The society part five

  The security team serounded the comadore. They had hand lazers on stand by. They escorted him back to the shartle. They got him inside.
While kelly w picked up styles and got him into the shartle. The body of the late commander was then brought abored. The door was sealed.
Kelly w took the pilots chair and the craft lifted off. The vessel headed right for the x. The craft then returned to the hanger bay.
X 1000
“Trajaten to dr. Renelds!”he said. “Go ahead ensign!” She said. “There was an incident on the planet. We have woundered!’the com tech said. “We will be standing by!”she asured him.
She feared the absolute worse. She loved her husband very much. She was woried about him. She chided herself. This was her crew,her family . Whoever was injured,it was no less serious. She felt bad for feeling that way. Whoever it was,it was someone loved one. Her feeling were understandible but she still did not like it. She did not like it at all.
They roled him in. “Oh no”she thought. It was the captain.while not quite as bad as if it were her husband ,this was bad. She had great respect for the captain. Everyone in the crew did. She and her staf got right to work.
“What happened?”!bryce asked. “Suicide bomber! Vulcan female ! The captain was injured! I am assuming command of this vessel efective imidiatelly ! ” engstrom said.
This made everyone very nervous. No one would say so.” Get me the Vulcan ambassador to babel! I don’t care if he is trying to acheve kolinar. I want to talk to him!!”engstrom said.
“He is responding!” Trajaten said.”on  screen !” He said. “You don’t want it in your office?” He said. “Negative! Maine viewer! ” he said.
“This is ambassador vosok! “The Vulcan male said. He looked about 60 wich meens he was probably a hundred and 60 or older.
“As a dully empowered representive of united earth and her colonies, i deliver the following message ! The attack on our colony near vega and the assasination atempt on the life of myself and my team constitutes an act of war! We demand a formal apology and reperations. I want full disclosure of the operation including those who planed and caried it out or prepare for a military response !” Engstrom said.
Everyone was a gasp. No one dared show emotion. No one suported this but he was a superior officer. Like it or not he was in command.
“I can asure you this operation was not aproved or sactioned by the Vulcan government. I have evidence that the ships were decomisioned. They vanished from a suply depot. Thr facility was raided by orion scavingers. We have documentation of all of this. “He said
“How do you explane the suiside bomber?”engstrom asked.”she is a Vulcan x patriot who lived on a planet under the influence of the intergalatic under world. She had ties to orion and other orginized crime. “The ambassador said.
“You have an answer for every thing. You know what i think.the Vulcan don’t like us. We are irational,ilogical, we act on whim,if we continue to expand our two races sphere of influence will colide. I doubt this will make you happy ! I think you don’t wait for to advance technologically. I think you want to attack now! Soften us up. Either conqur us or slow us down!”engstrom said.
” I assure you we are peacefull people ! We were not involved !”the ambassador declared. ” is there your oficial response ?” The commadore asked. “We will fully coperate with any investigation. If Vulcan nationals were involved ,we would be willing to extridite them! “He said. “Not good enough end transmisson!” He ordered.
“Arest miss tivora,suspicion of sedition and treason. “The commadore said. “Woa! No way. There is no evidence she is involved !”shumar said. “She could be a plant! The comadore said. “These are paralous times bryce!” Julie said. “He is making them worse! I am taking command of the x!” Shumar said.
“This is mutiny!”he said. “Yes it is! Jason take this man to his qurters! ” he said .”gladly!” Jason said. “This is wrong bryce! We have a chain of command!” She said. “We have a constitution and a uniform code of justice! As an earth citizen and a eller employe she has rights. “Shunar said.
As the comadore was escorted out,he screamed at the top of his lungs. “You will regret this shumar!” He said. “I am taking command. I will go to batt for all of you at the court marshal !”he said.
“Alright jasson take tivora! Go hand hold the Vulcan ambassador. This orion end i think it is conected!” Shumar said . “You got it!” Jason said.
“What are you doing?”julie asked . “Jewles ! I am convinced that a third party is trying to put a wedge between earth and Vulcan ! Either the orions are behind it or they know who is. “Shumar said.
“Why would anyone want to stop earth Vulcan relations. Our people are crodjial. I think long time alience seams far fetched. They view us as too driven by emotion. We think of them as too stuck up. ” She said.
“In the last few years our two peoples have begun to work together. There is talk of full normilization,embisies,exchange of ambassadors,mayby even joint science missons and border security. Despite our diferencea,both sides have a deep respect for the rule of law. Right now there is distrust. In fithty years i can see our two people coexcisting working together. In a hundred. I see that bond getting stronger. I imagine that makes people nervous. Mayby Orion mayby someone else. “Shumar said.
“This is all speculation. It is all quite a leap. We have a good case against the Vulcan. If you hear a quack you should think horse!”she said.
“Unles a hourse is using duck noise!” He said. “I have no response to that! “She said. “Jules let me check this out. If im  wrong you can say i told you so !”he said. “If it were any orther man i would be staging a counter corps against you! 24 Houers!” She said. “Ok!”he said.
Tivora’s quarters
“Alright ! I will do the talking. Your a bit of a cowboy!  Not to mention that the ambassador is probably being pushed on all fronts!”she said.
“Me a cowboy? I resemble my remark ! Ok i will be the jr partner! “He said. “We had better get going !”she said.
“Look! The captain and i talked about it before he was attacked. We won’t alow a japinese style internment of earth citizen of Vulcan discent. You have proven your loyalty and themselves. You should not have to. I want you to know beyond a shadow of question that i never doubted you for one seccond!” He told her.
“I am sory that i backed away! ” she asked. “The crew is a family. Your my family tivora. “He said.he started to hug her. “Sory!”he said. She huged him back.
Vulcan embasy
“I stand by my previous satement!”vorshock said. Tivora spoke in vulcan. “Someone is trying to put a wedge between our worlds. “She said.
“The attacker came hear from rigal 9. She spends most of her time on coridon and worlds used by the orions. She met with man named ardilon. He is a tiburion. He does not apear to have ties with the orions. We know little about him. “Voshek said. “You have been a great help! “She said.
” Please lt! (English ) don’t let it end this way!” The Vulcan said. “I won’t ambassador !”he said.
End of part five