Universe according to trajaten part five

Space station s.r 114
The captain and the party entered the airlock. “Welcome to s .r 114. I am commander lukert,”he said. There was evidence of oppen circuits. The air was a bit stale.
“We have been running on minimal power. The station has been on stand by mode until a mounth ago. The station was running on remote until the numorian government decided to negotiate turning it over to someone else who cod run it. “Operations chief Jindal said.
“Right now it is too much to look at  but it has a lot of potential !” the station commander said.
“The station has been running on reverse for two years!”the operation chief said. Chief enginer perizu look over it. “We can show you more!”the commander said. They followed the commander.
They excited the Startle bay. They walked though the station. It was run down by numorian standards.they were very embarrised by it. The humans looked at it from it’s potential. They liked the challenge. They believed that they could vastly improve on .
Perizu looked over a few things he disused some facts and figures with th ships pilot. This made the staff nervous.
The first stop was the reactor room. “The reactor is three generation behind the current generation!”the ops officer said. The chief looked over everything. The staff was not quite as impresed with there thoroughness.
The next spot was the infirmary. After what she had in the x,she was very impressed. “There is a lot I could do with this!”Dr. Kelly said. “Don’t get attached doctor.I do want you back on the x!”styles said. She laughed. “”Oh alright!”she said.
Then they went to the operations deck. They looked it over. “I don’t ever imagine a control center this big. ” Jason said.
Mess hall.
The commander and staf had went back to there duties. “What do you think? Honest assessment?”styles asked.
“There are relatively minor issues. The infrastructure is sound. The reactor is in good condition. We are looking at a lot of work. This would be a schot in the arm for human space exploration. “Perizu said.
“The infirmery is quite impressive. I have noticed a few safety issues I am concerned by but I think We can adresed them easily. “Dr. Kelly said.
“I too am concerned by safety concerns but I do agree with the doctor. I believe they can be solved. “Jasson said.
“These are the lowest of the low. I personally would pass on them. I can see why humanity would be interested in them. It. Would be a start. “Trajaten said.
“What do you think luzole. Would you recommend we take it?”styles asked. “I believe they do have much to offer. I would not make a recconmendation but I believe you could do well!” she said.
Jason went over to tisora. ” so how was your date?”Jason asked.”it was aceptible.”she said. “I see. I have no idea to interpret that! “He told her.
“Trajaten! Without anyone else,what is your honest view?”styles asked.
“I don’t think like humans . at times my views differ from even those of my fellow countryman. I believe my people have given you an honest presentation . I believe you have looked at this objectively. I personally would have kindly told to them to what is the human expression. Go fly a kite but that’s me. “He said.
“Look like it or not and I don’t,humanity is essentially a third world country trying to become a first world one. This Is a big deal for us. This station is amazing from our perspective. Look Eller industries is working around the clock to create New technology but we have to walk and chew gum at the same time. Right now we have to accept that we have to be patcient. Right now we have to buy some hardware while waiting for our own advancement. ” styles said.
“You are probably right . I am not  questioning you decision . it is not how the decision I wooh
uld make. “Trajaten said. “Of course!”the captain said.
Space station triangle
Security office
“You wanted to see me?” “the bolien male asked. “Yes I did. This is lt. Lindsey markum of the human starship x 1000. You trespasased into an unathorized area!”the chief of security said.
“It was an honest mistake. I can’t believe your revisiting this!”the bolien man said. “We suspect that you may have helped someone else. We believe you provided a diversion for someone who accesed files on our data banks. “Markum said.
“Why would I do that?”the bolien said. “It could be for any number of reasons. You need to come clean. “The chief said .
“I am appalled that you would think il of me!”the bolien said. “The time of your little trespassing and the security breach coincide very close together. Either you provided cover for whoever was behind it or you were behind it. “Markum said.
He considered what had been said. “Perhaps I do know something of what is going on. “The bussinesman said.
“Pleaase elaborate!” the chief said. “I got into some debt. A man named arena lodesma paid off my debts in exchange for doing this little favor. I was to provide a distraction. I was not told what was going on or why!”he said. .”lodesma is a known businessman. He is suspected of having ties to the Orion syindicate and other  group. We have never been able to prove it!”the chief said.
“Do you know what to find him?”markum asked. “I have a few ideas on how to find him!” the chief said.
“What it is?”lodesma asked. “You have been snpooping around where you don’t belong. I want to know why?”the chief said.
“I was surprised by the sudden appearance by a mystery ship from a mystery part of space. I was curious!”the man said
“What you did is iligal. It is punishable by six months to two years .”the security chief commented.
“Look I want to know what you took and why?”markup said. “Look we have you on camera in and out of the area. We have enough evidence to convict you. “The chief said.
“I took your flight plan and armerments. As well as your supplies. Raiders pay top wunyum for this kind of information. “Lodesma said.
“You were going to sell us out for mony?”markup asked.”is it the way of things. It is how we do things. It Is a targ eat targ world. If you can’t hack it,maybe you should not be out hear. ” lodesma said.
Qurters of commander shumar.
“They have our flight plan?”commander shumar asked.”I am afraid so. Unforunently we don’t know who has it. He sold it to several third parties.” markum informed the commander.
“You believe  we may be facing an ambush ?” commander shumar asked. “I am sure of it commander!”Lindsey said. “I will inform the captain when he gets back. ” shumar said.” thank you commander!”she said.
The startle left the station. The startle headed for the triangle. “So do you think this deal Will happen?”Dr. Kelly said. “I think There is a good chance of it. “The captain said.
“We have a perimeter alert!”luzole said. “Where?”styles said. All of a sudden a large vessel came at them. There was no where they could go.
End of part five.
I am not sure what Lindsey markum ‘s primary responsibility is.the x is similar to a marine crew where everyone performs multiple task even the cook. I have not figured out her duties.

