At every turn part three

“Captain’s log,the x was just asulted by an unknown force. They have taken civilian advisor steveren hostege. We were forced to let the hostile get away!”styles said.
” the bording party belong to a group called universial security service. Dont let the name fool you. It is not recognized by any government. Governments do use them from time to time. They are for all intence and perposes bounty hunters!”trajaten said.
“So steveren is a fugitive ?”boyed said. “I don’t want to sound like a Monday morning qurter back but steveren could have been more properly vetted'”Lindsay markum sugested.
“With all due respect lt. We were in dire strats when he showed up. He canobolized his own ship to protect the ship during the ion storm. He was instramentle in protecting us from the romulons. We owe a lot to him “boyed said.
“We are going to need alies. We had to reach out to other world’s !”gina said.
“I get that. We can’t just work with anyone that shows up. We have to treat other races with respect. Homo sapian hagemony won’t work hear. We are the new kid on the block'”Lindsay said.
“Alright ! Trajaten use your resources and see what you can find out! “Captain styles ordered.”you got it. “The noberian answered.
  “There is another source as well!”jason sugested. “Yes! Talk to tisora!”styles said.
Lt. Kelly wyane renelds had no time to process the news he got. A few seconds after receving it,all heck broke loose. He had tried to supress the emotion during the battle. He had suceeded for the most part.
He was happy when his shift was over. He could have asked to be releved of duty sighting personal isues. Both the captain and exo were known for being understanding but he decided not to try that. That is not his style.
Now his shift was over,he could unwind . He could process all that was going on. He could make sense of all of it not that he made any sence.
He slowly walked to his qurters. He said hi to crewman who passed by. He made it to his room. He opened the door.
He saw his kids. They huged there dad. He kissed the baby. He huged his wife. “You ok babe?”she asked. “I just got news from command. Doug was injured while on patrol. He is ok but he was hurt prety bad. He was rushed to saturn general. “He said.
“I’m so sory kell. “She said . She huged him. Doug was his older brother. He was two years older.he was a fighter pilot and headed up a scraudrin out of the starahip esex.
“Usually i don’t mind being out in deep space going where no human had gone before. Today its different. I gues i figured time would stop while i was away!”he said.
“It wont be easy! Things will happen while we are gone!”she said. “Is it woth it? Is what we are doing really going to be worth a hill of beens In the long term?”he asked.
“I don’t know? I don’t know that we can know until a few years down the road perhaps longer. They may debate what we did a hundred years from now. The old man believes our destiny is in deep space. I think he could be right. It does involve sacrifices. I can’t be sure it will be worth it. I think it will. I don’t think we will regret this! ” she said.
He thought that she was right. Right now he could not admit it.she understood that. This was a hard time. Things like this tried the soul. It certainly did for him.
On the bounty hunter’s ship,no one talked to him. The hunters did not have a dog in the hunt m.they were doing a job.  That was all that mattered to them.
Steveren was wanted by 22 different governments. Out of those,ten government wanted him for capital ofenses. Four of though governments had methods of execution that were slow and painful. Not that that mattered to the andorian. To him death was death.
He felt the ship come out of warp. He figued that the ship was near its destination. His holding cell did not have any Windows so he could not look outside and see where he was.
After a few minutes the door opened. He got up from the cot.he went over to the force field. “Welcome to coridon?”the head commando he had encountered erlier said.
“Coridon?”steverin asked. The leader of the cammando unit confirmed it. It could be worse he suposed.
Coridon was rich in mineral including dilithium cristles. Every one in the galaxy wanted there minerals. This included empires,space fearing race,Intergalatic coperations and criminal organizations.
Andorians used go between to obtain coridon minerals. Coridon was a place of controversy.  As an x military officer,steveren had multiple deelings with coridon directly and indirectly.
He knew they were ticked at him. In some respects steverim agreed with that sentlement. He was suprised that with every one that wanted him,it would be coridon that pulled out all the stops and finally caught up with him.
