In the shadow chapter three (4)

“Captians log, the investigation into the mysterious ship has come to an abrupt stop . we have come under attack by aliens called the rihansu.they bear a unmistakable similarity to the Vulcan. They have stolen the ship and vanished. ”
“I have returned to the x 1000. The rihansu vessel and the mystery ship are gone. The trail has gone very cold. While we were unable to reactivate it they may be more luck.”
Captain styles took  the pod back to the x. He went to the bridge. ” you Said they looked like romulons.” the commander said. “Yes. Commander . I believe I know who these people night be. “Tivora said.”say on!” the captain said.
“Vulcans were once violent war like. We used our mentle abilities as weapons. That all changed with the reforms of surek. There is a story that some left Vulcan. Some went to a planet of twin moons .the planet was in habited by a primitive. People. The exiled Vulcan expelled them from the home world. The other world was dark. Only part of it was habitable. The indigenous people became a slave class. Those who escaped the mines though military service were used as Canon fodder. My people do not like to discus this. ” tivora said.
“They want this ship as a weapon?”Lindsey asked. ” yes I believe so. ” tivora said. “I want to see the tape. ” styles said. Keny acesed the information. He played the tape. He looked it over. “Hold that!” the commander ordered.the screen was frozen. “Enchancec that. ” styles said.
“She is not rihansu!” Dr. Renelds said. “I know her. We met at an Eller function. Back when I was assigned to command the asimov. ” he said.
Styles walked. Around the room. “Lt. Styles. Congratulations on your appointment to command an asamov class vessel. ” she said. “Thank you miss…” he said. “Guinen.” she said. “Gunen .my mission is rather mundane. It is confined to planetary research. ” he said. “One has to start somewhere. ” she said.
“Alright! Get me a priority channel to the old man. Lets find that ship. Bryce you have the bridge. ” he ordered.
Rihansu vessel
“You did what?” the prator said. ” I have a weapon of unlimited power and potential. It could reshape the balience of power in this qudrent. ” emero said. “Are you sure it will work?” the prator asked. “We are about to test it. ” the commander said. ” you have proven that you cannot be trusted . why should we trust you now?” the first consul asked.
“This is what we need. Peator if you are serious about expending the empire, this is how it begins. Unless this is just a political campaign without a real objective. Is this to improve your standing in the opinion pols or do you mean it?” enero asked. “You are out if line!” the grand admiral declared.
“I want results . if you can prove that this is a viable arsenal in our war machine I will sanction it’s use. I don’t like how you did this. This could change everything. ” the prator said.
Saberu vessel
“Who is that?” cenrurion firet asked.”not your concern. ” emero said. Gunen took out a disk. She placed it inside the slot. Energy eminated from the disk. The energy hit the panel. The energy spread throughout the ship. The ship came on. The ship began to power up. Within a few minutes the ship was fully operational.
The commander was very pleased with his new aquire. ” do you wish to test it out commander. ” gunen asked. “Order the Sun raider to come into the hanger. Then target the Sun in this sector. ” he ordered.”we should start with a smaller target. ” firet said.
“It is a fine target !” gunen said. “My orders Will be followed. ” emero said. “Yes excellently. ” the centurion said.
The Sun raider went inside the massive ship. The ship prepared to target the Sun.
” you seam unhappy sub commander. ” emero said . “you lied to me. ” the first officer said. “I hate how the star navy has become pawn of political power . the Senate has become a group of old man trying to hold on to power twenty years after they have irelivent. It is time for action. The star empire must be a force in this quadrant. I am loyal to the ideals of the empire but necessarily to those who happen to leed it. ” the commander said.
“You live dangerously commander!” the first officer said. “The prator”s power has always been the rihansu fleet. It is time we flex our muscles. ” emero said. ” this is a big risk !” he said. “I know! As the furengi say the riskier the road the greater the prophet!” emero said.
