In the shadow chapter three (4)

“Captians log, the investigation into the mysterious ship has come to an abrupt stop . we have come under attack by aliens called the rihansu.they bear a unmistakable similarity to the Vulcan. They have stolen the ship and vanished. ”
“I have returned to the x 1000. The rihansu vessel and the mystery ship are gone. The trail has gone very cold. While we were unable to reactivate it they may be more luck.”
Captain styles took  the pod back to the x. He went to the bridge. ” you Said they looked like romulons.” the commander said. “Yes. Commander . I believe I know who these people night be. “Tivora said.”say on!” the captain said.
“Vulcans were once violent war like. We used our mentle abilities as weapons. That all changed with the reforms of surek. There is a story that some left Vulcan. Some went to a planet of twin moons .the planet was in habited by a primitive. People. The exiled Vulcan expelled them from the home world. The other world was dark. Only part of it was habitable. The indigenous people became a slave class. Those who escaped the mines though military service were used as Canon fodder. My people do not like to discus this. ” tivora said.
“They want this ship as a weapon?”Lindsey asked. ” yes I believe so. ” tivora said. “I want to see the tape. ” styles said. Keny acesed the information. He played the tape. He looked it over. “Hold that!” the commander ordered.the screen was frozen. “Enchancec that. ” styles said.
“She is not rihansu!” Dr. Renelds said. “I know her. We met at an Eller function. Back when I was assigned to command the asimov. ” he said.
Styles walked. Around the room. “Lt. Styles. Congratulations on your appointment to command an asamov class vessel. ” she said. “Thank you miss…” he said. “Guinen.” she said. “Gunen .my mission is rather mundane. It is confined to planetary research. ” he said. “One has to start somewhere. ” she said.
“Alright! Get me a priority channel to the old man. Lets find that ship. Bryce you have the bridge. ” he ordered.
Rihansu vessel
“You did what?” the prator said. ” I have a weapon of unlimited power and potential. It could reshape the balience of power in this qudrent. ” emero said. “Are you sure it will work?” the prator asked. “We are about to test it. ” the commander said. ” you have proven that you cannot be trusted . why should we trust you now?” the first consul asked.
“This is what we need. Peator if you are serious about expending the empire, this is how it begins. Unless this is just a political campaign without a real objective. Is this to improve your standing in the opinion pols or do you mean it?” enero asked. “You are out if line!” the grand admiral declared.
“I want results . if you can prove that this is a viable arsenal in our war machine I will sanction it’s use. I don’t like how you did this. This could change everything. ” the prator said.
Saberu vessel
“Who is that?” cenrurion firet asked.”not your concern. ” emero said. Gunen took out a disk. She placed it inside the slot. Energy eminated from the disk. The energy hit the panel. The energy spread throughout the ship. The ship came on. The ship began to power up. Within a few minutes the ship was fully operational.
The commander was very pleased with his new aquire. ” do you wish to test it out commander. ” gunen asked. “Order the Sun raider to come into the hanger. Then target the Sun in this sector. ” he ordered.”we should start with a smaller target. ” firet said.
“It is a fine target !” gunen said. “My orders Will be followed. ” emero said. “Yes excellently. ” the centurion said.
The Sun raider went inside the massive ship. The ship prepared to target the Sun.
” you seam unhappy sub commander. ” emero said . “you lied to me. ” the first officer said. “I hate how the star navy has become pawn of political power . the Senate has become a group of old man trying to hold on to power twenty years after they have irelivent. It is time for action. The star empire must be a force in this quadrant. I am loyal to the ideals of the empire but necessarily to those who happen to leed it. ” the commander said.
“You live dangerously commander!” the first officer said. “The prator”s power has always been the rihansu fleet. It is time we flex our muscles. ” emero said. ” this is a big risk !” he said. “I know! As the furengi say the riskier the road the greater the prophet!” emero said.
“Everything is ready excelentcy!” the weapons officer reported. “Fire!”the commander ordered. The supper starship fired a large pulse. The pulse hit the Sun. The center of the Sun exploded. The Sun it self exploded.the starship went to transwarp. It was able to escape the blast.
