The society part six

  X 1000
“While on rygal,she met with a man naimed dr.ardilon. the man has no ties to the orions. Some ’employees’ of the orions moon light on ocasion. As long as it does not conflict with there aganda they tolerate it. ” Tivora said.
“Do we know anything about this man?” Shumar asked. “He is tiburion. They are known for being scientists,business men,idealist. I know little about dr. Ardilon ! The attacker met with him on rigal 9 before coming to babel!”tivora said.
” Alright ! It seams it is time we visit rigal. Kell take us out of orbit. “The acting captain said. The x left the orbit of the planet.”we have cleared orbit!”kelly w anonced. “Kelly set course for rigal !” The acting c.o ordered. The pilot set the course. The x went to warp and sped to the planet.
The door opened,the andorian entered. “Is the band over?” Steveren said. “I am provisionaly bringing you back into the inner circle! ” commander shumar said. ” Prosionaly! What is the provision?”steveren said. “So long as you don’t tic me off!”shumar said. “I don’t realy play well with orthers'”he said. ” Rigal 9!”he said. ” Center of trade and comerce. It is a transport hub. ” Steveren said. “We have evidence our bomber met with a tiburion naimed dr. Ardilon. ” Shumar said.
“I know him! He was a physist but he became involved in reserch and development. The tibiron are alies with the andorians. He wanted to create a qudrent authority ,a confederacy, it had no real suport. It is a silly idea. A confederacy of planets that exist for peacefull existence, it would never work. “Steveren said.
” he is an idealest!”shumar said. “His ideal has little suport. He was releved of his post in the tiburon government. He was unable to find anyone who would hire him. He kinda vanished” steveren said. ” This steveren is a clue. We need one. “Shumar said. ” we still have no proof. We barrly have a theory. To play devils advocate, commadore engstorm and people like him could argue that the Vulcan hired an orion lacke to give plusible denibility. “Emma said.
“Thats a strech ! I understans Vulcan are mythodical but they are not that cynical !”perizu said. “We can be. “Tivora said. Every one said. “I am just pointing something out!”tivora said.”hopfully we wil get that proof on rigal!”shumar said.
The commander entered the infirmery. “The captain is stabolized. He is hoever stil unconscious. “Dr. Kelly said. “Can you revive him?” He asked.”so far all atempts to revive him have failed. “She said. “I hope i did the right thing. I could not let the commidore go down that road!”he said.
“That road. You and i both know where that road leads to?” She said. “We do!” He said. “Humanity is at a crosroads. We have an opportunity. What we do now sets the stage for the future. What kind of future will it be? Will we build a future in witch our children and there children will be proud off?’ She asked.
Unknown ship
“Sir! The x has left orbit of the planet babel. It is on course for the planet rigal!” An ithimite aid said. “I see! “Dr. Ardilon said.
“Sir! If the vessel makes it to rigal. They could learn the truth of our plans. “The telerite said. “We will keep a close eye on them. We will not fire until i give the order! Is that clear?”he asked. “Yes sir! ” the aides said.
“We wil let them think they are wining. Lull them into a false sense of security. Then we will finish them off!” The tiberon said.
Rigal 9
“Acting captains journal,we have arived at rigal. We have entered orbit. Myself ,dr. Renelds,lt. Boyd and lt. Tivora are going to pod to the planet. ”
They went to the marketplace. Every thing you could imagine was being sold. They went from table to table. They saw a Vulcan female.
Tivora went over and talked to her in Vulcan. ” You know shalel?”tivora asked. “Yes she is not hear. She is away on business ! ”  she said. “Did she say what her business was?” She asked. ” Are you vasher?” The Vulcan female asked. ” No! Look i will level with you. She is dead. She tried to kill a human ! “Tivora said.
“That is not possible . She is not political ! Humans are insugnificant! ” she said. Tivora saw a tato on her hand.” Your probably right. It is probably a mistake. Good day!”she said.
“What’s going on?” Shumar asked. “I get it now. On earth elete have clubs that only they get into. Secret socities that involve rutuel,myithology and have engendered conspiracy theiories!”she said.
” Yes of course. “Shumar said. “It is not exclusively a human phynomina. Over the years there are those who have wanted to create confederation,common markets. They are usually short lived. Usually they are based on military threat. Once there common goals are accomplished the allience crumbles. There are stories about a group that uses that syimbol. They are called the society . The rurmors are that they work covertly. The group has falled into disrepute. What if they still exist. A human Vulcan alliance will bring stability to the area. They won’t be a part of it. You start a war,a war that will not stay contained to the reigion. The war will spread. They will pick up the pieces. Commander. We will be targited. ” She said. “Lets get back to the ship!” Shumar said.
” Ardilon there has been a change ! The orical has produced new prediction. The crew of the x will peace together the plot. Not all of it but enough. If they suceed the plot will unrevel. The alience will become stronger. The x must be destroyed. Orical predicts that the destruction of the x will garante war. The society will play peace maker. We will. Be on top once again !”the elder said.” I will do as you sugest. The x will be destroyed!” Dr. Ardilon said. “Good!” The elder said.
End of part 6