Kelly’s day part five

The x and the cargo vessels headed into the nebula. The enemy ships were still persuing. The x and the other ships still headed in.
“We are almost inside!”tivora said. “Your sure the
y won’t follow us in?” Boyd asked. “I’m sure lt!” She said. The vesels went inside. The ships were all fully inside the nebula.
The bridge crew waited on pins and needles. “Take us in futher helm!”Kelly ann ordered. The ships did so.
The orion vessels got closer. At the last second,they veered off. The vessels left the area. The ships went in a different direction.
“Vessels are not persuing!”tivora reported. “Lets get these ships to safty!” Kelly in command said. The crew got to work.
Ontep was considered one of the most celebrated leaders in the orion fleet.  He was loved by his men but feared by his superiors. He was a warior. He was also supersticious. He could not would not enter a nebula. It might seam fool hardy or even cowardly. He would not go there.
A few minutes early. The ships got closer.  The ships kept going. “Reverse course! “Ontep said.
“We are not going to persue?”the first officer asked.”no! “Ontep said.Manny of the crew agreed with ontep. “There will be other cargo!” Ontep said.
“You were corect!”steveren said.”you doubted me ?”kelly ann said.” No of course not!”the andorian said. “Lets get this fleet home “she said.
Planet naris
The captain was getting very full. It seamed that it was it was considered inpolite not to eat a lot. Styles was prety sure that thowing up was also considered not acording to protical. He just wanted to stop. He was not sure he could. He hoped he could and soon.
He had no idea that the x was gone. He had no idea that his ship and crew were in jepordy at the hands of the orion pirates.
Mercifly naris society had protical for every thing. The narisien society did not engage in engorgegement but in a controled situation. Eventually the narisien protical nesasitated the end of eating. A situation that made styles and his stomich happy.
Under nariasian law,during an oficial function the speaker was not to be desturbed except in a dire emergentcy.  Apearently the x leaving orbit did not fall under that.
  A chime rang indicating a change of activity.  Off room activity could be conducted. The door opened,an aid entered and went over to the speaker. The aid wispered into the ear of the leader. The leader spoke back and fouth with the aid. Then after a brief exchange,the aid left the room. The door closed.
The speaker went over to the captain. “Captain. There has been an unusual development!” The speaker said. Styles had no idea what it was. He did not expect that.
Military command headquarters
Capital citty
  Captain styles and his two senior officers entered the control room. “Captain! This is admiral palaered. “The speaker said.
“This is what we know. Lt ..”palered ordered. “The ship left orbit suddenly. There was no anoucement as to why they left. There was no orther comuminication between us and your vessel!” The lt said.
“Where did they go?” Peruzu asked. “To a near by sector. “The lt responded. On the display table was the sector and some coresponding data on the sector.
“We lost tract of the vessel. It is curently out of range!”another tech commented. “Before it went off our radar,it was engaged in a battle with raders!”a third tech anounced.
“Raders? What kind of raiders?”shumar asked. “They are usually used by orions!”a tech said. “Orions!”styles said. Oh no he thought.
He peaced every thing together.he did not like the sound of this. This was not good. Not good at all.
“Medical log, the x 1000 has sucesfully docked at derosen station 199.4. The cargo has arived safely. The cargo is being off loaded without incident. ”
Qurters of kelly
“I’m sory to go off like that sir. I did see that i had any other choice. They were in danger.  “She said.
“I probably would have done the same thing. I need you to head back to narisa!” Styles said. “Of course sir!”she said. “I will see you then!”he said.
Military complex
“She did the right thing'” shumar said. “She did every thing right up to this point. The problem is what happens after this point!” Styles said. “She is going to return to narisa. We get back to the ship. Go off bodly where no one has gone before. All is good!”perizu said. “I hope so! “He said.
He would not say so out loud. He had his doubts. He feard that her need for justice over her past might cold her judgement. He would give her a chance to prove him wrong. He had an ache in the pit of his stomich.
Kelly paused after her conversation with the captain ended. She knew her orders. Could she let this go? He would not stop. This would not end. He was not that kind of person. So many lives upended by this man.
“You don’t have the guts to take me on! Your a child! A little girl. Your no better then an orion female!  A slug would have an easier time defeating me then the likes of you!” Ontep said in a day dream.
“I am not afraid of you!”Kelly said. “You should be! So many have tried to do what you intend to. I am stil hear and they are not!”he said. 
She decided what she would do.she knew this was difficult but she felt she had to. She wanted him stoped. Could she pull this off!
“I spoke to the captain. He is quite concerned by the rise of the orions. He feel that this will endanger future human comerce and exploration. Our orders are to persue the orions. We are going to break up there operation in this sector!”she said.
” the captain ordered this?”steveren asked. “It was his idea!” She said. “Will he be joining us?”boyd asked. “No time! We have to get on this now or it might be too late. “She said. 
The bridge crew was schocked. “Helm set course for the last known location for the orion fleet!”she said. The ship was off.
End of part five