The universe according to trajaten part four

Space station triangle
The two stayed in the restaurant for quite a while. Commander Grant offered to walk her back to the x.she agreed.
“It was very agreible to see you again. I would be agred to another of these!”she said.
He smiled. “Excelent! I hoped you would. I have thought of you often. “Grant said. “On occasion you have remerged in my thoughts. “She told him.He chuckled.
They arrived at the airlock. “Have a good night tisora!”he said. “You as well !”the commander said. He watched her leave. The airlock doors closed.
Jason was interrupted from his dusting his quarters to go to the bridge. “This better not be checking up on my gentle health lyins.”Jason said. “I am afraid not jayce. I get bored easily. I was doing some diagnostic on key syistom and not so key syistom. Any ways an hour ago someone acesed computer records. I cannot determine what was acesed. “Lindsey said.
“Your sure it was unauthorized acess?” Jason asked.”yes I am. This could be a serious security breach!”she said “please tell me this is not to  me something to do “he said.
“I wish it was jayce but my gut tells me that this is important. This is a port of call for multiple world’s. This could be curiosity or the society,romulans,orions or who knows who else. ” Lindsey said. “Your right I will look into it. “Jason told her.
Qurters of the captain
“The negotiations are going Very well. I beleve we will work out some kind of arrangement with the numiriens. The commander has invited us to tour one of the facilities. I would like to have the key disiplines look this over. “Styles said .
“Road trip!”Kelly Wayne said. “I never liked road trips. It reminded me on how careless mankind can be. We wasted a substance that was never intended to be a major fuel source. It reminds me of why I distrust the future of humanity and humanity in General. That and I get motion sickness in smal confined spaces. “Perizu said.
“Does that meen you won’t come?”captain styles asked.”no way.somebody has got to be the voice of reason. ” perizu said.
“I figured that was the case. “Captain styles said. “We are going to need an engineering,medical,and tactical.Kell want to pilot a numorian scout ship?”shumar asked.”cool! Sounds good!”Kelly Wayne said.
“Commander shumat has agreed to stay behind and mine the store. Trajaten I want you to come with us! Commander luzole has agreed to accompany us!”styles said.
Trajaten was uncomfortable with that arrangement. He decided not to say anything .trajaten had always been reserved even among  his own people. He was even more so among the humans. He decided not to object. His reservations could be easily detected. “Of course!” trajaten said.
“Tisora I want you on the team as well. ” styles said. “Of course. ” she said. “Is there anything else?”styles asked. “I do captain. Lt. Markum and I suspect that there May be a security breach “Jason said.
“Last night at around 2100 someone accesed our files.we do not know what they accesed. “Markum said.
“I want a full investigation into this. Lets find out what is going on!”styles said. They agreed. Then styles dismissed the meeting. They got up.
Security office.
The security office was really the part of the brig that was not a holding cell. Markum assembled the security officers on duty during the time of the suspected breach.
“Ok we beleve that there was an unauthorized acess to computer files around 1900 hours x standered time.did anyone see anything out of the ordinary during that time?” Markham  asked.
“I did sir!”ensign keny gel  declared.”what happened ensign?”Lindsey asked. “I was on patrol when an alien male with blue skin was seen near the cargo bay. I stoped him. I advised him to leave the area. He apologized and I escorted him to a comon area. “Fell Informed him.
“Ok that is a clue. We will look into it. ” markum said. Lindsey hoped that this would be the key that would blow the case sky high.
Space station triangle
Shartle bay.
The station commander escorted the crew to the Shartle bay. “This is It? Your sure you can pilot it?”the commander asked. “Of course I can sir!”Kelly Wayne said.”he is one of the best pilots in the service.”captain styles said.
“I am a skilled pilot as well. I winter be right there should you need it. “Luzole assured him .The pilot felt patronized and belittled by that statement. In the interest of diplomacy he decided to let it go.
Odd he thought. He found many numorians including commander luzole to be arrogant and aristocratic. He never thought that about trajaten. He never thought that trahaten believed that he was an interlecual ubermencht. The pilot just realized that fact. He got a New respect for trajaten although he had a great deal of respect for the com tech before.
The team got into the pod. Captain styles was astonished by the size of the startle. The x had one startle pod and callingit a pod was as light exaduation. The x was a glorified strife container .Eller industries hoped future exploration vessel would be Cruz liner with torpedoes but many felt there was years maybe a century away.
The expedition included captain styles,com officer trajaten,Dr. Renelds,pilot renelds,chief perizu,science officer tisora and lt.Boyd . Kelly Wayne was either to take the pilot chair.
The craft was given clearance to depart the ship. The startle went though pre flight. After the preflight was complete the startle headed out. The bay door opened. The craft left the shartle left the bay and the station.
“So is trajaten still quiet and reserve?” luzole said. Trajaten did not like where this conversation was heading.
“The most I have heard him say is aye sir!” styles said .”you got him to say that ? Wow. The most I used to get was a shrug!”luzole said. He let off a sigh.he displayed an eyerole. “Kinda like that !”she said.
“I assumed that your people were fairly stoic. To the center of Vulcan but more stoic then humans. “Dr. Kelly said.
“We are fairly serious especially those in the military. Trajaten is the right of most. Most of the General staff find him too stiff for there taste!”luzole said. 
“I highly doubt that !” trajaten said.they laughed. The com officer did not say anything in response. He hopped that the current conversation would die down. It did eventually. This was much to his relief.
Space station triangle
Office if security chief kylon
“A blue skin man. That sound like endol. He is a bolien. He is a bussinesman. He is usually on the up and up!”the chief said. “Let me gues,he goes up to the line but does not cross it. “Markum said. “You got it!”he said.
The Seattle heard the station. The startle was granted access to the station.  Th Seattle docked inside the station. “Docking complete!”Kelly Wayne said.
“You did well lt!”luzole said. “Did you doubt him?”Dr.Kelly asked. “Of course not!”luzole said. While no one was sure that they believed her,they decided to drop it.
“Lets go see what we are up against. “Styles said.everyone got up and headed to the station. They excited the station and entered the station.
End of part 4

The universe according to trajaten part 3

Space station triangle.
Mess hall
Trajaten was really nervous about seing luzole again. He was really nervous about seing her in a casual situation. Then again he always was around her. She had always made him nervous.
Only a few weeks into there training,luzole had already been named a freshman class company commander. She was already a superior officer to him. While he was an operations officer in training,he was training to be a support officer. He was shy and reserve. He had not the temperament or the desire to be a leader.
After an inspection of the cadets,they were dismissed.luzole came over to him. He tensed up. Though he had some warm interaction with her but that was before she was given a leadership position.
She came over to him. He went to attention. “At ease! “She said. He was stil at attention but not as much so. “No look can you forget I am a unit corporal for a minute. Can we just be luzole and trajaten for a couple of urchins.”she said.
“I don’t see how. I can’t just turn on and off ,I can’t go from cadet trajaten to trajaten at a drop of a hat. I can’t see you as ujole after seing you as corporal whole!”trajaten said
“I am not that scary !”she said with a gleam in her eye. “You made a cadet wash there quarters with a tooth brush and do 100 push ups while reciting the articles of consortium in the brial sub laungrege. “Trajaten said.
“That story has been exaduated experientialy. “She said. “Your my commanding officer let’s keep things professional. “He said. “I am a student leader. I am a peer amount pears. It is not that big of an issue. “She said.
He recalled that she was always was stoic and down to business. She was an iron lady except around trajaten. Around him she was night and day  different. He was almost the oposite.
As he neared her table,he got more and more buterfilies in his atomic.he tried to ignore them.he tried to remane calm.
She saw him. She smiled and got up. They hugged. “It is good to see you ! ” she said. “It is good to see you!” he said.
“I have missed you!” she told him.”I have missed you. “Trajaten said “I never understood your decision to go to earth. I was very surprised when you joined the crew of They 1000!”she said.
“It was a split decision. I was in the com room at the embassy. The ambassador came in and said that earth was lunching a ship and wanted a com tech. Next thing I knew I was in the x. “He said.
“I see.you have never sparked me as impulsive. “She said. “Though it was a quick decision I do not beleve that it was an impulsive one!”he said.
“Perhaps. You have gotten noticed.you are the talk of Manny quarters. “She said. “Oh how so?” he said. “The x 1000 misons have garnered a lot of attention. They have already made history. They have gotten noticed. Humanity could play a major role in galactic affairs. If not now perhaps in the future. It seams inevetible now. Baring unforesee. Events. “She said.
“I would agree with that. Humans are never satisfied. They keep excelling. They keep striving for more. They want to better themselves. They have already taken gigantic leaps Sense leaving earth space. “He said.

“Our government wants to have good relations with them. They taking over those bases would be a big help. We get to not have to wory about those sectors.humans get to get there hands on new technology. “She said.
“You support this plan.you were sceptical of working with The humans!”he said. “I support our government working with the humans. It you I don’t want working In human space.

