To the outer rim and beyond part four

United earth forces traning center sahera africa
The officer in command called his men to attention. They snaped to attention as ordered. ” Boyd please follow us!” The officer in command said. Jasson boyd had no idea what was going on. He follow the c.o in a smal confrence room. He saw a man he did not recognize. “I’m captain corner styles with eller industeries. We are planing to lunch our protoype! We need an armory officer. I see you have been involved in operations against pirates,protecting cargo. “He said.
“Our unit is one of the most elete. As a marine i am traned in multiple disiplines. Why me! There must be several in my unit that are more deserving then i am !” Boyd said.
“Your a team player but your not afraid to speak your mind. You have out firther then most. I think you are the best person for the job!”styles said.
“There is a lot of paper work is there not?”he asked. “Yes you would be a department head. Yes there would be. Part of the perks ,coperal is that you would be an officer,full lt!”he said.
“How long is this mission ?” He asked. “We are investigating the dissapearence of a probe ! It is unclear. “Styles said. “I might find myself out on a job?” He asked. “Its possible ! We all might. I am sure earth steller service will take you back. “He said. “I do like a challenge. I accept!”boyd said. “I hoped you would welcome abored lt!”styles said.
Eller industries
” We stil need a medical officer, and a com officer!” Styles said. “I have an idea for com officer?”eller said. “Why do i think this is going to be a doozy? “Styles asked. “Because it is! At the tumurian embisy is a techician named tjajaten. He literally created a meens of comunucation between our two worlds. ” Eller sugested.
“An alien? Come on lyman. Is this not an earth ship?”styles said.” Yes it is. Of course is it. Tivora is s Vulcan. “He said. “Tivora is an earth citizen. She pronounces the citty of bangor corectly. Tjajaten is an officer of the tumurians a foregn sate! “Styles said. “Corner my boy! The tramurians have been alies ever sense we made contact with them in 2088. They are key trading partners. “He said.
“Look ly! Earth is new to this space thing. We can’t rely on other powers. We have to stand on our own two feet. We have to be self relient. ” Styles said.
“I am going to share a secret with you corner.  Sence cocren warp flight mankind has sought to leave its infantcy. It has tried to build something. Put aside hatred ,violence,be productive not destructive. I want to reach out to other worlds in bridges. “Corner said.
“Your an idealest ly. Friends with alien worlds. Don’t get me wrong i like vulcans. I don’t understand there rigid stoism or supreson of emotion. I like the other worlds i have met. Not sure about nusicans and orions. I know the perpose of the x fleet is exploration at least on paper.i figured it would become military eventually !”styles said.
“I don’t want that! Defense is inportent. We can’t bury our heads in the sand and pretend they bad guys arnt out there. The nusicans and orions have taught us that. Corner i do not want to see human history played out in space. There must be more then endless games of servival of the fitest! We need to make friends. We need to join the comunity of worlds! ” he sais.
“You realy want trajaten?”styles asked. “He is the best and we need the best. Comunication is the key to our mission !”he said. “Ok i will see what i can do!” He said.
Tumurian embisy reno nevada
“Mr. Trajaten!” Corner styles asked. “I believe in getting to the point. Do you want me in your crew? “The alien asked. “Yes i do!”styles said. “I accept ! I will need to move some of my equipment i would like three of my most trusted tecks to join me! “He said.
“Sure ! Did you know this was coming?”he asked. “You are new to the neighborhood . I suspected you might want help. I believe i am a good canidate for that!”he said. “Please bored as soon as you can!” He said. “Of course!”he said.
X one thousand
“Sir! Our com officer brought a lot of equipment abored! “Shumar said. “I figured. “He said. “We have finate space!” Shumar said. “Make it work bryce!”styles said. “Very well! “The new first officer said.
” Any news on a cmo?” Styles asked. “There is a prime canidate!”shumar said. “I sense a problem !” He said. ” Well she is the wife of the helm officer! “He said. “We have orther husband and wife teams on the ship ! ” styles said. “Not in the senior staf! “Shumar said. “Has she been in space?” Styles said. “Yes she has!”he answered.
“What is the problem bryce? “He asked. “Her name is kelly!”shumar said. “Ok! Prety comon name. More comon then bryce i think. “Styles comented. “The helm officer is named kelly. We will have two kellys. I hope to avoid the military hierarchy thing for the most part. That would be difficult !” Bryce said.
“Is she qalified?” Styles asked. “Yes very! She comes highly recomended !” Shumar said. “Hire her !”styles said. “Very well!” The exo said.
  Later on.
The door opened,lt. Boyd entered the bridge. He wore the black uniform. “Lt. Boyd reporting as ordered!” He said.”take your station ! ” styles said.his station was next to tivora. There eyies met. “Have you never seen a Vulcan before?” Tivora said. “Oh no i have . I just have not met one so prety as you.i meen i am going to shut up now. I am a marine who does not get out much !”he said. “I see!”she said.
“Sir i have one last request to bored!” Trajaten said. “From who?” Styles said. ” A jose marie perizau ! “The alien said. “He must have changed his mind!”shumar said. “I figured he might! Permission granted. “Styles said.
As soon as he was abored,the french officer went to the bridge . His wife was shown to there qurters. “Welcome abored!”styles said. “Thank you!” He said. “I think its time we got under way!” Styles said. Shumar agreed.
The senor crew was asembled. Doctor renelds was present. ” We are cleared to depart!” The com officer said. ” Clear all docking clamps!”styles ordered. Tivola presed the jetison button.the clamps retracted. “Clamps ejected!” Tivors reported.
” Kelly begin ascent!” Styles ordered. The pilot lifted the ship off. People all over the world wached the ship lift off and ascend to the stars. The ship went to the sky and then left the planet.
“We have cleared the planet! “Tivola said. “Alright ! Set course for the outor rim! Hear we go into the unknown!”styles said. The ship went to warp.
End of part four