The storm part five

“As the storm continues,nurves have become fraid. Uncertainty grows. So far the ship has wrethered the storm very well but every one is wating for the orther shoe to drop. Everyone is certain it will!”
“Want i would not give for a cup of coffe right now!”styles said. “We could heat it up with a hand lazer!” Trajaten said. “That might not be a good idea!” Shumar said.
“Sir! The storm has increased in magnitude but decreased. I believe it will countinue to increase for a few more houers! I am not sure that thr shields can protect us foever. ” Tivora said.
“Do you have any idea how long this storm will last?” Bryce asked. “Acording to my calculations at least eight more houers commander!” She said.
“We may have to devert more power! ” tivora said. ” We cut all power there is cut!” Trajaten said.”no we have not!” She said. “We need ship wide intercraft and ship to ship !”trajaten said. “No one seams to be out! “Tivora said. “Who would venture out ib a storm in a ruber digny!” Kelly w said.
” Are you sure the shields won’t hold?” Styles said. “I am certain of it!” Tivora said. “Vulcan your never wrong ! This is why my species always treaded lighly with your people . For a non emotional people you people are prety arogent!”trajaten said.
“Woa! Time out! This is not helpful! ” Styles said. “We could transfer power from my ship!”steveren said. “We considered it but it could short circut the ship. Our computors probably are not conpatible! It would be like trying to interface an eller 235 to a comadore 64. “Perizou said.
“The comunicators are indipendent of the com system . There don’t seam to be any ships in the vicinity. If we need to we can comunicate by flare. It is non esential power right now! “Styles said.
“I guess i am out of a job for the time being! ” trajaten said. “Find us some other extra power! We have a long road ahead!” Styles said.
Tivora was working on power transfer when jasson came over.”you ok?”jason asked. “I am trying to protect the ship! I understand that these may seam like draconian cuts but i see no orther choice !”she said.
“Every one is nervous and on edge. As the otther storm passes,so will this one!” He said.
“I have never been to Vulcan . Earth is my home. I want to aer humanity suceed and join the universial community. I am not trying to step on anyone’s toes. “She said.
“Your an aset to this ship. When we come though on the other side,it will be because of you! Just sit tight. You will make it!”he said.
Med bay
“Dr!”ensign gina elso said. Two crewman brought in a crewman. He had some kind of radiation burns. She began treating him.
“Crewman ridgly was working on a conduet near the engine room. “Dr. Kelly renelds said.
“We have confirmed we have a smal leak!” Perizau said. ” Have you sealed it?” Shumar said. “For now but i fear while the shields have held,some how tge infrastructure of the ship has been compromised! We may see more of these!” Perizau said.
” i am not totally sure it is related to the storm. It could be a design flaw!” Kelly w said. “I considered that as well! ” perizau said. ” I want those areas that area screaned for radiation posioning! “Styles said.
Qurters of the captain
“You think mayby we are not ready. It is too soon?” Styles asked. “Frankly this is how you learn. School of hard knocks. The early exploers in the 15 and 1600s paved the way for meritime traval and opened up a new world.  When john f kenedy said we are going to put a man on the moon in ten years,it seamed like a pipe dream.  Someone has to take the first step. To every great story there has to be a beginning !” Shumar said.
“I really would rather not be the guy who failed. I don’t want to be a footnote in history !”styles said. “We will make it. This storm is not going to lick us!” Shumar said. “I hope your right bryce. I really do! ” he said.
  The ship was rocked. “That was an unusually stronger ion! The storm is continuing to intensify. It has gone beyond my prediction !” Tivora said. “You are falible!”trajaten said. “Qiet!” Styles ordered.
The ship was hit. An airlock was hit. “Seal off the deck! ” styles ordered. “I can’t. It is not responding!” Tivora said. ” We will have to do it manualy!” Perizau said. ” Come on! Tivora take charge on the bridge !” Styles ordered.
Styles,shumar,trajaten,perizau and boyd left the bridge. The elivator were shut down so they had to use stairs. They made it to the area. They put on environmentle suits.
There was a gaping hole in the ship.  Air was pooring out. They all knew this was dangerous work even with the e.v.s suits. If they were sucked out into space they were vanerable to the storm. If they were struck it ment certain death.
  It had to be done. The team perpared to go out. The door had to be sealed. Manual release required at least four people opearating the manual release at once. This was risky.
What felt like wind blew though the deck. The e.v.a suit was working. They got to work.
Dr. Kelly had to treat more radiation sickness. There must be more cracks. The situation seamed to be getting worse. She hoped this could be turned around.
   The ship was hit again. This time on the other side. This time it was the hydroponics. Where the emergincy food suply was. They now had several problems on multiple fronts. The strugle was on.
End of part five