“Everything is ready excelentcy!” the weapons officer reported. “Fire!”the commander ordered. The supper starship fired a large pulse. The pulse hit the Sun. The center of the Sun exploded. The Sun it self exploded.the starship went to transwarp. It was able to escape the blast.
X 1000
Bridge the ship rocked around. “Report!” the captain ordered. “The nearby sun exploded. This is the effects of the blast. ” tivora reported. ” was this expected?” Dr. Renlds asked. “Negitive the Sun was in perfect health. I believed this was caused by an outside force. ” tivora said. ” the mystery ship! ” “Bryce said. ” then it is a weapon after all. Get US as far away form the shock wave as possible. ” the captain ordered.
“Sir response coming in from Lyman Eller. “Trajaten said. “I Will take it in my office. ” he said.
Office of the commander.
“Look there is no way gunen is trying to destroy us. She has been an important ally. “Eller said. “I understand that but the evidence suggest she is coludng with a race trying to wipe us out. ” the captain said. “She has saved US on numerous occasions. I cannot believe she would work against US. Besides she has been on earth ally this time. Her whereabouts have been fully accounted for. She is not our enemy. ” Lyman Eller. “Then who is the other gunen?”styles said. “Some races have the ability to assume other forms. Some call them shape shifters. She could be a clone. It could be another possibility we have not considered. I will speak to her about this. I honestly don’t think she is involved. “Eller said .
“On the other matter we detected a Sun exploding . it was not a standared supernova. I believe they got the ship working. We are going to need a full mobilization. ” styles said. “You will have it. ” Eller said.
Weapon ship
Gina and Emma and the rest of the crew captured were put in a holding cell. Gina was claustrophobic .”you ok?”Emma asked. “I think so. At least enough. “Gina said. “We have to get off this ship .” crewman Handel said. “I am working on an idea.” Gina said.
They felt the blast. “What was that?”crewman Andrea marik asked. “The ships primary weapon. I a guessing the ship is a weapon. ” Emma said.
“The probe confirms that the Sun was destroyed. It appears to be some short of advanced missile. ” Lindsey said. ” ” come up with the location of that ship. We have to stop it. “Styles said.
End of chapter three

Asamov’s rule part six.

“Captian log a fleet of romulan vessels we believed are named by robots are poised to attack a defenless telerite colony. Although we takeout manned and out fined. I have decided to try to stop the attack. It will be difficult. I see no other choice”styles said.
“The crew have come up with a n abitionious plan to combat the threat. ” he said.
Jason Boyed headed up the security and weapons ends. He worked with the secuity and armory staff. He believed that everything was in place on his end. 
“Is what you have to tell me going to dipress me?”the engineering chief asked .”moat definitely. You may want one of those wines you French people are famous for! “Boyed said.
“I don’t drink wine. Although I might have to start by the end of this mission”perizau said.
“I have the estimated power consumption report. “Boyed said. “Ok I night really have to start drinking!”he said. “I don’t see any other alternative. I wish I did. “The armory officer said. He looked it over. “I really don’t like it but your right. “The chief said .
“All decks standing ready!”trajaten said.”you have the cooridinets Kelly?”the captain asked. “I do sir!”the male Kelly announced. “Alright take is there!”the Captain said.
The x went to was a direct intercept course for the robot fleet. The x did not have much of a chance of defeating this foe. Giving up was really not an option.
Robot fleet.
Robot flagship
“T-en min-its to tar-get!”a robot said. “Ex-ce – lent!”the commander exclaimed. “We h-ave a per-I’m-I-ter alert! “Another robot said. “I-den-to-fy?”the commander ordered. A robot scanned the area.
“Ob-ject is the hu-Mon vessel.”the robot scanner said. “Mo-ve to inter-cept” the robot ordered. The robots complied.
“The robot ships have plotted a direct intercept course!” Gina said.’emma stand by all weapons.”the captain ordered. “Weapons ready at your command!”Emma reported. “Ready Gina?”styles asked. “Ready sir!”she answered.
