The universe according to trajaten part 6

A large ship came out if warp. The combat ship was right on top of the startle. The vessel to took a position right on top of the scout ship.
“Do you have a visual?”the captain asked. ” yes I do!”luzole said. “On screen!”the captain ordered. The screen was activated.
On the screen the large vessel appeared. It looked like a combat ship. It had various weapons turrets.
“Do you recognize that ship ?” the captain asked. “No I do not!”luzole said. “Hail them!”styles ordered. Kelly Wayne activated the com array. “No response!” the male Kelly remarked.
“Has there been any reports of incursions In this region?”Jason asked. “No there has not. This is quite parculler . “Luzole answered.
The ship tried to activate a tractor beam. Styles ordered evasive munuvers. The startle was not match for the large combat ship.
“I am not thinking they are hear to present cookies and ice cream and welcome to the galaxy party. We need to evade!”styles said.
The ship tried to activate the tractor beam. Kelly did everything he could to dodge it.
Luzole had viewed the humans as throw backs. She saw them as hicks. She believed that they stumbled on to warp driver at before they were ready. Now the universe might have to creep the consiqances for that. She was impresed with how they were handling this current crises.
The ship did not let up. It continued to Persue. The startle found a blind spot in the ship. Kell w kept flying in and out. He did not want the craft to get stuck in the hostle’s exhaust or whatever it was.
The warship seemed determined to swoop the ship up. The startle was just as determined to evade it.
“I wish this craft had weapons!”the captain said. “It is a courier. It is designed to transport personally and equpment. “Trajaten said.
“Of course!”style said. The ship continued to try to elude the unknown vessel. “I have an idea but it is a sooty!”Jason said. “Ok! What is it?”the captain said. “They want us a bored there ship. Let’s give them what they want. ” Jason said.
“Are you suggesting we surrender lt?”the numorian commander asked.”not at all! “Jason said. “Kelly you got it?”the captain asked.”I believe I do sir!” the pilot said.
The craft flew into a service duct.the scout vessel flew inside. The vessel held position.
The craft flew inside. The scout ship held position. The captain and everyone but the doctor and the pilot stayed inside the craft.
The team dispersed.they all had weapons in hand. Tisoraand Jason stayed together.
“Were you angry I went to dinner with commander Grant?”she asked.”Tory this is really is not a good time!” Jason said.
The two moved out. They saw an alien security team. They fired on them. They returned fire on the team.
“So you have no idea who these people are?”trajaten said. “None! There have no report of incursions. This is quite unusual!”luzole said. “Alright.”he said. “You think we would lie about this?”she said.”no I don’t. There was the cover-up of the plague on osamis two!”he said.”that was 150 years ago. We are not like that any more!”she told him.
The Vulcan and human x marine stunned the would be asalients. The two moved on. “I am not am angry with you. I am really not!”Jason said. “Were you hurt?”She asked “your your own person. That is how it should be.i would never stand in the way if you having a sense of fulfilment. “He told her.
Another soldier came at them. Jason fired his hand laser. The soldier was stunned. He fell to the ground. The two moved out.
The captain fired on a unit. He was able to subdue them all by himself. He did bot rest with his laurels. He kept going. The aliens were not of any race he had encountered.
Unforunently the x had made some enemies but this race did not appear to be any of them. Perhaps this attack was random. It did not add up.
Chief perizu tried to study the layout of the vessel. While he was not one who saw a conspiracy under every Bush,he had to wounder if This was not a plot by the numoriens. This was not numorien technology. He was sure of that. Who was it ?
“We seam to be well hidden at least for now!”Dr. Kelly told her husband.”so far we are. This area is hard to scan due to radiation from the reactor.
He hoped that they would not be seen. What was there end game?how would they escape for good. Could they get to safety. For now they were free. They had a chance.
X 1000
“Sir! Numoriens confirm they have lost all contact with the startle carrying the captain and the team. “Ending Jessica lakefeld said.”they are way overdo !”Gina said.
“Emma! Are the weapons off line?”commander shumar said. “No sir! The diagnostic is complete. The weapons are fully functional. “The young relief officer with long brown hair said.
“Alright Lindsey take the helm!”shumar ordered. Lindsey took the pilot’s station. “Get me the station commander!”the executive currently in command ordered.
Within a few secconds,the view screen the office of the commander was displayed.
“Commander we wish to go looking for the captain !”the commander said. “That is not wise commander. We have our best ships out looking for them. We will keep you informed”!the commander said.
“With all due respect commander.this is our team.we can’t Sit on the sidelines on this. “Shumar said.
The commander thought it over.”very well ! Please coordinate with our teams. “The commander said.
“Will do. “Shumar said. The message ended. “Alright,get us out of hear before they change there mind!”the commander said.
On the unknown ship,the team tried to stay clear of the hostile. The hostle fired on perizu. The French engineer returned fire on the aliens.
Tragaten and luzole arrived and aided the engineer. “I had this under control trajaten!”the enginer said. “Oh sorry! I should not have interfered!”the numorien said. “No you should not have!” the enginer said.
The com tech was astonishedby his remark. He had no idea if he was serious or not. He decided not to find out.
The captain kept going. He fired at anything not part of the team. He knew he could not keep this up forever. He hoped that the numorians would come to the rescue.he would resist and evade until then.
Jason and tisora kept moving. They found a door. They opened it.the two opened fire on the tech in the room. The techs were stunned. They fell to the floor.
She Sat down . she started to access the files. “That make this quick tor! “Jason said. She tried to go rapidly.
The captain kept going. He had been able to elude the hostile.he came into a room. There was a large group. The captain was surrounded. He had to give up for now.
To be concluded.