Kelly’s day part 7

  The x came along side the ship.the x activated a conecting hatch.the lock was activated.
Boyd led a camando unit of highly trained security and tactical experts. Many of them had paticipated in action against pirates.
Kelly incisted on leading the team herself. Her husband was not a big fan of it though. She wanted to see this thing though to the end.
The team headed to the hatchway conecting the two ships. The marines used a cuting tool to pry oppen the hatch.
On the other side the orions were wating for them. Manny had plasma rifles and orther weapons ready to schot.
The hatch was breached. The commandos stormed the ship. The orion imidiatly opened fire on the x strike team. The team fired back.
As kelly fired,a flood of memories came back. She remembered how she felt the day the orions changed her life foever. Now it would all be different. Today she was taking the fight to them.
She fired on the nearest orion. He fired on every one she the orthers it was just a mission. To her this was a cause. This was personal. This was pay back.
She hit back with an increased furocity. A sniper hit her.she dodged the attack. She tried to determine the location of the sniper. She fired. The rifle hit the sniper. The sniper fell to the ground.
This brought back memories for boyd. He had paticipated in operations like this. He had been involved in border patrol before being hired by eller industries. He had encountered the orions on several ocasions.
Kelly was fired on but held her ground. She was determined to not go down. Not like this. That would not happen today. She was determined that would not happen.
The rest of the team hit back as well. Steveren could not believe he was hear. He had not been involved in a fire fight for quite a while. It was all coming back to him.
The team atempted to advance. They kept going. They tried to break though the enemy lines.
The orions were firce fighters.they were agresive by nature.they were traned to be fighters,soldjers  and mercinaries. The orions were trained in coventional and gurila warfare.
  The team were not as well traned but were determined. They wanted to stop these pirates. They fired and fired. They were able to advance.
They got out of the area and got further into the ship. They were hit as well. They hit back.
There was a fire fight at every turn. The two forces wanted to destroy the orther. The bulies were now being bulied.
Usually kelly was a pacifist.she was a doctor a healer. She had a healer’s heart. This was different. The orions exposed something in Her that normally laid dorment. Ordinarily she would never act like this. Today all bets were off. She would fight with all her might.
Steveren was a bit concerned by all this. He had doubts about the mission.  He was not ready to sate his views or turn against the commander.
Boyd has his doubts but was not as skeptical as his andorian friend. He did have some concern. That was not for now.those questiones could be examoned later after the battle.
The x sent reinforcements. The x had a crew of forty. They did not have an abudence of manpower but did what they could . Manny were not soldjers but trained in non military specities. Everyone got basic military traning.
Some of the strike teams tried to hold on to the beach head. The rest tried to advance. Kelly had a different goal. She wanted to get to the bridge. She had a score to settle.
She tried to get to the bridge. She took risks.she had several close calls. It did not deter her.not in the least. This was a cause.she would meat this goal.
She entered the bridge. Steveren made sure to folow her.he had to keep a close eye on her and he did.
Then she saw him. He was older.he was more grilzed but it was him. The memories flooded back. So did her anger.
“You! ” she declared. ” do i know you!”ontep said in an increduous tone. “You killed most of my family !”she said.”i have killed a lot of families. You can’t expect me to remember every family!” The man said.
She knew that he was trying to goad her. She tried to resist his provication. “They were people ! They were farthers,morthers,brothers sisters,husband wives,siblings. How dare you ?”she said.
“There are only so many resources to go around! This creates conflict!”ontep said. She tried to strike him but boyd tried to convince her not to. The orion admiral laughed.
“So puney! So weak so fragile ! “The man said. “Seal off the bridge ! “She ordered. “Your a long way from home little girl! Hunanity is not made for deep space! Your cargo fleet barly made it in your home turf!”he said. They laughed.
  ” humanity will make the stars there home. Humanities presence will felt from earth all the way to the farthest reaches of the galaxy!” She said.
“My people won’t let that happen! Just as your family was killed,that will be repeated time and time again ! Your only chioce is to cower back to earth. “He said.
