Beyond vega part 7

“Acting captain’s log,earth star ship x 1000. While on long term exploration,male members of the crew were infected with an unknown virus. The virus seams to only afect males. ”
“We bearly servived an asult by the emakins. Presumibly the aliens behind this virus. Now i have learned that though females are not infected they cary it. They are a typhod mary. We canot leave the x unless a cure or treatment can be found !”
“You believe that these emakins use a biochemical weapon as a tool of invasion ?”eller asked.
“Yes sir. They lunch the viruses. I think they hoped to take out fleets. They will attack anything they find. We were there so we got caught up in it!” Lindsay said.
“The entire crew is contagious ?”the surgon general asked. “Yes i am certain of it !”dr. Renelds asked.
“We are consulting with medical agentcies all over the galaxy that we have ties with. It could take some time. I truely regret that this has ocured!”lyman eler said.
“We all knew the risk of a mission like this sir. “Lindsay said.”it is stil a shame!” Eller said.
“It is. We will not give up!”markum said. “Neither will we. What will you do?”he asked. “We can continue the mission of exploration. We will avoid hevily populated areas. We can contribute to humanity’s knowledge of the universe!”Lindsay said.
“We will keep in touch!” Eller said. “Indeed!”markum said. “We will talk again soon! Fleet command out!” The chairman said. The chanel faided.
“Until further notice i want all of you to run the post you curently do. I know we will be short staffed. We just have to do the best we can. That will be all!”Lindsay said.
“There is no cure or treatment ?”dr. Renelds asked. “I contacted every contact i know. Nothing! “Steverin said. “Same on my end!”trajaten said.
“What about on the fringe? Something a little unothordox? “Kelly asked. ” There are several homophy. Some very resonnible. Others nothing short of what humans call mumbo jumbo with no bases in reality!” Steveren said.
“If you were terminally ill and neded a  mericle,where would you go?” She asked. Steveren and trajaten thought it over.
“There is a healer who lives on a planet in the outer rim. She does  have a mixed reputation but she has had a lot of suporters!”steveren said.
“Some consider her a fraid even a terrorist. I am reluctant to recomend her but right now we don’t have a lot of options !”trajatan said.
“Is there ant crebility to this inviduel?”kelly asked. “Its hard to say. There is some evidence that she has done some good. There are times she has not!” Steveren said. “Anyone else?”kelly asked. “Of those i am aware of,she is the most credible!” Trajaten said.
Qurters of markum
“A healer? This idea is not inspiring a lot of confidence! ” Lindsay said. “I have looked though the andorian and numorian files on her. I think she may be able to help!” Kelly said.
“This could be a wild ghoose chase. Trixia is a little bit of a distence. “Lindsay said. “I think it could be worth it!”steverin said. “Its that could that wories me !”Lindsay said.
“Acting captain’s log,as acting captain,my job is to the crew. I am to see to there well being. This could turn out to be a colossal waste of time. It could be the big breakthrough we all want. ”
“This is very difficult ! I have wanted to command a starship for some time. I did not realize just how difficult it was. I did not realize how lonly it was. I have to do the best i can. I have to do right by my crew. ”
The door opened gina entered. “What do you think gene!”she asked. “Lyind i think we have to at least talk to her. Evaluate wrether she can help or not!”gina said. “I was leaning that way. I wish i knew for sure. You never can i gues. Alright ! Have the crew stand by. We are going further into the outar rim!”she said.
The x went to warp. The ship headed for the planet trixia. The planet had only one resident. It was virtualy one big swamp. The sole ocupant was in a self imposed exile.
“Now nearing the planet!”marie said. “Assume standered orbit!”the acting captain ordered.”standered orbit acheved!”marie said.
“Alright kelly,gina with me. Tivora the ship is yours!”Lindsay said. “Aye sir!”the vulcan said. The three excited the bridge and entered an elivator.
After parking the pod,the three excited the craft. They saw a shack. “The life form is in hear!” The doctor said. Lindsay had the doctor leed the way. They walked towards the shack.
