“Assamov’s rule”

Previously on star trek beginning.
Following mankind breaking the warp barrier,mankind had begun a program to venture out into deep space.
At the same time ,another race is also preparing to venture out.unlike the humans they have a different goal. They desire to expend milierily. 
They lunch a preemptive strike on space controlled by humans. The humans launched the x1000.they led an effort to repel the attacked. They halted the advance. They decided to abandon the plans at least for now.
The preator of the romulan empire stil wanted to expand the empire. He approved a program to use ships piloted by robots.
A robotic ship tried to attack human space.the attack was thawted by the x 1000. The romulans are not ready to give up just yet.
Earth has just reached an agreement to buy space stations along the numorien border. They have arbited a cease fire between the numiruan and a nearby species.  And now tonight’s episode.
Romulan fleet command.
“Now on direct intercept course for the ship!”the pilot reported “hail the drone ship!”primus heleek ordered. The com tech tried to hail the ship. “No responce my Lord! “The com officer replied.
“All stop!”the primus ordered. The pilot stoped the engine as he was ordered to. “Helm at all stop !”the pilot announced.
“Computor tech activate the override protical. Seize that ship!”the primus ordered. The computer tech activated a link with the drone ship.
Each drone ship was designed with an override protical. Every robotic ship had a fail safe. On the primus’ order,the tech activates the device designed to override the control and overpower the ship.
Robotic ship
“Co-ma-nd-e-r co-man-d Shi-p a-temp-ting to com-min-dear our ship!”a robotic underling announced.
“I -s -u-e coun-ter over-ride pro-ti-cal!” the lead robot ordered. The robot acknowledged the order. The robot activated the device.
“Excelentcy the drone ship is trying to override the counter mand syistom. “The science officer reported.
“How do they know to do that?”the first officer asked.”some how they have taught themselves !”the primus asked.
“I am attempting to block them. Every thing I do,they think of a  way to override my road blocks!”the computer tech said.
The tech kept playing with the computer. The robots found a way to emit some kind of electrical charge. The rihansu was hit. The tech struck like bring struck by lightning. The crew man fell to the ground. The exo checked the tech.the tech was dead.
The exo tried to work the computer concil. The station was totally fried.suddenly the bridge went dark. “Report!” the commander ordered.”helm control is off line!”the pilot reported. “Wepons are off line!”the gunner said .
“Life support is failing !” the engineer on the bridge reported. The robotic ship fired a pulse like charge at the romulan naval ship. The pulse hit the vesel’s refer. The pulse caused a shock wave that spread to the rest of the ship.
The bridge exploded. Most of the bridge crew was dead. A few remained.
“Abandon ship! Quickly!”heleek ordered.the remaining bridge crew fled the command deck. The pods were launched.
The robotic ship could have stoped there. The vessel was not going any where. They opened fire again. The vessel exploded.
“Det-Tec-t-ing e-sc-ape pods!”a robot underling reported. “Do-we-destroy the e-sc-a-p-e pods?”another robot asked. The command robot thought it over. “Neg-a-tive ! ” the commander said.
The starship moved out of the way.the ship went to warp. The debre remained.
End of part one.