In the shadow chapter five (6)

The x fired on the super starship. Jason and troops left the on bored shartles. The shartles sped towards the ship.
The pods attempted to get a foothold on to the super starship. The scout crafts attached itself to the ship. The vessels were grappled to the ship.
Each craft left a pilot in place. On Jason’s order the troops moved out. The troops were able to open a hatch and entered the ship. They we’re immediately fired on by rihansu forces. They returned fire.
” sir! We are being hailed. It is the supper starship. ” trajatan reported.”we got there attention. On screen !” commander styles ordered. The numorien activated the view screen.
On the screen, was the bridge of the supper starship. The command center was filled with rihansu officers. There was also The other gunen.
“I am commander emero of the rihansu star empire.  I know you studied this vessel. It is a very potent vessel. Our sezure of this vessel is quite complete. The balience of power in this quadrant has taken a dramatic turn of events. I sugest you leave the vicinity of my ship now. If you do not withdraw you will suffer my wrath. ” emero declared.
” this is commander corner styles if the human vessel. X 1000. You cannot possibly believe that we Wil not you have what could be the most powerful starship In the galaxy.” the captain remarked.
“You seam like a practical man commander. I don’t expect you will like it. It is simply how it is. I can destroy you and I don’t hesitate to do so. You must have  seen what you did to the Sun nearby.” emero said.
” is that your view as well miss gunen?” the commander asked. ” the rihansu are the future corner.they Will be the next universal power. ” she said. “The future us future.the story is still unwritten. ” styles said.
“That is not how we see it commander. I am very confident that we will be victorious. ” emero said. The screen deactivated.
“He has terminated the feed.” trajatan said. “I did not not want to talk to him any ways. ” styles said.
The andorian activated more mines.the mines exploded. The mines hit The supper starship. The mines did almost no damage but it was a distraction. Then the x fired a volley of ions on the ship.
The supper ship tried to clear the mines and weapons. “Return fire on those fiends! ” emero ordered. The supper starship fired on the x. The x was hit.
“Shields at 45 percent!” Lindsey reported. “Divert non essential power to shields. ” styles said. The x returned fire on the enemy vessel.
On the super starship Jason and his troops battled the Romulin and remen troops. Jason was not sure who was more firce.the rihansu or the remens.
The remens were strong. The harsh climate and conditions in there imposed home world gardine them. They had to adept or die. This was combined with there status as a labor class for the rihansu empire.
Jason and his forces advanced.he was determined to win this battle.he had spent of his adult life fighting battles. He had fought in space on ships and on planets. He had fought them all. He had fought nusicans and Orion and other pirates. This was different.this was the first foreign army he had battled. This was dirtier and was a dirty war,a gurila war. A war where all was fair as long as he brought a potential for a victory or a stale mate.
Jason understood war. He understand battle.he even understood a love for war. He was a soldier a warrior. Mayby a relic if the past. Mayby he did not belong in the post anatomic horror era of humanity. Was he obsolete? Then there was tivora. She was pacifist . a positive realist maybe even an optomist Vulcan style of course.
Jason kept moving. The forces fired on the romulan troops. They advanced. They kept moving further into the hostle territory.
In the holding cell ,Gina ,Emma and the orthers could only wait. Wait for what they had no idea. They hoped that it was a wait to be rescued. It might not be that.
The team got close to the holding cell. They hit the guards. They I opened the door. ” come on let’s get out of hear.” Jason said. “What took You so long?” Gina asked. “Funy!” he said.
They moved. They were hit by the romulans. They held there own. “Gina I need you to hack into the ships computer. ” Jason said. “I thought you rescue me to rescue me not to put me to work. ” Gina said.
Gina went to a terminal. Jason and others in his team covered her.she got right to work.  She tried to gain access to the another time and place she would consider it fun. Too much was at stake. The fate of the universe depended on this.
While the x battled the super starship. The x was hit hard. The x endured. The fleet was on it’s way. Stytles hoped that the x could hold Out until the fleet arrived or the marines captured the ship.
Gina felt the pressure. She knew The stakes. She had a break though. She was able to gain access to a central control. She believed that she could cause the ship to go back into hibernation mode.
