In the shadow chapter four (5)

Eller industries
San Francisco
Office of Lyman Eller.
“You wanted to see me!” gunen said.”I need answers !”Eller said. “About?”he asked. “A women who looks a lot like you was seen on the super star ship. “He said.
“It was not me!”she said. “I know that. You insisted I find this ship.I see someone else is aiding a potential adversary. How can I not suspect your not telling me everything. ” Eller said.
“I a not. I have no choice. These are perilous times. The universe is at a crossroads. Everything is on doubt. “Gunen said.
“This ship,your doupleganger,you know more then telling me. I want answers.”Eller said.
“In the distant future weapons become more abd more powerfull. The steaks get higher. Two empire fought for dominance. The Saberu and hongorens. The super star ship can’t be destroyed. It regenerates. The hongoriens discovered the shop and ambushed it. They caused the destruction of time itself. Then it restarted. ” gunen said.
“How is that possible?” Lyman asked. “I don’t know. I have the ability to perceive time differently then you. It is only a sense. It is similar to telepathic abilities in sometimes. It is not  exaxt. It is a feeling. “Gunen said.
“This is a lot to take in. ” he said. “I know that . that ship why did it materialize on the past?”Eller asked. “My gues is that the destruction of the universe caused temporal description. The ship was sent back . due to the uncertainty principle there was no way to preuxt where it would go. ” gunen said.
“Where does the other gunen come in?” Eller asked. “My gues , there are alternate realities. For every action there are possible choices. There are rumors of parallel universe’s even universes witch could be compared to a mirror. I think that gunen is from one of those realities. She could be my opposite. My evil twin perhaps. ” gunen said.
“If your  double is working for the rihansu,is it possible that they are doing the same thing that you are doing  with us?”eller asked. “Yes I believe so. ” gunen said.
“I assume that sense the ship is a weapon of universal destruction an apocalypse ship, it could be used on lower settings as well?” he asked. “Yes a very potent weapon. “She said.
“Now it is the hands of the rihansu. A 23rd century Romen empire. If ceaser  had gotten his hands on an atomic bomb I suspect he would have used it. I am certain he would or any of the emperors. ” Eller said.
“This ship cannot be destroyed. It was designed to endure. ” gunen said. “What can we do. I can’t sit by while worlds after world of the republic or our aliens are obliterated. Something must be done! ” Eller said.
“Capture it. There is danger in that. ” she said. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am fully aware of that Mr.Eller!” gunen said.
“What’s option two?” Eller asked. “You know of the theory of dark matter? “She asked. “Of course!”he said. “There is dark time or ecoe time. Area in and out of time.a sate of temporal flux in between universes. You could send the ship there. It is not a permanent solution but will buy us time. “She said.
“How do we access this ecoe time?” Eller asked .” I will show you. First you must secure that ship. ” gunen said.
X 1000
“Captains log we have just been information by Eller induateries concerning the super star ship. We are now going to Try to find the super ship. While the fleet is mobilizing against the supper starship. ”
“I have found the supper starship. We can reach it but the rest of the fleet is further away. It will take longer for them to arrive. ” steverin said.
” should we wait for the fleet?” Lindsey asked. “We can’t afford to. Kell set course for the dreadnauhht. We can’t wait. ” the captain said.
The x went to maximum warp towards the super starship. The fleet though far away set course any way. The ships still tried to get there as fast as they could.
Ki bartan
Office of the prator
The inner circle watched the records of the Sun exploding near the Cyrus sector.those in attendance were astonished.while unlike Vulcan,rihansu did show emotion but were usually more stoic then humans. Not this time. Everyone was in total shock.
“The General region is feeling the affects of after shocks. Even outor areas of the ship are effected by it. ”
Admiral butel said.
“Prator this is very troubling. ” senator jachav said. “Our empire is on the vurge of a great breakthrough. This may be Our greatest development. ” admiral bocray said.
“It is under our control. ” a second consul said .” no it is not . it is under the control of commander emero.a man we know who is willing to defy us if it suits him. This is not under rihansu control . this man is only interested in expanding his power. He would not hesitate to use it against rihansy interest. Even rihansu prime is not safe. “Jachev said.
” you are being an alarmist senator. There is no evidence that he would turn this weapon against us. ” butel said. ” we can infer we might if he was unhappy with us. It is too big it a risk Excellency. ” jachev said.
“What do you purpose ? ” the prator asked. ” the human republic might be a huge threat to the empire. Right now the bigger threat  emero. I purpose we send the fleet to stop the supper starship by whatever means are necessary. “Jachev said.
“You cannot be serious. This is perhaps the greatest thing we have aqured. ” butel said.
“Emero is not the empire. ” Jachev said. “Send the fleet into the area. Don it engage emero. For now emero is a commander in the fleet. Is that clear?” the prator asked .they all said it was.
Jachev was very worried. He knew that no one took him seriously.he saw where this was going. It would back fire on them. Emero was a mad man who only cared about himself. Was the prator and his inner circle any different? How would this end?
X 1000
“This ship is made of a Metel that is virtually impossible. This ship is impentrible. ” perizau said. ” I agree.conventional weapons won’t work. I am not sure unconventional will work. ” Jason said.
“We have to slow it down. Ok Jason prepare mines. ” styles ordered. “You got it. ” he said. “We have to slow it down. We will bord the ship. Our goal is to slow it down. ” the captain said.
Super ship
“I can’t beleve we are stuck hear. ” Gina said. “It could be worse. According to the Vulcan data base a race called the Klingon usually excicute prisoners. Some times they sent prisoners to an asteroid where they run a is called the aliens graveyard.  If given a choice most who perfer death to being sent there. ” ema said.” remind me to never bring you to a party. Your anecdotes are dipresing. I get what your saying. ” Gina said.
“Doc is Marie ok. She has throwing up a lot. ” perizau asked. ” well her life is not endanger. Look you need to talk to her about this. ” Kelly Ann renelds said. ” ok. ” he said.
” everything is in place . steverin is going to pinch hit for me . ” Jason said. ” ok. Lets do it. ” styles said.
” send the fake distress call. ” styles ordered. “Sending.” trajaten said “what if they don’t take the bait?” Lindsey commented. “They will. The commander won’t pass it up. ” the captain said.
Super ship
“Human ship is sending distress  call. They say they are experiencing engine failure. ” com tech said. ” intercept. ” emero said. ” should we do this ?” first officer said. ” the job of a soljer is to crush the enemy. Every non rihansu is the enemy. They must be crushed. Every ship must be fired on. ” emero said.
“Vessel is on intercept. ” Lindsey said. “They took the bait. ” Bryce said. “It seams so. ” styles said.
The super star ship neared the x. The ship stood by weapons. The ship was about to hit the x. The mines exploded.
The Seattle launched. Jasson and his trips neared. The x moved in. Stes knew this was a gamble.the ship had to be could not remain in rihansu hands. Styles knew that ship had to be stoped. He would or die trying.
End of chapter four .