  The commander ordered the tech to lower the force field . The tech followed the order.the field was lowered. Steverin was placed in restraints.
Then he was led away from the holding area. He was escorted to the hanger area. There he was turned over to coridon oficials.
“So! Drelet we meat again !”steverin said. “Stil as arogant as ever. This time i am in control!”the coridon minister for justice said. “Control is in an ilision drelet!”the andorian renarked. “Perhaps but those restraints are not!” The juducial oficial quipped.
Steveren was brought to a coridon shartle. The vesel left the bounty hunter’s vesel and headed for the planet.
Steveren was taken to a holding cell. He felt something in the cell. It was a kind of gas. He felt himself fall into a sate of unconsciousness.
He woke up. He had no idea where he was. He began to realize that he was on a ship. The vessel was travaling at warp. He was not in a cell.
He left the room and entered a coridor. He saw a tiberon. “Your awake! Excellent !”erdilon said. “Who are you?” He said. “My name is dr. Ardilon erdilon. ” He said. “Am i being turned over to the tiburons? Funny i don’t remember breaking any of your laws or commiting any acts of agreson well unles you count my brief flutation with the daughter of the ambassador to benzar. “Steveren said.
“The whole being arested by bounty hunters and being brought to coridon was a rouse. An efective one!” Erdilon said.
“I’m suprised they went for this!” He said. “I can be quite pursasive when i need to be.
  “Why do all this ? Are you trying to preserve the honor of corindra?” Steverin asked. The tiberon laughed.
“You are living on bowed time mr. Steverin. Half the galaxy wants you dead the other wants you in iron. It is only a matter of time before one of them catches up with you!”he said.
“I know all that. ” The andorian said.
“It does not have to be that way. I can make all of it go away. “The tiberon said. “Really ! Your a tiberon. Your planet is hardly an intergalatic mover and shaker!”steveren said.
“In not but i know some people that are. They will make it go away if you help me!”erdilon said.
“What do you want?”steveren asked. “Humanity is peaking too early. They only developed warp drive a hundred years ago and ten years after a multiple detonations of atomic warheads all over the planet. They are brancing out at a rapid pace. Too rapid. We fear that humanity could be an unstable force in the galaxy. They could even try to forge an empire by subjugating lower tech world’s using there mineral to build there resources to become a galatic power. We cannot allow that. ” The tiberon said.
“Whose we?” Steveren asked.”we are those who want to build a better universe. We believe it must be done qietly,incramentily. It is a slow process. “The tiberon said.
“Your from the society ? The secret order trying to take over the galaxy !”the andorian commented.
“I would not word it quite that way but yes. “Erdilon said. “You tried to start a war between Vulcan and earth. “Steveren said.
“That operation did not go as planed. “Erdilon said.
“Your going to try again?”steverin asked. “Yes. This time we want to try a different tactic. We will build on the previous operation. The last time we tried to frame Vulcan for attacks on humans. This time we will provide evidence that the humans are perparing to attack Vulcan. We will say that they did not believe the Vulcan’s story. You will suply the evidence. As a member of the crew of the x 10000, you will be seen as a credible source. You will provide fuel to call within Vulcan society to act on the threat posed by the humans. “Erdilon said.
“Vulcan are non violent
.they lean towards pacifism. I am no fan of Vulcan but they may not take the bait!” Steverin said.
“We do not want earth or orther human worlds destroyed,only ocupied. We feal a hundred years perhaps two of colinization by Vulcan would temper humanity. Then humanity would play a positive role in the universe. “He said.
“Why would i help you. These are my friends. In some ways they are the closest thing i have to a family. Why should i betray them?” He asked.
“If you do this i can convince all the governments to give you a cleen sate. A full pardon. You will be free. No more looking over your soulder. No more fear.they are not worth it.  Come on steverin. This is your chance. Maybe your only chance. Don’t pass it up!” The doctor said. “You promise a full pardon ? Every planet?” He asked. “Every planet! You will have my word. “He said. “I agree ! I will help you!” He said.
