Ruins part 7

“Captain’s journal, while surveying an uncharted planet,my crew has become infected with a parisite. One that is seaking to merge with a humaniid host in order to complete a process of transformation. For now the ship is qaurentined until a solution can be found!”
“Captain styles !”the alien inhabiting ridge said. ” You are the creture?”styles said. “Not a plesent title but aceptible. You don’t like the concept of us?”he asked. ” I am fine with your carer choices so long as you don’t harm others! You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”the captain said.
“Our perfection is your perfection. In the new plane there is no violence,no desease,no death no greed. It is a far better thing! ” the alien said.
“You don’t understand us humanoids. We don’t think as you do. “Styles said.
“Your thinking is flaud captain. “He said. “Of course you would say that! “Styles said. “You really have no choice in this. Your self destruct idea not very creative! ” ridge being said
“I don’t have to be creative just efective! ” styles said. “Why not accept your fate. Your destiny. You will be happy there ! “He said.
X 1000
“We are all infected?” Marie asked. “I don’t know for certain but i think so. I might have a solution! ” kelly ann said. She sat at the terminal. She acesed the andorian data base.
She checked historical and medical information. She believed she came up with a solution. It was a risk.
Command center
” I have an idea but it a huge risk. I believe that the perisite can be removed by bowel movement but it had to be before the merge. I am prety sure it is too late for crewman ridge! “Kelly ann said.
“How will you generate a bowel movement? ” she asked. “We will need to use a lot of lexitives. The problem is that we don’t know the dosege. If we are not carefull we wil cause ireprible harm or even death. “The doctor said.
“Do we have any other options ?” The captain asked. “Not that i can see. I honestly don’t know if this is the best decision. I hope it is. I really don’t see any other option Aaron. “She said.
“Operate on heidi or bienca. I am woried about the risk but i agree with you.  I will take full responsility for this!” He said.
The cryo unit was brought to the x’s sickbay. The patcient,heidi , was hevily sedated and placed in a bed and restraints. Security was standing by led by jason.
The patcient’s uniform was removed and replaced with a hospital gowan. Her underware was removed.
She prepared the syiringe. She stoped and said”forgive me!” The dr said. She injected the patcient with the laxitive.
The creture was hit. The creture was afected. The creture was unable to fight but the creture was not out of the body.
“Its working but not enough!”the nurse said.
“We have to increase the dosege kell!” The andorian said. “I know. I don’t want to kill the patcients. We have lost too many !” The doctor said.
“This is her only chance kelly! “Steveren implored her. She paused. She uped the dousege. She injected the patcient. She was woried about it.
The creture was hit. The creture began to fall out. Jason fired on the creture. The creture was killed.
“Why have you done this? This is an act of war?” The being inside ridge said. “We did not declare war we are figting it! We will  not go qietly into that good night!” Styles declared.
  “We do not take kindly to opisistion Aaron!”  The man emited energy and struck a nearby mounton. The moutin began to shatter. There was a big explosion.
“The next time it will be the x!”he declared. “Try it! We are dead anyways. Do what you have to and so will we! You want a war you will get one. Win or lose i will not yield. ”
Heidi woke up. “Is it gone foever? “She asked. “If i have my way absolutely ! “She told her.
“I know how to stop the cretures! We must act. I will lose it soon! My memories of the creture are fading!” She said.
Dr. Renelds met up with the captain and the team. They went into a cave. “Your sure about this? ” styles asked.
“Not totally ! She tried to comunicate it before she totally lost it. “Kelly ann said.
The team continued deeper into the cave. There was a doorway.
“There is some kind of control pannel!” Jason declared. “This is the place !” The doctor said.
The captain opened the doorway.the doorway retracted. “This does not even register on the scanner!” Tivora reported. On the orther sign was a gray like field.
” This is the orther dimension?” Steveren said. “There origin point!”schumer said. ” There invasion force! ” jason declared. “Stand by!” Styles said.
“I doubt conventional weapons will be efective hear!” Perizu said.” I don’t think that will be necessary !”steveren said. “You can’t go in there'” tivora said. “I have no chioce !” He said.
  “You sure?” Styles said. “I am a member of this crew ! Let me contribute ! “The andorian said.
The captain reluctantly agreed. The andorian went inside the doorway. He vanished.
He was not sure where he was. He saw cretures. They were almost shapeless. He knew they were there. It was an odd feeling .it was  erie.
“I am hear to end this war! Either though peace or warfare. I don’t care whitch! “He declared.”you really think you can intimidate us? ” a vioce asked. “You think we can be intimidated? We have nothing to lose? Like one of you said. We died the minute we set foot on that planet!” The andorian said.
“You can’t posibly stop us! You do not have laxitives to stop us! You do not have enough time to stop our colinization eforts! ” s vioce said.
The andorian went to the doorway. “What are you doing ?” A vioce asked. “I am transforming. Deatominization! As i scater my atoms it will make life very uncomfortable for you! “He said.
“Wait! “A vioce agreed. “What do you want?” Another vioce said.” Leave our galaxy ! “The andorian said. ” Fine! We will return ! You have gained nothing! Enjoy your victory ! It wont last. We will return when you least expect it. ” The vioce said.
The andorian left.  “You ok?” Styles asked. ” Yes i am ! ” Steveren said.  Dr. Renelds scaned the crew. ” The cretures are gone!” She said. “You did it!” Styles said. “It is not perminent but it will buy us some time ! I reccomend we get out of hear and qarentine the planet! ” steverin said.
“Captain’s journal, all signs of the tridani are gone. Crewman colbert,mconnel and bienca ridge have made a full recovery. Crewman rendel is gone. It seams his body could not servive without the host. The ship is perparing to leave this world never to return ”
“Our mission is to explore. We canot aford to go in blind.this case proves that we need to be careful. We need to be on gaurd. I think in the future we need to investigate more before we begin to investigate. It was a hard leson to learn. ”
“I do want to comend my crew! They all performed admirably and then some. ”
The x lifted off and headed off the planet and went off into space. The vessel lunched several warning bueys . The vessel left the area. The ship went to warp.
The end