They knocked on the door. The door was open. A women opened.”are you kiturah jaken?”Lindsay asked. “Yes i am!”kiturah said. “I need your help!”Lindsay said.
She invited them inside. The shack had three rooms. The living room was smal and parse.there were a few chairs. They sat down. Lindsay and kelly explaned the situation.
“Bio warfare aimed at a single gender. It is not that uncomon. On jibrena four,a virus designed to attack futility was caried out. Attacking males is not now either. “She said.
“Do you have any ideas on how to treat it?” Kelly asked. Kiturah thought it over. “I do have a few. There is a root i have some. It has treated bio toxins before but it has proven very painful ! “Kiturah said.
“Could it work?”Lindsay said. “I cannot gurente it!”she said. “Is it our only option ?”Lindsay asked. “The only one i know !” Kiturah said.
“I have the sample ready! Who do i test it on first?” Kelly asked.”i think it should be the captain!”Lindsay said. The doctor agreed. She prepared a syringe. She headed to the unit where the captain was.
“Im sory captain!”she said. She went to where the captain was. He placed it on him. She looked at the monitors. He started to skerm. There was clear evidence  that he was in pain. She wached and waited. She hoped it would not make him any worse.
It was several houers. He started to wake up. Lindsay and kelly went over to him. “What’s going on?”styles asked. “Your were infected with a nasty bio weapon!” Lindsay said. “Am i going to live?”he asked. “This is all uncharted teratory but i believe you will recover!”kelly said. “Oh ok!”styles said.
“Who is in charge?”he asked. “I am. Emma has bridge watch right now!”Lindsay said. “The 19 year old jr weapons officer?”he asked. “Yes sir!”she said.
“Captain’s log, after a week being in orbit of tricia, the ship is ready to depart. The treatment was grueling for patcient and caregiver alike. The crew has responded well to treatment. The doctor is hopefull that all of the crew will be able to return in a couple of weeks.”
” all decks standing by” trajaten reported. The door opened,the captain entered. “Are you taking. Over?”Lindsay said. “Oh no. I have not been cleared for duty yet. Just wanted to be on the bridge when we left orbit!”he said.
“Very well course laid in?” She asked. “Course laid in!” Marie said. “Take us out!”Lindsay ordered. The vessel went to warp.
The end

Beyond vega part four

“Starship log, lt. Lindsey markum reporting. Our mission to explore the galaxy has encontered a roadblock. Male crewman have been infected by a bizare ailment. It has been sugested that this may be a prelude to a larger strike. Some kind of biological attack.
” As a senior officer i have assumed command for the duration of this crises. We are curently on full medical and sicurity alert. ”
Cargo bay
“This ship has a problem with space to begin with. We have had to turn any unused space into trierge units. “Dr. Kelly said.
“How are the patcients?”Lindsey asked. “They are in a medicaly indused coma. They are all stable for now.i am keeping a close eye on them!”the doctor said.
“Keep me aprised! “Lindsey said.”i will!”she said. Lindsey looked over the patcients. She wished she could provide the doctor with more help but she could not.
Qurters of markum
  The chime rang. “Come in!”Lindsey said. The door opened. It was ema. “Please come in” Lindsey said. She came in. ” I understand you were asigned to the x right out of traning?”she asked.
“Yes that is correct! The x project had been puton hold indefinitely realy. There were lite prospect. A lot of people were reluctant to go. “Emma said
“You did not have that issue ?”Lindsey asked. Emma laughed.”no i did not. I like adventure. I figured we could pull this off. Necesity being the morther of invention and out that. “She said. “Look my plan is to head back to vega colony. I am guessing we are going to be targarted soon. If I’m right it will be murciless. I am going to be asking a lot of you. You are the senior most weapons officer abored. I need you emma! I don’t want to put uneeded presue on you but the ship is counting on you! “Lindsey said.
“I know the steaks mam. I know what i need to do. I will get this ship out of harms way. “She said. “I know you will. I wish it did not have to be this way. I really do. I see no alternative at present. “She said. “Nor do i!”she said. “Thank you. That will be all!”she said. Emma nodded then left. The younger officer left the qurters.