“So that’s what it was!”he said. “Look the current head of communications of Triangle is accepting a promotion. It cod be yours. It includes a promotion to vice commander. “She said.
“You should know what my answer will be. I am needed on x”he said.”surely they could get another com tech. Your talents are not utilized to There full potentle.”she told him.
“I disagree. I beleve I have a lot to teach and to learn from humans. I am not like you luzole. “He said. “Are you running to the humans or away from me. ” she asked.
“It was not going to work between us!”trajaten said. “You never gave it a chance. Your a loner. You prefer to be isolated. You and I could have worked. You would not have it. You would not let me in. I was willing to do it your way.you would not even go for that!”she said.
“I am planing to remane on the x 1000 for the foreseeable future. “Trajaten said. “If you change your mind tell me. The com tech has a mounth before he assumes his new post.”she told him. “My decision is final. I do not intend to do differently!” he said. “Then I Will drop the matter. “He said.
X 1000
Quarters of tisora and Gina.
“I can’t beleve you are doing this!”Gina said. “I am surprised you object. You are always saying I should get out more!”tisora said. “Not like this. Are you trying to make Jason jealous?”she asked. “That is highly ilogical?”tisora said. “What is this ?”Gina asked
“Ethen was my superior officer.we had something but we both felt we could not persue it. ” tisora said.
“What about you and Jason? It is like it never happened. “Gina said.
“I have a great respect for Jason but we have never had anything official. ” she said.
“You should. You two are ment for each other!”Gina said. “I don’t beleve that people are destined for each other. ” tisora said. “Of course you don’t. ” Gina said.
“Commander Grant would be a fine choice for a husband !”she said. “What about Jason?”she asked.”he is a soldier.at times he can be erratic. I beleve the commander would be more stable. “Tisora said
She was styling her hair. Gina was surprised that she was making such an effort for this. She never altered her hair style.
She was dresed in Vivian clothing.she wore red blouse,gray pants and sandles. She opened the airlock. Grant smiled.
He took his hand and they went arm in arm though the station. They headed for one of the restaurant in the station’s food court.
“I have missed you!”Grant said.”I have been aware of your absence!”The younger officer said.he chuckled. “You have not changed a bit. “He said. “You appear to be very similar yourself then!”she told him.
“I gues I could see that. I like that you call me Ethen. This is the first time you have not called me commander!”he said.”we are off duty. “She said.
X 1000
Jason boyed was performing diagnostic on the ships weapons syistom. “Hey you want to play ping pong?”Kelly Wayne renelds asked. “Oh no I want to get this done!” Jason said. “Ok! You know. My wife was engaged to someone else. She was way out of my league. She was a med student I am a jarhead really. “Kelly Wayne said.”if she decides to persue a relationship with the commander,I am fine with that.”
Ensign Kenny gel was potroling the ship. He saw an alien man near the cargo bay. “Sir! This is a restricted area. “The security officer said. “I’m sorry I did not realize that.”the blue skinned alien said. He’ll watched him go to a comon area. It was stil suspicious.
The action by the alien was a diversion. Someone else was trying to hack into the ship’s syistom. What he was trying to access was unknown. Whatever it was they got it.
End of part

At every turn part three

“Captain’s log,the x was just asulted by an unknown force. They have taken civilian advisor steveren hostege. We were forced to let the hostile get away!”styles said.
” the bording party belong to a group called universial security service. Dont let the name fool you. It is not recognized by any government. Governments do use them from time to time. They are for all intence and perposes bounty hunters!”trajaten said.
“So steveren is a fugitive ?”boyed said. “I don’t want to sound like a Monday morning qurter back but steveren could have been more properly vetted'”Lindsay markum sugested.
“With all due respect lt. We were in dire strats when he showed up. He canobolized his own ship to protect the ship during the ion storm. He was instramentle in protecting us from the romulons. We owe a lot to him “boyed said.
“We are going to need alies. We had to reach out to other world’s !”gina said.
“I get that. We can’t just work with anyone that shows up. We have to treat other races with respect. Homo sapian hagemony won’t work hear. We are the new kid on the block'”Lindsay said.
“Alright ! Trajaten use your resources and see what you can find out! “Captain styles ordered.”you got it. “The noberian answered.
  “There is another source as well!”jason sugested. “Yes! Talk to tisora!”styles said.
Lt. Kelly wyane renelds had no time to process the news he got. A few seconds after receving it,all heck broke loose. He had tried to supress the emotion during the battle. He had suceeded for the most part.
He was happy when his shift was over. He could have asked to be releved of duty sighting personal isues. Both the captain and exo were known for being understanding but he decided not to try that. That is not his style.
Now his shift was over,he could unwind . He could process all that was going on. He could make sense of all of it not that he made any sence.
He slowly walked to his qurters. He said hi to crewman who passed by. He made it to his room. He opened the door.
He saw his kids. They huged there dad. He kissed the baby. He huged his wife. “You ok babe?”she asked. “I just got news from command. Doug was injured while on patrol. He is ok but he was hurt prety bad. He was rushed to saturn general. “He said.
“I’m so sory kell. “She said . She huged him. Doug was his older brother. He was two years older.he was a fighter pilot and headed up a scraudrin out of the starahip esex.
“Usually i don’t mind being out in deep space going where no human had gone before. Today its different. I gues i figured time would stop while i was away!”he said.
“It wont be easy! Things will happen while we are gone!”she said. “Is it woth it? Is what we are doing really going to be worth a hill of beens In the long term?”he asked.
“I don’t know? I don’t know that we can know until a few years down the road perhaps longer. They may debate what we did a hundred years from now. The old man believes our destiny is in deep space. I think he could be right. It does involve sacrifices. I can’t be sure it will be worth it. I think it will. I don’t think we will regret this! ” she said.
He thought that she was right. Right now he could not admit it.she understood that. This was a hard time. Things like this tried the soul. It certainly did for him.
On the bounty hunter’s ship,no one talked to him. The hunters did not have a dog in the hunt m.they were doing a job.  That was all that mattered to them.
Steveren was wanted by 22 different governments. Out of those,ten government wanted him for capital ofenses. Four of though governments had methods of execution that were slow and painful. Not that that mattered to the andorian. To him death was death.
He felt the ship come out of warp. He figued that the ship was near its destination. His holding cell did not have any Windows so he could not look outside and see where he was.
After a few minutes the door opened. He got up from the cot.he went over to the force field. “Welcome to coridon?”the head commando he had encountered erlier said.
“Coridon?”steverin asked. The leader of the cammando unit confirmed it. It could be worse he suposed.
Coridon was rich in mineral including dilithium cristles. Every one in the galaxy wanted there minerals. This included empires,space fearing race,Intergalatic coperations and criminal organizations.
Andorians used go between to obtain coridon minerals. Coridon was a place of controversy.  As an x military officer,steveren had multiple deelings with coridon directly and indirectly.
He knew they were ticked at him. In some respects steverim agreed with that sentlement. He was suprised that with every one that wanted him,it would be coridon that pulled out all the stops and finally caught up with him.
  The commander ordered the tech to lower the force field . The tech followed the order.the field was lowered. Steverin was placed in restraints.
Then he was led away from the holding area. He was escorted to the hanger area. There he was turned over to coridon oficials.
“So! Drelet we meat again !”steverin said. “Stil as arogant as ever. This time i am in control!”the coridon minister for justice said. “Control is in an ilision drelet!”the andorian renarked. “Perhaps but those restraints are not!” The juducial oficial quipped.
Steveren was brought to a coridon shartle. The vesel left the bounty hunter’s vesel and headed for the planet.
Steveren was taken to a holding cell. He felt something in the cell. It was a kind of gas. He felt himself fall into a sate of unconsciousness.
He woke up. He had no idea where he was. He began to realize that he was on a ship. The vessel was travaling at warp. He was not in a cell.
He left the room and entered a coridor. He saw a tiberon. “Your awake! Excellent !”erdilon said. “Who are you?” He said. “My name is dr. Ardilon erdilon. ” He said. “Am i being turned over to the tiburons? Funny i don’t remember breaking any of your laws or commiting any acts of agreson well unles you count my brief flutation with the daughter of the ambassador to benzar. “Steveren said.
“The whole being arested by bounty hunters and being brought to coridon was a rouse. An efective one!” Erdilon said.
“I’m suprised they went for this!” He said. “I can be quite pursasive when i need to be.
  “Why do all this ? Are you trying to preserve the honor of corindra?” Steverin asked. The tiberon laughed.
“You are living on bowed time mr. Steverin. Half the galaxy wants you dead the other wants you in iron. It is only a matter of time before one of them catches up with you!”he said.
“I know all that. ” The andorian said.
“It does not have to be that way. I can make all of it go away. “The tiberon said. “Really ! Your a tiberon. Your planet is hardly an intergalatic mover and shaker!”steveren said.
“In not but i know some people that are. They will make it go away if you help me!”erdilon said.
“What do you want?”steveren asked. “Humanity is peaking too early. They only developed warp drive a hundred years ago and ten years after a multiple detonations of atomic warheads all over the planet. They are brancing out at a rapid pace. Too rapid. We fear that humanity could be an unstable force in the galaxy. They could even try to forge an empire by subjugating lower tech world’s using there mineral to build there resources to become a galatic power. We cannot allow that. ” The tiberon said.
“Whose we?” Steveren asked.”we are those who want to build a better universe. We believe it must be done qietly,incramentily. It is a slow process. “The tiberon said.
“Your from the society ? The secret order trying to take over the galaxy !”the andorian commented.
“I would not word it quite that way but yes. “Erdilon said. “You tried to start a war between Vulcan and earth. “Steveren said.
“That operation did not go as planed. “Erdilon said.
“Your going to try again?”steverin asked. “Yes. This time we want to try a different tactic. We will build on the previous operation. The last time we tried to frame Vulcan for attacks on humans. This time we will provide evidence that the humans are perparing to attack Vulcan. We will say that they did not believe the Vulcan’s story. You will suply the evidence. As a member of the crew of the x 10000, you will be seen as a credible source. You will provide fuel to call within Vulcan society to act on the threat posed by the humans. “Erdilon said.
“Vulcan are non violent
.they lean towards pacifism. I am no fan of Vulcan but they may not take the bait!” Steverin said.
“We do not want earth or orther human worlds destroyed,only ocupied. We feal a hundred years perhaps two of colinization by Vulcan would temper humanity. Then humanity would play a positive role in the universe. “He said.
“Why would i help you. These are my friends. In some ways they are the closest thing i have to a family. Why should i betray them?” He asked.
“If you do this i can convince all the governments to give you a cleen sate. A full pardon. You will be free. No more looking over your soulder. No more fear.they are not worth it.  Come on steverin. This is your chance. Maybe your only chance. Don’t pass it up!” The doctor said. “You promise a full pardon ? Every planet?” He asked. “Every planet! You will have my word. “He said. “I agree ! I will help you!” He said.
End of part three
While this series superceeds star trek enterprise,i am not ignoring some of the information in it.
While Vulcan is not qute. The same as Vulcan on the core of star trek,i did not want the ulmost milisterustic Vulcan of v’las and the high command depicted on enterprise.
Coridon was mentioned in jouney to babel. Coridon admision to the federation was a hot button isue. In enterprise coridon government was proped up by Vulcan similar to the shah of  iran.