Ruins part three

“Captain’s journal,after completing landing ,the crew of the x 1000 has began to explore the planet. A planet that seams to be shrouded in mystery. ” 
Perizu team discovered a space port. There were ships there. “This planet had warp capible ships!” Perizu said. “Could some of the inhabitents have esaped?”shumar asked. “I am not even close to drawing that kind of conclusion. “Perizu said. “This citty is better preserved that i would have thought. “Shumar said. “We are working to find a time frame for when all of this occured. “Perizu said. “Well ! Keep me aprised! “Shumar said. “You got it !”the chief engineer said.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds began to look for evidence of bodies. While she assumed that most had decayed. Many were used to feed in by caryon eaters. She hoped to find something. If this the disaster happened hundreds of years ago or longer it could be difficult to find it.
This had to be a pain staking investigation. She found animal remains. She needed something tangible.
Trajaten got to work. He looked over a monunent. He compared the laungrege to orther languages. He was hoping to find a corelation.
“Trajaten to tivora!”he said.”go ahead!”tivora said. “Can you come see me!”he said.
Tivora went to his location. “What do you have?” Tivora asked. ” this language seams very similar to an ancient dialect of vulcan ! I am not sure! “He said. Tivora looked it over. ” this resembles several dialects. “She said.
“I may be able to translate it. At least a rough translation. I suspect it may be a war monument of some kind. “Trajaten said. “If this is a similar language it seams either Vulcan influenced this planet or this planet influenced Vulcan. “Tivora said.
” there might be mutual influence! “Trajaten said. “That seams very plausible ! “She said.
The captain looked over the city.tivora and trajaten came over to the captain. “I believe this planet is a colony of the tridarnie!” Tivora said.
“The who!”styles asked. “The tridarnie was an ancient empire that controled mutch of the reigion in the ancient times. They rulled a vest area. There homeworld was destroyed by an unexpected super nova that wipped out there homeworld. “Trajaten said.
“This was not in the tridarnie sphere but the tridarnie had influence far away from teritory they ocupied! ” tivora said.
“If this is a tridarnie colony,this sugest that the tridarnie had more influence that we believed.we night have to ajust our history books. Captain earth may have just contributed to the galaxy!” Trajaten said.
“Glad to hear it!” Styles said. We have translated some of the monuments. They are what you would expect in a capital citty. “Tivora said.
“We still have no clue of what killed the inhabitants or when?”styles asked. “Corect! ” tivora said. “Ok. Good work!”he said.
Dr. Renelds was called to an area near the river. The crew located fosils. Dr. Renelds got to work anilzing it.
The captain came to the beach.”what do you find?” Styles asked.” There is probably half the citty population in hear!” Dr. Renelds said.” You confIrmed that these are remains ?”shumar asked. “Yes i have . These are remains.”she answered. ” you found none in the city?”styles asked. “They have probably been eaten by animals or decayed. ” She said. “Is there any clue to what happened to these people ?” The captain asked. “Not yet!”she said.
His comunicator beaped. He pulled it out. “Go ahead!” Styles said.” Lt. Commander cooper lyions hear. We have anilized several animals. They are free of any virus or any orther pathogin!”he said.
“Your sure?” Styles said. “We have more work to do but what we have anilized is free of any virus!”he said. “Understood. Keep me aprised!”he said. “Will do!” He said.
“Kell there is a saying,what kills us killls them eventualy. Why is animal life thriving! Why was int animal life wiped out?”he asked.”netche said whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. These animal.may have mutated. Mayby the animal adapted to this.its posible but unlikly that a geniticaly enginered virus was used designed to kill humanoid life. I don’t think that hapened but i am putting it out there!”she said. “Alright!”he said.
In another area,one of the teams were serveying. A wooded area. “This place gives me the creeps!”crewman vilsack said.” I know what you meen!” Ayote said. “Don’t tell me your frightened!” Crewman heidi McConnell said. ” NO!” they said.
Theu kept walking. Suddenly the ground seamed to open up. The team ran as fast as they could. Crewman vilsack felt the ground quake. He was falling.
The two tried to turn back. He warned them to keep going. They ran. He fell in.
The crewman saw a large creture. The creture came right for him. The man was lifted up. The creture swallowed the crewman.
The two orther crewman kept running. They tried to endure and make it out alive. The race to survive was on.
End of part three.