Later on,Lindsey headed for the elivator. She saw marie. “I assume no change ?”she asked. “I am afraid not sir! “Marie said.”i apreciate you maning the helm. I know it can’t be easy! “She said. “No its not. I need to do something! “She said. “I completely understand !” She said.
The elivator opened. The two entered the bridge. Marie took over the helm station.
“All decks standing by! “Trajaten anonced. “Alright ! Stand by all weapons. Raise shields !” Lindsey ordered. “Shields up. Weapons are on stand by at your command!”emma reported.
“Pilot set course for vega best possible speed!”she ordered. “Setting course !”marie said. Marie set the course for the planet vega. “On course!”marie answered. The ship headed for the planet.
The elivator opened,the andorian entered. “Your stil with us?”tivora asked. “Sory to disipoint. It will take more then some man eating virus to take me out!”steveren declared.
“Anything in the andorian archives on aliens who use gender based bio warfare?” Lindsey asked.
“Manny races have. Andorians have not gone to this sector. I have little information on it i am afraid !”Steveren said.
“Nothing yet! No signs of any trouble !”tivora reported. “They are hear. They are waiting for the perfect time to strike! “Lindsey said.
“Captain’s log we are on course back to earth controled space. So far it has been without incident. I fear this is a calm before the storm. I fear something is coming. What i.don’t know. I know it will be big and bad. I just don’t know when. ”
“Sir, we have a problem !”tivora anounced. “Report!”the acting captain ordered. ” I am detecting a masive metior shower . It is heading right for us. It was not there before !”tivora reported.
“Some species have used steler phynomina as weapons. It is not that uncomon. “Steveren reported. “Can we avoid it at curent corse and speed?” The acting captain asked. ” Not as our current heading no!”the Vulcan answered.
“They trying to trap us! “Steveren said. “They will probably try to force us into a remote area then pummel us!”trajaten said. ” We might be able to withstand the metiors but it is a risk !”gina said.
“I can’t help but think they are trying to divert us! “Gina said. “So our chioces death by metior! Death by war fleet! ” trajaten said. “They won’t let us be taken out by wreather! These are preditors. They want the kill!” Emma said.
“What do we do? Do we mantain course or turn around ?”gina asked. “Lets frustrate them a little! Maintain course!” Lindsey ordered. “You got it! “Marie said.
Alien ship
“They are stil on course for there home port!”the sensor officer reported.
“They did not detect the meteors?”a jr officer asked. “No they did. They playing with us!”the commander said. “We took out there wariors! There maidens must be the only ones left!”the security chief commented.
“We must do delay! Lay in a persuit course. I don’t want that ship to make it to the metours!”the commander said.
“are they atempting to draw us out?”the exo asked. “I believe so! They are testing us. They are questioning my manhood and i must answer them!”The commander said.
“We are in persuit excellentcy!”the pilot reported. The ship headed for the x. There was one super ship with escort vessels.
“I got something! It is trying to block us. I can’t determine what it is but it is heading our way!” Emma said.
“It took our bait!”gina said. “Or did we take theres? “Steverin said. “Either way,we are going to meat up soon! ” Lindsey said.
“Seams it!”trajaten said. “Persue!”Lindsey ordered. “Course set!”marie said. “If they did not know that we were on to them before ,they do now!” Gina said. “Hear we go!”Lindsey said.
End of part four.

Beyond vega part three

X 1000
Every thing seamed normal. There was no warning or indication of impending problems. Then it hit and when it hit,nothing was the same.
On the bridge,crewman bryian cayden was performing his duties. While he was performing his duties,he started to fell odd. Then he went into convulsions.
Soon other bridge crewmembers started to go into convulsions. The crew on the bridge went into a panic. Some over there fellow crewman ,others for themselves. Would they be afected by whatever this was.
As the dutty officer,gina was the defacto commanding officer until the captain arived. She had to act. She went over to one of the wounded crewman. She tried to treat the crewman at best she could.
Crewman not efected by the mystery ailment were buisy treating those that were.  They were kept buisy and then some.
