will not be happy!” The tech said. “I am aware of that!” The senator said.
X 10000
“Captain’s journal,the crew and ship wrethered the crises well. The ship repairs will be fairly easy to comance. We did lose a crewman! That can’t be repaired. ”
” Crewman first class micheal sawer gave his life for the ship and crew. He paved the way for the future if humanity. Though history may forget his sacrifice,i will not. I hope that you will not! I emplore you not to. I wish i could say that this is the last time we will be hear but we all know that is not true. We must get together . Lets be close. Let us embrace eathother,embrace our differences. Let us come together !”styles said.
” All decks stand ready!” Trajaten said. “Take us out!” Styles ordered. The ship went to warp.
The end

Automation part two

“Captain’s journal,ever sense the discovery of warp drive,humanity has reached further and further into space”
“Even before. Zefren cocren’s warp flight,we set up colonies on mars,saturn and jupiter. After the warp test we established colinies on alpha cinterie,vega,deniva and a few orthers!”
“We set up trade routes,we also set up patrol ships,most of our ships were freighters. Some belong to the earth cargo service,orhers European,asian,african or private freighter lines.”
“Unfortunately pirates have caught on. They have become targets of nusicans,orion and un afiliated pirates. Although the x 1000 is primarily involved in exploration,we are also responsible for defense of alied ships”
“We are on course!”kelly w said. The door opened,sheveren entered. “So what is on the agenda today?” The andorian asked. “We are answering a distress call from one of our freighters.” Styles said.
“Great! We seam to jump from one crises to another. Is that how it is always going to go?”he asked.
“I have no idea! I have never done this before!” Styles said.”of course!”steveren said. “We get to test out the equipment you procured for us! ” the captain said.
Romulin vessel
” the x 1 0 0 0 0 is on its way!” A robotic officer said. The robot was gray and looked lifeless. “Acknowledged! Plot inter cept course!” The robot in charge said “in ter cept course laid in !”the robot said.
The romulin ship was on standby. “They acknowledge our signal!”trajaten said. “You seam sceptical lt!” Shumar asked. “They stil have not sent there verification code! It is standered procedure. This vesel is a e.c.s vessel. They usually adhere to protical to the letter especially this far out!”trajaten said.
“It is odd! “Styles said. “Are weapons ready?”shumar asked.”weapons standing by at your command sir!” Boyd said. ” stay sharp every one!” Styles said.
“I have the freighter on visual!” Tivora reported. “Lets see it!”styles ordered. On the screen displayed the image of a wracked freighter. There was plasma leaking and other evidence of damage.
“I canot find any attacking vessels!” Tivora said. “Gone already?”kelly w comented. “There warp drive is off line,weapons off line. “Tivora anounced. ” Life signs?”dr. Kelly asked. “I am not detecting any life signs!” Tuvora said.
“Have you not been in constent contact with someone over there? ” Chief perizau asked. “I thought i had!”trajaten said
“Come along side. Prepare to latch on to there cloest hatch!”styles ordered. “You got it sir!” Kelly w said. “Is this wise to latch on this soon?”steveren said. “Mayby not!”styles said. “Not the reasurence i was looking for!” The andorian said.
The vessel came along side the freighter. The vessel slowly took a poaistion paralel to the freighter. “We are in position ! Beginning docking procedurs! “Kelly w said.
The vessel latched on to the orther ship. The two vessels  murged. “Docking complete!”the pilot said.
” Ok! Dr. Kelly prepare a medical team! “He ordered. “You got it! “She said. ” Bryce you will command the ship in my absence! “He said.
“I seam to be micheal colins!” Bryce said. “Captain’s perogitive. Besides if this goes bad i nead someone to get me out if this mess!” Styles said.
“Are you anticipating trouble?”steveren asked. “I always anticipate trouble!”styles answered.
“Boyd,perizau with me! Hopefully we will all be back by supper time!” Styles said.
Robotic ship
“The hu man sh ip has docked with t h e de coy !” The robot said. “Ve r y good! T h e plan is co mancing as an ti ci pated. “The robotic leader said. 
Unbknowst to the crew,they were heading right into a trap.
The landing party headed down the coridor. The security team had thruster rifles there hand. They neared the airlock. The door opened. The door closed behind them. All of a suden they were fired upon by unknown snipers.
“Fall back!”styles ordered. The team tried to go back but the door was sealed. The freighter left the other ship. The freighter went to warp. The freighter droped its holow facade. It was a drone ship.
End of part two