End of part three
While this series superceeds star trek enterprise,i am not ignoring some of the information in it.
While Vulcan is not qute. The same as Vulcan on the core of star trek,i did not want the ulmost milisterustic Vulcan of v’las and the high command depicted on enterprise.
Coridon was mentioned in jouney to babel. Coridon admision to the federation was a hot button isue. In enterprise coridon government was proped up by Vulcan similar to the shah of  iran.

“At every turn”

  rygal 9
Dr. Aridon erdilon was not pleased to be back on rygal. He knew the grand elder would not be pleased by his work. He had failed to start a war between humans and vulcans. Sence the incident the two races seamed to increase there colaboritive eforts not decrease them. The mission had been an abject failue.
Dr. Eridon was usually an inposing man. When he taught at the tiboron university his students were more afraid of him then a leigion of a thousand Klingon wowiors. Today he felt smaler then a cardesian vole. He timidly entered the home. The chief body gaurd a zackdorn came up to him.
“Dr. Eridon he is eiger to see you in the prognosticator!”the alien said. The doctor followed the zackdorn into the basement.the room was sealed. The alien entered his pascode. The chamber opened.
“Uh aridob good. That will be all krasim!”the elder said. The zackdorn left the chamber.
“You failed me. You knew how important this was. This was the fate of the galaxy and you failed. “The elder said. “I know excellentcy. I offer my syincerest of apologies. I did not live up to your expectations or to my fullest potential. I do regret that! I offer no excuse!”the tiburon said.
“Not only did it stran your standing in our order but also myine. The bored is concerned by events. They are beginning to question my role in all this. For now i have solified my position in the order. I find you quite useful. The prognosticator seams to indicate that you are usefull to the future of the plan. I offer you another chance to prove your worth to me and to the order!”he said.
“I greatly apreciate that excellentcy. I will vindicate myself to you. “He said. “Good! “He said.
He took him over to the device. “The prognosticator was recalibrated after the incident between the humans and Vulcans. While the incident has improved there relations,all is not lost. Humanity and vulcans cannot form a long term alience of any kind. Well at least not now. Not under current arangement. Trying to put a wedge between them by trying to gin up animosity where none excisted was a bad idea. We need a new aproach. The human and vulcan have a core philopht that is dyimatrically oposed to it. They have been able to put them aside bacause both sides have a benign liberterian view of the galaxy. A kind of non interference belief that alows peaceful coexistence. We need to put a wedge between them. Put there ideaology and self interest in conflict. I put that all though the prognosticator and it returned one posibility! One wedge !”the elder said.
“The andorians!”dr. Eridon said. “Correct. The andorians a war like species that control an empire right on Vulcan’s door step. They have fought wars,cold wars,trade wars,you name it,humanity wants to explore beyond there borders. Humanity seaks peace full relations with orher worlds. Humanity will have to deal with the andorians. While humanity could sucesfully dance with both powers,a little nudge could throw it all into chaos. “The elder said.
“I take it we are going to provide that nudge?”eridon said.”corect! While the humans and andorians have not had any oficial contact,they have had un oficial contact !” The elder said. “Steveren!”eridon said. “Yes. I have looked into him. He has had quite a colerfull life.  He may be just what we need!”the elder said. “I will take care of it excellentcy!”the tiberon said.
“See that you do! Do not fail me this time. I believe in second chances. Not third. This is your only second chance! Keep that in mind. I am a forgiving man but only to a point !”the elder said. The man nodded. 
X 1000
Lt. Jason boyed had just completed his duty watch on the bridge. He was tired and cranky. He just wanted to get to his qurters so he could crash. As he walked to his qurters,he saw someone walking towards him. It was the last person he wanted to see,not that he wanted to see any one right now. Usually he found his andorian friend amusing. Not right now and especially not today.
“Why did the neo trasendentilist cross the road?”steveren asked. “I’m not doing this!”Jason said. “Come on jayce!”the andorian said. “No no! Not doing this!”jason incisted.