In engineering, the night shift had been working on routine maitinence and diegnostic on the engines.  Then just as what occured on the bridge,several crewman began to go into convulsions.
Qurters of renelds
Dr. Kelly ann renelds had falled asleep. She was relaxed. Her com unit went off. It took her a few seconds before she comprehended what was going on. She activated the unit.
“Yes!”she said. Her husband started to wake up a little bit.”doctor we have multiple medical emergentcies all over the ship!”the doctor said. “Ok i will be right up!”she said.
“What’s going on?”kelly w asked.”i wish i knew! “She said. She got dresed in a rapid pace. She heard a noise. It was coming form her husband. She ran to him. He was having the same convulsions. She tried to help him.
  Tivora had been meditating. She was lost in her thoughts. She woke herself out of the trance. Somehow she knew something was wrong. She did not know what it was. She got up and decided to check it out.
She excited her qurters. The minute she left her qurters,she found a crewman on the ground.he was passed out. She went over and looked him over. He was unconscious. She had no idea what had caused him to be incompacitated. Tivora took out her communicator. “I have an injured crewman on c deck!”she said. “We have wounded all over the ship!”a medical crewman said. Tivora did not anticipate this hapening.
The whole ship was in crises. A masive number of crew members sucombing to the ailment. More were faling victim to it by the second.
Lindsay markum was sleaping. The alert went off on her com unit. “Markum hear!”she said.”sir! Crew members are faling victim to an unknown pathogin. We need you on the bridge! “Gina said. “I will be right there!” Lindsay said.
Lindsay got dresed quickly and ran to the bridge. She saw emergentcy team caring crew person afected by the pathogin. She arived on the bridge.
She went inside an elivator. She saw trajaten. “Bridge i assume?”the alien asked. “Yes that is corect! Do you have any idea what is going on?”Lindsay asked. “Probably about what you know!” Trajaten said. The door opened.
The two entered. “We had four crewman sucomb to the ailment. All male. “Gina said. “Are you in the clear!” Lindsay asked. “We don’t know enough about what this is to make that determination ! ” gina said.
“Are all of the crewman afected male?” Lindsay asked. “From the information i have yes they are!” Ema said.
“I have two thories. Both are eaqualy horifying, one it takes longer for the virus to afect females or the virus is ment to destroy males!” Trajaren sugested.
“As it was on earth, some races see males as more of a threat. This could be a ploy to weakon us. It could also be a strike against males. A type of gender war. ” Lindsay commented.
“Why are you unafected?” Ema asked. “I may be afected later. I could be a carier with no simptoms. ” Trajaten said. “Report any simptoms !”Lindsay said. “Of course!”he answered. “No one has heard from the captain or commander shumar!”ema said.
“I will go check on them! Right now chain of command is murky but gina stay in command for now. Emma we are going to need to be at peak efentcy on weapons and tactics. This may be a prelude to a bigger attack! “Lindsay said. “Will do!”the young officer reaplied.
Lindsay entered the elivator and excited the bridge. The bridge crew resumed there duties as best as they could.
Tivora helped the man to sickbay. She then left the infirmory. She had to check on jasson. She went to his qurters. She presed the chime. Ordinarily she would never do this but in light of recent events,it seamed the logical thing to do.she picked the lock by hacking into the controls. The door opened. She went inside the room.
  She found jasson passed out on the bed. She went to his side. She checked on him. He was unconscious but stable.
Lindsay walked in a brisk pace towards the captain’s qurters. The captain and first officer were the only ones who had there own qurters. The ship was described as a submarine in space.
When she arived she pushed the chime. There was no response. Lindsay took out her com unit. “Gina this is Lindsay ,i need the captain’s qurters opened up!” She said.
Gina noded to emma who sat at the armory station to activate a security overide. She presed the overide button. She entered her authentication code and her pasword.
Outside the qurters,the door swished open. Lindsay ran into the qurters. She found the captain passed out.
She waited until the medics arived. She then ran to the qurters of the first officer. He too was passed out.