The x was hit. ” shields at ten percent. ” Lindsey reported. ” please tell me that you can divert power ?” styles asked . ” not really. ” Lindsey said. She knew he would not be happy with that answer. It was the true answer.   
The super starship fired the Canon that could destroy a star system. The x bridge crew all prepared for the end . there was no way they could avoid this.
Styles regretted that he would not be able to see humanity extend further into space. He would not see humans working with other races. He would not marry or have children.
All of a sudden the pulse vanished.the super starship went dark. They just got a miracle. Styles knew that it was not quite over. It had only begun!
To be concluded.
Next up
The crew of the x deals with the super star ship.

in the shadow chapter two(3)

Cyrus two
“Captains log ,March 24th,2151, our investigation into the mysterious ship continues.despite all efforts we have not found a way to turn it on. ”
“There is no evidence of missing device. This ship should be fully operational. ” chief enginer perizau said.
“Is this some kind of fail safe?” the captain asked .”that is my gues is that the ship was rendered inert but could be reactivated. That I cannot prove.”Emma said.
“The ship could be an enormous paper weight?” the captain asked.”it’s possible. ” Emma said.
“There is something else we need to consider. “Gina said. “What’s that?” captain styles asked. “This could be a pendoras box. Perhaps it’s best not to try to reactivate the ship. Maybe  whoever deactivated it did so for the good of the universe. “Gina said .
“I see what you are saying lt. I disagre. ” styles said. “On earth we had doomsday weapons . thermal nuclear weapons designed as a weapon of last resort. The principle of muturaly assured destruction . maybe it is best to leave it alone .” Gina said
“This is a huge mystery. Perhaps one of the biggest mystery in universal history. We cannot ignore it. It fell into our lap. We have to look into this. “Captain styles said.
Gina felt dismissed. She felt like she was being ignored. She was a Jr officer but she felt like she had a right to be there. She had much to contribute. She just wished that others would see that.
X 1000
Mess hall
“Your unusually quiet today? ” lt. Bryce shumar asked. Lt. Lindsey markum chuckled. “Are you saying I’m loud? ” Lindsey asked. “No is something up linds?” he asked. “There is concern about the captain. He seams to be obsessed with this mystery ship. Concerns are everything from is this our sole mission to what if we get it working. ” Lindsey said.
“He is convinced that this ship is important . ” Bryce said. “What do you think Bryce?” Lindsey said. “I have no reason to question the captain at this point. ” Bryce said .
“At this point! You might later?” Lindsey said. “As first officer I reserve the right to weigh in should I need to but I don’t see that now. ” Bryce said. “You do now you are a starship officer not a politician.” she asked . shumar laughed. “Well one has to do a little bit of politics in this job. ” Bryce said .
“Ok. I won’t bug you about this ! For now I will let it go.” Lindsey said. “Thank you. ” Bryce .
At another table the andorian steverin entered. “Hello !” he Said to tivora and Jason. ” hi steverin.” Jason said in a less then thrilled tone of voice .
Jason liked steverin. He considered him a friend . he was the first alien who was not vulcan,numorian or galiderian. Right now he really wanted to Be alone with tivora. He liked her. He hoped that there budding friendship would develop into something deeper. That might not happen if steverin interfered.
Vulcans and andorian did not get along. They had fought in border skirmishes. They were involved in a kind of cold war. Tivora and steverin were not hostile towards each other. While he appreciated that the x tried to instil universal good Will but why now?
“Are your services needed on this missions?”the andorian asked.”so far it has been low key. This ship could have. Been Booby trapped. So far my people have Been mostly window dressin which is fine with me. I fear for my marines. Sometimes security forces become pawns. A kind of expandibles. I don’t want that to happen hear. ” Jason Said.
“Commander styles is not a person who would blindly sacrifice any of his crew unless he felt it was absolutely necessary ” tivora said .”I know that. Styles answers to Eller industries and to earth defense force. I trust the old man I am not sure about those at the hexagon.” Jason said.