In the shadows

The distant future.
A space fleet was moving out. The fleet had everything from frigates to dreadnaught and everything in between. The fleet was heavily armed with multiple weapons ports.
“We have located the enemy ship . the fleet has set course.” the hongorian tech reported. “Engage!”the suprime commander ordered.
The expansive fleet moved out. The fleet headed to the nebula where the enemy ship. The ship was hiding. The ship was never ment to be used. It was a bluff. A doomsday machine. Now that seemed unavoidable .
Saberu supper starship
“Detecting hongorian fleet. “The computer said. A tall but thin man went to the center of the bridge.he looked human but with a bulge in his neck. Simular to a  rhino head. “Intercept! ” the leader of the saberu ordered.
Instead of running,the supper starship headed for the agresive hostile fleet. The ship came in weapons hot. All of the turrets were activated .
Hongorian fleet
“Excelentcy! The juggernaught is not trying to flea. It is heading right for us. ” the tech said. “I knew that they would. Hear we go!” the commander said.
The enemy fleet and ship were staring each other down. The hungorian ships opened fire on the saberu super ship. The supper ship had good shields. The shields could not last forever.
The saberu fired back. The ship had a power draining weapon.the pulse weapon hit several ships. Several vessels were immobilized.
The ships not affected by the pulse broke formation and fired on the juggernaught. The super starship was hit from all sides. The ship was surrounded from all sides. There was no way it could make it.
Several ships were able to come up with defences against the pulse weapon. The ships hit back on the supper ship.
The super ship tried to get pass the war fleet. The juggernaught tried to get back the enemy fleet. The fleet was battered. Both the fleet and juggernaught were impacted.
This was one ship against a massive fleet. It should not have gone this way. It should have been an easy victory. It was far from it. The battle was longer and harder then anyone anticipated.
No one knew how it happened. Did the hongorian fleet acidently trigger The doomsday switch ? Did an enemy ship activate it on purpose or out of spite or frustration. Did the saberu ship activate it? No one knows.
The ship exploded. The explosion surged with other super novas. The universe exploded. Somehow time restarted. The saberu ship should have bee. Destroyed.the ship reemerged in the past. It was discovered by commander styles.
Office of the prator
“There seams to be a New power in the galaxy. ” admiral bocray said.”explain!” prator giral said.”they call themselves the human republic. They have expanded into the uncharted area. They were recently involved in ultracations with the gorn and a mysterious cybernetic race. Right now they are far from rihansu sphere of influence. If there expansion continued our interest will run in conflict with there. ” admiral bocrar said . “what is your recommendation ?” preliot the first consul to the prator asked.
“We lunch several swarm near republic space and where they frequent.a show of force. ” admiral butel said.
“Thus could hasten a conflict ?” a second consul remarked. “Conflict is not a bad thing ” commander emero said. “I agree. Do it!” the prator ordered. “I must object !” senator jechav said. “Your pacifism is we’ll known. Peace will not win the day. ” emero said. The senator was not happy by those words.
Jwchav great great grand farther was a celebrated admiral who won multiple conflicts with Klingon,choline,k’zinti,tzencafe and other. Jachav was a tecepint of nepotism. He was a marginal figue in rihansu politics.
“My word is final. You have my blessing. Jolan tru !” the prator said.
After the meating emero went to the military command complex.he went to his office. ” commander emero.” a lady said. “Who are you?” he asked. ” the future your future.” it was revealed that she was gunen.
End of part one.