The ship moved into the sight where the robotic fleet was. The ship moved closer and closer to the robots. “Now!”the captain said.
Gina presed a button. A probe was ejected. At the same time,the strike team all in environmental suits left the ship.
They activated there  rockets just as the probe was detonated. The team used the shock wave to propel them close to the vessels.
The explosion hit the robotic vessels. Two vessels were saverly affected. Two more vessels  were hit with superficial damage. The x fired on the shock wave. The wave hit another vessel. The vesel tried to get away but it was too late. There was a direct hit.
The vessel exploded. The x moved in closer to the robotic ships. While the team neared the robotic command ship. The team landed on the roof of the ship.
Tisora went over to Boyed. “You ok?”tisora asked. “I am feeling a little quesy!” Jason said. “You do not enjoy space walks?”the Vulcan asked. “Not especially. “He said.
The team prepared a series of grenades. The grenades were deployed. The team moved back.
When they were at a safe distance,the team leader Schumer presed the detonation button. The granadese exploded. The hatch opened.
“‘re-port!”the robot commander ordered. “De-text-ting gra-nades . as-sult in pro-gress. “A robot reported. “Di-ploy troops t-o th-at ar-e-a. “The commander ordered. “Ack-know-ledged co-mand-Der!”the robot said.
The team gained aces to the ship. They stormed the ship. Steverin was surprised he was hear. He figured that he needed to be hear. Somebody had to provide reason. He could provide the brute force needed to overcome this threat.
  The team moved in .they advanced further into the deck. A door opened,a robotic team opened fire on the assault team. The team returned fire on the robots.
The robots looked clumsy. They were awkward looking. They were not built for aesthetics. They were built to fight and to endure.
The robots fired on the team. They were hit by the x team. The robots were able to withstand laser pulse weapons.
In space,the robotic ships fired back on the x. The robots were fearce and they were fearless. The x flew at high speeds at one of the ship. It deployed a probe modified to be a mustle. It hit the ship. Thex followed it up with a volley of pulse weapons.
Several other robot ships came at them. The x returned fire at the x. The aft part of the ship hit. The bridge felt the impact. “This is fun!”trajaten said.
Inside the command ship,the robots pounded the asault team from the x.  Keny gell could not believe how many battles had been involved in.
He grew up on a farm in Vermont. He dreamed if being in space.sinibf up for Eller he figured it would be boring . he figured it would be more exciting to be a scientific investigator.the only problem was that he did poorly in science compared to other studies. He has been wrong. He had never been bored.
The assault team continued to battle the robots. Steveten marveled at the robots. Were they not trying to slaughter him and his comrad,he would admirer them. They were brillently constructed. They were a technical marvel. He would appreciate them were they not trying to kill him.
Jason fired on the robots. He did not stop for anything. He tried not to give them time to react. It streamed to be working. Tisora found human behavior perplexing. They had changed dramatically in the last one hundred years. They went from war like to almost pacifist. Yet there old nature could crop up at any moment. Most humans including Lyman Eller believed this new man was hear to stay. Could they relapse?
She was unsure but knew that it was a possibility . the Vulcan community on earth was smal. Tisora knew that there  was a good chance that she would Mary a human. She realized that she did not fully appreciate all that that entailed.
Chief perizau tried to get to a power node. He found one. He suspected that the robots were inter connected. Mayby even the ship and the robots were connected.he figured that the Romulus did not have aces to the fail safe or they would have used it. Mayby there was one hear.
He tried to gain access to the ship. This was a very difficult task. He was a man of a certain dignity. He found himself cursing In French.
All of a sudden the robots stoped. Whatever he did he had stoped them. Thet robot commander was unaffected.
“The ship is inert!”Gina announced. “Taj order the asyly team to get out of there. Emma you know what to do!”styles ordered.
The team ran out of the ship. Perizau had trouble  getting  of the cralway. He had to get out.he wanted to be with his wife and unborn child. Going out in a blaze of  glory was not his idea of fun.