The storm part 4

“Growing up in the mid west,i had my fair share of storms. What was worse then the actual storm was anticipation of the storms arival. You know its coming but there is nothing you can do about it. You are premptivly freaked out. As a child i always was. ”
“With this storm,we had time to prepare. It was anyone’s gues if it would work or not. Now after all the preperations now was the moment of truth. ”
“At this moment i felt powerless.a part of me wishes i was back on earth. I knew that someone had to pave the way for humanity to reach out for the stars. I Just hope we can make it back in one peace.”
The ion storm began to pass. The ship was hit. The crew could hear the sounds of the ions hit the x 1000. It sounded like a smal lazer hiting the ship.
The whole crew was on pins and neadles. They were just waiting with bated breath. No one was sure what they were waiting for. They were wating for relief or recovery. They knew this storm would be hear for a while. It would not be over in 15 minutes although every one hoped it would. ”
“So far shields are holding. I detect no crack in the shields !” Tivora said. “Keep on it!” Shumar ordered. “Will do!” Tivora said.
“Report any varience lt!” Shumar ordered. “You got it commander!” Tivora answered. The sound of the ship being pumaled could be heard. It was persistent. It was relentless. There was no stoping it.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds waited for any information on the storm. She suposed that no news is good news.  The carm before a worse storm. She was really woried. She heard some crewman talking about reterning to earth. She was not ready for that. She had an adventurous side but was not looking foward for this storm to be over. She stil could not believe she was hear. What a jouney it had been.
   She was at a library. She was studying. A man droped a bunch of brief case and papers. She went over and helped him picked up the books and papers.
“I am a clutch as you can see!” The young men said. “I am too! Are you a student? “She said. “West point! “He said. “Sodjer?’ She asked. “I am in the space infantry program. I am traning to be a pilot. Everyone from uspha to comerce authority and several government wants me and private comercial space services as well! What are you studying ?”he asked. “I want to be a doctor . By the looks of it i will probably be seing you in the e.r!”she said. What s journey indeed.
  So far every thing was holding together . Perizau wanted the engines   check and rechecked. So far the ship was holding together.
The ship was hit. “That was a big one!” Trajaten comented. Tivora checked the shields. “Shields are holding. The safe gaurds are working at least for far!” Tivora said. “Are they going to intensify then deintensify then back?” Bryce asked. “Yes it will! “Tivora reported.
The ship was hit. The shields stil held. It put a crew already on edge even more so. They were stil ok.
  The crew kept scaning the ship including infrastructure and structual intregrety.
  No one knew if it was going to work or not. They worked hard to keep the ship in one peace. It had only just started.
” i take it it is not going to get any easier is it?” Kelly w asked.”no it is going to get any easier. It is only going to get harder from hear!”styles said.

The storm part three

“Any non esential power was teansfered to shields. We have tried to reduce any thing non esential. This includes creture comforts. We will have to live off rations. ”
“I am a bit reluctant to make all of these drastic cuts but feel that we have no orther chioce. I know that this is taxing on morale but we seam to have no choice!”
“These power transfer are not teribly popular ?” Captain styles asked. “No they are not! I have receved multiple complaints from officers and crewmen alike. “Bryce said.
“I figured. I liked to think this is unnescisary bryce but i don’t think it is! “Styles said.
“I don’t either corner. I am not sure how to prevent the natives  from getting restless ! ” Shumar said.
“I know. I hope the storm passes in an extremely timly fashon !” Styles said. “We all do !” Shumar said.
“I predict that the storm will strike in three hours ,30 minutes,22 seconds !”tivora said. “Do you think the storm will hit presisly at that time!” Kelly w said. “Not presisly. It is an estimate. I believe it will be close to that ! I canot provide a precise to the second prediction lt!”she said.
“Of course not!”the helmsman said. “I do try to be as acurate as i can be!” Tivora said. “Of course !” He said.
“The countdown is on!” Styles said. “I just can’t wait to be on the other side!” Kelly w said.”we all feel that way kell! How are your family ?” Styles said. “A little frazled but we will be ok!” Kelly w said. “Children should not be on space ships!”the andorian said. The whole room staired at the andorian. Some gave him a bit of a dirty look. “It is just my opinion ! Hesh!” Steveren said.
Boyd was happy to get some shut eye. He went to ‘his’qurters,he saw a poster of the sanfransisco 49ers football was tivora’s side. Was she a fan? Imposible he thought . One never knew. He hoped he could get some sleep before the storm touches down.
Steveren saw tivora. “What are you doing ? ” he asked. “What do you meen? ” she asked in a folow up question.
“Jason has a bit of a crush on you!” Steveren observed. ” I am aware of that!” She responded. “Why do you not try to discourege this?” The andorian asked.
“I do not wish to. ” she said. “Your being selfish?”he said. “Your acusing me of emotion?” She asked. ” humans and Vulcan are too different to have a meaningful friendship. I meen both individualy and politicaly. Look no vulcan romance with non Vulcan have been sucsessful. I know how this will end. You will try but you won’t be able to overcome your cultural diferences. Your just too different . I will be left to pick up the peces. I will have to console him. Please just walk away. ” Steveren implored her.
“Do you think so little of me mr. Steveren?” She asked. “Not you personaly. I sm quite found on you. It has little to do with you!”he said. “You just don’t like vulcan ?” She asked. ” it not a matter of like or dislike but i do understand your people . Perhaps more then you do. You conform acording to your nature. It is default.  You think you can date or mary boyd and stil adhere to the tenets of surek. The elders not even the elders at sanfransisco will alow the relationship . You risk becoming a periah. You won’t do that. I just want you to consider all of this !” He said. “I will be careful. ” She said. “I will be watching! Tread lighly!” The andorian said.
With that they seperated.
Marie could not believe the news.she was totally taken aback. She had long ago acepted that they would never have kids. They considered adopting but had not taken any serious move towards that end.
Hospital paris
“It has been a year doctor. We just can’t seam to get pregnant !” Marie said. “Well i have done test after test. Your village was exposed to nuclear radiation during the third world war. While earth government and vulcan health ministry are working to cleen it up. There are stil after afect. I am afraid there is little i can do. I think the chances are you will never be able to reproduce!” The dr. Said.
Marie could not believe this. What would her husband’s reaction be? She was a bit concerned. The time would come.
“I gues this is the moment of truth! ” styles said. “I gues so!” Bryce said. “I keep wondering if we could have done more!” Kelly ane said. “It is never a good idea to play saterday or monday morning qurter back!” Bryce said. “I don’t understand !” Tragaten said. “Not important !”styles said.
The storm was heading there way. “Hear it comes!” Tivora said. Could they servived? It was not clear. They were about to find out.
End of part three