Restart conclusion

On the order of the president of the human republic, the earth defense force mobilized. The ships left the docks. Ships on patrol near Pluto were recalled to earth. Ships on the outer rim headed back to earth to protect there home world.
Office of the president
“Mr. President we have launched everything we have. “Defence Secretary arnie clanton reported. “Have we begun continuity of government protocol?” the president asked.
“Wr have sir. ” the presidential chief of staf Edwin Leonard said. ” good! Hopefully we won’t need it but we may.” the president said.
Earth fleet
Earth vessel Kingston
Admiral Tony bell looked over his fleet. One of bells ancestors led a revolt against sanctuary districts in u.s. bell had grown up hearing the story.  He always believed in power of the few over an insermontible foe.
” we got something. ” a tech reported. Bell went over to him. “Report!” the admiral asked. ” detecting an energy beam. It is some kind of super warp gateway. ” the tech announced.
“Order the fleet to that gateway! Now!” the African American admiral in command of the fleet ordered. The fleet moved out and headed to the gateway.
X 1000
“I have activated self destruct protocol. Captain I need your pas code. ” tivora said. He took out a smal device. He put it in a slot then turned the key. On the screen the words ‘code. Accepted’ was displayed.
” lt. Shumar ” she said. He did the same. Then Lindsey markum activated hers. Then tivora was about to activate it.
The x got inside the egress. Kelly Wayne tried to get the ship close to the center of the gateway. Styles hoped that humanity would go on. He believed that the sacrifice of the x would not be in veign.
Earth ship Kingston
“I have a hostile fleet. Sending coordinents to the helm. ” a tech reported. “Intercept!” admiral bell ordered. The fleet moved to the gateway.
The fleet entered the gateway.once they were inside they fired on The cubes.
“Calvary has arrived. ” tivora reported. ” hold on on The self destruct. ” styles ordered. The science officer agreed. The x fired on the cubes.
Tivora got an idea.she started to try to tap in to the Borg mainframe. She surmised that the Borg operated as much of a complex network. They were essentially one entity. A collective. A hive. She thought of them as a single unit.
The fleet tried not to let up on them. A kind of strength in numbers. That strategy was not  best in deeling with the Borg. They had to try.
Tivora was able to hack into the mane frame of The Borg. She merged with the x’s computer.then she melded with the enemy . she saw a series of images. Some did not make sense.
Some was of her own childhood. Seeing her parents .she relived key events of her life. Meeting her uncle. Going to school etc. Then she saw a massive war between ship s. She saw a massive battle.
She saw some kind of reset. She saw the Borg. She saw the creation and rise of the Borg.  She saw the bud up of there empire. Then what she preceved to be s potential in which humanity battled the Borg.
She focused on getting to the heart of the collective. She pictured herself entering a white matrix of some kind. She went inside.she exploded.
“The cubes are off line!” Gina reported ” get us out of hear !”styles ordered. The ships left the gateway. The ships fired on the gateway.the gateway exploded. The doorway vanished.
“Is the threat over?” Emma asked .” for now! They will be back. ” tivora said. ” agreed. ” styles said.
Queters of styles
“I do not fully understand it but I believe that in another reality the  tried to conquer humanity abd nearly suceded. Some how they have learned of this time line. ” tivora said.
“How did this time line get created?”styles asked. “I saw an  image of a massive war.a war between two powers. One faction was the ship we have been looking at. ” tivora said . “could the war in the distant future have somehow reset time?” styles asked. ” it could have. ” she said. ” the Borg learned of it. I assume other races will if they have not already. ” the captain said.”I agree with that asestment. “She Said.
“My staff is uncertain of captain styles report of a massive temporal restart. The old man believes it. Do you?” the president asked. “I do Mr. President. ” guinen asked. ” I was prety sure you would. ” the president said.
“Captain’s log with the defeat of the Borg, the sleeper agents have been discovered. The evidence is overwhelming that this was not a threat from without but within. For now the crises is over. The ship with the blessing of chairman Eller is returning to investigate a mystery ship . ” styles said.
X 1000
“All decks standing by. ” trajaten said. ” take us out!” the captain ordered. The x went to warp.
Next up.
The romulsns led by commander emero plot to steal the future ship from the x crew. Enero has an ally is it Guinean ?

Restart chapter three (4)