“That won’t happen ! We are commited to exploring the stars! “She declared. “You say that now! You may change your mind when whole colonies return in body bags! “He said.
He was trying to bait her. She wanted to kill him just then. Would she? Would she sucomb to her anger?
She started to head to strike him. Boyd started to restrain her.she backed off. The orion leader was yucking this up.
“We won’t yield. We won’t give up. We will endure and thrive!”she declared. “Your people mayby. You personaly? Not a chance. You won’t get out of this room alive!”he said. “We are stil hear right now!” She told him.
The orions tried to retake the ship. They engaged x forces whenever they saw them. Fighting was all over the ship. The x crew was outnumbered. They would not give up.
The orions would make this as uncomfortable as possible. They did this all the time. They just did not give up. They kept fighting. They forced the government to make some kind of conceson. Kelly would not do that. That was not her style.
The bridge had been held so far.the x crew were determined to hold it. Kelly was determined to keep ontep.
“You are a fool!”ontep said.”i am not the one under gaurd ?”she said. “No one restraints me. You have me under gaurd only because i alow you to. I am no one’s prisoner!”he declared.
She took out a hand lazer. She aimed it at him. Boyd took notice.she aimed it at him.”if i kill you does that meen you alow it! “She asked.
He went for her weapon. She struck him. She flew him across the room. She aimed the gun ar him.
“You won’t pull the trigar. Its not In your nature. Your good and kind and sweet. You won’t do it!”he declared.
She put it to her head. “Captain!”boyed said. “Even if you would pull the triger,your crew won’t let you do it.”he said.”You kill and kill. I think you enjoy it!”she said. “I do! I am not done yet! I am about to finish the job! ” he said.
Kelly started to fire. Boyd took out his pistol.”stand down mam!”boyd said. Ontep laughed. “You are so disorganized. You don’t have a chance in space !”ontep said.
She was about to fire. He laughed. She stood down. He continued to laugh. “I knew you did not have it in you!” He said. “Boyd take charge hear!” She ordered. “Alright !”he said.
“Oficial log,doctor renelds in command. I have turned over the orion ship and crew over to the devosian authorities. We are heading back to narisa”
“So the mission was a lie?” Steveren asked. “Yes!”kelly ann said. “You lied to us. You used us!”boyd commented. “Prety mutch yes!”she said.
“Now entering orbit!” Kelly w anounced. ” The shartle pod is heading right for us!” Tivora said.”the vessel is requesting permission to come abored!”trajaten said. “Permission granted!”kelly said. “Sending!”the com officer said.
“I would like to greet the captain personaly. Boyd you have the bridge!” She said. “Understood !”he said.
The pod docked. The captain excited with his two officers. The captain ordered the two to go on to the bridge. They went on.
“I yield command to you!”she said. “I releve you!”he said. “I stand releved. I take full responsibility for all this. Please direct any disiplinary action to me!”she said.
“several in uspha command want you sent back to earth and bared from any international space eforts. The old man went to bat for you! Your a good doctor. You are on probation for a while doctor. While not on duty you will be confined to qurters for thirty days. I will be keeping a close eye on you'”he said.
“Very well!”she said. “I trusted you. It is going to take a while before i trust you again ! “Styles said. “I understand!”she said.
“It was a bad call. This was about vegience. There is no room for vengeance in the world we have to create. “He said.
“I see that now!”she said. “That will be all!” He said. She left the area. He looked out to the stars. He hoped that mankind could overcome there nature. He was not sure.
The end

Kelly’s day part 6

“Personal journal,lt. Kelly wyane renelds reporting. I have known kelly for almost 9 years now. I have never known her to be impulsive. I have never known her to do anything out of mallice. This is unlike her”
“I could be wrong. Maybe she is acting on the captain’s orders. Something does not add up! I can’t believe she would lie. I can’t get this feeling of unease to go away! I gues we will see!” He said.
He decided to wait until his shift was over. He did not want to make any kind of a scene. He was hoping that he was wrong.  It did not make sense.
Finally his shift was over. He got up and left the bridge. He went to his qurters. After a few minutes,the acting captain came in.