X 1000
Bridge the ship rocked around. “Report!” the captain ordered. “The nearby sun exploded. This is the effects of the blast. ” tivora reported. ” was this expected?” Dr. Renlds asked. “Negitive the Sun was in perfect health. I believed this was caused by an outside force. ” tivora said. ” the mystery ship! ” “Bryce said. ” then it is a weapon after all. Get US as far away form the shock wave as possible. ” the captain ordered.
“Sir response coming in from Lyman Eller. “Trajaten said. “I Will take it in my office. ” he said.
Office of the commander.
“Look there is no way gunen is trying to destroy us. She has been an important ally. “Eller said. “I understand that but the evidence suggest she is coludng with a race trying to wipe us out. ” the captain said. “She has saved US on numerous occasions. I cannot believe she would work against US. Besides she has been on earth ally this time. Her whereabouts have been fully accounted for. She is not our enemy. ” Lyman Eller. “Then who is the other gunen?”styles said. “Some races have the ability to assume other forms. Some call them shape shifters. She could be a clone. It could be another possibility we have not considered. I will speak to her about this. I honestly don’t think she is involved. “Eller said .
“On the other matter we detected a Sun exploding . it was not a standared supernova. I believe they got the ship working. We are going to need a full mobilization. ” styles said. “You will have it. ” Eller said.
Weapon ship
Gina and Emma and the rest of the crew captured were put in a holding cell. Gina was claustrophobic .”you ok?”Emma asked. “I think so. At least enough. “Gina said. “We have to get off this ship .” crewman Handel said. “I am working on an idea.” Gina said.
They felt the blast. “What was that?”crewman Andrea marik asked. “The ships primary weapon. I a guessing the ship is a weapon. ” Emma said.
“The probe confirms that the Sun was destroyed. It appears to be some short of advanced missile. ” Lindsey said. ” ” come up with the location of that ship. We have to stop it. “Styles said.
End of chapter three

Restart chapter three (4)

New York city.
“You have got to be kidding! We need the x hear. ” Commodore egen said. “The x is not a military vessel. We are a long range exploration ship. The answer to this situation is out there not hear.”the captain said. “I find no evidence that this is anything more then an insurrection. I need your ship as a show of force.under the mahascal but act I have the right to deputize any ship or other equipment during a time of crises. This currently counts “eagen said.
“This technology is not earth bound.all of the evidence proves that the anser are out there. There is a threat but not from within but without. “Styles said.
“This is a wild choose chase. It is wasting valuable time. “Eagen said.”I have the approval of Mr. Eller. “Styles said. “I am in charge of planetary security I need  the x hear. “The Commodore insisted.
“Mr. President I plead with You in the strongest if terms to let us Persue this to it’s conclusion. “Styles said.
“There is little evidence to substantiate this theory. It is unnecessary.”general Pratt said.
“There is no evidence of this being an internal problem.” styles said.”all of the attackers are human. “General greyhorn said. “Humans under the influence of cybernetic equipment we cannot identify. “Tivora said.
“It could have been purchased on the alien black market. It proves nothing. “Eagen said. “Mr president I don’t force me views o. Others for light and transient reason. I only stic my neck out when I am totally sure I’m right.I am sure of it. Lets follow this up! “Styles insisted.
“I don’t see that you need the x to remane hear as this time. Captain you nay proceed with your mission.”the president said. “Sir this is a bad idea. ” the Commodore said. “Your objection is noted but my mind is made up. “The president said. “Very well Mr. President ” eagen said .
“I can’t believe that you went down to the planet alone ?”Jason asked. “I needed to speak to my uncle at the Vulcan consolate. “She said. “Something is wrong on earth !” he said. “Are you worried about me?”she asked. “Yes. I have noticed for a Vulcan you take unnecessary risk. “Jason said. “I know my limitations jasson. I know what I can do. “She said.
” tori! You scare me. “Jasson said. ” you have been known to take unesscisary risk your self. “She said. “I am a marine. Your a science officer . “he said. “You are not a marine anymore. You are an armory officer. “She said. ” next me take me along!” he said.”my discussion with my uncle we’re of a delicate matter. ” she said. “I notice marines or armory officer have to routinely come to the rescue of scientists . “he said.