“Come on! Endulge me. Just this once!”the andorian pleaded. “That what you said the last time!”jason said. “Why did the neo transidentilist cross the road?” The antina claded alien said. “Alright ! Why did the neo trasencidentilist cross the road?”Jason asked. “Because there was no technology on the orther side!”he said. He started to laugh uncontrollably. “Ok!”Jason said. “Come on that was funny !”he said. “I will take your word for it!”Jason said.
“How long are you going to be in this funk?” He asked. “I’m fine!”Jason said. “I know that’s not true. “He said. “I apreciate what your trying to do. I need to get though this in my own way. “He said. “Alright! If you need me I’m hear!”he said. “I know. I do apreciate it. It does not make sence. Tisora killing out of revenge. I know that logic can be twisted but i don’t believe that of her. Look i need to short this out on my own ok!” Jason commented. “Very well i am hear if you need me!”he told him. “Thank you. I do apreciate it!”Jason said. Then they parted ways.
“Kelly i have a message for was on the data stream. “Trajaten told him. “Oh thank you!”he said. He got up temporarily from the pilots station. Ema took over for a few seconds while he read it. He looked it over. His continence fell. “Are you ok?”the alien com officer asked. “Yea I’m fine thank you!” He told the noberien.he then returned to his consil.
While trajaten suspected something was up. He did not feel that it was his job to pry. The alien com officer returned to his duties.
Qurters of the captain.
“So do we want to replace the science officer?”Bryce asked. “No but we may need to. It is an important post in the iner circle. I would like tisora to come back but it may not be fesible!”captain styles said. “I know what you meen!”shumar said. “Well gina is doing a good job but Lindsay is up for a promotion. She acepted this position to get into space !”shumur said.”i know but Lindsay experience in science is limited especially compared to gina!”styles said. “If we go with gina,Lindsay might consider it a snub. If we go with Lindsay ,gina might not take it well! “Shumar said. “We can put it off for a little longer! Styles said.
The ship rocked back and forth. Styles activated the com unit. “Report !” Styles asked. ” unknown vessel ! Heavily armed!”gina said. “We are on our way. Take evasive action!” Styles said.
End of part one.
The tiburon are aliens with big ears. Dr. Severen was a tiburon.see season three episode,”way to eden”
Zackdorns apeared in the next generation. Sirna kilrahmi was a zackdorn. See peak performance.

“Kelly’s day”

  Earth space
Earth trade routes
  The future kelly ann renelds,when she was 14 was abored a freighter with her family. Her farther was the captain. Her morther performed various task on the ship including engineer and medical officer.  She had an older brother who was already serving as part of the crew. She had younger siblings.
The freighter had done basically the same route for most of her life. The ship picked up freight at a space port delivered it then picked up more suplies at the base and did it over again.
Although the area was technicaly earth controled space ,it was not totally safe. At the time earth had a united government but it was not totally unified or oficial. There was a unified authority.
Human transports became vanerable to pirates. Some pirates raided human ships because they could. Orthers did it to arest ir hault human expansion. There were unafiliated pirates. There was also raids by orions and nusicans.
Unlike orther pirates,the orions were well orginized. They had teratory and a well displined military like force. 
The orions did not want human expansion. While human were not seen as a major threat to the old order yet,the orions did not want any challenge.
On the orion flagship,ontep looked over the bridge of the flagship. He was put in charge of the raids in what orions called teran space. The plan was carefully put together.
“Excellentcy! The final plan. We all feel that this is best!” The first officer tezek said. He looked it over. He was impresed with the plan.
“Order our commanders to procede with the plan!” Ontep said. “Verry good excellentcy. We will get right on it!” Tezek said. “Do we have a ship we can target? “Ontep asked. “Yes indeed we do! Cargo vessel north Hampton!” Lugic said.
  The north Hampton was the freighter that kelly was on. She never forgot that day. She never would. It started off as an ordinary day. It did not stay that way.