“At every turn”

  rygal 9
Dr. Aridon erdilon was not pleased to be back on rygal. He knew the grand elder would not be pleased by his work. He had failed to start a war between humans and vulcans. Sence the incident the two races seamed to increase there colaboritive eforts not decrease them. The mission had been an abject failue.
Dr. Eridon was usually an inposing man. When he taught at the tiboron university his students were more afraid of him then a leigion of a thousand Klingon wowiors. Today he felt smaler then a cardesian vole. He timidly entered the home. The chief body gaurd a zackdorn came up to him.
“Dr. Eridon he is eiger to see you in the prognosticator!”the alien said. The doctor followed the zackdorn into the basement.the room was sealed. The alien entered his pascode. The chamber opened.
“Uh aridob good. That will be all krasim!”the elder said. The zackdorn left the chamber.
“You failed me. You knew how important this was. This was the fate of the galaxy and you failed. “The elder said. “I know excellentcy. I offer my syincerest of apologies. I did not live up to your expectations or to my fullest potential. I do regret that! I offer no excuse!”the tiburon said.
“Not only did it stran your standing in our order but also myine. The bored is concerned by events. They are beginning to question my role in all this. For now i have solified my position in the order. I find you quite useful. The prognosticator seams to indicate that you are usefull to the future of the plan. I offer you another chance to prove your worth to me and to the order!”he said.
“I greatly apreciate that excellentcy. I will vindicate myself to you. “He said. “Good! “He said.
He took him over to the device. “The prognosticator was recalibrated after the incident between the humans and Vulcans. While the incident has improved there relations,all is not lost. Humanity and vulcans cannot form a long term alience of any kind. Well at least not now. Not under current arangement. Trying to put a wedge between them by trying to gin up animosity where none excisted was a bad idea. We need a new aproach. The human and vulcan have a core philopht that is dyimatrically oposed to it. They have been able to put them aside bacause both sides have a benign liberterian view of the galaxy. A kind of non interference belief that alows peaceful coexistence. We need to put a wedge between them. Put there ideaology and self interest in conflict. I put that all though the prognosticator and it returned one posibility! One wedge !”the elder said.
“The andorians!”dr. Eridon said. “Correct. The andorians a war like species that control an empire right on Vulcan’s door step. They have fought wars,cold wars,trade wars,you name it,humanity wants to explore beyond there borders. Humanity seaks peace full relations with orher worlds. Humanity will have to deal with the andorians. While humanity could sucesfully dance with both powers,a little nudge could throw it all into chaos. “The elder said.
“I take it we are going to provide that nudge?”eridon said.”corect! While the humans and andorians have not had any oficial contact,they have had un oficial contact !” The elder said. “Steveren!”eridon said. “Yes. I have looked into him. He has had quite a colerfull life.  He may be just what we need!”the elder said. “I will take care of it excellentcy!”the tiberon said.
“See that you do! Do not fail me this time. I believe in second chances. Not third. This is your only second chance! Keep that in mind. I am a forgiving man but only to a point !”the elder said. The man nodded. 
X 1000
Lt. Jason boyed had just completed his duty watch on the bridge. He was tired and cranky. He just wanted to get to his qurters so he could crash. As he walked to his qurters,he saw someone walking towards him. It was the last person he wanted to see,not that he wanted to see any one right now. Usually he found his andorian friend amusing. Not right now and especially not today.
“Why did the neo trasendentilist cross the road?”steveren asked. “I’m not doing this!”Jason said. “Come on jayce!”the andorian said. “No no! Not doing this!”jason incisted.
“Come on! Endulge me. Just this once!”the andorian pleaded. “That what you said the last time!”jason said. “Why did the neo transidentilist cross the road?” The antina claded alien said. “Alright ! Why did the neo trasencidentilist cross the road?”Jason asked. “Because there was no technology on the orther side!”he said. He started to laugh uncontrollably. “Ok!”Jason said. “Come on that was funny !”he said. “I will take your word for it!”Jason said.
“How long are you going to be in this funk?” He asked. “I’m fine!”Jason said. “I know that’s not true. “He said. “I apreciate what your trying to do. I need to get though this in my own way. “He said. “Alright! If you need me I’m hear!”he said. “I know. I do apreciate it. It does not make sence. Tisora killing out of revenge. I know that logic can be twisted but i don’t believe that of her. Look i need to short this out on my own ok!” Jason commented. “Very well i am hear if you need me!”he told him. “Thank you. I do apreciate it!”Jason said. Then they parted ways.
“Kelly i have a message for you.it was on the data stream. “Trajaten told him. “Oh thank you!”he said. He got up temporarily from the pilots station. Ema took over for a few seconds while he read it. He looked it over. His continence fell. “Are you ok?”the alien com officer asked. “Yea I’m fine thank you!” He told the noberien.he then returned to his consil.
While trajaten suspected something was up. He did not feel that it was his job to pry. The alien com officer returned to his duties.
Qurters of the captain.
“So do we want to replace the science officer?”Bryce asked. “No but we may need to. It is an important post in the iner circle. I would like tisora to come back but it may not be fesible!”captain styles said. “I know what you meen!”shumar said. “Well gina is doing a good job but Lindsay is up for a promotion. She acepted this position to get into space !”shumur said.”i know but Lindsay experience in science is limited especially compared to gina!”styles said. “If we go with gina,Lindsay might consider it a snub. If we go with Lindsay ,gina might not take it well! “Shumar said. “We can put it off for a little longer! Styles said.
The ship rocked back and forth. Styles activated the com unit. “Report !” Styles asked. ” unknown vessel ! Heavily armed!”gina said. “We are on our way. Take evasive action!” Styles said.
End of part one.
The tiburon are aliens with big ears. Dr. Severen was a tiburon.see season three episode,”way to eden”
Zackdorns apeared in the next generation. Sirna kilrahmi was a zackdorn. See peak performance.