“You don’t want to come to my rescue?”she asked. “I don’t mind that. Scientist think they ubermench. “He said . “as I said I know my limitations.I will endeavor to be more carefull in the future. ” “she said .
“Ok. Its a good thing I like you.”he said. “You like me ?”She asked.”profesobaly off course. For all I know your mariedor betrothed. “He said. “I am nether. ” she said. “Well we should be getting to The bridge. “Jason said.
“I stil can’t believe the president sided with us.”Kelly w said. “The president is a smart man. I think he senses what I sense. “Styles said. “I don’t like this. Met engines need to be babies. This ship is a child. I don’t have kids so this is kinda my baby. ” perizau said.
Dr. Renelds decided not  say anything she was catefull not to give anything away . she surmised that he did not anything yet. It was up to Marie to tell him.
“Set course for the edge of tellerite . ” the captain ordered. The ship went to warp. “We have  an incoming vessel. It is on a direct intercept course for us. ” tivora said.
“Can you identify the ship?” lt. Bryce shumar asked. “Its the e.d.f.s Wellington. ” Jason said. “Confirmed”tivora said. “You don’t trust me tori?” Jason asked.
“Vessel is coming in weapons hot.”Gina reported. “Teajaten hail the vessel!” the captain ordered. “They are not responding . ” Tragaten responded. “There shields and screens are still up. ” Jason reported.
“We have no choice. Raise shields. Stand by weapons!” the captain ordered. Jason raised the shields.he activated the weapons . “shields up weapons standing by. ” the captain ordered. “Ready at your command ” Jason said
. “I know Neil roykirk. He is by the book. I can’t believe he would pull something like this. “Shumar said. “Any response?”styles asked. “Nothing! ” trajaten. Said.
The Wellington opened fire. The ship rocked back and forth. ” shields holding!” Jason announced. . “return fire!” the captain ordered. The x fired on the warship. The x hit them with ion canyons . the Canon hit the warship. “Minimal damage !” Gina reported.
The x was hit. “Shields at 68 percent!” Lindsey said. “Hit um hard Jason !” the captain ordered.the x fired ion Canon,pulse Canon and the proton torpedoes. The vessel was hit.
“These weapons should be tearing this ship to shreds!”Lindsey Said. “Its been modi. fied. ” Bryce said. “That Is my thought. By who I don’t know. “The captain said.
The x was hit. “Shields at 47 percent !” tivora said. “We need to disable that ship!”the captain said.
The x fired all of it’s weapons simultamiusly at the Wellington. The Wellington was hit from all sides.
“There shields are still intact. ” tivora said. Styles pounded his fist on the command chair. Styles was very frustrated.
” we need to take out those shields over there! ” the captain said. “Captain I recommend we hit non critical syistom. ” Jason said .the ship was hit. “Shields at 34 percent ” Gina said. “Do it!” styles ordered. The x fired on a com relay. The com relay was hit. The relay exploded. The x then struck other non critical syistom. The x headed for a sensor relay . the x took it out.
“Captain, I just got the prefix code from e.d.f command. “Trajaten reported. “Send it to Jason quickly. ” the captain ordered. The com officer sent it to the weapons officer. Jason attempted to seize control of the Wellington’s command. “I am in. Lowering shields now!” the armory officer said. He then fired . the Wellington was hit from all sides.
“They are setting a. Colision course. ” Gina reported. The Wellington started to ram into the x. The x tried to evade. The x fired on the Wellington. The ship kept on it’s collision course.
The x headed to the Wellington. It bounced off the dying ship .the x went to maximum warp. The x drifted away from the Wellington. The x fired everything it had at the Wellington. The Wellington exploded.
The x was hit. Several areas of the ship caught fire. Several conduets exploded. The bridge was hit. The ship finally got to a safe area .
The Wellington was utterly destroyed. There was no good outcome to this.  At least it was over.