“Kell what’s going on?”he asked.”what do you meen?”she asked.”i would never say it in front of the crew or the command staf but i have to wonder. “He said.
“Wounder what?”she asked. She apeared to not know what he was talking about. He figured she did know but would not make a big deal about it.
“Why was there no message from the captain? Something as crucial as this,i think that he would have left a tape or something. “Wyane said.
“There was no time!”she said.”this does not seam right kell! I have never doubted you. This does not seam right! Styles is not the type to go half cocked. A decleration of war on the orions. What are you doing ?”he asked.
“What are you saying k? Are you really acusing me of creating my own policy. Waging a private little war? “She asked.
“I don’t know. You said it i didint. “He said. “Humanity will not be able to reach towards the stars until the orions are dealt with!”she said.
“Did the captain order you to this?”he asked. “Yes he did. He got clearence from the old man.i am prety sure president Alexander is in the loop!” She said. “To aprove action like this makes no sense. We are one backup. It does not seam right!”he said.
” We have no choice! The stakes are too high! “She said. “I can’t believe that styles ,eller or president Alexander would go for this let alone come up with this! ” Kelly w said.
” they did. I need every one to support me including you!” She said. “You have my support. I am thinking out loud. “He said.”very well!”she said. That ended the conversations.
“We need to isolate the command ship from the rest of there fleet!”she said. “I believe i can handle that. The mines we aquired from the galidariens. The mines cause the inercial disperity. Then they explode. It creates a perfect storm !” Steveren the andorian said.
“How many do we have?”kelly a asked.”we have 14. “Tivora reported. “Just enough! “She said.
“As i recal both captain styles and commander shumar were reluctant to use them! This is quite a change!” Trajaten said.
“He only agreed to the perchase because of the looming threat of the romulans. “Boyd said.
“This is a huge threat. He sees that and so do I. Mr. Boyd have the mines standing by. “The acting captain said. “Aye sir!”boyd said.
Kelly wyane knew that every one probably had the same doubts he did. No one would say it out loud. No one was ready to act.
All of the preperations were put into place. The crew raced to have the ship ready.
“All decks standing by!”tivora said. “Lets go find um!”the acting captain ordered. The ship went to warp.
They located the orion fleet. They had regrouped. They were going to figure out what they would do next.
Unoticed to the orion fleet,the mines had been deployed. The mines were smal and non descript. Kelly let them lay dorment for a while. She wanted to lull the orions into a false sence of security. It seamed to be working.
The mines activated. The ships began to be caught in the atmospheric wake. Then the mines exploded.
The x flew at warp speed towards the orion command ship. The x fired a multiple voleys of projectiles at the orion flagship.
The x hit them from all all sides.the orion ship fired back on the x. Several decks were hit. The impact spread though several decks.
Crewman on those decks sheltered in place. The crew had experienced battles before. It never got easier.
The damage control teams got to work. They had to work while the battle was stil ongoing. The name of the game was to keep the ship in one peace during the battle.
The x fired back on the orion ship. The x fired multiple projectiles on the warship. The impact spread though several decks.
The orion ship’s were superior to the x. The crew of the x was very resourceful. They would not give up. The x tried to ware away the shields of the hostile vessel.
The orther orion ships tried to get away from the minnes. The ships eventually did get pass the mines.
Orion vessel
“I have located the detair! “The science officer said. “It was an ambush. There target was the detair. “The weapons officer said.”they wanted to isolate the flagship !”another bridge officer said.
“Order the fleet to withdraw! We will regroup at sector 46. “The commander anounced.
“Sir! What of the detair? Its contains our district supervisor? “The science officer said.
“No one person in our organization is vital. Every one is expanible. The future of the organization is all that matters!” The commander said.
The real reason is that the commander,herzed wanted ontep’s job. Like orginized crime in earth’s American nation sate in the 1920’s,crime boses advanced by taking out there predasors.
Ontep was a very powerful figue in the orion organization. Ontep was a member of the orion general staf. Ontep fell into disfavor. They could not fully get rid of him so he gave him a fronter asignment.