“Why do you refer to the CEO of Eller industries as the old man ? ” steverin said. “It is a term of enderement. It goes back to his grandfather the first Lyman Eller. He created Eller industries after the third world war and the post atomic horror that followed. He was the man behind zefren cochrane. He was the infrastructure arm of the post atomic reforms . he teamed up with Jeremy Grayson and the dove society . ” Jason said.
“Is it true he can’t leave earth ?” steverin asked .” he has a rare disease . if he leaves earth he will start to degenerate. On earth he is fine. ” Jason said.
“Odd someone with his love for space unable to do what he loves .” the andorian said. ” it is more common on earth then one might think. He lives vicariously though us I guess.” Jason said.
Qurters of perizau
“That man is impossible !” perizau said. “The captain ?” Marisa asked. “He wants the impossible .that ship is impenetrable. That does not to matter to grand marshal sir corner styles !” he said.
“Excuse me!” Marie said. She went into the bathroom. She felt sick to her stomach. After a brief time she came out. ” you ok? ” Jose Marie asked . ” yea I’m fine !” she said.
“You sure?” he asked. “I am feeling a bit under the weather that’s all. ” she said. “Ok” he said.
She knew she needed to tell him eventually . she was not ready to just yet. They had both accepted that she could not have children.  He seemed to be fine with it. Would he be ok with having a child ?
“Things are quiet hear ? ” Dr. Renelds commented. “Indeed . the excitement is on the surface . ” Kelly Wayne renelds said.
“We have a perimeter alert ” Kenny gell said. ” can you identify what it is” Kelly Wayne asked.
” negative. Vessel is not in the earth database. ” Kenny said. ” hail the vessel ” Kelly w asked. “They are responding. ” trajaten said. “On screen. ” Kelly w ordered.
The alien com tech activated the view screen. The screen displayed the image of the alien bridge. They were astonished to see Vulcans.
“This is a Vulcan ship?” Kelly w asked. “How dare you insult us.we are nothing like them. No I am commander emero of the rihansu bird of prey Sun raider. We know you are examining an unknown ship. Turn it over to us!” the commander demanded.
“We don’t recognize your claim to it. If you wish to petition the republic parliament …” Kelly w started to say.
“We do not petition, you will turn the ship over to us or prepare to suffer the consequences!” commander emero said. “We will not yield!” Kelly w said.
“They have stoped the transmission!” trajaten said. “They are charging weapons! “Kenny reported. ”  primary alert. Shields up! Warn the captain.  ” the acting captain ordered.
Rihansu bird of prey
“Prepare a plasma war head. ” commander emero ordered. The weapons officer targeted the x. The mistle left the bird of prey. The mistle headed to the x. The war head exploded. The shock wave pushed the x back.
The plasma biased warhead was launched again. It hit the shock wave. The x was made adrift. There were small explosions all though the ship.
The x tried to get back to the planet.the bird of prey also tried to get to the planet.
“The x is under attack !we may come under attack ourselves!” the captain said.
The warship arrived at the planet.the ship fired. The plasma hit the landing party. They ducked. The bird of prey launched a grapple.
Styles ordered the crew to leave the ship. The ship went to the sky.the ship hooked on to the ship. It tried to pick up the vessel. Left the planet.
” did everyone make it out?” styles asked . ” five are missing. Gina and Emma are among the missing ” a crewman said.  “Dawn it!” he said.
“The Rihansu vessel has the dreadnaught!” Kenny said .”Persue!” Kelly w ordered.the x followed the ships.the bird of prey detonated a plasma warhead. The two ships were gone.
“We lost them ! ” Kenny said. ” this is not good!” Kelly w said . the ship went back to the planet.
End of  chapter two.
Next up.
Styles discovers that a mysterious women he recognizes is involved with the rihansu. While gunen activates the ship. Emero tries to get the empire to back him.
In the prime universe, earth encountered the romulins in the twenty second century.they fought a war before the founding of the federations . they never saw what the romulins looked alike until “balience of terror ” (2266) sense this is an alternate reality that goes out the Windows . the pocket book star trek novels call the romulins rihansu. Humans call them romulins because they remind them of the Roman empire. They dislike being called that.
