At every turn part four

“Captain’s log,our mission of exploration into uncharted reigions was interupted after we were attacked by a combat ship. We have learned that the attackers are part of a group of bounty hunters. Apearently our civilian advisor an andorian has several warents against him. We are not clear on where to go from hear” captain Styles said in his log.
Trajaren and tisora entered the bridge. “I asume you two have something for me!”captain styles said. “Mr. Steveren served in the andorian military. He even commanded an andorian warship. He fell into disrepute.he fled andorian space. He joined a group of pirates. “Trajaten said.
“He is wanted by several different planets. Some are capital charges. Some are related to his military carer,others are related to his carer as a pirate. “Tisora said.
“I consulted with some sources i have in noborian government and the military ,what is odd is the bounty was inactive until a few weeks ago!”trajaten said.
“Who called in the marker?”boyed asked. ” The planet coridon!” Trajaten said.”coridon is a planet ritch I’m minerals including dilithium cristles. The planet coridon has fallen victom to piracy and raids near its planet. Vulcan has a limited trade relationship with them. The planet is a hotbed of controversy. They have been under constent threats of invasion by nearby worlds. ” Tisora said.
“What were the charges that the coridonians leveled against him?”Lindsay asked. “Cutting off ligitimate trade,ilegal blokade,crimes against sencience. This all occured during a conflict between coridon and andor. ” Trajaten said.
“The incident occued 17 years ago!” Lindsay said. “Odd that the case is reopened now!”shumar said. “It is!”styles said.
Planet pacifica
  Vulcan embassy.
“Ambassador! An andorian gentleman is asking to see you!”an aid said. “Do you know why ?”the ambassador asked. “No he said that he would only discuss it with you!” The aid said.
The consil general decided to meat with the andorian citizen. The door opened,the tall man with an antanae entered the office. The ambassador dismissed the room. His aides excited the office. The door closed.
“My naime is steverin! “He said.”so how can i help you?”the diplomat asked. “Well i have come hear to inform you of what i believe to be a threat to Vulcan security. ” Steverin said.
“What kind of a threat?”the ambassador asked. “Humans do not believe that Vulcan were not atempting to target humans a few mounths ago. Humanity fear that Vulcan may not want human to become more developed. Human are considering orginizing against the Vulcans. “Steveren said.
“How do you know this?”the ambassador asked. “I was an advisor and go between for the flagship of there deep space exploration program the x 1000. I saw there first hand there program of working to procure weapons and technology to wage a gerila war against Vulcans. They want basically a war of atricion. ” steveren said.
“You were involved in this program?” The ambassador asked. “Yes i was. “The andorian said.
“Why are you teling me this now?”the ambassador said. “I never planed on helping them. I did it to gather evidence. While i have no great love for your people,there are rules. There are guidelines. Rules of engagement. I bring you what i know !”he said.
“Your evidence will have to be closely scrutinized. “The ambassador said. “I understand that. I will fully cooperate with your investigation. ” Steverin said.”I see. We will need detailed satements. You will need to disclose every thing to us. ” The ambassador said. “I will do so!” He said.
  The prefect of Vulcan was informed of the developing event. He called together the top members of his cabinet.
  “Minister of justice !”the prefect said. “We have been given evidence that earth is planing to wage a war of atrition against us. The evidence is circumstencial. His story is plausible !”the justice minister said.
“Do you believe it?”the prefect asked. “I am not totally convinced of this evidence. I cannot disprove it either. “The justice minister said.
“I see. Minister of defense stukun what is your view?”the prefect asked. “I find the evidence underwhelming but i do not believe that the evidence should be ignored. I think we have to look into it further. “The defense minister said.
“Hunanity has come a long way. There is always the danger of them returning to there infantcy.we should not rush to a conclusion but should consider the possibility. “The foregn minister said.
“I want the evidence brought to Vulcan . I want it closely examined. I want to speak to our ambassador to earth”prefest tavarsis said.
New york
  Office of the president
“Ambassador skoden. “President rodny Alexander said.”Mr. President we have information sugesting that the earth government is perparing to wage what you call a gerila war against us.  We are reviewing this information but until the investigation is complete,we are suspending all joint activities. “The ambassador said.
“I would like to review that information !” The president said.”it will be provided to you.  Until this is resolved,all interaction between our two peoples will be limited.”the Vulcan ambassador said.
“I am sory to hear that but i will respect it. “The president said. The ambassador left the door. The door closed.
  X 1000
“I can’t acess the Vulcan data base. “Lindsay said. “Can you acess the earth data bsse?”styles asked. “Yes i can!”Lindsay said.
“Captain urgent message. It is from eller!”trajaten said. “I will take it in my qurters!” He said.
Qurters of captain styles.
“Sir!”styles said. “We have a problem. Steveren whatever ligal trouble he seemed to be in has been resolved. He ended up on Vulcan claming we are planing to comit terrorist acts against them. ” Eller said.
“Steveren said that. What proof is he presenting?”styles said. “We don’t know yet. We have not seen it yet. We are waiting to get it. We will closely review it. “Eller said.
“This makes no sense. He has done a lot for us. I can’t understand this. “Styles said. “I would like you to head for vega colony. I know your conducting reserch but we need you to be debrefed. We could be isolated for a while!”eller said.
“Look I’m sory sir. I honestly never saw this comming.” The captain said. “I know that. “He said.
“He said that?”boyed said. “Thata what we hear. We have not seen anything concrete yet. The Vulcan are taking it seriously.they are haulting all operations and interaction with us. Orher government may follow suit. “Styles said.
“We are being recalled to vega for consultation. “Shumar said. “We are on the verge of some major developments !”gina said.”i understand but we have our orders. “Styles said. “Why do i feal like we are always one decision away from this whole thing being scraped?”perizau asked. “We kind of are jose !” Styles said.
Vulcan freighter
“Captain! Incoming message from Vulcan transportation ministry. They are advising all vessel in or heading to human space to leave or avoid. “The freighter com tech said.
“Head for the talerite base in the lacocren sector. “The freighter captain ordered. The helm oficer complied with the order.
“We have incoming object. Scaning. Object is a probe. The sansor aray is off line. The functional. “The monitor said. “All stop!”the captain said.
The probe exploded. The freighter tried to get away. The shock wave spread to the freighter. The freighter was hit.the freighter started to drift.
The crew tried to get the ship to stop. The vessel finally went to a full stop. There was a gaping hole in the ship. The areas around the hole were sealed off.emurgentcy bulkheads fell into place. The crises has begun!
End of part one
Earth has a united earth government in place. Right now it is stil in the infantcy phase. The president is an interem president.
Acording to star trek chronology second edition,earth formed a united government in 2113. My story is based around 2150. This is a contradiction.
My inspiration for president Alexander is jery doyle. Doyle of course played micheal garabaldi on Babylon five. My background for the president is that he is from newfoundland and Labrador.
Skoden is the farther of sarek the farther of spock. Skoden was referenced in star trek three. It has been sugested that the pilot of the lander in first contact was skoden.
Pacifica the ocean world was mentioned in “conspiracy ” and “manhunt”