Beyond vega part 7

“Acting captain’s log,earth star ship x 1000. While on long term exploration,male members of the crew were infected with an unknown virus. The virus seams to only afect males. ”
“We bearly servived an asult by the emakins. Presumibly the aliens behind this virus. Now i have learned that though females are not infected they cary it. They are a typhod mary. We canot leave the x unless a cure or treatment can be found !”
“You believe that these emakins use a biochemical weapon as a tool of invasion ?”eller asked.
“Yes sir. They lunch the viruses. I think they hoped to take out fleets. They will attack anything they find. We were there so we got caught up in it!” Lindsay said.
“The entire crew is contagious ?”the surgon general asked. “Yes i am certain of it !”dr. Renelds asked.
“We are consulting with medical agentcies all over the galaxy that we have ties with. It could take some time. I truely regret that this has ocured!”lyman eler said.
“We all knew the risk of a mission like this sir. “Lindsay said.”it is stil a shame!” Eller said.
“It is. We will not give up!”markum said. “Neither will we. What will you do?”he asked. “We can continue the mission of exploration. We will avoid hevily populated areas. We can contribute to humanity’s knowledge of the universe!”Lindsay said.
“We will keep in touch!” Eller said. “Indeed!”markum said. “We will talk again soon! Fleet command out!” The chairman said. The chanel faided.
“Until further notice i want all of you to run the post you curently do. I know we will be short staffed. We just have to do the best we can. That will be all!”Lindsay said.
“There is no cure or treatment ?”dr. Renelds asked. “I contacted every contact i know. Nothing! “Steverin said. “Same on my end!”trajaten said.
“What about on the fringe? Something a little unothordox? “Kelly asked. ” There are several homophy. Some very resonnible. Others nothing short of what humans call mumbo jumbo with no bases in reality!” Steveren said.
“If you were terminally ill and neded a  mericle,where would you go?” She asked. Steveren and trajaten thought it over.
“There is a healer who lives on a planet in the outer rim. She does  have a mixed reputation but she has had a lot of suporters!”steveren said.
“Some consider her a fraid even a terrorist. I am reluctant to recomend her but right now we don’t have a lot of options !”trajatan said.
“Is there ant crebility to this inviduel?”kelly asked. “Its hard to say. There is some evidence that she has done some good. There are times she has not!” Steveren said. “Anyone else?”kelly asked. “Of those i am aware of,she is the most credible!” Trajaten said.
Qurters of markum
“A healer? This idea is not inspiring a lot of confidence! ” Lindsay said. “I have looked though the andorian and numorian files on her. I think she may be able to help!” Kelly said.
“This could be a wild ghoose chase. Trixia is a little bit of a distence. “Lindsay said. “I think it could be worth it!”steverin said. “Its that could that wories me !”Lindsay said.
“Acting captain’s log,as acting captain,my job is to the crew. I am to see to there well being. This could turn out to be a colossal waste of time. It could be the big breakthrough we all want. ”
“This is very difficult ! I have wanted to command a starship for some time. I did not realize just how difficult it was. I did not realize how lonly it was. I have to do the best i can. I have to do right by my crew. ”
The door opened gina entered. “What do you think gene!”she asked. “Lyind i think we have to at least talk to her. Evaluate wrether she can help or not!”gina said. “I was leaning that way. I wish i knew for sure. You never can i gues. Alright ! Have the crew stand by. We are going further into the outar rim!”she said.
The x went to warp. The ship headed for the planet trixia. The planet had only one resident. It was virtualy one big swamp. The sole ocupant was in a self imposed exile.
“Now nearing the planet!”marie said. “Assume standered orbit!”the acting captain ordered.”standered orbit acheved!”marie said.
“Alright kelly,gina with me. Tivora the ship is yours!”Lindsay said. “Aye sir!”the vulcan said. The three excited the bridge and entered an elivator.
After parking the pod,the three excited the craft. They saw a shack. “The life form is in hear!” The doctor said. Lindsay had the doctor leed the way. They walked towards the shack.
They knocked on the door. The door was open. A women opened.”are you kiturah jaken?”Lindsay asked. “Yes i am!”kiturah said. “I need your help!”Lindsay said.
She invited them inside. The shack had three rooms. The living room was smal and parse.there were a few chairs. They sat down. Lindsay and kelly explaned the situation.
“Bio warfare aimed at a single gender. It is not that uncomon. On jibrena four,a virus designed to attack futility was caried out. Attacking males is not now either. “She said.
“Do you have any ideas on how to treat it?” Kelly asked. Kiturah thought it over. “I do have a few. There is a root i have some. It has treated bio toxins before but it has proven very painful ! “Kiturah said.
“Could it work?”Lindsay said. “I cannot gurente it!”she said. “Is it our only option ?”Lindsay asked. “The only one i know !” Kiturah said.
“I have the sample ready! Who do i test it on first?” Kelly asked.”i think it should be the captain!”Lindsay said. The doctor agreed. She prepared a syringe. She headed to the unit where the captain was.
“Im sory captain!”she said. She went to where the captain was. He placed it on him. She looked at the monitors. He started to skerm. There was clear evidence  that he was in pain. She wached and waited. She hoped it would not make him any worse.
It was several houers. He started to wake up. Lindsay and kelly went over to him. “What’s going on?”styles asked. “Your were infected with a nasty bio weapon!” Lindsay said. “Am i going to live?”he asked. “This is all uncharted teratory but i believe you will recover!”kelly said. “Oh ok!”styles said.
“Who is in charge?”he asked. “I am. Emma has bridge watch right now!”Lindsay said. “The 19 year old jr weapons officer?”he asked. “Yes sir!”she said.
“Captain’s log, after a week being in orbit of tricia, the ship is ready to depart. The treatment was grueling for patcient and caregiver alike. The crew has responded well to treatment. The doctor is hopefull that all of the crew will be able to return in a couple of weeks.”
” all decks standing by” trajaten reported. The door opened,the captain entered. “Are you taking. Over?”Lindsay said. “Oh no. I have not been cleared for duty yet. Just wanted to be on the bridge when we left orbit!”he said.
“Very well course laid in?” She asked. “Course laid in!” Marie said. “Take us out!”Lindsay ordered. The vessel went to warp.
The end

