“To the outor rim and beyond !” Part 13

Sense the first warp test flight on earth, humanity began to experiment with starships. A fleet or freighter were built. Trade routes were set up thoughout the human sector and beyond.
Ships set up for defense were also built. There were several agentcies involved in that aspect. The planet earth was in negotiations to develop a united space service. There were exploration vessels and colonial.vessels as well.
   This was an unprecidented time. The human sector was under attack. The call was sent out to defend humanity from impending attack.
The call was answered. Ships arived to defend the sector and stop the invasion. The ships imidietly struck the romulin swarm.
The romulan vessels hit back on the human fleet. While humans had fought the orions and nusicans, this was different ! This was a real space battle.  this was the test of humanity and there quest to go out into space.
The humans tried to block the romulons from advencing beyond what they had. Then they hoped to push them out of there space.
  Styles felt like he understood better how to fight the romulons.the romulond ambition was bigger then there level of technology. They had the ships. Right now it was an even match. Styles hoped with one  tiny mistake,that could all change. Styles was watching for it. 
Obored the romulan vessel witch first discovered the humans,the commander was very frustrated. The commander wanted a quick swift victory. That was not happening. Not at all. The humans were holding there own. It seams they adapt quickly to circumstances. They were definitely doing that.
Perizau wanted a longer shakedown. He wished the first mission was not a space battle. He wanted a qieter mission like scientific scaning but there was not to be. Perizau did not like that the captain and sr officers tried to do the inposible and expected the enginers to keep the ship together.
So far the ship held together . He was stil not sure humanity was ready for this. This did not help the case. Perizau really disliked the exploration thing. It seam to grow.
 boyd found a glich in the flagship of the hostile swarm. Boyd exploited it. The ship fired on the flag. The flagship was in trouble.
The primus had failed the preator. The romulons would not win this day. They would learn from this incident and do better next time. It would not be the primus.
Commander sherad got the order for the fleet to withdraw. The commander refused to follow the orders. He was not giving up,not yet.
  “Sir the fleet is leaving! “Tivora reported. “Will they return again?”shumar asked . “Yes but in a few years. “Steveren said.”great something to look foward to!”kelly w said.
“We have a problem ! The advanced scout is gone! He is on course for vega colony. I detected a mess amount of energy transfered. They are transfering all non esential system even life suport and a chance to return home!” Tivora said.
“Its a typical romulon ploy! If they can’t win they go what you call scorched earth!”steveren said. “We are the fastest ship! Kell set course for vega!”he said.
“They are going to fire what they use to call.a dirty bomb?”dr. Kelly said. “My gosh! “Shumar said.
The x 1000 went to warp. Time was of the esence. The race was on. While the ship could not destroy the vega colony it could wipe out a mess section of the colonies. The colony could colapse. Not a victory but revenge,spite. It had to be stoped! The race was on.
End of part 13.