Jeremy Grayson is an ansester of Amanda Grayson and Spock. In the novel “strangers form the sky ” Jeremy Grayson started the dove society. The dove society operated like intelligence gathering agency except it worked to spread pacifism. The novel was contradicted by star trek first contact but that’s ok. While I love first contact I also enjoyed strangers from the sky.

Autimation part five

A large robot fired on the team.this robot did not speak. It was a killing machine only. Its only perpose was to take out the enemy and it did this very well. It was not done yet.
“We have to fall back!”styles ordered. The team tried to withdraw. Several of the security officers tried to cover the rest of the team.
The robot fired some knd of energy ray from his eye. It incinerated the thruster rifle. Within the rifle was gone as though it never excisted.
The team had been concerned before but was even more concerned now. The robot seemed to have the upper hand. How could they hope to survive this on the enemy’s home turf.
The robot picked up the security officer. Boyd and his team fired trying to free him. The robot was equped with prety advanced shielding. The fireing did little.
Boyd took a head schot. It did nothing. The robot aplied presure and snaped the man’s neck. It was dead. They threw him across the room. 
Every one was a gasp. They just witnesed a fellow crewman die. They did not have time to mourn. They barely had time to notice. The robot would not give them that time.
The team fired multiple times on the robot. It fired on one of the gaurds weapon. The weapon was destoyed. “Warrel retreet! That’s an order!” Styles said. “Sir?”he asked. “Do it!” Styles said.
The man complied with the order reluctantly. The rest of the team came at the large robot.  Boyd took his rifle and set it to explode. He knew it was a gamble. He threw the weapon at the robot. The weapon exploded.  The robot had a gaping hole in its imitation stomick. The robot came at the team. 
“That might not have been a good idea on my part!” Boyd said. “This thing does not give us a lot of options. These robot mission is our destruction. My gues is that they are to leave no survivors. “Styles said. “Great ! ” dr. Kelly said.
The robot fired a ray and went for styles gun. Styles moved it in time. “Why go for guns? Why not use that energy weapon to desintrigate us?” Gina asked. “My gues is that it only works on metal not on organic tisue. “Dr. Kelly said. “If they take out our weapons,i doubt we will last too long! “Perizau said. “I have a feeling your right jose!” Styles said.
” We can’t surender! Its certain death!” Boyd said. “No we can’t! Fall back!” Styles said. The team atempted to retreat. “I have an idea. Every one cover me!” Styles said. “Why do i think i am not going to like this? “Perizau asked. “Just think if it fails you will be that much closer to the captaincy !” Styles said. “I don’t want to be captain! ” perizu said. He thought to himself “i am not sure i really want to be out hear. ”  he would not say that out loud.
  The other team members especially the security people tried to provide cover for the captain as he atempted his ambicious plan. He crawled up and he got on to the robot. He fired on the eye. He fired at pount blank then roled on to the ground. He experienced a particularly hard landing. He was bleeding in a few places but nothing too serious.
The robot eye weapon had been disabled. Was it perminent was not known. The robot was still very operational. The team fired on the robot.
Captain styles ordered the team to fire on the legs. One of the legs gave out. The team fired simultaneously. The robot exploded.
“Why do i think this is not over yet?”perizue asked. “Because it is not! My gues is the robots will just keep coming. Death by a thousand slashes. The romulin strategy is to ware us down then kick us when we are down. The romulins are a slight step up from us. Both of us adapt quickly. Both our species are growing technologically. Neither one of us is wiling to wait! We want to explore,contact other species,they want to expend militerily conqur! “Styles said.
“How far will they go? “Gina said. “I am not sure they have limits. They may resort to biological chemical warfare. ” Styles said.
“What about the robots. As alien races develop smarter robots,what if they become more powerful then the builderS?”perizu said. “It could happen !” Styles said.
“Still glad you came out hear doctor?”perizue said. “I am always up for an advanture. There is risk.  What will we gain far outweigh the risk!”kelly said.”tell that to crewman sawer!”he said. “Jose we can debate this later!”styles said.
“Of course. This is hardly the plase to raise a child. Its too dangerous!” He said. “Marie is pregnant ?” Boyd asked. “Yes we just found out!” He said. “Congrats. Look jose this is a dangerous galaxy . There is a lot of wounder. I believe for every agresive race there are friendly races! “Styles said. “Perhaps. There seams to be too manny agresive ones!” Perizau said.