Beyond vega part five

“Acting captain’s log, our ship is atempting to get out of this reigion and return to earth controled space. We suspect that those that unlesed a toxin harmful to males of our crew now plan to attack us”
“We are perpairing to strike back before they can strike us. It is a risk. We have no chioce at this point. We have to fight or be destroyed. We chose to fight!”
“I have found them! Detecting one heavy crusher and three escort vessels. “Tivora said.
“We cannot hope to defeat them!” Steveren said. “Its either take on the fleet or take on the meteors! “Lindsey said. “I know. You must know there is no way that we can sucesfully take on those ships !” The andorian said.
  “I know my duty! I don’t believe that there is truly anything that is imposible. I believe that anything is possible if you try hard enough !”markum said. “Do you know how silly that sounds?” The andorian asked.
“Alter course! Head right for them!” Lindsey ordered. Marie complied. “On course!”she said.
Alien vessel
“They are heading right for us!”the sansor officer reported “they are no match for us. They must know how fool hardy this is !”the weapons officer said.
“I suspect they do but they know that they don’t have any other choice! They are traped and they know that! “The commander said.
” They will be in fireing range shortly excellentcy.”the sansor officer reported. The commander waited for the ship to arive.
Tivora and emma studied the data on the enemy ships. They compared there capibilities with the capibilities of the hostile ships.
They knew that it was going to be a tall order to overpower or outrun the hostiles. There was little chioce.
“You think we will make it?”emma said. “The ods are a but bleak but acording to the ods we should have exploded in our first couple of weeks in operation. “Tivora said.
“I just can’t see us making it out of this one. ” Emma said. “Don’t give up. This is not over yet!” Tivora said. “Oh ok!” Emma said.
“Captain i have an idea. “Trajaten said. “Lets hear it!” Lindsey said. “Near teravien space is a area known as the gazerem. The area has zevite. My government adopted the zevite protical. If this race has never been near gezerem,they may not have a shielding against zenite!”trajaten said.
“In high doses it go destroy a ship. In low doseges  it could weaken the structural intregrety of a ship. If we can generate something similar to zenite,we may be able to slow them down !” Steveren said.
“Can you do it?”Lindsey asked. “Yes i believe i can!” Emma said.”do it!”Lindsey ordered. “It is a good idea but it may not be enough! “Steveren said. Every one gave him a dirty look.
“Target stragic areas. I want them weekond not destroyed. I don’t want to hear it steveren!”she said. “I did not say anything !”he said.
Alien ship
“Nearing the hostile !”the technician said. “Weapons on ready! “The gunner reported. ” Hear we go!”the commander said.
“Almost in fireing range!”tivora said. “Is our lite surprise ready?”Lindsey asked. “At your command!”emma said. ” target the escort ships first. Don’t hit thr morther ship until they hit us. “Lindsey instructed. “Understood!” Emma said.
The ships got closer. The two ships would soon be in range. The battle would soon begin.
“Now in fireing range!”emma said. “Get off the first schot em! Tivora! Go!”Lindsey said. The x fired several phased enurgy at a nearby escort ship.
While tivora flooded the escort ship with the zenite. They floded areas with important weapons or other equipment. The hope was to soften them up. 
The escort fired on the x. Several decks were hit. The shields were holding. There was some damage. 
“Shields at 88 percent !”emma said. ” Target an area hit by the zenite! Fire!”Addison ordered.
The x fired on the escort with a pulse canon. The area contaned a secondary turet. The turet exploded. The x also hit a com relay. The relay was knocked out. The escort vessels fired on the x. Several decks were damaged. The x held together.  The x would come back swinging.
The x fired on the second escort ship. The plasma charge hit the vessel. One of the canions was knocked off line.
The third escort vessel fired on the x. The x’s aft section was hit. A coridor exploded. The explosion spread though the deck. The deck was sealed off. Emergency bulkheads was activated.
“Shields at 68 percent !”emma said. ” the ship had held together very well considering!” Emma said. “It has indeed!”Lindsay said.
Emma found a soft spot in the first vessel. She took the initiative and fired. Multiple phase pulse hit the enemy ship. The enemy ship was hit multiple times. The ship was a siting duck.
“First vessel imobilized!” Tivora reported. The two other ships fired simultamiusly on the x. The bridge was hit.
There was a fire on the bridge. Crewman tried to put out the fire on the bridge. The ship was in trouble. Lindsay was not going to give up.
She had to prove to captain styles ,commander shumar, to the entire crew,to eller and to every one else. Most importantly she had to prove it to herself.
The x fired on the second ship. The ship had been weekond by the zenite and orther attacks. The x kept fireing. The ship was imobilzed.
“Two down one to go!”gina said.”get me a target! Make it count!”Lindsay said. Emma nodded. She ajusted her targarting sansors. She aquired the target. She presed the fire button.
The x fired several projectiles at the third escort ship. The ship was hit. “All three ships have been nutrilized!” Tivora anounced. “Very good! “Lindsay said in response. 
Alien ship
“All three ships have been nutrilized !” The science officer reported. ” How could this have hapened?” The captain asked. “What do we do now?”the first officer asked. “Open fire! We will handle this ourselves ! “The commander said.
End of part five