She got up. She had breakfast. She did some school work then went to the bridge. Sense her family ocupy several important jobs on the ship,it was no problem for her to be on the bridge.
She entered. Her dad was buisy confering with another crewmember. When the crewman dispersed,he saw her daughter.
“Hey kell!” Captain Edward Kaufman said. “Hi dad. “She said.”decided to take a break from your studies ?”he asked. “All i see right now is triginomic shapes!” She said.
He laughed. “I remember those days!” He said. “It is interesting stuf! I feel overwhelmed ‘”she said.
“I am detecting incoming ships! “A crewman named wells said.” Can you identify the ships ?”he asked. He was prety sure he knew who they are. He figured that they were some kind of alien raiding party.
The raiding party came into focus. “Orions! I should have known! ” Kaufman said.
  Otem wached the freighter. He actually enjoyed these raids. He was not a sadest but he liked the raids. He liked conducting these operations. He also looked foward to them. To him it was an adrenaline rush.
“Everyone is in place!” The sansor officer reported. “Begin the operation!” He ordered. “With plesure!” First officer tezek said.
The com officer isued the order.the ships broke formation and fired on the freighter. The projectile weapons hit the freighter.
The freighter returned fire on the orion ships. The freighters was no match for the orion ships. The orion vessel hit back on the freighter.
“Evasive action'” the captain ordered. The ship tried to get away from the orion ships. The orion set up a blokade.
  Kelly retreted to the back of the ship. She tried not to atract attention. She wanted to stay and see all of this.
The freighter went at warp trying to elude the ships.the orion ships overpowered the freighter.
The freighter was hit. The orion vesels fired on the engines. The shields held for a while. The orions were good at finding ways to deplete the shields. They were able to ware out the shields.
“Shields are off line!”a crewman said. The bridge is hit. The freighter kept going. The orions kept going. The orions fired on the ship.
The bridge was hit. Kelly tried to dodge the explosions. She ran to the wall. Part of the ceiling barly mished her. She just waited.
She crawled passed the debree. She saw most of the crew on the ground. She went over to her farther. He was bleading. She checked for a pulse. She did not find one. He was dead.
She cried and screamed. She could not believe this was hapening. She was scared,sad and angery all the same time. None of the other crew members were moving. Were they dead as well?
Several were dead. The first officer and helm were dead. Some were still alive. Manny were in bad shape. 
One of the ships docked on the ship and began to send a bording party to the ship. The orions first sicured the cargo bay. They loaded the flagship with the cargo.
While another ship came along side the orther side of the vessel. Another bording party stormed the ship. The raiders was led by ontep himself.
The remaining bridge crew began to get up. Some were wounded. “We need to evacuate! Abandon ship !” Wells said.
The crew began to leave the bridge. Kelly just stood there. She was transfixed. She was in total shock. Wells went over to her.
“You need to get out of hear hunie! Come on!” Wells told her. She just stood there. Wells directed a female crewman to help her. They all left the bridge.
They headed for an esape pod birth. The crew ran and ran for the hatch. They heard a noise. They knew it was raiders.
Ontep and his team schot anything that he came into contact with.
Ontep and his team came on the freighter’s crewman. The team had lazers. Kelly was very frightened. The crewman tried to comfort her.
  Kelly had seen aliens before.this was different. She found ontep more fearful that anything she had seen before. She looked right at him. The image froze in her mind. She would continue to remember that face.
The female crewman tried to sneek away with Kelly. They tried to be qiet. Wells fired on the raiders. The rest folowed suit.
Ontep and his team fired back on the crew. Wells got off several schots before ontep cut him down. He fell to the ground.ontep fired a final time before he was killed.
  The orther orions fired on the crew. The crewman had kelly keep down. They crawled away. They tried to be as qiet as possible. They kept going. They made it away from the bording party.
They found several remnents of the crew. “We have to keep moving !”Her mom said. She huged her mom. Then they moved.