To the outor rim and beyond part six

Unknown vessel
“Human vessel is on course for us! They have sped up to intercept us!” The science officer said. “They do not scare esily. They run to where orthers would flea! Excellent ! “The commander said.
X 1000
“We are now in cominications range! I can send a message in my native tounge. Perhaps they know timurian. ” Trajatan said “Do it!”styles ordered.
Unknown vessel
“They are contacting us in timorian!” The com tech said. “Acording to the data we acumilated. They do have a trading relationship with the timurians. It could be a trade laungrege!” The first officer said.
“This makes sense. They must sense we are a preditor. Why try to set up a dialogue with an invader?”the gunner said.
“Perhaps they are not eiger for war! Some races perfer to solve conflict without blood shed. It is fasinating. They are not pasifiats but not warioriers! Perhaps something in between. “The commander said.
“No response !” Trajaten said. “There weapons are fully charged!” Boyd said. “Come on! Talk to us!”styles said.
Unknown vessels
“Orders commander?”the gunner said. “Open fire!”the commander fired. The vessels opened fire. The mistle detonated. The ship was flung foward.
” we had to seal off the cargo bay!” Tivora said. “Return fire!”he ordered. The ship fired with a lazer. The lazer hit the ship.
“Minor damage! “The science officer said. ” fire again “the commander ordered. The alien vessel lunched another wepon. This time one of the sansor aray was destroyed.
“We have to switch to the back up sansors!”tivora said. “Do it!”styles said.
“Sir! I have located the atomic luncher. It is hevily shielded. If we could damage it!” Boyd said.
“I could go in an e.v.a suit. I think i can go in,plan an explosive device from the outside . We don’t need to destroy it,just slow them done!”shumar said.
“It would be highly dangerous!”tivora said. “There is not much at this point that is not.captian. let me go. I can take care of this. Let me prove myself !”shunar said. “Go'”styles ordered. 
First officer styles left the small command center. He put on an e.v.s suit and headed for the airlock. He left the ship. He activated the jetpack and off he left. 
A smal scout craft was investigating a nearby area. The pilot detected the battle. He decided to move on to investigate.
“This is not good. Not good at all.perhaps i should asist!” The pilot said. “That would not be reccomended!”the computer said.”i did not ask you!” The pilot said. The computer did not say anything .
The computor was right. The pilot often did not listen to reason. He ordered the ship to head for the battle.
The x 1000 fired on the alien vessel with a full voley of lazers.styles could not believe this! One minute he was on he was in space in one of tbe furst deep space battle well if you did not count skurmises with nusican and orion raders.
Either they were servive the battle or be destroyed. If they were destroyed,the alien commander would probably order more ships to join him.invasion. if they stoped him,they might have time to perpare. 
  Shumar went to the ship. He was able to navigate himself to the atomic weapons port. A scaning device detected him.
A lazer be came at him.he fired on it with a hand lazer. He seared off the beam. Before he could enjoy his success ,another beam came at him.
“This is just not my day!” Shumar said to himself. Shumar tried to evade the orther lazer. He decided to pus his lazer on overload. He threw the lazer at the port. He got out of the way. The lazer hit the port. The lazer beam was deactivated.
Now the hard part he thought to himself . He hoped there were no more lazer ports. If ge was he might be toast this time. One problem at a time he suposed.
The x was hit again. “We need to transfer non esential power to shields and weapons . We will have to evacuate several decks!”tivora said. “Do what you have to do!” Styles ordered. “Aye sir!” The Vulcan female reaplied.
  “We have incoming ! It seams to be some kind of mine!”boyd said. Kelly w tried to evade the mine. The mine was geting closer. The ship just mished it.the mine exploded. The wake hit the back of the ship but nothing else.
“Warp drive is off line!”tivora said. “Dawn it!”styles said. ” We have to overpower that ship!”boyd declared. “I know!”the captain said.
End of part 6