The hatch was fuised. All attempts to get out failed. He took his lazer and set it to over loud. He threw it and ducked. It exploded. He ran out. He then went out an air lock.
The rest of the team fled the doomed ship. “Our team is out!”Gina reported. “Target that ship! Fire!” the Captain ordered.
Emma presed the fire button. A ey was unleashed on the ship. The vessel  exploded. The x moved out of the way. The Schick wave hit the other ships. The x made it out.
The team used there emergency rockets to get out of the way. They. All bearly made it out.
“The team is all accounted for captain!”Gina said. “Good let’s get them abored as soon as possible. “The captain said.
“Sir! We have a problem! One of the vessels servived the blast!”Gina said. “Vessel has gone to warp!” Emma said. “As soon as the crew is abored,plot an intercept!”the captain ordered.
In a short time the mission crew were recovered. The ship was off. The ship hoped to quickly catch up with the vessel.
“Captain we have a bigger problem then we expected!”tisora announced. “Report!”the captain ordered. “The vessel is carying metagenic particles. “Tisora said. “What’s Mata genics?”jasson asked. “Think neutron bomb on a planetary scale!”tisora said. “Oh my!”Dr. Renelds said.
“We can’t enter that ship even with e.v.a ships!”tisora said. “Captain I can’t keep it up. I have already pushed the ship beyond it’s limits!”chief enginer. “You will have to push a little longer. We have to stop that ship!”styles said
To be concluded.

Asamov rule part four

“Captain’s log after investigating the destruction of a rygelien vesse,we have encountered a romulan fleet. Instead if attacking  us they went to high warp. We have no idea why. ” captain styles said.
“I am not one to shy away from a fight but we are out manned and out gunned. “Styles said.
“Well I mat be the only pacifist on the ship but I have no objection.”the chief engineering officer peruzu said.
“I am definitely not a pacifist but I am a reelest. I agree. “Security chief boyed said.
“Very well. Pilot! Set course away from this syistom. Take us to As far  away as possible from the romulab fleet.”styles ordered.
The male Kelly plotted the course . he then activated the course.”course plotted and laid in.”Kelly reported. The ship went to warp. “Now on course!”the pilot announced.
Romulan vessel
“I am surprise that you will did not destroy the human ship!”the ships commander commented. “The battle is with the robots. I do not want the distraction. “The primus told the underling.
“Standing orders are to deal with all enemies of the prator!”the commander told his . “you may file a report if you wish.I will not be distracted. Our enemy at this moment is theh robots. They are a threat!”the primus said.
The primus thought to himself. “Humans! You have won nothing! I Will deal with you later!  “The primus said.
The fleet headed for the ships piloted by the robots. The loyal fleet had there weapons and shields standing by.
X 1000
Captains qurters
“I agree with your decision to high tail it out of hear. I am stil very curios. “First officer shumar said.”I know what you meen. I am also very curious. “Styles said
“Something seams to be going on. “Shumar said “it does. Hopefully we can stay clear of it !”styles said.
Rihansu flagship
“I have located the robot fleet. Sending coordinates to the pilot!”the weapons officer reported.”I have the coordinates primus!”the pilot announced. “Plot an intercept course! ” the primus ordered. The pilot agreed. He set the course.  The fleet was off.
The fleet loyal to the Star empire headed for the robotic fleet. The robotic fleet increased speed for the loyal fleet.
The robotic fleet had several advantages. They did not need life support. They did not need food or the acutriments associated with food. The robotic fleet had solved the power actuation curve. It had an advantage over the main fleet.
The robotic fleet got off the first shot. The fleet returned fire on the robotic fleet.
X 1000
“Captain I am detecting a battle between two Romulan fleet!”tisora reported. “It is odd to have an internal fight between factions out in the frontier!”shumar said.