Beyond vega part 2(b)

“Captain’s oficial report,commanding officer corner styles recording. We have been sumoned back to vega colony. We are to receve new system upgrades. We are also having crew rotation and getting some new officers as well”
Qurters of jose marie and marie perizu
“You sure i cannot convince you to return to earth?”he asked. “Only if your coming with me!”she reaplied. ” I would love to return to earth but i am needed hear on x. X is going to make history. It already has. I need to be a part of it. The European hagemeny wants me there to represent there interest. I respect the engineers but only to a point!” He said.
“I want to be where you are!”she said. She grabed his hand. “I belong with you! We are a family ! That is how it should be!”she said. She placed his hand on her belly. “Alright !” He said.
“I can’t believe we are taking on new crewman. I have yet to remember all the names of the curent ones. Many of your names sound alike! Really you have two paul mckinons can’t you order one of them to change there names or have a fight to the death or something !”steveren the andorian said.
“I can’t order them to change there name. I could sugest it i supose. I am not going to endanger there life either !” Captain styles said. “It was only a sugestion!” The andorian declared. “Alright !”the captain responded.
“Space command asures me these replacement are the best!”styles said. “Oh they just want to get rid of them and they are trying to butter us up!”trajaten said. “I had not consider that! “Shumar said. “Nor had i!” He said.
“Captain now nearing the vega outpost!”science officer trivora reported. “Take us out of warp!”styles ordered.
Kelly wyane,ships pilot deactivated the warp drive.the ship went by impulse to the outpost.  “Now in position !”tivora reported. “We are cleared to dock!”trajaten anounced. “Begin docking procedures!” Styles ordered.
The ship backed up slowly. It only used thrusters as he coasted into the birth. “Activating morings!” Tivora said.”Docking acheved!” Shumar reported. “Good work every one! “He said.
“Do you know anything about the new crewmen?”steveren asked. “We have there oficial files. “Styles said. “We don’t know what kind of baby blanket they had as a child but that we know the important things!” Shumar said.
Steveren was confused. Human anecdotes were usually very confusing at least to the andorian. He decided to go with it.
“Lets go meet the new crewmembers! Bryce with me! Jason you have the bridge !”he said.”aye sir!”boyed said. They entered the elivater. The door closed.
The captain and first officer waited at the airlock. “I hear lt. Markum is quite a go getter!” Shumar said. “I have heard that as well! She is young but has already made her mark. I considered her for first officer but you had a more impressive resumae !” He said. “I am glad i won out!”he said.
“There is a good chance you will ve ofered one of the next x clasd ships. I will definitely consider her for the task if you get it!” Styles said.
“You may change your mind. I hear she is a bit hard to work with. I have never met her but i hear things . She is not known as a team player!” Shumar said. “Few ship commanders are Bryce !” Styles commented. “True but even a leader has to be to a point!” Shumar replied. “Sir the new crew is ready to bored!” A crewman anounced. “Open it up mr. Daniels!” He ordered.
The crewman opened the hatch.the new crew began to flood in.the captain and first officer greated the new crewman. Then they came to lt. Markum.
“Lt. Lindsay markum reporting as ordered.”she said. “Welcome abored!”the captain said.”you have an impressive record lt!”shumar said. “I will endevor to live up to your expectations for me!” She said. “Glad to hear that!”the first officer said.
She moved on. She walked off. More crew were welcomed abored.
Captains qurters
“First impresons?”styles asked.”she is sure of herself !”shumar said. “It could be a vener,a frount!”the captain said. “Mayby! I hope she works out!” Shumar said. “I am sure she will!”the captain said.
“Her medical report check out?”styles asked. “Yes. Did you think that it would not?”dr. Renelds asked. “No i figured she would. Just making sure!”he said.
“Oficial report,the x 1000 has left vega outpost. We are resuming our exploration of uncharted reigion. Where it will take us is unknown but it begins now!”