They neared an esape pod. There was a team of raiders. She saw him again. Ontem. The man who killed her farther,the man who killed most of the bridge crew. She wanted to kill him with her bare hands.
“Keep going !” Christina Kaufman said. “Mom no!” Kelly said. “Please you have to make it out!” Her morther said. Several provided cover. They fired on the orions. Kendra pulled kelly. They ran to the esape pod.
  Christina and several orthers tried to provide cover for them. They ran to the pod. A crewman opened the hatch. They ran in. “Come on!” A crewman pleaded.
The team got off a few more schots. Christina fired and admonished the team to go. She waited until the last minute and tried to go in. She was schot. Kelly screamed.
The pod had to lunch. The pod went away. The pod tried to hide. When the orions destroyed the ship. The pod hid under the debree. The orions moved on.
After days in space,the pod was recovered. Out of a crew of 34,not including 10 children,only 17 made it out. Kelly and three of her siblings servived. Her parents and a brother were killed.
  Kelly was raised by her grand parents on earth. She decided to go to med school. She was acepted to havered medical school. She maried a space explorer named kelly wyane renelds. Now she was medical officer on x 1000.
Kelly never forgot that day.she could not. She rarely talked about it. She could not sleep. She got up and went into the orther room. She looked at the stars.
End of part one

To the outer rim and beyond part 8

Bryce shumar arived at the area near the atomic lunch bay. He took out the granade. The granade was designed to operate in space.
The device floated to the luncher. He set on a time delayed detination. Then he got out of the way.
Th granade exploded. The luncher was hit. It was not destoyed but damage beyond the ablity to operate properly.
X 1000
“There atomic luncher is off line!”tivora said.”good work mr. Shumar! Finily some good news!” Styles said.
Alien ship
“We cannot use our atomic weapons !”the gunner said. “They are very intuitive ! They adapt quickly to change! They are quite fasinating cretures! ” the commander said.
“The vessel primary drive is off line! They will have to rely on impulse !”the science officer said.
“I have located the space walker !”the gunner anounced. “Target that sodjer! Eliminate him!” The commander said.
A lazer beam headed his way. He tried to avoid it. The blast destroyed his booster pack. He was drifting. He was a siting duck.he knew it.
“Great i get out in space. Go where no one had gone. Die my first week. Either i will be a foornote or a martyr. A pionor but a dead one!”he thought.
The lazer beam was hit him. He would be a goner. He felt something push him away. It was a ship.
By the looks of it,it was some kind of scout craft. He was brought on bored. The hatch opened.
“Nead a lift?” The man asked. He got closer to see who it was. The man was tall. He had blue skin and antinas. “What are you?”shumar asked.
“My race are called the andorians. We are pecefull well for the most part. We get iretated esily but i am prety even kealed normally !” He said.
“You have any idea who these people are who are attacking us are?”shumar asked.
“They are called romulans. They control a good size empire. They are zenophobic. They were content in keeping a tight lid on there own space.recently they caught the expansion buz. They have begun to spread out. I suspect they will keep going.”hw said.
” in order to expend they will have to deal with us. Our space is right in there way. Sounds to me like a war in the making. “Bryce said. 
“That is usually how it goes. The romulans apitite may be biger then there abilities to pull it off!”the andorian said.
Shumar thought to himself that there own abilities might not be up to snuf on there end. He would not say that outloud.
The x 1000 waited for the enemy ships next move.  “Hail that ship!” Styles said. “Sending ! No response !”trajaten said.
“At present we are basically evenly matched! “Tivora said. “We are both prety batered and bloody!” Styles said.
“Vessel is moving away! “Boyd reported. “They are probably going to try to regroup. This is not over! “The captain said.
“We are not going to persue?” The armory officer said. “Negitive ! We are in  no shape to persue. We need to lick our own wounds. They will be back. So will we!”styles said.
“Sir detecting another ship. Scout class. Commander shumar is abored. He said he has made a friend!”trajatan said. ” I see! ” the captain said.
End of part 8