“I would like to help! I need to do something ! ” marie said. “Take the pilot chair” gina instructed. She took the helm. The door opened,Lindsay entered the bridge.
“Most of the senior officers are incompacitated. What is the chain of command?”Lindsay asked. “After captain and first officer, then chief engineer down the list of department heads. I am in the chain but as a science officer during a time of crises,my expertise should lie with the science divison. The medical officer could perform that duty but she is buisy and given recent history it would be problimetic. Lt. Markum you seam the logical chioce to command the x!” Tivora said.
“Any objections ?”Lindsay said. There was none. “Alright gina your exo. Ema your armory officer. Trajaten please report any simptoms at once. Have a designated understudy. “Lindsay ordered. He agreed.
“This is a crisis but we will get though it. We will do it together. Lets stay sharp people!”she said.
End of part three.

Ruins part three

“Captain’s journal,after completing landing ,the crew of the x 1000 has began to explore the planet. A planet that seams to be shrouded in mystery. ” 
Perizu team discovered a space port. There were ships there. “This planet had warp capible ships!” Perizu said. “Could some of the inhabitents have esaped?”shumar asked. “I am not even close to drawing that kind of conclusion. “Perizu said. “This citty is better preserved that i would have thought. “Shumar said. “We are working to find a time frame for when all of this occured. “Perizu said. “Well ! Keep me aprised! “Shumar said. “You got it !”the chief engineer said.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds began to look for evidence of bodies. While she assumed that most had decayed. Many were used to feed in by caryon eaters. She hoped to find something. If this the disaster happened hundreds of years ago or longer it could be difficult to find it.
This had to be a pain staking investigation. She found animal remains. She needed something tangible.
Trajaten got to work. He looked over a monunent. He compared the laungrege to orther languages. He was hoping to find a corelation.
“Trajaten to tivora!”he said.”go ahead!”tivora said. “Can you come see me!”he said.
Tivora went to his location. “What do you have?” Tivora asked. ” this language seams very similar to an ancient dialect of vulcan ! I am not sure! “He said. Tivora looked it over. ” this resembles several dialects. “She said.
“I may be able to translate it. At least a rough translation. I suspect it may be a war monument of some kind. “Trajaten said. “If this is a similar language it seams either Vulcan influenced this planet or this planet influenced Vulcan. “Tivora said.
” there might be mutual influence! “Trajaten said. “That seams very plausible ! “She said.
The captain looked over the city.tivora and trajaten came over to the captain. “I believe this planet is a colony of the tridarnie!” Tivora said.
“The who!”styles asked. “The tridarnie was an ancient empire that controled mutch of the reigion in the ancient times. They rulled a vest area. There homeworld was destroyed by an unexpected super nova that wipped out there homeworld. “Trajaten said.
“This was not in the tridarnie sphere but the tridarnie had influence far away from teritory they ocupied! ” tivora said.
“If this is a tridarnie colony,this sugest that the tridarnie had more influence that we believed.we night have to ajust our history books. Captain earth may have just contributed to the galaxy!” Trajaten said.
“Glad to hear it!” Styles said. We have translated some of the monuments. They are what you would expect in a capital citty. “Tivora said.
“We still have no clue of what killed the inhabitants or when?”styles asked. “Corect! ” tivora said. “Ok. Good work!”he said.
Dr. Renelds was called to an area near the river. The crew located fosils. Dr. Renelds got to work anilzing it.
The captain came to the beach.”what do you find?” Styles asked.” There is probably half the citty population in hear!” Dr. Renelds said.” You confIrmed that these are remains ?”shumar asked. “Yes i have . These are remains.”she answered. ” you found none in the city?”styles asked. “They have probably been eaten by animals or decayed. ” She said. “Is there any clue to what happened to these people ?” The captain asked. “Not yet!”she said.
His comunicator beaped. He pulled it out. “Go ahead!” Styles said.” Lt. Commander cooper lyions hear. We have anilized several animals. They are free of any virus or any orther pathogin!”he said.