X 1000
  The command module fired on the x 1000. “Shields holding at 88 percent!” Emma said. ” I am gusing it has more advanced shielding then the rest of the shilp?” Shumar asked. “Yes that apears to be true!”tivora said. ” They don’t give up easily !”shumar said.
The command mod flew at the x. It performed a dive bomb like raid. It hit the ship on all sides. The x was hit. The x fired on the command module.
The command module swung around and fired again on the x. “Shields at 85 percent!”emma said. The x fired again on the command module. The command mode came up at them.
  Emma was new at this. She was young. She just graduated from west point and was on loan to eller industries for this mission. She never thought she would be manning the weapons concil during a major mission. She tried to find a target.
She took a gamble. She fired a full volley. The command module was hit. The x fired again. “There weapons port is off line!”tivora said.
The command module atempted to ram into the x. Was this the end? Was the mission over before it started? The module was heading right for the x.
End of part five


Ki bartan
“Senator kezelle, the preator wants to see you!” A security officer said.
The senator was just put in charge of research and development for the empire. The preator learned he had a digenitive desease that would not kill him but would render him ibmoble. The preator wanted to seak his legacy by expending the empire. This ment doing the imposible. Kezele was happy to be in the senate. He had sold jewery at a beach. One day he and the preator then a deputy pro consul and him got in a political debate. Next thing he knew he was opointed to the senate.
The preator had an office in the senate,it had become cerimonial.the preator had another office down the street.  It was convenient for the preator,not so much for every one else. That was probably how the preator wanted it.
“Excellentcy!”he said. “Sit down my friend! I understand you have lunched a fleet of drone ship manned by robots?”mirkek asked . “Indeed! Without life suport ! We can utilize more power !”kezele said. ” Good! The rumors are that earth has bought technology and weapons from the galideriens and Vulcan and andorians. They may try to negotiate trade agreements. Human influence is growing. It is a direct threat to our program. “Pretor said.
“We can win this war. It will require full scale mobilization. We will have to divert resources to war production. This meens rationing. My drone program will be a good start. This will be a long struggle. “Kenzele said.
“I want the x 1000 destroyed. I want humanity brought to its knees. I do not need to conquer earth just get them out of the way! Understand i like it. I always have but i liked your predasesor as well! Do not fail
me senator!” The preator said. “I won’t!”kezele said. “Good! See that you do not!”he declared.
X 1000
The ship fired a canon into space. It sliced open an asteroid. “Impressive isint it.the thruster canon.  This is a sate of the art unit. This ship is close to it!” Boyd said.
“And yet,i stil don’t have a chair!”styles said. “I don’t understand ! Weapons ?”tivora said. “We have to be prepaired. There are dangers out there!”boyd sugested. “I know. I just don’t understand all the ambience serounding them!”tivora said.
“You ok bryce?”styles asked . “Yes i am. Its just that i gues i figured we would be further along technologically. Most of our technology was borowed. Much is not original !” Shumar said.
” Look we are stil new to this. At first a lot of advances will be though trade and comerce. I know eller industries is working on new projects. So are uspha and government agentcies. In ten years you won’t recognize how far we have jumped. Consider where we were ten years ago?  ” Styles asked.
“Ok i see what you are saying? Your probably right! I gues i am restless!  “Bryce said. “Mankind”s time is coming? “Styles said. “I hope so. We have been though much. War,holocoast,aftermath. We need a break sometime!”he will. “We are starting something. We are setting the stage for a glorias new era!”he said. “I hope so. I am rooting for it. I am not so sure!” He said.
” Captain incoming mesege! It is a distress call from freighter mid atlantic. They say they are under attack !” Trajaten said. “Can we confirm that it is the midatlantic? “Styles said. ” I can’t confirm its identity !”trajaten said.” Frankly it smels like a trap! ” perizau said. “Indeed it does but i can’t ignore it! Kell lay in a course for the freighter’ maximum speed!” Styles ordered.
The ship went to warp. “Gues we get to test out the new technology !”!he said.
End of part one