New York city.
“You have got to be kidding! We need the x hear. ” Commodore egen said. “The x is not a military vessel. We are a long range exploration ship. The answer to this situation is out there not hear.”the captain said. “I find no evidence that this is anything more then an insurrection. I need your ship as a show of force.under the mahascal but act I have the right to deputize any ship or other equipment during a time of crises. This currently counts “eagen said.
“This technology is not earth bound.all of the evidence proves that the anser are out there. There is a threat but not from within but without. “Styles said.
“This is a wild choose chase. It is wasting valuable time. “Eagen said.”I have the approval of Mr. Eller. “Styles said. “I am in charge of planetary security I need  the x hear. “The Commodore insisted.
“Mr. President I plead with You in the strongest if terms to let us Persue this to it’s conclusion. “Styles said.
“There is little evidence to substantiate this theory. It is unnecessary.”general Pratt said.
“There is no evidence of this being an internal problem.” styles said.”all of the attackers are human. “General greyhorn said. “Humans under the influence of cybernetic equipment we cannot identify. “Tivora said.
“It could have been purchased on the alien black market. It proves nothing. “Eagen said. “Mr president I don’t force me views o. Others for light and transient reason. I only stic my neck out when I am totally sure I’m right.I am sure of it. Lets follow this up! “Styles insisted.
“I don’t see that you need the x to remane hear as this time. Captain you nay proceed with your mission.”the president said. “Sir this is a bad idea. ” the Commodore said. “Your objection is noted but my mind is made up. “The president said. “Very well Mr. President ” eagen said .
“I can’t believe that you went down to the planet alone ?”Jason asked. “I needed to speak to my uncle at the Vulcan consolate. “She said. “Something is wrong on earth !” he said. “Are you worried about me?”she asked. “Yes. I have noticed for a Vulcan you take unnecessary risk. “Jason said. “I know my limitations jasson. I know what I can do. “She said.
” tori! You scare me. “Jasson said. ” you have been known to take unesscisary risk your self. “She said. “I am a marine. Your a science officer . “he said. “You are not a marine anymore. You are an armory officer. “She said. ” next me take me along!” he said.”my discussion with my uncle we’re of a delicate matter. ” she said. “I notice marines or armory officer have to routinely come to the rescue of scientists . “he said.
“You don’t want to come to my rescue?”she asked. “I don’t mind that. Scientist think they ubermench. “He said . “as I said I know my limitations.I will endeavor to be more carefull in the future. ” “she said .
“Ok. Its a good thing I like you.”he said. “You like me ?”She asked.”profesobaly off course. For all I know your mariedor betrothed. “He said. “I am nether. ” she said. “Well we should be getting to The bridge. “Jason said.
“I stil can’t believe the president sided with us.”Kelly w said. “The president is a smart man. I think he senses what I sense. “Styles said. “I don’t like this. Met engines need to be babies. This ship is a child. I don’t have kids so this is kinda my baby. ” perizau said.
Dr. Renelds decided not  say anything she was catefull not to give anything away . she surmised that he did not anything yet. It was up to Marie to tell him.
“Set course for the edge of tellerite . ” the captain ordered. The ship went to warp. “We have  an incoming vessel. It is on a direct intercept course for us. ” tivora said.
“Can you identify the ship?” lt. Bryce shumar asked. “Its the e.d.f.s Wellington. ” Jason said. “Confirmed”tivora said. “You don’t trust me tori?” Jason asked.
“Vessel is coming in weapons hot.”Gina reported. “Teajaten hail the vessel!” the captain ordered. “They are not responding . ” Tragaten responded. “There shields and screens are still up. ” Jason reported.
“We have no choice. Raise shields. Stand by weapons!” the captain ordered. Jason raised the shields.he activated the weapons . “shields up weapons standing by. ” the captain ordered. “Ready at your command ” Jason said
. “I know Neil roykirk. He is by the book. I can’t believe he would pull something like this. “Shumar said. “Any response?”styles asked. “Nothing! ” trajaten. Said.
The Wellington opened fire. The ship rocked back and forth. ” shields holding!” Jason announced. . “return fire!” the captain ordered. The x fired on the warship. The x hit them with ion canyons . the Canon hit the warship. “Minimal damage !” Gina reported.
The x was hit. “Shields at 68 percent!” Lindsey said. “Hit um hard Jason !” the captain ordered.the x fired ion Canon,pulse Canon and the proton torpedoes. The vessel was hit.
“These weapons should be tearing this ship to shreds!”Lindsey Said. “Its been modi. fied. ” Bryce said. “That Is my thought. By who I don’t know. “The captain said.
The x was hit. “Shields at 47 percent !” tivora said. “We need to disable that ship!”the captain said.
The x fired all of it’s weapons simultamiusly at the Wellington. The Wellington was hit from all sides.
“There shields are still intact. ” tivora said. Styles pounded his fist on the command chair. Styles was very frustrated.
” we need to take out those shields over there! ” the captain said. “Captain I recommend we hit non critical syistom. ” Jason said .the ship was hit. “Shields at 34 percent ” Gina said. “Do it!” styles ordered. The x fired on a com relay. The com relay was hit. The relay exploded. The x then struck other non critical syistom. The x headed for a sensor relay . the x took it out.
“Captain, I just got the prefix code from e.d.f command. “Trajaten reported. “Send it to Jason quickly. ” the captain ordered. The com officer sent it to the weapons officer. Jason attempted to seize control of the Wellington’s command. “I am in. Lowering shields now!” the armory officer said. He then fired . the Wellington was hit from all sides.
“They are setting a. Colision course. ” Gina reported. The Wellington started to ram into the x. The x tried to evade. The x fired on the Wellington. The ship kept on it’s collision course.
The x headed to the Wellington. It bounced off the dying ship .the x went to maximum warp. The x drifted away from the Wellington. The x fired everything it had at the Wellington. The Wellington exploded.
The x was hit. Several areas of the ship caught fire. Several conduets exploded. The bridge was hit. The ship finally got to a safe area .
The Wellington was utterly destroyed. There was no good outcome to this.  At least it was over.
” I don’t know what’s going on ! ” the usually smug Commodore said. “Sir. Your organization has been compromised. I believe an off planet entity has infiltrated levels of earth society. A slow invasion. ” the captain said.  “You could be correct.  ” eagen said. “They do not want us to go to the area between andorian and telerite space. I am sure of it. That is why we have to go. ” the captain said.
“Captains log, after a delay we are preparing to leave earth space to investigate who is behind this. We have made repairs but will make most of the repairs on route. ”
“All decks standing by. ” Lindsey reported. ” helm take us out!”the captain ordered.
End of chapter three.
Probably it should have been Lindsey or Gina should have used the prfext code not Jason. Oh well.

Restart chapter two (3)