Beyond vega part three

X 1000
Every thing seamed normal. There was no warning or indication of impending problems. Then it hit and when it hit,nothing was the same.
On the bridge,crewman bryian cayden was performing his duties. While he was performing his duties,he started to fell odd. Then he went into convulsions.
Soon other bridge crewmembers started to go into convulsions. The crew on the bridge went into a panic. Some over there fellow crewman ,others for themselves. Would they be afected by whatever this was.
As the dutty officer,gina was the defacto commanding officer until the captain arived. She had to act. She went over to one of the wounded crewman. She tried to treat the crewman at best she could.
Crewman not efected by the mystery ailment were buisy treating those that were.  They were kept buisy and then some.
In engineering, the night shift had been working on routine maitinence and diegnostic on the engines.  Then just as what occured on the bridge,several crewman began to go into convulsions.
Qurters of renelds
Dr. Kelly ann renelds had falled asleep. She was relaxed. Her com unit went off. It took her a few seconds before she comprehended what was going on. She activated the unit.
“Yes!”she said. Her husband started to wake up a little bit.”doctor we have multiple medical emergentcies all over the ship!”the doctor said. “Ok i will be right up!”she said.
“What’s going on?”kelly w asked.”i wish i knew! “She said. She got dresed in a rapid pace. She heard a noise. It was coming form her husband. She ran to him. He was having the same convulsions. She tried to help him.
  Tivora had been meditating. She was lost in her thoughts. She woke herself out of the trance. Somehow she knew something was wrong. She did not know what it was. She got up and decided to check it out.
She excited her qurters. The minute she left her qurters,she found a crewman on the ground.he was passed out. She went over and looked him over. He was unconscious. She had no idea what had caused him to be incompacitated. Tivora took out her communicator. “I have an injured crewman on c deck!”she said. “We have wounded all over the ship!”a medical crewman said. Tivora did not anticipate this hapening.
The whole ship was in crises. A masive number of crew members sucombing to the ailment. More were faling victim to it by the second.
Lindsay markum was sleaping. The alert went off on her com unit. “Markum hear!”she said.”sir! Crew members are faling victim to an unknown pathogin. We need you on the bridge! “Gina said. “I will be right there!” Lindsay said.
Lindsay got dresed quickly and ran to the bridge. She saw emergentcy team caring crew person afected by the pathogin. She arived on the bridge.
She went inside an elivator. She saw trajaten. “Bridge i assume?”the alien asked. “Yes that is corect! Do you have any idea what is going on?”Lindsay asked. “Probably about what you know!” Trajaten said. The door opened.
The two entered. “We had four crewman sucomb to the ailment. All male. “Gina said. “Are you in the clear!” Lindsay asked. “We don’t know enough about what this is to make that determination ! ” gina said.
“Are all of the crewman afected male?” Lindsay asked. “From the information i have yes they are!” Ema said.
“I have two thories. Both are eaqualy horifying, one it takes longer for the virus to afect females or the virus is ment to destroy males!” Trajaren sugested.
“As it was on earth, some races see males as more of a threat. This could be a ploy to weakon us. It could also be a strike against males. A type of gender war. ” Lindsay commented.
“Why are you unafected?” Ema asked. “I may be afected later. I could be a carier with no simptoms. ” Trajaten said. “Report any simptoms !”Lindsay said. “Of course!”he answered. “No one has heard from the captain or commander shumar!”ema said.
“I will go check on them! Right now chain of command is murky but gina stay in command for now. Emma we are going to need to be at peak efentcy on weapons and tactics. This may be a prelude to a bigger attack! “Lindsay said. “Will do!”the young officer reaplied.
Lindsay entered the elivator and excited the bridge. The bridge crew resumed there duties as best as they could.
Tivora helped the man to sickbay. She then left the infirmory. She had to check on jasson. She went to his qurters. She presed the chime. Ordinarily she would never do this but in light of recent events,it seamed the logical thing to do.she picked the lock by hacking into the controls. The door opened. She went inside the room.
  She found jasson passed out on the bed. She went to his side. She checked on him. He was unconscious but stable.
Lindsay walked in a brisk pace towards the captain’s qurters. The captain and first officer were the only ones who had there own qurters. The ship was described as a submarine in space.
When she arived she pushed the chime. There was no response. Lindsay took out her com unit. “Gina this is Lindsay ,i need the captain’s qurters opened up!” She said.
Gina noded to emma who sat at the armory station to activate a security overide. She presed the overide button. She entered her authentication code and her pasword.
Outside the qurters,the door swished open. Lindsay ran into the qurters. She found the captain passed out.
She waited until the medics arived. She then ran to the qurters of the first officer. He too was passed out.
“I would like to help! I need to do something ! ” marie said. “Take the pilot chair” gina instructed. She took the helm. The door opened,Lindsay entered the bridge.
“Most of the senior officers are incompacitated. What is the chain of command?”Lindsay asked. “After captain and first officer, then chief engineer down the list of department heads. I am in the chain but as a science officer during a time of crises,my expertise should lie with the science divison. The medical officer could perform that duty but she is buisy and given recent history it would be problimetic. Lt. Markum you seam the logical chioce to command the x!” Tivora said.
“Any objections ?”Lindsay said. There was none. “Alright gina your exo. Ema your armory officer. Trajaten please report any simptoms at once. Have a designated understudy. “Lindsay ordered. He agreed.
“This is a crisis but we will get though it. We will do it together. Lets stay sharp people!”she said.
End of part three.

“Beyond vega”

” During the 21st century mankind experienced an unperaleled time of turmoil. This all colminated in the third world war and a new dark age”
“In the midst of a post atomic horror,mankind atempted to put all that aside and venture towards the stars”
” 100 years later,earth now ready to leave its infantcy now leaves its home space. They now seak to go beyond the known into the unknown. ”
Vega colony
Ships were coming in and out from the space ports. A transport arived at the port and the pasingers began to disembark. One of the pasingers was wearing an earth military uniform. She gave the officer a file with orders.
“Oh! There has been a change of plans. “The officer said. “Change of plans?”the young officer said. “Yes ! I was told to give you this!”the officer said.
She took it and went over to a bench. She pulled out the disk and looked it over.
To lt. Lindsey markum from united earth space probe agentcy command.
Your asignment to vega outpost is cancelled. You are to report to x 1000.
She was not happy with this. She decided to do something about it. She went to an officers lounge and found a terminal. She sat down. She activated a com unit.
“Eller industeries!”a lady said. “I need to speak to mr. Eller!”she said. “I’m sory mr. Eller is buisy!”the clerk said. “It is urgent i speak to him “she said. “Hold on!” The receptionest said.
A few minutes later,the image of lyman eller apeared on the screen. ” Lindsey! Was it really necessary to interupt me!”he said.
“You know i wanted to be asigned to vaga so i could oversee the finishing touches of the x fleet! “She said.
“I understand your wishes but the admiralty wanted you out there not on a base.  You have some of the most extensive experience in space !”he said.
“I want to be out there but in the x 1000? I want to command one of the new ships. I have put in just as much flight time as captain styles and commander shumar and i have more combat time then both of them! I want to command one of the new ships !”she said.
“Look you do have a lot of experience . There is a feeling that you are stil young. You will make a fine commander one day but this may not be the right time! “Eller said.
“The x 1000 has a full command staf.  I don’t really have a place abored. “She said.
“Look i understand but you do have more experience then many in the sr staf of the x. They want you there. They don’t want you behind a desk. “Eller said.
“Am i in the running to command a x class?”she asked. “To be completly honest not in the forseable future! X 1002 is basically promised to shumar and there are plenty in the running. Your down the list Lindsey ! ” he said.
“What if i resign?” She said. “Lindsey you are a rising star in the fleet. Your young. Give it time.  You will command a starship. “He said.
“I can’t change your mind on this?”she asked. “It was not my decision.  I believe there mind is made up.  Look go to the x shine and they won’t be able to ignore you!  “He said.
“OK i will do it ! “She said. “Good i hoped you would. “The man said. “Good day sir!”she said. “To you as well!” Eller said.  She deactivated the terminal.
She left the area defeated. She was disillusioned. She wanted to run away. She considered joining the freighter service or a private compony.  She decided to stic with this for now.
Maybe eller was right. Maybe she did have a bright future. Perhaps this was a slight road block. One that could be corected. One that one day would be forgotten. Today it was fresh in her mind.
She got temporary qurters on the obital base. She got some sleep. She felt prety jet laged from the trip from jupiter to vega. She fell asleep.
She woke up. She got dressed and headed to the viewing area. The x was expected to arive. She heard the public adress declaring that the x was heading in to the outpost. She watched the x come in. Her ship came in but not the way she wanted it to. This could be her beginning.
If she had her way,it would be. This was her chance. This was her opportunity to shine. She could rise to the ocasion and she would.
The x came to the dock. The vessel engaged the docking area.the morning were activated. Soon it would be time for her to bored it.
End of part one