” I don’t know what’s going on ! ” the usually smug Commodore said. “Sir. Your organization has been compromised. I believe an off planet entity has infiltrated levels of earth society. A slow invasion. ” the captain said.  “You could be correct.  ” eagen said. “They do not want us to go to the area between andorian and telerite space. I am sure of it. That is why we have to go. ” the captain said.
“Captains log, after a delay we are preparing to leave earth space to investigate who is behind this. We have made repairs but will make most of the repairs on route. ”
“All decks standing by. ” Lindsey reported. ” helm take us out!”the captain ordered.
End of chapter three.
Probably it should have been Lindsey or Gina should have used the prfext code not Jason. Oh well.

Restart chapter two (3)

“Commanders log,after a series of attacks on earth the x returned home. The docking we were heading to exploded. Suspected cause sabotage. Why? While some in the earth government suspect off world invvement ,Manny are suspecting an internal threat. Could what Manny call Pax Humana be unveiling. How do we stop it if it is?”styles asked .
Perizau had been outside. While earth defense force corps of engineers wanted to investigate the chief insisted on leading The investigation himself. He and armory officer Jason boyed led the investigation outside.
They returned to the x. They went though decontamination protocols and took off the helmets. “Report!”styles ordered. “We found evidence of an explosive device. It was fairly smal but potent. The device seemed to designed in order to take out the dry dock. Had the x docked , it would have been totally destroyed. ” chief engineering officer perizau reported.
“I found evidence of the same cyber tech found on the bomber on earth. ” Jason boyed said.
“Someone wanted to take US out!”Bryce shumar said. “I think so.”Jason said “wee I concur.” perizau said .”I am going to keep us in orbit. Space command won’t like it. I am not risking the ship . someone tried to take us out once,I am not giving them another opportunity. ” commander styles said. “Agreed. ” the engineer said.
“Look it possible I am so veigh I probably think the attacks was about the x ,what if this was a plot to lure the x hear? To ambush us?”boyed said.
“Why? There are currently three of the x class current deployed. More on The way. Why not sabotage galaxy edge? ” styles said.
“I don’t’s just a theory.a hunch. I would not mention it to ant controlling legal authority. I figure what a conspiracy theory between ship mates.” Jason said. ”
“I can’t disprove your theory. Styles rule five, a theory is true until disproven. ” styles said.
Vulcan embassy
San Francisco
Tivora was born and raised on earth. She had never been yo Vulcan. She held earth and human republic citizenship. Under Vulcan law she had right if return to Vulcan space but never saw the logic in attaining it. While she followed the teaching if surek She had no real connection to her ancestral home world.
She went to the gate.she was greeted by an older Vulcan who was accompanied by a smal enterage.she made the traditional Vulcan silute. The older Vulcan returned it.
“Peace and long life ambassador shavel !” tivora declared. ” live long and prosper tivora! ” the older Vulcan said.
The older man advised his enterage to disperse.they did so. He took her to a bench. They Sat. “It us agreeable to see you again my neice.”the ambassador said.”likewise uncle. ” She said.
“I assume you are not hear to engage in idol chit chat or anecdotes of times passed. ” he said . “indeed not uncle.” tivora said.
“You always were one to get right to the point. I feered being on earth might dull your Vulcan sences.your farther and I disagreed on your education. I wanted you to attend schooling on Vulcan. He would not hear of it. ” he said.
“I recal those ‘conversations” quite vividly .one does not need to live on Vulcan to be Vulcan. I fully adhere to principles of logic. “She said. “I know that. We should what is the terran expression cut to the case !”her uncle said.
“I have no objection. ” tivora said.”very well. A hundred and fithty years ago we lost contact with a ling range exploration vessel .it was assumed lost with all hands. It was seen twenty years after it vanished. The crew had cybernetic enhancements. The crew tried to transform the other crew. We lost a lot of ships ans personal. We used unmanned dreadnqught to defeat the ships . the incident was classified . we never encountered anything like it again. Over the years there has been similar stories. Nothing substantiated. Mostly in the outer rim. None of the major governments will discuss it.there has been nothing recent. The last sutch event was hundred years ago. ” the ambassador said.