“The Romulan use robots in there fleet. What if the robots revolted?”boyed suggested..that would explain why they ignored us. ” Dr. Renelds said.
“The Romulan would definitely want to qwel this quickly.”shumar said. “I hope this stays confined to the empire. Internal matters don’t always stay internal. ” Dr. Renelds commented.
“I know that that is true .we just have to trudge on I gues. “The captain said.
“A-r-e we rea-dy?”the robotic commander asked .”rea-dy!”the robotic officer said. The Romulan ships traded schots with the robots.
The robots moved back. “They are withdrawing!”the science officer reported. “What are they doing?”the ships former commander asked.
The ships then stoped and surrounded the allied fleet.
The ships combined there energies.the ships hit the fleet with a pulse. The ships were hit. Then the ship’s fired separately.
One of the warships exploded.another ship was saverly wounded.the rest of the fleet was hit. They fired back on the robot ships.
The robot ships returned fire on the Rihansu ships. The primus watched as his fleet was cut down.for every action,the robot had a quick reaction. They seemed to have a contingency plan for every was far more effective then the Romulan fleet.
X 1000
“Captain one of the fleet has left the battle zone. The other faction is in tatters!”tisora reported.
“This might prove the theory that this is some kind of robot revolt!” Dr. Renelds said.
“Trajaten ! Send to romylab commander. Send our compliments. Offer our assistance.”styles said. “Sending!”the alien com officer said.
“Attebton human ship. Under no circumstances are you to bored any of our vessel. If you attempt to do so,we will blow you out of the stars. ” the primus said.
“Somebody walk up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!”Kelly the pilot said.
“We can’t give help where it is not wanted. Helm maintain present course and speed. This is an eternal matter of the empire. The ball is in there court. ” styles commented.
“What if they can’t fight off the threat?”male Kelly asked?
End of part four.

“Assamov’s rule”

Previously on star trek beginning.
Following mankind breaking the warp barrier,mankind had begun a program to venture out into deep space.
At the same time ,another race is also preparing to venture out.unlike the humans they have a different goal. They desire to expend milierily. 
They lunch a preemptive strike on space controlled by humans. The humans launched the x1000.they led an effort to repel the attacked. They halted the advance. They decided to abandon the plans at least for now.
The preator of the romulan empire stil wanted to expand the empire. He approved a program to use ships piloted by robots.
A robotic ship tried to attack human space.the attack was thawted by the x 1000. The romulans are not ready to give up just yet.
Earth has just reached an agreement to buy space stations along the numorien border. They have arbited a cease fire between the numiruan and a nearby species.  And now tonight’s episode.
Romulan fleet command.
“Now on direct intercept course for the ship!”the pilot reported “hail the drone ship!”primus heleek ordered. The com tech tried to hail the ship. “No responce my Lord! “The com officer replied.
“All stop!”the primus ordered. The pilot stoped the engine as he was ordered to. “Helm at all stop !”the pilot announced.
“Computor tech activate the override protical. Seize that ship!”the primus ordered. The computer tech activated a link with the drone ship.
Each drone ship was designed with an override protical. Every robotic ship had a fail safe. On the primus’ order,the tech activates the device designed to override the control and overpower the ship.
Robotic ship
“Co-ma-nd-e-r co-man-d Shi-p a-temp-ting to com-min-dear our ship!”a robotic underling announced.
“I -s -u-e coun-ter over-ride pro-ti-cal!” the lead robot ordered. The robot acknowledged the order. The robot activated the device.
“Excelentcy the drone ship is trying to override the counter mand syistom. “The science officer reported.
“How do they know to do that?”the first officer asked.”some how they have taught themselves !”the primus asked.
“I am attempting to block them. Every thing I do,they think of a  way to override my road blocks!”the computer tech said.
The tech kept playing with the computer. The robots found a way to emit some kind of electrical charge. The rihansu was hit. The tech struck like bring struck by lightning. The crew man fell to the ground. The exo checked the tech.the tech was dead.