The storm part 4

“Growing up in the mid west,i had my fair share of storms. What was worse then the actual storm was anticipation of the storms arival. You know its coming but there is nothing you can do about it. You are premptivly freaked out. As a child i always was. ”
“With this storm,we had time to prepare. It was anyone’s gues if it would work or not. Now after all the preperations now was the moment of truth. ”
“At this moment i felt powerless.a part of me wishes i was back on earth. I knew that someone had to pave the way for humanity to reach out for the stars. I Just hope we can make it back in one peace.”
The ion storm began to pass. The ship was hit. The crew could hear the sounds of the ions hit the x 1000. It sounded like a smal lazer hiting the ship.
The whole crew was on pins and neadles. They were just waiting with bated breath. No one was sure what they were waiting for. They were wating for relief or recovery. They knew this storm would be hear for a while. It would not be over in 15 minutes although every one hoped it would. ”
“So far shields are holding. I detect no crack in the shields !” Tivora said. “Keep on it!” Shumar ordered. “Will do!” Tivora said.
“Report any varience lt!” Shumar ordered. “You got it commander!” Tivora answered. The sound of the ship being pumaled could be heard. It was persistent. It was relentless. There was no stoping it.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds waited for any information on the storm. She suposed that no news is good news.  The carm before a worse storm. She was really woried. She heard some crewman talking about reterning to earth. She was not ready for that. She had an adventurous side but was not looking foward for this storm to be over. She stil could not believe she was hear. What a jouney it had been.
   She was at a library. She was studying. A man droped a bunch of brief case and papers. She went over and helped him picked up the books and papers.
“I am a clutch as you can see!” The young men said. “I am too! Are you a student? “She said. “West point! “He said. “Sodjer?’ She asked. “I am in the space infantry program. I am traning to be a pilot. Everyone from uspha to comerce authority and several government wants me and private comercial space services as well! What are you studying ?”he asked. “I want to be a doctor . By the looks of it i will probably be seing you in the e.r!”she said. What s journey indeed.
  So far every thing was holding together . Perizau wanted the engines   check and rechecked. So far the ship was holding together.
The ship was hit. “That was a big one!” Trajaten comented. Tivora checked the shields. “Shields are holding. The safe gaurds are working at least for far!” Tivora said. “Are they going to intensify then deintensify then back?” Bryce asked. “Yes it will! “Tivora reported.
The ship was hit. The shields stil held. It put a crew already on edge even more so. They were stil ok.
  The crew kept scaning the ship including infrastructure and structual intregrety.
  No one knew if it was going to work or not. They worked hard to keep the ship in one peace. It had only just started.
” i take it it is not going to get any easier is it?” Kelly w asked.”no it is going to get any easier. It is only going to get harder from hear!”styles said.

Episode one to the outor and beyond part two

Eller industries.
Planet earth
Lyman eller the industrialest and entrapinur kept to a tight schedule. He was up at 5:00, in the office at six. He left the office at 9:00,in bed by ten. Normally at this time of night he would be in bed. This was not a usual event.
He stayed in an apartment right next to the company headquarters. He did not want to be too far away from the office . He wanted it seperate from the headquarters. Eller went to the office.
“Sir! The echo star setilite has stoped transmitting. Every atempt to reactivate it has falled!”operations chief gary corban said.
” This setilite has multiple reduntcies. This was not suposed to happen ! “Eller said. “We don’t get it either! Sir!” Corben said. ” This area represents the gateway to the new fronter. The last charted sector. This setilite was the key to there reigion. ” Eller said.
” Sir! We need to investigate ! “Corner styles said. “Lunch another probe!” Corben said. “That is not what i am sugesting mr. Corben !”styles said. “What are you sugesting ?” Dr. Amy lutrel asked. “The x 1000 ! “Styles said. ” You can’t be serious ! The x 1000 is not a viable option!”corben said. ” the future of humanity exploration of space depands on information . The probes and setilites have brought us a long way. They can only bring us so far !”styles said.
“we have had this conversation before. We may not be a cash society any more. We do depend on resorces. It is more fesible to use probes. “Corben said.
  ” Something caused the setilite to stop transmitting. We have to find out what has caused it!”styles said. “Some day man will venture out. We are not there yet! ” corben said.
“This is the time. “Styles said. “We are stil rebuilding from the third world war. Man is united more then ever. Things are better for humanity but we stil have a ways to go. ” gary corben said.
Eller thought it over. He went to a far off corner of the command center of the cooperation. He routinly withdrew to a distent corner when facing a difficult situation. Every one knew to give him space. After a few seconds,he returned to the main part of the room.
“How soon can we lunch the x 1000 ?”lyman said. “Well the ship is ready to go but it is not fully maned. It has a skeliton crew. It has not been though a full skakedown!” Corben said.”nothing like a trial by fire! ” eller said.
“Are we really doing this?” Dr. Lutrel asked. “We are amy!” Eller said. ” We don’t have the personele ! ” Corben said. “We can get the staf from outside !” Eller said. “Where? ” corben asked. “We will ask the united earth space probe agentcy for help and orthers including the eropian hagemony! Styles said.
“The europian hagemony! They are competitors!” Corben comented. ” Not anymore! “Styles said. “Look i love the European hagemony ,i have wished them well. I did want to crush them in two areas. Space exploration and hocky. I am wiling to give on one of those aspirations. “He said.
“I recomend we reach out to former European military enginer jose marie parizeu. “Styles said.
” He is resonible ! Do we want to include them ?” Corben said.”we have to . We need the man power. Eller industries was created to fulfil the dreams of people like zefrem cocren,Jeremy greyson,john burk,silvia lenored and orthers. This is our time ! This is the eve of the human adventure. This is the time! “Corner styles said.
Lyman eller gave it some thought. ” Why not!  Clark contact the various players. Make it happen !” Eller said.
Unknown ship
” i have ananilized the data excellentcy ! The setilites belong to people called humans from a planet called earth. ” The techician said.
” earth ! Where the heck is earth?” The commander said. “I not sure!”he said. “Could we be looking at a new player in universal afairs?”he asked.
“Possible ! The data is scientific.any of this data could be used in straitigic planing. “The science oficer said. “Do we know where the probe sent ita signal?”the commander asked. He noded in the afirmitive. 
The commander knew what must be done. The ship would engage this race in battle. Evaluate them as a potential enemy. The clash was about to begin.