Kelly’s day part 7

  The x came along side the ship.the x activated a conecting hatch.the lock was activated.
Boyd led a camando unit of highly trained security and tactical experts. Many of them had paticipated in action against pirates.
Kelly incisted on leading the team herself. Her husband was not a big fan of it though. She wanted to see this thing though to the end.
The team headed to the hatchway conecting the two ships. The marines used a cuting tool to pry oppen the hatch.
On the other side the orions were wating for them. Manny had plasma rifles and orther weapons ready to schot.
The hatch was breached. The commandos stormed the ship. The orion imidiatly opened fire on the x strike team. The team fired back.
As kelly fired,a flood of memories came back. She remembered how she felt the day the orions changed her life foever. Now it would all be different. Today she was taking the fight to them.
She fired on the nearest orion. He fired on every one she saw.to the orthers it was just a mission. To her this was a cause. This was personal. This was pay back.
She hit back with an increased furocity. A sniper hit her.she dodged the attack. She tried to determine the location of the sniper. She fired. The rifle hit the sniper. The sniper fell to the ground.
This brought back memories for boyd. He had paticipated in operations like this. He had been involved in border patrol before being hired by eller industries. He had encountered the orions on several ocasions.
Kelly was fired on but held her ground. She was determined to not go down. Not like this. That would not happen today. She was determined that would not happen.
The rest of the team hit back as well. Steveren could not believe he was hear. He had not been involved in a fire fight for quite a while. It was all coming back to him.
The team atempted to advance. They kept going. They tried to break though the enemy lines.
The orions were firce fighters.they were agresive by nature.they were traned to be fighters,soldjers  and mercinaries. The orions were trained in coventional and gurila warfare.
  The team were not as well traned but were determined. They wanted to stop these pirates. They fired and fired. They were able to advance.
They got out of the area and got further into the ship. They were hit as well. They hit back.
There was a fire fight at every turn. The two forces wanted to destroy the orther. The bulies were now being bulied.
Usually kelly was a pacifist.she was a doctor a healer. She had a healer’s heart. This was different. The orions exposed something in Her that normally laid dorment. Ordinarily she would never act like this. Today all bets were off. She would fight with all her might.
Steveren was a bit concerned by all this. He had doubts about the mission.  He was not ready to sate his views or turn against the commander.
Boyd has his doubts but was not as skeptical as his andorian friend. He did have some concern. That was not for now.those questiones could be examoned later after the battle.
The x sent reinforcements. The x had a crew of forty. They did not have an abudence of manpower but did what they could . Manny were not soldjers but trained in non military specities. Everyone got basic military traning.
Some of the strike teams tried to hold on to the beach head. The rest tried to advance. Kelly had a different goal. She wanted to get to the bridge. She had a score to settle.
She tried to get to the bridge. She took risks.she had several close calls. It did not deter her.not in the least. This was a cause.she would meat this goal.
She entered the bridge. Steveren made sure to folow her.he had to keep a close eye on her and he did.
Then she saw him. He was older.he was more grilzed but it was him. The memories flooded back. So did her anger.
“You! ” she declared. ” do i know you!”ontep said in an increduous tone. “You killed most of my family !”she said.”i have killed a lot of families. You can’t expect me to remember every family!” The man said.
She knew that he was trying to goad her. She tried to resist his provication. “They were people ! They were farthers,morthers,brothers sisters,husband wives,siblings. How dare you ?”she said.
“There are only so many resources to go around! This creates conflict!”ontep said. She tried to strike him but boyd tried to convince her not to. The orion admiral laughed.
“So puney! So weak so fragile ! “The man said. “Seal off the bridge ! “She ordered. “Your a long way from home little girl! Hunanity is not made for deep space! Your cargo fleet barly made it in your home turf!”he said. They laughed.
  ” humanity will make the stars there home. Humanities presence will felt from earth all the way to the farthest reaches of the galaxy!” She said.
“My people won’t let that happen! Just as your family was killed,that will be repeated time and time again ! Your only chioce is to cower back to earth. “He said.
“That won’t happen ! We are commited to exploring the stars! “She declared. “You say that now! You may change your mind when whole colonies return in body bags! “He said.
He was trying to bait her. She wanted to kill him just then. Would she? Would she sucomb to her anger?
She started to head to strike him. Boyd started to restrain her.she backed off. The orion leader was yucking this up.
“We won’t yield. We won’t give up. We will endure and thrive!”she declared. “Your people mayby. You personaly? Not a chance. You won’t get out of this room alive!”he said. “We are stil hear right now!” She told him.
The orions tried to retake the ship. They engaged x forces whenever they saw them. Fighting was all over the ship. The x crew was outnumbered. They would not give up.
The orions would make this as uncomfortable as possible. They did this all the time. They just did not give up. They kept fighting. They forced the government to make some kind of conceson. Kelly would not do that. That was not her style.
The bridge had been held so far.the x crew were determined to hold it. Kelly was determined to keep ontep.
“You are a fool!”ontep said.”i am not the one under gaurd ?”she said. “No one restraints me. You have me under gaurd only because i alow you to. I am no one’s prisoner!”he declared.
She took out a hand lazer. She aimed it at him. Boyd took notice.she aimed it at him.”if i kill you does that meen you alow it! “She asked.
He went for her weapon. She struck him. She flew him across the room. She aimed the gun ar him.
“You won’t pull the trigar. Its not In your nature. Your good and kind and sweet. You won’t do it!”he declared.
She put it to her head. “Captain!”boyed said. “Even if you would pull the triger,your crew won’t let you do it.”he said.”You kill and kill. I think you enjoy it!”she said. “I do! I am not done yet! I am about to finish the job! ” he said.
Kelly started to fire. Boyd took out his pistol.”stand down mam!”boyd said. Ontep laughed. “You are so disorganized. You don’t have a chance in space !”ontep said.
She was about to fire. He laughed. She stood down. He continued to laugh. “I knew you did not have it in you!” He said. “Boyd take charge hear!” She ordered. “Alright !”he said.
“Oficial log,doctor renelds in command. I have turned over the orion ship and crew over to the devosian authorities. We are heading back to narisa”
“So the mission was a lie?” Steveren asked. “Yes!”kelly ann said. “You lied to us. You used us!”boyd commented. “Prety mutch yes!”she said.
“Now entering orbit!” Kelly w anounced. ” The shartle pod is heading right for us!” Tivora said.”the vessel is requesting permission to come abored!”trajaten said. “Permission granted!”kelly said. “Sending!”the com officer said.
“I would like to greet the captain personaly. Boyd you have the bridge!” She said. “Understood !”he said.
The pod docked. The captain excited with his two officers. The captain ordered the two to go on to the bridge. They went on.
“I yield command to you!”she said. “I releve you!”he said. “I stand releved. I take full responsibility for all this. Please direct any disiplinary action to me!”she said.
“several in uspha command want you sent back to earth and bared from any international space eforts. The old man went to bat for you! Your a good doctor. You are on probation for a while doctor. While not on duty you will be confined to qurters for thirty days. I will be keeping a close eye on you'”he said.
“Very well!”she said. “I trusted you. It is going to take a while before i trust you again ! “Styles said. “I understand!”she said.
“It was a bad call. This was about vegience. There is no room for vengeance in the world we have to create. “He said.
“I see that now!”she said. “That will be all!” He said. She left the area. He looked out to the stars. He hoped that mankind could overcome there nature. He was not sure.
The end