Asimov ‘s rule part two

Ki bartan
Senator kenole star was in disendence. His program to expand the empire though the use of robots was falling into disfavor. The attack on the x 1000 failed. The preator laid the blame on kenole.
Kenole feared that he might lose his appointment to the Senate he feared that he could suffer a worse fate. He would not think about that right now.
The senator was asleep with his wife at his home when the com syistom went off. Kenole got up and activated the com unit.
“Kenole hear!”the senator said. “Senator we need you at the command center!”a tech said. “I will be right there!”Kenole said.
Ki bartan
Advanced research center
Operations center
“Report!”the senator ordered.”senator! The vessel sent to retrieve the automated drone vessel Had vanished. All attempts to contact the ship has failed. “A tech said.
“The vatair is one of our best ship with one of the most experienced commanders. How could this have happened?”kenole asked. “Uncertain excelentcy!”kojef the tech said .
“I want all nearby vessels to head for the last known location of the vatair. Recall all of the remaining drone ship!”kenole ordered.
“Is it necessary to recall all of the robot is just one defective ship or crew!”kojef remarked. “I want to take proqaution just in case!”he told the younger tech.
What he dared not say was his fear that this was far biger then anyone realized.he hoped he was wrong.that ship had to be stoped.He hoped that they could capture the ship.he wanted to study it. Right now there might be no choice but to destroy it.
“Sending the order sir!”s com tech said. The senator tried to mask his fear. He hoped that his concern was unwarranted.
Rihansu bird of prey tor Sharon.
“Sub commander we have just received priority one orders. We are to procede to the last coordinates of the vatair. They have not communicated in for some time!”the com officer said. “Send the coordinates to the pilot. “Sub commander turil ordered.”I have it !”the pilot reported “plot course at once. I will inform the commander.”turil commented.
Office of the commander
   “I never liked the idea of robots. Anything worth doing is worth being done by soldiers. Once again the scientist with too much time on there hands make huge mistake the military had to solve. When will our leaders learn that overwhelming force will win the day?”commander tropi said.
“When there incontrovertible proof in either it’s ineffectiveness or detriment to the empire!”suril said. “I know that. I tire cleaning up the mes made by the scientist. “The commander said. ” as do I. I believe this may be there undoing.”the exo said. “I just we servive it”the commander thought.
The pods remained In space. The primus knew that they could not servive forever on the escape pod. He hoped that they would be found.he hoped that the fleet was looking.
“Klungons have a saying it is a good day to die. I would perfer not to!”the primus said.”to die in service of the sate is no failings ! A centurian said.”I Wil gladly die in the service to the sate and it’s predator but I want it to be in a Nobel fashion. Not dying from lack of oxygen. “Prmus said.
“What comes before what comes after absolute loyalty to the sate. As long as it is in surface to the sate it is not insufficient. ” centurian brelek said.
The primus decided not to debate the Jr officer any further. For all he knew the centurian was a spy for internal intelligence.
The primus wanted to go out doing something noble. He wanted to do something important.he knew tha any act in the servive of the empire was explemary. He wanted to go Down in a blaze of glory. Something a man like brelek would never understand.
Rimulan vessel
“Sir I have located several escape pods. They are from the musing vessel. I am also detecting massive degree. “The science officer said. “Sir the weapons are consistent with a plasma beam. The weapon is one of ours!”the tech said.
“The robotic ship destroyed our vessel.”the first officer said.
“Order all ships to begin recovering the escape pods. ” the commander ordered . “sending now!”the com tech reported.
“Science officer. Find me that robot ship! No excuses! Just find it!”the commander ordered. The science officer knew not trffle with the commander.
The science officer used every tactic she knew off to gain the most range . she was determined to find the ship.
The pods were brought on to the ships. Unlike earthy tradition on Romulan vessels the captain was the first to be rescued. In some cases,if the commanding officer was dead,the crew was not allowed to live. That practice was frowned upon.
The primus was escorted to the bridge. “I am pleased that you have survived .”the commander said. “I am transferring the flag to this ship. “The primus said. “Primus I yield command of the ship to you! The bridge is yours!” the commander said.
“Excellentcy I have located the robotic ship!”science officer kirem said .”pilot intercept that ship!”the commander ordered.kirem transferred the coordinates to the helm. The pilot plotted the course. The ship’s went to warp.
Robotic ship
“Co-mand- Der. De-Dec-ting ves-sel near-by. Ves-sel is ry-geli-in. “A robot reported. “Plot – course- for- vessel!”the robotic commander ordered. “Co-mand-Der,we are not at war wi-th t-h-e ry-gel-Ian’s! Our war I-s wi-th t-h-e ri-Han-sure!”a robot said. “Fol-low my or-ders . we. Are at w-a-r wi-th all Nat-u-ral ba-sed li-fe fo-rms . “the commander said.
The robotic pilot plotted the course. “Cou-r-s-e laid in. ” the Robotic pilot reported.
Rygelian vessel
“We have incoming vessel! “A sansor tech said. ” can you identify the vessel?”the starship captain asked. The tech worked on identifying the vessel. “Captain the vessel is Rihansu!” the tech said.
“Raise shields! ” the captain said. The gunner raised the shields.
The robotic ship did not have the need for life support. There we’re no mess hall or rec areas or crew quarters. There were no food supplies or replicators so more energy could be directed to propulsion or weapons or other key syisyom. It was a pure war machine.
The robotic ship opened fire on the Hegelian vessel. The war ship took out one of The nicelle.The nicelle was badly damaged. The ship kept fireing even after it was rended inoperable.
The rygelian vessels got off a few schots. The war ship wa able to anticipate the rygelian’s move and countered it. The drone ship fired on the other nicele. The nicelle was pulverized.
The drone ship flew as close as it could to there opponent. It fired a full volley of plasma like also released charges. The charges were on a time delayed detonation.
The charges started to go off.there were multiple explosions.the drone ship took advantage of the explosions. The drone ship fired on the vessel. It was unrelenting.
The vessel was utterly destroyed.the drone ship then moved on. This was only the beginning.
End of part two.
I wanted to wait to part three to have the crew of the x.