The ship commanders knew all this. They would not deal with him at first. They would wait for the right opportunity to move against him. This was that chance.they did not have to do it. All they had to do was to sit back and let it happen.
The orion fleet went to warp.the fleet ran away. The vessels headed to one of the randevez site. They would go from there.
“Sir! The fleet is leaving us!”the science officer reported. “We are being abandoned!”an officer said. “How dare they!”the first officer said.
“We will deal with there trechery later!”ontep said. The orion vessel focused on the x.
“There fleet left the area!” Tivora reported. “I thought they might. His own ilk have no great love for him. They leave at the first opportunity. He has no real support !”Kelly said.
The x went back at the warship.Kelly had a plan. She was going to make ontep pay. He would answer for his actions.
Planet naros
Military complex
“There has been no sign of your ship! “An officer said. ” they don’t answer our hail!”another said. “Do you think that they were destroyed?”perizu said.”i don’t know. “Styles said.
End of part six

Kelly’s day part five

The x and the cargo vessels headed into the nebula. The enemy ships were still persuing. The x and the other ships still headed in.
“We are almost inside!”tivora said. “Your sure the
y won’t follow us in?” Boyd asked. “I’m sure lt!” She said. The vesels went inside. The ships were all fully inside the nebula.
The bridge crew waited on pins and needles. “Take us in futher helm!”Kelly ann ordered. The ships did so.
The orion vessels got closer. At the last second,they veered off. The vessels left the area. The ships went in a different direction.
“Vessels are not persuing!”tivora reported. “Lets get these ships to safty!” Kelly in command said. The crew got to work.
Ontep was considered one of the most celebrated leaders in the orion fleet.  He was loved by his men but feared by his superiors. He was a warior. He was also supersticious. He could not would not enter a nebula. It might seam fool hardy or even cowardly. He would not go there.
A few minutes early. The ships got closer.  The ships kept going. “Reverse course! “Ontep said.
“We are not going to persue?”the first officer asked.”no! “Ontep said.Manny of the crew agreed with ontep. “There will be other cargo!” Ontep said.
“You were corect!”steveren said.”you doubted me ?”kelly ann said.” No of course not!”the andorian said. “Lets get this fleet home “she said.
Planet naris
The captain was getting very full. It seamed that it was it was considered inpolite not to eat a lot. Styles was prety sure that thowing up was also considered not acording to protical. He just wanted to stop. He was not sure he could. He hoped he could and soon.
He had no idea that the x was gone. He had no idea that his ship and crew were in jepordy at the hands of the orion pirates.
Mercifly naris society had protical for every thing. The narisien society did not engage in engorgegement but in a controled situation. Eventually the narisien protical nesasitated the end of eating. A situation that made styles and his stomich happy.
Under nariasian law,during an oficial function the speaker was not to be desturbed except in a dire emergentcy.  Apearently the x leaving orbit did not fall under that.
  A chime rang indicating a change of activity.  Off room activity could be conducted. The door opened,an aid entered and went over to the speaker. The aid wispered into the ear of the leader. The leader spoke back and fouth with the aid. Then after a brief exchange,the aid left the room. The door closed.
The speaker went over to the captain. “Captain. There has been an unusual development!” The speaker said. Styles had no idea what it was. He did not expect that.
Military command headquarters
Capital citty
  Captain styles and his two senior officers entered the control room. “Captain! This is admiral palaered. “The speaker said.
“This is what we know. Lt ..”palered ordered. “The ship left orbit suddenly. There was no anoucement as to why they left. There was no orther comuminication between us and your vessel!” The lt said.
“Where did they go?” Peruzu asked. “To a near by sector. “The lt responded. On the display table was the sector and some coresponding data on the sector.
“We lost tract of the vessel. It is curently out of range!”another tech commented. “Before it went off our radar,it was engaged in a battle with raders!”a third tech anounced.
“Raders? What kind of raiders?”shumar asked. “They are usually used by orions!”a tech said. “Orions!”styles said. Oh no he thought.
He peaced every thing together.he did not like the sound of this. This was not good. Not good at all.