“Commanders log,after a series of attacks on earth the x returned home. The docking we were heading to exploded. Suspected cause sabotage. Why? While some in the earth government suspect off world invvement ,Manny are suspecting an internal threat. Could what Manny call Pax Humana be unveiling. How do we stop it if it is?”styles asked .
Perizau had been outside. While earth defense force corps of engineers wanted to investigate the chief insisted on leading The investigation himself. He and armory officer Jason boyed led the investigation outside.
They returned to the x. They went though decontamination protocols and took off the helmets. “Report!”styles ordered. “We found evidence of an explosive device. It was fairly smal but potent. The device seemed to designed in order to take out the dry dock. Had the x docked , it would have been totally destroyed. ” chief engineering officer perizau reported.
“I found evidence of the same cyber tech found on the bomber on earth. ” Jason boyed said.
“Someone wanted to take US out!”Bryce shumar said. “I think so.”Jason said “wee I concur.” perizau said .”I am going to keep us in orbit. Space command won’t like it. I am not risking the ship . someone tried to take us out once,I am not giving them another opportunity. ” commander styles said. “Agreed. ” the engineer said.
“Look it possible I am so veigh I probably think the attacks was about the x ,what if this was a plot to lure the x hear? To ambush us?”boyed said.
“Why? There are currently three of the x class current deployed. More on The way. Why not sabotage galaxy edge? ” styles said.
“I don’t’s just a theory.a hunch. I would not mention it to ant controlling legal authority. I figure what a conspiracy theory between ship mates.” Jason said. ”
“I can’t disprove your theory. Styles rule five, a theory is true until disproven. ” styles said.
Vulcan embassy
San Francisco
Tivora was born and raised on earth. She had never been yo Vulcan. She held earth and human republic citizenship. Under Vulcan law she had right if return to Vulcan space but never saw the logic in attaining it. While she followed the teaching if surek She had no real connection to her ancestral home world.
She went to the gate.she was greeted by an older Vulcan who was accompanied by a smal enterage.she made the traditional Vulcan silute. The older Vulcan returned it.
“Peace and long life ambassador shavel !” tivora declared. ” live long and prosper tivora! ” the older Vulcan said.
The older man advised his enterage to disperse.they did so. He took her to a bench. They Sat. “It us agreeable to see you again my neice.”the ambassador said.”likewise uncle. ” She said.
“I assume you are not hear to engage in idol chit chat or anecdotes of times passed. ” he said . “indeed not uncle.” tivora said.
“You always were one to get right to the point. I feered being on earth might dull your Vulcan sences.your farther and I disagreed on your education. I wanted you to attend schooling on Vulcan. He would not hear of it. ” he said.
“I recal those ‘conversations” quite vividly .one does not need to live on Vulcan to be Vulcan. I fully adhere to principles of logic. “She said. “I know that. We should what is the terran expression cut to the case !”her uncle said.
“I have no objection. ” tivora said.”very well. A hundred and fithty years ago we lost contact with a ling range exploration vessel .it was assumed lost with all hands. It was seen twenty years after it vanished. The crew had cybernetic enhancements. The crew tried to transform the other crew. We lost a lot of ships ans personal. We used unmanned dreadnqught to defeat the ships . the incident was classified . we never encountered anything like it again. Over the years there has been similar stories. Nothing substantiated. Mostly in the outer rim. None of the major governments will discuss it.there has been nothing recent. The last sutch event was hundred years ago. ” the ambassador said.
“Manny suspect that these attacks are not internal unrest . ” tivora said. “I have had doubts myself . humans are a bit of an oddity there has not been strife for some time. We suspects that may be an outside connection. ” the uncle declared.
“Can I see those records ?” tivora asked.”this is a sensitive matter . it is not something we like to duscus even among ourselves. Very well. ” he said. “Thank you uncle. “She said.
“Lyman Eller have you met him ?” the uncle said. “On numerous occasions. ” tivora said. “He us quite a curiosity. He is known for being a Space enthusiast but he never leaves earth. He keeps to himself. We have tried to meet with him he always send a surrogate. They Say he has a virus that confines him to the planet . they say He cannot servive off the planet. As far as we can tell this Lyman Eller never exvusted until his father died. His farther was cremated ,no autopsy performed.then suddenly an heir shows up. ” the uncle said.” I have heard the stories.I cannot  confirm or deny them. “Tivora said. “Of course. ” he said.
Landstulle hospital
” you looked over the bodies? ” Captain styles said. ” I did. The cybernetic technology was fused with the bodies!”Dr. Renelds said.”fused?” captain styles asked.” it is as though the body has been merged with the cyber tech.I have never seen anything like it. ” Dr. Renelds said.
Room of commander andrae Rasmussen.
“Andrae!” styles said. “I never thought you would be back to earth so soon. ” andrae said. “I heard you were selected to command the galaxy two base?” andrae said.”physically I should be able to return to duty . I am not sure I am mentally up to it. “Commander Rasmussen said.
“I am so sorry about Jamie ! ” styles said. “It does not makes Sense. Some say that she was part of a terrorist group.there is no way corner. ” he said.
“I am going to get to the bottom of this. ” corners said. “She hit me with something.they can’t remove it. They are trying to. Good thing I gues my brother berlinghof would probably try to reverse engineer it. “He said.”he probably would at that. ” he said.
Qurters of steverren
“What do you have? ” captain asked. “Well I have some digging. There is an area of space between andorian and telerire space.the area is quarantined.there is a death penalty if you try to there. The area is prone to instability.  There was reports of creatures with cybernetic technology. The are a is sealed off by mines.any ship is fired on if it. Did leave.”steverren said.
“I did some checking. One of the attackers was a deep Space freighter. It was near the qaretined zone. The freighter vanished . the pod was found. He was the lone survivor ” lt. Shumar said.
“Could that person have acidently been exposed to something.” Dr. Renelds asked. “Its possible. ” Jason said. ” some kind if cybernetic life form ?” Gina brell asked. “Mayby only an alien race that uses cybernetic technology. ” perizau said.
” I want answers . ” the captain said. “I don’t think I like where this Is headed!”the andorian said. “I am not sure I do. ” Bryce said. “I want all records pertaining to the I investigation into that freighter. I plan on retracing the steps of that ship. The answers are out there. I intend to find them. ” the captain said.
Marie perizau entered “Marie can I help you?” Dr. Renelds asked.” I have been feeling I’ll. Its strange !” she said.  ” let’s see what we can find out. ” the doctor said.
She got on the bed. She did multiple checks. ” what is it Kelly?”Marie asked. ” your pregnant!”she said “that’s impossible . I can’t have children. ” She said. “I can confirm it. Everything seems fine. ” she said. She was very surprised.
End of chapter two.