“Manny suspect that these attacks are not internal unrest . ” tivora said. “I have had doubts myself . humans are a bit of an oddity there has not been strife for some time. We suspects that may be an outside connection. ” the uncle declared.
“Can I see those records ?” tivora asked.”this is a sensitive matter . it is not something we like to duscus even among ourselves. Very well. ” he said. “Thank you uncle. “She said.
“Lyman Eller have you met him ?” the uncle said. “On numerous occasions. ” tivora said. “He us quite a curiosity. He is known for being a Space enthusiast but he never leaves earth. He keeps to himself. We have tried to meet with him he always send a surrogate. They Say he has a virus that confines him to the planet . they say He cannot servive off the planet. As far as we can tell this Lyman Eller never exvusted until his father died. His farther was cremated ,no autopsy performed.then suddenly an heir shows up. ” the uncle said.” I have heard the stories.I cannot  confirm or deny them. “Tivora said. “Of course. ” he said.
Landstulle hospital
” you looked over the bodies? ” Captain styles said. ” I did. The cybernetic technology was fused with the bodies!”Dr. Renelds said.”fused?” captain styles asked.” it is as though the body has been merged with the cyber tech.I have never seen anything like it. ” Dr. Renelds said.
Room of commander andrae Rasmussen.
“Andrae!” styles said. “I never thought you would be back to earth so soon. ” andrae said. “I heard you were selected to command the galaxy two base?” andrae said.”physically I should be able to return to duty . I am not sure I am mentally up to it. “Commander Rasmussen said.
“I am so sorry about Jamie ! ” styles said. “It does not makes Sense. Some say that she was part of a terrorist group.there is no way corner. ” he said.
“I am going to get to the bottom of this. ” corners said. “She hit me with something.they can’t remove it. They are trying to. Good thing I gues my brother berlinghof would probably try to reverse engineer it. “He said.”he probably would at that. ” he said.
Qurters of steverren
“What do you have? ” captain asked. “Well I have some digging. There is an area of space between andorian and telerire space.the area is quarantined.there is a death penalty if you try to there. The area is prone to instability.  There was reports of creatures with cybernetic technology. The are a is sealed off by mines.any ship is fired on if it. Did leave.”steverren said.
“I did some checking. One of the attackers was a deep Space freighter. It was near the qaretined zone. The freighter vanished . the pod was found. He was the lone survivor ” lt. Shumar said.
“Could that person have acidently been exposed to something.” Dr. Renelds asked. “Its possible. ” Jason said. ” some kind if cybernetic life form ?” Gina brell asked. “Mayby only an alien race that uses cybernetic technology. ” perizau said.
” I want answers . ” the captain said. “I don’t think I like where this Is headed!”the andorian said. “I am not sure I do. ” Bryce said. “I want all records pertaining to the I investigation into that freighter. I plan on retracing the steps of that ship. The answers are out there. I intend to find them. ” the captain said.
Marie perizau entered “Marie can I help you?” Dr. Renelds asked.” I have been feeling I’ll. Its strange !” she said.  ” let’s see what we can find out. ” the doctor said.
She got on the bed. She did multiple checks. ” what is it Kelly?”Marie asked. ” your pregnant!”she said “that’s impossible . I can’t have children. ” She said. “I can confirm it. Everything seems fine. ” she said. She was very surprised.
End of chapter two.

“Star trek New beginning “

Gorn heavy cruiser bridge
“Sir I have detected an ancient beacon. It is on a planet nearby. The planet is uninhabited. There is an unmanned setilite network over the planet”a gorn tech said.
“This is gorn sacred must always be. Pilot set course for the planet. “The commander ordered.
The gorn were a combination of humans and reptiles. They were known as strong and domineering.they were resourceful and agile. They were feard all over the galaxy.
“Course plotted sir.”the pilot said. “Activate the electro magnetic pulse.”the commander ordered. The gunner activated the pulse. “Weapon on line exceletcy. “The weapons tech said.
The gorn heavy cruiser went near the planet. “Now in orbit.” the pilot said. “Inciate the pulse tech!”the captain ordered.
The weapon tech activated the pulse injector. The pulse crippled the setilites on the planet. All of the setilites were drained of all energy.
