“Kelly’s day”

  Earth space
Earth trade routes
  The future kelly ann renelds,when she was 14 was abored a freighter with her family. Her farther was the captain. Her morther performed various task on the ship including engineer and medical officer.  She had an older brother who was already serving as part of the crew. She had younger siblings.
The freighter had done basically the same route for most of her life. The ship picked up freight at a space port delivered it then picked up more suplies at the base and did it over again.
Although the area was technicaly earth controled space ,it was not totally safe. At the time earth had a united government but it was not totally unified or oficial. There was a unified authority.
Human transports became vanerable to pirates. Some pirates raided human ships because they could. Orthers did it to arest ir hault human expansion. There were unafiliated pirates. There was also raids by orions and nusicans.
Unlike orther pirates,the orions were well orginized. They had teratory and a well displined military like force. 
The orions did not want human expansion. While human were not seen as a major threat to the old order yet,the orions did not want any challenge.
On the orion flagship,ontep looked over the bridge of the flagship. He was put in charge of the raids in what orions called teran space. The plan was carefully put together.
“Excellentcy! The final plan. We all feel that this is best!” The first officer tezek said. He looked it over. He was impresed with the plan.
“Order our commanders to procede with the plan!” Ontep said. “Verry good excellentcy. We will get right on it!” Tezek said. “Do we have a ship we can target? “Ontep asked. “Yes indeed we do! Cargo vessel north Hampton!” Lugic said.
  The north Hampton was the freighter that kelly was on. She never forgot that day. She never would. It started off as an ordinary day. It did not stay that way.
She got up. She had breakfast. She did some school work then went to the bridge. Sense her family ocupy several important jobs on the ship,it was no problem for her to be on the bridge.
She entered. Her dad was buisy confering with another crewmember. When the crewman dispersed,he saw her daughter.
“Hey kell!” Captain Edward Kaufman said. “Hi dad. “She said.”decided to take a break from your studies ?”he asked. “All i see right now is triginomic shapes!” She said.
He laughed. “I remember those days!” He said. “It is interesting stuf! I feel overwhelmed ‘”she said.
“I am detecting incoming ships! “A crewman named wells said.” Can you identify the ships ?”he asked. He was prety sure he knew who they are. He figured that they were some kind of alien raiding party.
The raiding party came into focus. “Orions! I should have known! ” Kaufman said.
  Otem wached the freighter. He actually enjoyed these raids. He was not a sadest but he liked the raids. He liked conducting these operations. He also looked foward to them. To him it was an adrenaline rush.
“Everyone is in place!” The sansor officer reported. “Begin the operation!” He ordered. “With plesure!” First officer tezek said.
The com officer isued the order.the ships broke formation and fired on the freighter. The projectile weapons hit the freighter.
The freighter returned fire on the orion ships. The freighters was no match for the orion ships. The orion vessel hit back on the freighter.
“Evasive action'” the captain ordered. The ship tried to get away from the orion ships. The orion set up a blokade.
  Kelly retreted to the back of the ship. She tried not to atract attention. She wanted to stay and see all of this.
The freighter went at warp trying to elude the ships.the orion ships overpowered the freighter.
The freighter was hit. The orion vesels fired on the engines. The shields held for a while. The orions were good at finding ways to deplete the shields. They were able to ware out the shields.
“Shields are off line!”a crewman said. The bridge is hit. The freighter kept going. The orions kept going. The orions fired on the ship.
The bridge was hit. Kelly tried to dodge the explosions. She ran to the wall. Part of the ceiling barly mished her. She just waited.
She crawled passed the debree. She saw most of the crew on the ground. She went over to her farther. He was bleading. She checked for a pulse. She did not find one. He was dead.
She cried and screamed. She could not believe this was hapening. She was scared,sad and angery all the same time. None of the other crew members were moving. Were they dead as well?
Several were dead. The first officer and helm were dead. Some were still alive. Manny were in bad shape. 
One of the ships docked on the ship and began to send a bording party to the ship. The orions first sicured the cargo bay. They loaded the flagship with the cargo.
While another ship came along side the orther side of the vessel. Another bording party stormed the ship. The raiders was led by ontep himself.
The remaining bridge crew began to get up. Some were wounded. “We need to evacuate! Abandon ship !” Wells said.
The crew began to leave the bridge. Kelly just stood there. She was transfixed. She was in total shock. Wells went over to her.
“You need to get out of hear hunie! Come on!” Wells told her. She just stood there. Wells directed a female crewman to help her. They all left the bridge.
They headed for an esape pod birth. The crew ran and ran for the hatch. They heard a noise. They knew it was raiders.
Ontep and his team schot anything that he came into contact with.
Ontep and his team came on the freighter’s crewman. The team had lazers. Kelly was very frightened. The crewman tried to comfort her.
  Kelly had seen aliens before.this was different. She found ontep more fearful that anything she had seen before. She looked right at him. The image froze in her mind. She would continue to remember that face.
The female crewman tried to sneek away with Kelly. They tried to be qiet. Wells fired on the raiders. The rest folowed suit.
Ontep and his team fired back on the crew. Wells got off several schots before ontep cut him down. He fell to the ground.ontep fired a final time before he was killed.
  The orther orions fired on the crew. The crewman had kelly keep down. They crawled away. They tried to be as qiet as possible. They kept going. They made it away from the bording party.
They found several remnents of the crew. “We have to keep moving !”Her mom said. She huged her mom. Then they moved.
They neared an esape pod. There was a team of raiders. She saw him again. Ontem. The man who killed her farther,the man who killed most of the bridge crew. She wanted to kill him with her bare hands.
“Keep going !” Christina Kaufman said. “Mom no!” Kelly said. “Please you have to make it out!” Her morther said. Several provided cover. They fired on the orions. Kendra pulled kelly. They ran to the esape pod.
  Christina and several orthers tried to provide cover for them. They ran to the pod. A crewman opened the hatch. They ran in. “Come on!” A crewman pleaded.
The team got off a few more schots. Christina fired and admonished the team to go. She waited until the last minute and tried to go in. She was schot. Kelly screamed.
The pod had to lunch. The pod went away. The pod tried to hide. When the orions destroyed the ship. The pod hid under the debree. The orions moved on.
After days in space,the pod was recovered. Out of a crew of 34,not including 10 children,only 17 made it out. Kelly and three of her siblings servived. Her parents and a brother were killed.
  Kelly was raised by her grand parents on earth. She decided to go to med school. She was acepted to havered medical school. She maried a space explorer named kelly wyane renelds. Now she was medical officer on x 1000.
Kelly never forgot that day.she could not. She rarely talked about it. She could not sleep. She got up and went into the orther room. She looked at the stars.
End of part one