The exo tried to work the computer concil. The station was totally fried.suddenly the bridge went dark. “Report!” the commander ordered.”helm control is off line!”the pilot reported. “Wepons are off line!”the gunner said .
“Life support is failing !” the engineer on the bridge reported. The robotic ship fired a pulse like charge at the romulan naval ship. The pulse hit the vesel’s refer. The pulse caused a shock wave that spread to the rest of the ship.
The bridge exploded. Most of the bridge crew was dead. A few remained.
“Abandon ship! Quickly!”heleek ordered.the remaining bridge crew fled the command deck. The pods were launched.
The robotic ship could have stoped there. The vessel was not going any where. They opened fire again. The vessel exploded.
“Det-Tec-t-ing e-sc-ape pods!”a robot underling reported. “Do-we-destroy the e-sc-a-p-e pods?”another robot asked. The command robot thought it over. “Neg-a-tive ! ” the commander said.
The starship moved out of the way.the ship went to warp. The debre remained.
End of part one.

“To the outor rim and beyond part 14

  Commander sherad was nervous. He acepted that he would not survive this battle. He was fine with that. If he had to go out he wanted to strike a hard blow to his enemy at the same time. He feard that he might fail. His death might be in veign. He wanted some kind of victory. He would have it. One way or another.
The posioning of vega would be aceptible. It would be the rallying cry on both sides. To the humans a kind of remember vega mantra. The romulons would use it for propinganda perpouses as a building point. He might be awarded by the preator postumously mayby even by the emparor. He would not be there to witness it but oh well.
X 1000
“They are atempting to hide there signiture by using sansor ghost,distortion and even venting plasma. I believe i have them!” Tivora said.
“Stay on them kell !”styles said. “Aye sir! “He said. The x tried to catch up with the hostile.
The hostile deverted every ounce of power to speed for the ship. The weapon would be turned into one gigentic dirty bomb.
  The x commander would not pull out all the stops such as what serad did. They would do what had to be done within reason. 
Vega colony
“We are about to be attacked! I want every ship in the sky. We are on full alert!”governor ronald egder said. “Orions? Nusicans! ” the aid asked . “No romulons!”he said. “Who?” The aid said.
  The x found the ship and fired. The vessel was hit. “We bearly scrached the paint!” Boyd reported.
The romulon ship reterned fire on the x. The x was hit. “Shields holding!” Tivora reported. The ship deployed canisters. The canasters hit the ship. The x fired a lazer burst.
“Target that explosion and fire!”styles ordered. The ship hit the explosions. One of the nichelle was hit. There was exstensive damage all over the ship.
  The ship fired every last torpedo it had. The x tried to dodge them. They dodged most of them but the ship was hit. Several decks had been sealed off.
The x fired again. The lazer hit the agresive ship. The ship was hit. The bridge exploded. Serad had survived.
Serad knew that his time was already pass. He was going out with a bag. He sat the ship on auto pilot. He riged the ship on a colision course. The ship headed for the x.
The x pulled up. The x fired and ran though the wake. They plowed though. The ship was determined to servive. This could not be the end.
The x came out like a pheonix from the ashes. The ship was batered and bloody but intact. It came though on to the other side.
“We are at all stop!” Kelly w said.”hold position ! I want a full damage asestment!”styles said.
The x repared itself enough to return to earth. Then the exstensive repairs begun.
“I believe the time has come to venture beyond the confines of our home space. I believe the time is right to venture into the unknown! “Lyman eller said.
“How can you say that? Space is a dangerous place. As evidenced by what just occured. The evidence indicates we should go inward! Build at home?” Deligate fernando juan qunard asked.
“Yes space is dangerous. It is wondrous as well. We have already started this jouney. We should play it though!” Eller saud.
“Mayby we should wait! Lick our wounds. Perhaps this is not the time!”Evelyn journot said.