“Your sure?” Styles said. “We have more work to do but what we have anilized is free of any virus!”he said. “Understood. Keep me aprised!”he said. “Will do!” He said.
“Kell there is a saying,what kills us killls them eventualy. Why is animal life thriving! Why was int animal life wiped out?”he asked.”netche said whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. These animal.may have mutated. Mayby the animal adapted to this.its posible but unlikly that a geniticaly enginered virus was used designed to kill humanoid life. I don’t think that hapened but i am putting it out there!”she said. “Alright!”he said.
In another area,one of the teams were serveying. A wooded area. “This place gives me the creeps!”crewman vilsack said.” I know what you meen!” Ayote said. “Don’t tell me your frightened!” Crewman heidi McConnell said. ” NO!” they said.
Theu kept walking. Suddenly the ground seamed to open up. The team ran as fast as they could. Crewman vilsack felt the ground quake. He was falling.
The two tried to turn back. He warned them to keep going. They ran. He fell in.
The crewman saw a large creture. The creture came right for him. The man was lifted up. The creture swallowed the crewman.
The two orther crewman kept running. They tried to endure and make it out alive. The race to survive was on.
End of part three.

Automation part four

“P u t do wn y o u r wea pons!”the robotic leader said. Styles went for the robot. He fired on the robot. Kelly made a run for it.
Kelly had to dodge weapons fire. Boyd fired on the robots head. The robots head exploded. They were fired on In all directions. They returned fire in all directions.
Boyd fired his thruster rifle. He had destroyed several robots. They just seemed to keep comming and comming. They seemed to be easy to construct. They were desposible. The perfect soljder.
Boyd tried to stay sharp. He tried to stay focused. He was careful. He continued to fight.
They seemed to be no end to these creatures. They fired and fired on the robots. Styles decided to form an orginized retreat. He decided to regroup. He wanted to rethink. Plan a neq strategy. This was not over. Not even close.
They moved back. The security team led by boyd provided cover for the rest of the team. They moved back.
The team ran back. Boyd activated an emergentcy culvert.the baricade was in place. They went to a cubicle like area. A few of the security team stood gaurd. They would rest and plan there next move.
The drone ship fired again. “Shields at 90 percent!”emma reported. “They pack a biggeer punch then they did last time!”kelly w said. “The romulons don’t strike me as people who give up easily! ” shumar said. “Agreed!”tivora said.
The x fired on the drone ship. “Do you trust me sir?” Emma asked. “I don’t know you very well but i think so!”shumar said. “I have an idea! Can i try it?”she asked. “I am really woried about this ensign. Go for it!” Shumar asked.
The x targarted the drone ship reclamation system. The ship was hit. She fired multiple volleys onto an exchaust port. The port exploded. She found another port and opened fire. The port was hit. It exploded.
The drone ship had been wounded. “Good work!”shumar said. “Thank you!”she said smiling. The x fired again. 
The drone ship came at the x and released several ports. Waste hit the x. Kelly w tried to duck the hit. The x came though it. The x came at the drone ship.
The x fired on the drone ship.a nichelle was hit. The x fired all they had. Emma located a crosover section . She fired. The bridge was hit. The ship had a gaping hole.
The x took advantage of it and fired. The ship was hit. Part of the ship was on fire. The intact section detached itself from the dead hulk.
The command module was clwar.the hulk exploded. The command mode got away. “They think of every thing!” Kelly w said. “They do seam to!”shumar said.
Orther drone ship
“We got a few minutes rest bit! Maybe !” Styles said. ” Does tivora ever talk about me!” Boyd asked. “Yes she does!”gina answered. “What does she say?”he asked. “You will have to ask her sir!”gina said. “Fair enough!”boyd said.
“Sory to get you in this bind doctor !”Styles said. “I am prety adventureous sir! I am sure my husband might not feel the same way!” She said.
“We will get you back to him and your family . No way i am going to let my ship and crew be cut down by robots a few weeks into this mission !”styles said.
They heard a sound. “What is that?” A security officer asked. A large robot apeared. The gaurds fired. The robot seemed indestructible.
End of part four.