“All alien setilites are off line.”the science tech reported. “Very good.did you upload the data before you activate the pulse?”the commander asked. “Yes I did excelntcy.”the science tech said.
“Analize it at once.I want a full report. “The commander ordered. “Yes sir.”the science tech responded.
“Sir I have located another transponder. It is on a world nearby.”a second science tech said.
“Can you confirm what that it is one of our ancient transponders”?the commander asked. “ fully conforms to the specification of our transponders.” the second science tech said .
“Life forms?”the first officer asked.”there are life forms . unable to determine. Acording to sensors this colony has only been there for about filthy years or so. ” the second science tech said.
“I believe the technology on the uninhabited planet is the same as the colony world “the science tech said.
“Whoever they are ,it seams they are planing an invasion. At least they seam to be expanding or preparing to expand. ” the first officer said.
“Sir the setilites belonging to something called Eller industries . there is also references to an earth defence force and the human republic. ” the first science tech said.
“This human republic could be a threat to our hegemony commander. We cannot ignore it”tactics officer marcook said .
“Agreed. Inform gorn command at once. “Captain dameg said .”sending at once excelentcy.”the com tech said.
“Gunner target the central setilite. “The captain ordered. The gunner adjusted the targeting sensors.”ready sir!” weapons officer turag said. “Fire!”the captain ordered.
The gorn heavy cruiser activated it’s central turret. The turret is usually hidden until it is ready to be used. The Turet was on line. The ship fired the ion based weapons. The central setilite was hit. The gorn ship fired a projectile Weapon.the setilite exploded.the blast spread though the setilite network.
“Target destroyed .” the gunner reported. ” excellent. Pilot set course for the colony. Maximum warp. “The pilot set the course. The gorn heavy cruiser went to warp.
Planet sigma epsilon
The planet was a human colony started shortly after humans began to perfect warp travel. The planet was mostly rural except for two major cities.the cities rivaled the earth cities of Paris and New York.
The planet became a major hub of activity for trade and commerce in the colony world’s.
Everything seemed normal. No one suspected that something was about to happen. Usualy in cases like this,one is not warned.
Obital station
Command deck
“I am picking up unusual readings. I am trying to identify it. “A sansor tech announced. The tech modified the sensors.
“Unknown vessel. It has multiple canyons as well as some kind Of mistle launchers and smaller turrets. It has advanced shielding. “The tech said.
“This is a war ship. Send planetary alert one. This is not a drill. “The commander said. The com tech sent the alert.
“Now in weapons range!”the gorn science tech said. “Target the ships first. Imobolize them. Then we will deal with the colony. “Captain dameg said.
The gorn vessel fired the emp on the human vessels. There power was eliminated.the ships were sitting ducks.
The gorn vessel then fired on the orbital station. The station power was knocked out. The station was then destroyed by multiple mistles.
The gorn vessel then fired on the capital citty. The ship could not take out the power on the planet as fast as they did with the setilite and the ships and station. The gorn disabled key sections of the city.
The gorn then hit key buildings.they hit the office of the governor.they hit the parliament building. They hit army bases. They hit the other city as well. They avoided the rural areas .
The gorn heavy cruiser could not conqur the colony by themselves. The gorn wanted to send a mesege.the fleet could deal with the colony later.
The gorn wanted to send a message. The gorn was at war with anyone who tried to colonize there planets that had the ancient transponders. They would be back. The gorn would get there planets back.
The gorn ship then moved off. They would be back . the heavy cruiser went to warp.
The devastation could be seen every where. The governor’s mansion had been utterly destroyed. The colony governor had been killed. His wife and children had been able to get out.
The parliament building was stil intact. There were multiple holes in the structure. There was multiple damage to the complex.
Whole cities were almost destroyed. There was no way to not notice the davistation.
This was the opening salvo.
A hundred years earlier, humans perfected space warm this led to deep space travel. This also led to unmanned proves.they also set up colonies. They set up freighter and exploration vessel. Humanity had had mostly peaceful contact with other world’s. That had just changed. Now humanity was at a crossroads.
End Of prologue.