“Mr. Secratary general ! May i be heard?”captain styles asked.”yes you may!”secritary general gerrad mfume said.
“Thank you mr. Secritary general ! Humanity is at a crossroads. We canot turn inwards. Our future is amoung the stars. Humanity has an uncrenchible thurst for knowledge. We have an opotunity to gain more knowledge . Risk comes with any quest. Just as it did when eropian setilers came to the new world. I believe this is our destiny. We have already made enimies but we have made friends . Who knows todays enemies may be tomorrows friends . We just don’t know. I believe that the road will be hard but worth it. A hundred years from now this will be remembered as a turning point. What will it be? Witch path will you chose ?”styles asked.
Home of perizau
“I asume you heard the news?”styles asked. “Earth has agried to begin long term exploration of space under the auspicious of the united earth space probe agency! The h.e has signed on. ” Perizau said.
“I know this is not your cup of tea jose. The hagomony wants a sr representive on the flagship. Now a future ship will have a eropian commander until then they will setle for a member if the iner circle. I would like that to be you! You can bring marie. “He said.
” Its not me corner! I am not an explorer. I like farming. I am content hear. I have already made history ! I have no need to do it again !”he said.
” I need you! Give the name of another enginer as qalified as you to be chief enginer. History choses you not vice versa!”he said. “Corner that us really lame!”he said. ” I know ! I’m desprit!”he said.
“What would my rank be?”he as.”you were a colnel in the eropian forces. We are using naval ranks. Full commander!”he said. “Oh no! I want to be captain of engineering ! “He said.”captain! You would outrank bryce! “He said.”that is my condition!”perizai said. “I will have to clear it w the director but ok. Will you acept?”he said.”alright !”he said.
“I want in?”steveren said. “I am suprised. You don’t strike me as someone who stays in one place for very long!”styles said.
“You are starting something. This is living history and i want to be a part of it! I predict this will go beyond humanity. Mayby not now but some day. I promise i wil behave and try to be civil around tivora. “The andorian said. ” This might be a hard sell but your right. I do need a guide and advisor. Pending aproval by my superiors welcome to the team!”he said. He schock his hand. “Welcome to the future!”steverin said.
“Now clear of dry dock. We are free to nevigate!”kelly w exclamed. ” Set course ! To the outor rim and beyond !”
The crew of the x will continue.

“To the outor rim and beyond !” Part 13

Sense the first warp test flight on earth, humanity began to experiment with starships. A fleet or freighter were built. Trade routes were set up thoughout the human sector and beyond.
Ships set up for defense were also built. There were several agentcies involved in that aspect. The planet earth was in negotiations to develop a united space service. There were exploration vessels and colonial.vessels as well.
   This was an unprecidented time. The human sector was under attack. The call was sent out to defend humanity from impending attack.
The call was answered. Ships arived to defend the sector and stop the invasion. The ships imidietly struck the romulin swarm.
The romulan vessels hit back on the human fleet. While humans had fought the orions and nusicans, this was different ! This was a real space battle.  this was the test of humanity and there quest to go out into space.
The humans tried to block the romulons from advencing beyond what they had. Then they hoped to push them out of there space.
  Styles felt like he understood better how to fight the romulons.the romulond ambition was bigger then there level of technology. They had the ships. Right now it was an even match. Styles hoped with one  tiny mistake,that could all change. Styles was watching for it. 
Obored the romulan vessel witch first discovered the humans,the commander was very frustrated. The commander wanted a quick swift victory. That was not happening. Not at all. The humans were holding there own. It seams they adapt quickly to circumstances. They were definitely doing that.
Perizau wanted a longer shakedown. He wished the first mission was not a space battle. He wanted a qieter mission like scientific scaning but there was not to be. Perizau did not like that the captain and sr officers tried to do the inposible and expected the enginers to keep the ship together.
So far the ship held together . He was stil not sure humanity was ready for this. This did not help the case. Perizau really disliked the exploration thing. It seam to grow.
 boyd found a glich in the flagship of the hostile swarm. Boyd exploited it. The ship fired on the flag. The flagship was in trouble.