“Medical log, the x 1000 has sucesfully docked at derosen station 199.4. The cargo has arived safely. The cargo is being off loaded without incident. ”
Qurters of kelly
“I’m sory to go off like that sir. I did see that i had any other choice. They were in danger.  “She said.
“I probably would have done the same thing. I need you to head back to narisa!” Styles said. “Of course sir!”she said. “I will see you then!”he said.
Military complex
“She did the right thing'” shumar said. “She did every thing right up to this point. The problem is what happens after this point!” Styles said. “She is going to return to narisa. We get back to the ship. Go off bodly where no one has gone before. All is good!”perizu said. “I hope so! “He said.
He would not say so out loud. He had his doubts. He feard that her need for justice over her past might cold her judgement. He would give her a chance to prove him wrong. He had an ache in the pit of his stomich.
Kelly paused after her conversation with the captain ended. She knew her orders. Could she let this go? He would not stop. This would not end. He was not that kind of person. So many lives upended by this man.
“You don’t have the guts to take me on! Your a child! A little girl. Your no better then an orion female!  A slug would have an easier time defeating me then the likes of you!” Ontep said in a day dream.
“I am not afraid of you!”Kelly said. “You should be! So many have tried to do what you intend to. I am stil hear and they are not!”he said. 
She decided what she would do.she knew this was difficult but she felt she had to. She wanted him stoped. Could she pull this off!
“I spoke to the captain. He is quite concerned by the rise of the orions. He feel that this will endanger future human comerce and exploration. Our orders are to persue the orions. We are going to break up there operation in this sector!”she said.
” the captain ordered this?”steveren asked. “It was his idea!” She said. “Will he be joining us?”boyd asked. “No time! We have to get on this now or it might be too late. “She said. 
The bridge crew was schocked. “Helm set course for the last known location for the orion fleet!”she said. The ship was off.
End of part five

The society part five

  The security team serounded the comadore. They had hand lazers on stand by. They escorted him back to the shartle. They got him inside.
While kelly w picked up styles and got him into the shartle. The body of the late commander was then brought abored. The door was sealed.
Kelly w took the pilots chair and the craft lifted off. The vessel headed right for the x. The craft then returned to the hanger bay.
X 1000
“Trajaten to dr. Renelds!”he said. “Go ahead ensign!” She said. “There was an incident on the planet. We have woundered!’the com tech said. “We will be standing by!”she asured him.
She feared the absolute worse. She loved her husband very much. She was woried about him. She chided herself. This was her crew,her family . Whoever was injured,it was no less serious. She felt bad for feeling that way. Whoever it was,it was someone loved one. Her feeling were understandible but she still did not like it. She did not like it at all.
They roled him in. “Oh no”she thought. It was the captain.while not quite as bad as if it were her husband ,this was bad. She had great respect for the captain. Everyone in the crew did. She and her staf got right to work.
“What happened?”!bryce asked. “Suicide bomber! Vulcan female ! The captain was injured! I am assuming command of this vessel efective imidiatelly ! ” engstrom said.
This made everyone very nervous. No one would say so.” Get me the Vulcan ambassador to babel! I don’t care if he is trying to acheve kolinar. I want to talk to him!!”engstrom said.
“He is responding!” Trajaten said.”on  screen !” He said. “You don’t want it in your office?” He said. “Negative! Maine viewer! ” he said.
“This is ambassador vosok! “The Vulcan male said. He looked about 60 wich meens he was probably a hundred and 60 or older.
“As a dully empowered representive of united earth and her colonies, i deliver the following message ! The attack on our colony near vega and the assasination atempt on the life of myself and my team constitutes an act of war! We demand a formal apology and reperations. I want full disclosure of the operation including those who planed and caried it out or prepare for a military response !” Engstrom said.
Everyone was a gasp. No one dared show emotion. No one suported this but he was a superior officer. Like it or not he was in command.