Restart prologue

Among the stars, there are legends of a ships from far away. Ships with powerfull weapons.some believe that these ships are from another place. Other say from another time perhaps even the future.
There are hundreds of legends on a thousand different world’s. They are all different. They all have common threads.
Some where two factions fought for dominance. The weapons got even dreadfull .weapons that could wipe out whole soler syistoms in seconds.
The story was that the two sides faught it out. Then a massive cascade of weapons caused the universe to explode and restart.
Could the ships have some how been displaced in time . could evidence of that conflict remain?
On a distant planet there was a large ship. Perhaps a combatant of that forgotten war. Captain corner styles looked over the ship.
He had so many questiones. Where did the ship come from? How did it get hear?
“Corner! We got something” lt. Bryce shumar said. “What do you have Bryce?”corner asked. “The reason recant access the internal computer core is that it was purged. By purge I mean purge. They spared no expense to erase all information. I think they wanted this data gone. “Shumar said.
“If this was a ship involved in an apocalyptic war it makes sense that they would want to hide any information that could leed to a repeat of the conflict they faced. “The starship commander said.
“So far we have found no evidence of it possible that there were survivors and they buried those that were killed. You think they went some where else?” Bryce asked. “I think so. I think that maybe they saught to leave the life and the war they survived ” styles said .
“Why leave the ship? Why not destroy it? “Bryce asked. “I have no idea. Perhaps for symbolism perhaps to hedge there’s hard to know. ” styles said.
“You think it is important ? ” Bryce asked. ” I do. I don’t know why. It could be an important clue to our past and maybe our future. ” the commanding officer said.
Planet earth
Parris France Europian alliance.
” so your not going to be bored with me? ” Jamie said. “No I’m not ” the man said. “Your going to command galaxy two base. A new space station on the other frontier. I am a paralegal. I research law cases. ” Jamie said. “I won’t get bored.” the man said.
He took a ring. “Come with me ! Mary me!”he said. She screamed “really?” she said. ” yea! Will you Mary me ?” he asked. All of a sudden something happened. Her face went blank.
The women started to run. ” Jamie ?where are you going? ” the man asked . she did not answer. She just keep running .
He caught up to her. “Jame! Stop please.we can talk about this!”the man said. She picked him up. She threw him across the ground.he fell to the ground.
He got up. “What’s gotten into you!”he said . suddenly an appendage came out of her hand. She injected him. He fell to the ground.
She then went to the European alliance parliament. She detonated herself. The device was intentionally detonated outside the complex. The parliament was relatively untouched.
Another bomb was detonated in New York, San Francisco,Santiago,soul, and cape town and cambera. All of the continents were hit. This was a message. A preemptive attack.
End of prologue.

New beginning part five.

