“Star trek New beginning “

Gorn heavy cruiser bridge
“Sir I have detected an ancient beacon. It is on a planet nearby. The planet is uninhabited. There is an unmanned setilite network over the planet”a gorn tech said.
“This is gorn sacred ground.it must always be. Pilot set course for the planet. “The commander ordered.
The gorn were a combination of humans and reptiles. They were known as strong and domineering.they were resourceful and agile. They were feard all over the galaxy.
“Course plotted sir.”the pilot said. “Activate the electro magnetic pulse.”the commander ordered. The gunner activated the pulse. “Weapon on line exceletcy. “The weapons tech said.
The gorn heavy cruiser went near the planet. “Now in orbit.” the pilot said. “Inciate the pulse tech!”the captain ordered.
The weapon tech activated the pulse injector. The pulse crippled the setilites on the planet. All of the setilites were drained of all energy.
“All alien setilites are off line.”the science tech reported. “Very good.did you upload the data before you activate the pulse?”the commander asked. “Yes I did excelntcy.”the science tech said.
“Analize it at once.I want a full report. “The commander ordered. “Yes sir.”the science tech responded.
“Sir I have located another transponder. It is on a world nearby.”a second science tech said.
“Can you confirm what that it is one of our ancient transponders”?the commander asked. “Confirmed.it fully conforms to the specification of our transponders.” the second science tech said .
“Life forms?”the first officer asked.”there are life forms . unable to determine. Acording to sensors this colony has only been there for about filthy years or so. ” the second science tech said.
“I believe the technology on the uninhabited planet is the same as the colony world “the science tech said.
“Whoever they are ,it seams they are planing an invasion. At least they seam to be expanding or preparing to expand. ” the first officer said.
“Sir the setilites belonging to something called Eller industries . there is also references to an earth defence force and the human republic. ” the first science tech said.
“This human republic could be a threat to our hegemony commander. We cannot ignore it”tactics officer marcook said .
“Agreed. Inform gorn command at once. “Captain dameg said .”sending at once excelentcy.”the com tech said.
“Gunner target the central setilite. “The captain ordered. The gunner adjusted the targeting sensors.”ready sir!” weapons officer turag said. “Fire!”the captain ordered.
The gorn heavy cruiser activated it’s central turret. The turret is usually hidden until it is ready to be used. The Turet was on line. The ship fired the ion based weapons. The central setilite was hit. The gorn ship fired a projectile Weapon.the setilite exploded.the blast spread though the setilite network.
“Target destroyed .” the gunner reported. ” excellent. Pilot set course for the colony. Maximum warp. “The pilot set the course. The gorn heavy cruiser went to warp.
Planet sigma epsilon
The planet was a human colony started shortly after humans began to perfect warp travel. The planet was mostly rural except for two major cities.the cities rivaled the earth cities of Paris and New York.
The planet became a major hub of activity for trade and commerce in the colony world’s.
Everything seemed normal. No one suspected that something was about to happen. Usualy in cases like this,one is not warned.
Obital station
Command deck
“I am picking up unusual readings. I am trying to identify it. “A sansor tech announced. The tech modified the sensors.
“Unknown vessel. It has multiple canyons as well as some kind Of mistle launchers and smaller turrets. It has advanced shielding. “The tech said.
“This is a war ship. Send planetary alert one. This is not a drill. “The commander said. The com tech sent the alert.
“Now in weapons range!”the gorn science tech said. “Target the ships first. Imobolize them. Then we will deal with the colony. “Captain dameg said.
The gorn vessel fired the emp on the human vessels. There power was eliminated.the ships were sitting ducks.
The gorn vessel then fired on the orbital station. The station power was knocked out. The station was then destroyed by multiple mistles.
The gorn vessel then fired on the capital citty. The ship could not take out the power on the planet as fast as they did with the setilite and the ships and station. The gorn disabled key sections of the city.
The gorn then hit key buildings.they hit the office of the governor.they hit the parliament building. They hit army bases. They hit the other city as well. They avoided the rural areas .
The gorn heavy cruiser could not conqur the colony by themselves. The gorn wanted to send a mesege.the fleet could deal with the colony later.
The gorn wanted to send a message. The gorn was at war with anyone who tried to colonize there planets that had the ancient transponders. They would be back. The gorn would get there planets back.
The gorn ship then moved off. They would be back . the heavy cruiser went to warp.
The devastation could be seen every where. The governor’s mansion had been utterly destroyed. The colony governor had been killed. His wife and children had been able to get out.
The parliament building was stil intact. There were multiple holes in the structure. There was multiple damage to the complex.
Whole cities were almost destroyed. There was no way to not notice the davistation.
This was the opening salvo.
A hundred years earlier, humans perfected space warm this led to deep space travel. This also led to unmanned proves.they also set up colonies. They set up freighter and exploration vessel. Humanity had had mostly peaceful contact with other world’s. That had just changed. Now humanity was at a crossroads.
End Of prologue.