The primus had failed the preator. The romulons would not win this day. They would learn from this incident and do better next time. It would not be the primus.
Commander sherad got the order for the fleet to withdraw. The commander refused to follow the orders. He was not giving up,not yet.
  “Sir the fleet is leaving! “Tivora reported. “Will they return again?”shumar asked . “Yes but in a few years. “Steveren said.”great something to look foward to!”kelly w said.
“We have a problem ! The advanced scout is gone! He is on course for vega colony. I detected a mess amount of energy transfered. They are transfering all non esential system even life suport and a chance to return home!” Tivora said.
“Its a typical romulon ploy! If they can’t win they go what you call scorched earth!”steveren said. “We are the fastest ship! Kell set course for vega!”he said.
“They are going to fire what they use to call.a dirty bomb?”dr. Kelly said. “My gosh! “Shumar said.
The x 1000 went to warp. Time was of the esence. The race was on. While the ship could not destroy the vega colony it could wipe out a mess section of the colonies. The colony could colapse. Not a victory but revenge,spite. It had to be stoped! The race was on.
End of part 13.

To the outer rim and beyond part 8

Bryce shumar arived at the area near the atomic lunch bay. He took out the granade. The granade was designed to operate in space.
The device floated to the luncher. He set on a time delayed detination. Then he got out of the way.
Th granade exploded. The luncher was hit. It was not destoyed but damage beyond the ablity to operate properly.
X 1000
“There atomic luncher is off line!”tivora said.”good work mr. Shumar! Finily some good news!” Styles said.
Alien ship
“We cannot use our atomic weapons !”the gunner said. “They are very intuitive ! They adapt quickly to change! They are quite fasinating cretures! ” the commander said.
“The vessel primary drive is off line! They will have to rely on impulse !”the science officer said.
“I have located the space walker !”the gunner anounced. “Target that sodjer! Eliminate him!” The commander said.
A lazer beam headed his way. He tried to avoid it. The blast destroyed his booster pack. He was drifting. He was a siting duck.he knew it.
“Great i get out in space. Go where no one had gone. Die my first week. Either i will be a foornote or a martyr. A pionor but a dead one!”he thought.
The lazer beam was hit him. He would be a goner. He felt something push him away. It was a ship.
By the looks of it,it was some kind of scout craft. He was brought on bored. The hatch opened.
“Nead a lift?” The man asked. He got closer to see who it was. The man was tall. He had blue skin and antinas. “What are you?”shumar asked.
“My race are called the andorians. We are pecefull well for the most part. We get iretated esily but i am prety even kealed normally !” He said.
“You have any idea who these people are who are attacking us are?”shumar asked.
“They are called romulans. They control a good size empire. They are zenophobic. They were content in keeping a tight lid on there own space.recently they caught the expansion buz. They have begun to spread out. I suspect they will keep going.”hw said.
” in order to expend they will have to deal with us. Our space is right in there way. Sounds to me like a war in the making. “Bryce said. 
“That is usually how it goes. The romulans apitite may be biger then there abilities to pull it off!”the andorian said.
Shumar thought to himself that there own abilities might not be up to snuf on there end. He would not say that outloud.
The x 1000 waited for the enemy ships next move.  “Hail that ship!” Styles said. “Sending ! No response !”trajaten said.
“At present we are basically evenly matched! “Tivora said. “We are both prety batered and bloody!” Styles said.
“Vessel is moving away! “Boyd reported. “They are probably going to try to regroup. This is not over! “The captain said.
“We are not going to persue?” The armory officer said. “Negitive ! We are in  no shape to persue. We need to lick our own wounds. They will be back. So will we!”styles said.
“Sir detecting another ship. Scout class. Commander shumar is abored. He said he has made a friend!”trajatan said. ” I see! ” the captain said.
End of part 8