“I can asure you this operation was not aproved or sactioned by the Vulcan government. I have evidence that the ships were decomisioned. They vanished from a suply depot. Thr facility was raided by orion scavingers. We have documentation of all of this. “He said
“How do you explane the suiside bomber?”engstrom asked.”she is a Vulcan x patriot who lived on a planet under the influence of the intergalatic under world. She had ties to orion and other orginized crime. “The ambassador said.
“You have an answer for every thing. You know what i think.the Vulcan don’t like us. We are irational,ilogical, we act on whim,if we continue to expand our two races sphere of influence will colide. I doubt this will make you happy ! I think you don’t wait for to advance technologically. I think you want to attack now! Soften us up. Either conqur us or slow us down!”engstrom said.
” I assure you we are peacefull people ! We were not involved !”the ambassador declared. ” is there your oficial response ?” The commadore asked. “We will fully coperate with any investigation. If Vulcan nationals were involved ,we would be willing to extridite them! “He said. “Not good enough end transmisson!” He ordered.
“Arest miss tivora,suspicion of sedition and treason. “The commadore said. “Woa! No way. There is no evidence she is involved !”shumar said. “She could be a plant! The comadore said. “These are paralous times bryce!” Julie said. “He is making them worse! I am taking command of the x!” Shumar said.
“This is mutiny!”he said. “Yes it is! Jason take this man to his qurters! ” he said .”gladly!” Jason said. “This is wrong bryce! We have a chain of command!” She said. “We have a constitution and a uniform code of justice! As an earth citizen and a eller employe she has rights. “Shunar said.
As the comadore was escorted out,he screamed at the top of his lungs. “You will regret this shumar!” He said. “I am taking command. I will go to batt for all of you at the court marshal !”he said.
“Alright jasson take tivora! Go hand hold the Vulcan ambassador. This orion end i think it is conected!” Shumar said . “You got it!” Jason said.
“What are you doing?”julie asked . “Jewles ! I am convinced that a third party is trying to put a wedge between earth and Vulcan ! Either the orions are behind it or they know who is. “Shumar said.
“Why would anyone want to stop earth Vulcan relations. Our people are crodjial. I think long time alience seams far fetched. They view us as too driven by emotion. We think of them as too stuck up. ” She said.
“In the last few years our two peoples have begun to work together. There is talk of full normilization,embisies,exchange of ambassadors,mayby even joint science missons and border security. Despite our diferencea,both sides have a deep respect for the rule of law. Right now there is distrust. In fithty years i can see our two people coexcisting working together. In a hundred. I see that bond getting stronger. I imagine that makes people nervous. Mayby Orion mayby someone else. “Shumar said.
“This is all speculation. It is all quite a leap. We have a good case against the Vulcan. If you hear a quack you should think horse!”she said.
“Unles a hourse is using duck noise!” He said. “I have no response to that! “She said. “Jules let me check this out. If im  wrong you can say i told you so !”he said. “If it were any orther man i would be staging a counter corps against you! 24 Houers!” She said. “Ok!”he said.
Tivora’s quarters
“Alright ! I will do the talking. Your a bit of a cowboy!  Not to mention that the ambassador is probably being pushed on all fronts!”she said.
“Me a cowboy? I resemble my remark ! Ok i will be the jr partner! “He said. “We had better get going !”she said.
“Look! The captain and i talked about it before he was attacked. We won’t alow a japinese style internment of earth citizen of Vulcan discent. You have proven your loyalty and themselves. You should not have to. I want you to know beyond a shadow of question that i never doubted you for one seccond!” He told her.
“I am sory that i backed away! ” she asked. “The crew is a family. Your my family tivora. “He said.he started to hug her. “Sory!”he said. She huged him back.
Vulcan embasy
“I stand by my previous satement!”vorshock said. Tivora spoke in vulcan. “Someone is trying to put a wedge between our worlds. “She said.
“The attacker came hear from rigal 9. She spends most of her time on coridon and worlds used by the orions. She met with man named ardilon. He is a tiburion. He does not apear to have ties with the orions. We know little about him. “Voshek said. “You have been a great help! “She said.
” Please lt! (English ) don’t let it end this way!” The Vulcan said. “I won’t ambassador !”he said.
End of part five