The andorian scout ship was on course for the human sector. “Incoming vessel. “The voice of the computer said. “Can you identify the vesel?” steveren asked.
“Vessel is gorn warship. ” the computer announced. Steveren knew that once thew warship detected him he was a goner.
He knew that his little scout ship stood no chance against a gorn heavy cruiser.
Gorn ship bridge
“Detecting scout class vesel. It is andorien. Vessel is civilian design.”the tech said. “Persue.” the commander said.
The gorn ship altered course and chased the andorien vessel. The warship ran towards the andorien ship.
The ship fired on the andorien vessel. Steveren attempted evasive munuvers. The ship barley dodged the impact.
The warship fired again. He again tried to evade the impact. This the reer of the ship was hit. Damage was minor and contained.
Steveren knew he could not keep this up forever. He would have to get innovative. The vessel headed to the ship ans used the shields to catapult him away from the warship.
The warship found headed for him. The scout ship did the sane thing again. The warship altered it’s shielding. He could not attempt this a third time. He had to think of something quickly.
Planet sigma epsilon.
The x had four shuttle and five startle pods. The ship launched the shartles. Kelly Wayne piloted startle one.
Kelly w was nervous about his wife going down to the surface. She was chief medical officer. There was no way she was going to sit on the side lines. She had the heart of a healer. The ship began to land.
The entire city was efected by the attacks .several buildings we’re in fire. Others were in ruins. The deviation was clearly evident.
The scout ship landed at a staging area in a field. The field used to be the center of town.this was where the founders parade occurred.
The hatch opened. The response team excited the crafts . “welcome to sigma epsilon. I am lt. Governor bryian Glover. Acting head of sate. “Glover said.
” commander corner styles commanding officer starship x1000. ” styles said.”we captured a gorn he is in status under heavy guard.”the civil defense director said. “I will want to quesrone him. “Styles said. “Of  course!”the acting governor said.
Dr. Renelds and her staff got right to work. They began to look over patients. She hated the afterafects of weapons discharge. While humanity was at peace. The old nation state at war was a thing of the past. There was external threats.
Dr. Renelds was at heart an optimist .events like this made that difficult. It challenged that. Could Eller dream become a reality? She had no idea.
She did what she could.she was not sure if her presence hear really made a difference. She did what she could  and hoped it was enough. That was for history to judge.
Detention facility
“Captain styles ? Sergent. Jason Boyd. Twenty third infantry unit out of space command 27. ” he said. “Commander corner styles . starship x 1000.” he said.
The door was sealed.”where are you from?”styles asked. “West Sumner Maine. You?”Jason asked.”outside Chicago. ” styles said. The man under Jason guarded the perimeter of the room. “We are ready when you are sir!”the sergeant informed the captain. “Revive him!”styles ordered.
The gorn was given a pill. He woke up. He went bizerk.the soldiers aimed there energy rifles at him. The captain waved his hands. “As you were men!”Jason ordered.
“I am captain corner styles Of the earth vesel x 1000. You have committed an act of war. “The captain said
“You committed act of war. This is our world. You violate our space. “The gorn said. “We checked.we found no evidence of claim!”captain said.”we left transponder! You violate our world’s. You will pay for your sacrilege!”the gorn declared. “We never detected your transponder. “Captain said
“Ignorence Of law not excuse. Pay you must.”the gorn said. The capital. Went over to a corner. “You think that there is validity to his claim?’the sergeant asked. “There could be. We tried to make sure that there is no claim by other species but we could have made an oversight!”styles said.
“What do we do now?”the sergeant asked. “This was an act of war regardless. There we’re other ways to do this. I don’t like any options. “Styles told the sergeant.
His com badge went off. The Capitan pulled it out. “Go ahead!”styles said. “Captian we have detected a scout ship. It is adrift.the vessel is heavily’s engines are burnt out. “Sotril said.
“Can you identify it?” he asked.”sir, the vessel is andorien. “She said. ” leave orbit . go get them. This could be related to the attack by the gorn.”the captain said. “Aye sir. “Lindsey said.
The ship left orbit. The x 1000 left orbit. The x went after the andorien vessel. “Sir the vesel activated it’s after spared no effort to get hear. “She said. “Could the andorien be trying to warn us?” perizau said. “We have no contact with them. “Gina said. “They are agresive species. My people have had several conflicts with them. I doubt they would go out of there way to help you. ” sotril said.
The vessel got closer to the derelict. Ship.”I am detecting a lot of damage ” Emma said. “There is evidence Of a battle. ” the Vulcan said. “Engage a grapple. Tow the ship into The cargo bay. “Styles ordered.
The scout ship was brought into the bay. A medical team entered the bay. They went to extract the andorien pilot. The pilot was alive but unconscious. The pilot was imietly brought to the infirmary.
Once the andorien vesel was sucesfully on bored,the x headed back to the planet.
“Commanders log, March 3rd 2150,the x 1000 has successfully retrieved the derelict ship. The ship has returned to the planet. I have rejoined the ship. ”
The Andorian started to wake up. “Helo can you hear me?”styles asked. “Yes. I understand you. “Steveren said. “I am commander corner styles commanding officer of the earth ship x 1000. ” styles said.”steveren I am an independent prospector.  Commander there is a gorn fleet staging in the Cyprus sector. More ships are arriving. Aces file 7543 password red heriozon. There you can aces the coordinates of there staging area. I believe they plan to invade the planet sigma epsilon. “Steven said.
“Thank you I will not forget this. Io we you a great debt. ” styles informed him. “We should let him rest .” Dr. Rebelds said.
The captain and first officer went to the hallway. “Ok! Bryce inform the acting governor of an imminent attack. I am going to talk to g.e base. We need to move fast. ” corner suggested. “Agreed. ” Bryce said.
Confrence room.
Sergeant Jason boyed  entered. “Sir my unit is setilling into there bilots sir. “Jason said. “It may be a little cramped. ” styles said. “My unit are used to it sir. We will a just.” the Sergeant said. “You know the misson?” styles asked. ” yes sir. It is a bold plan but I think I can work. ” Jason said.
“I hope so jayce I really do. If that fleet gets near the planet the collonest are doomed. ” the captain said . “I know that. My unit are good . I trust them. ” the sergeant said .
The door opened, lt. Shumer,Dr. Reynolds ,the chief engineering officer, trajaten,Kelly Wayne Reynolds,science officer sotril,and environmental officer Gina brell arrived.
The captain introduced the senior staff to sergeant Boyd. “Wait are you married?” Jason asked. “Yes we are! ” Dr .Reynolds answered. “Your first names are both Kelly?”Jason asked. “Yes ?”Kelly w said. “Doesint that get confusing?” Jason asked.  They chuckled. “At times” she said. “Was that an obstacle to your getting together?”he asked. “A little bit” he said.
Jason found himself staring at the female Vulcan science officer. “What? Have you never seen a Vulcan before?” the female Vulcan asked. “Yes I have seen a Vulcan before just not so pretty . I’m sorry that was inappropriate. I spent most of my time in caves and swamps. I am going to shut up now!”Jason said. “Your fine sergeant. ” the Vulcan said.
“Ok. The gorn is amassing a fleet in the Cyprus sector. I spoke to galaxy edge,we will randevez with the fleet in Andrea sectors . some ships are further away and will take longer. X 1001 and 1002 are in the fleet. The gorn have several factions . the military and political leadership tend to clash at times. This may not be authorized by the political class. We have to push the fleet into a corner. ” styles said.
Then the meeting was concluded. Everyone got up. They began to disperse.Jason went over to trajaten. “I made a fool of myself didint I?” Jason said.”slightly sergeant ” the com tech said.
The fleet was assembled at the randevez site. “All ships standing by ” trajaen said . “understood. Order the fleet to move out.” the captain said. The fleet moved out.
The fleet met up near the Cyprus sectors . the two fleet opened fire the battle had begun.
End of part five.
I do not want to rewrite “arena” but I have used some illusions and Easter eggs .  “arena ” was a great episode of the original series. It is considered a favorite by many fans.
I have taken some scenes from a story I wrote  earlier such as the two Kelly’s and Jason meets sotril.


New beginning part four

Galaxy edge. .
The human republic began to trade and interact with other world’s. New colonies demanded on trade with non human world’s. Humans tried to build good relationship with other species.
The two species that humanity worked with the closest was the Vulcan and the numoriens. Both planetary nation states had set up consates and offices on the galaxy edge outpost.
“You wanted to see me?” a young technician named trajaten asked. “Yes. The ambassador to numoria from earth hasreqested we aid in staffing some positions on there x class vessel. We would like you to report to the x as senior communications officer. “The consular general said.
“I would agree to that. “Trajaten said. “I hoped that you would. Grab your gear. Report to lt. Shumar on bored the x 1000.”the consolate official said.
“You got it sir. ” tragaten told his superior. He got ready to leave his current asigment and headed to his New assignment. He was used to rapid deployment. He did not mind getting up and going to a new asigment. It was how it was.
A young women in an Eller corps uniform entered the Bridge. She had long dark hair. She had braided a pony tail into the center of her otherwise long hair. She was tall. She had a large eye brow. She was recognizable as a Vulcan.
The Vulcan were a key ally of the human .the Vulcan we’re the first alien species,humans contacted. After first contact between the two world’s, Vulcan set up embassy and consulates. Many Vulcan moved to earth.
The young Vulcan female ‘s grand farther moved to New Hampshire. There is a smal town near concord that has become a little Vulcan of sorts.
She wore the red suit with a skirt. The more formal Eller uniform. “Lt. Shunar?”she asked. “Yes . I am lt. Shumar .” he answered. “Lt. Tivora .senior science officer reporting for duty. ” she said .
“Your a Vulcan ?”he asked. “That is obvious sir. “She said in a matter of fact tone. “Your an earth citizen?he asked . “yes I was born at concord general hospital . I am a third generation Vulcan earth citizen. I had citizenship at birth under the Hasan Sununu deceleration of 2102. “The female Vulcan said.
“I see. Welcome abored. “Shumer said. “Thank you sir. “Tivora said. “Are you ready to assume your post”shunar asked. “Yes I am. “The Vulcan said. “Then do do so lt.”the duty officer ordered. She went to the science station. She Sat down.she was used to duty stations in Eller and e.d.f mode.
The door opened ,a human female in a tan edf unufrim suit and skirt and trajaten entered. “Lt. Shumer lt.Lindsey markum reporting for duty. “She said. “Welcome on bored lt. “He said.
“Com officer trajaten . may I take my post?”he asked. “Please!”he said. Numoriens did not waste time. They were practical and efficient.
Captain styles brought a lot of his crew from the Asimov. This included Gina brel the bridge environmental technicians. Lt. Keny gell who would manning an aft bridge post. Lt. Kelly Wayne  renelds was the pilot.
Near the gorn staging area.
Steverin was an andorian.he had served in the andorian imperial guard. After completing his term of service he decided not to re up. He purchased a smal warp capable scout ship. He became a prospectors  and scout. he liked to be on his own. Although he contracted his services, for the most part he was his own boss.
He detected some energy emission. He Got his curiosity peaked. He knew that he should mind his own business. He had to find out what is going on. Even though He knew better.
The ship went in further. He had to enhance his sensors.he did not want to get too close. He would be outnumbered. This was neutral space. This build up was illegal and highly parculler.
Steveren went in further. He got his answers. “Vessel belong to the gorn hegemony.”the computer said. ” the gorn! What are they doing hear?”the andorian male said
“Unable to draw conclusion. “The computer said. “Never mind computer. That was not an enquiry. “He informed the computer.
He looked at the buildup . it was clearly a battle fleet. A buildup ,a staging area for an invasion.
“Computor what is the nearest territory of a non gorn planetary alience?”Steverin asked . “a group of planets all belonging to a race called terans or humans. ” the computer said.
“They are going to strike the humans. ” the andorian male said. The andorian had heard about the humans. They were New to space fearing. They were allied with the Vulcan.
Vulcan and androgens were enemies. They had faught several wars.there were stil multiple outstanding territories under disputes. Steverin had no personal qurel with Vulcan. His government had no contact with the humans good or bad.
Steverin decided to warn the humans. He activated his ship’s after burners. The ship had a maximum warp of warp four.2. He went to maximum warp. The ship was off to warn the human government.
X 1000
Qurters of shumar
Bryce made diner to welcome Lindsey to the crew. “So we are going to be out numbered in the iner circle?” she asked.”yes you and I are the only e.d .f officers in the department heads.  Commander styles has brought Manny of his own people from the asamov. The chief engineering officer is x euro hageminy officer. The c.m.o is Eller medical official. I hope that we can become one happy crew. “Bryce said.
“You think the captain will be a straight scooter or will you and I be token officers?”she asked .”he was e.s.f a long time ago. There us nothing to cause me pause. He says that he will not play favorite.I am willing to give him a chance. ” he said.
“People like Eller believe that humanities future lie in exploration and peacefull contact. They see the militarization of space as something to be avoided. I don’t like war but to be totally disarmed is to be totally dead. “Lindsey said.
“Perhaps we can be prepared to sefens ourselves. At the same time we can engage in research exploration and diplomacy.I can’t believe we cannot walk and chew gum at the same the same time. “Bryce said.
“You could be right. I hope you are. “She said. ” we should give him a chance ” Bryce said. “Agreed. ” she said.
X 1000
The captain had changed from the red suit to a Gray uniform and black pants.  ” captain on the bridge” Emma a relief officer said. The department heads were assembled. The engineering medical and executive we’re there.
“All decks on stand by . ” trajaten reported. ” alright. Request permission to depart. ” styles ordered. ” we are cleared “the alien com tech said .
” clear all moorings  !”styles ordered.the mornings were ejected.”moorings away. “Tivora reported. “Thuster only.take us out”corner said.
Kelly Wayne piloted the x 1000 away from the base. The ship went towards the base and bounced away from the station. “We are clear. ” Gina reported.
“Pilot set course for sigma epsilon colony warp four. ” styles said “should we bot start off slow captain?”the engineering officer said.”time is off the essence chief. ” he said “fine! Caution is the better part of vallor “the French man said. “Thank you grandma “the captain said the chief did not know how to take that comment.
“Course laid in. Engaging now. “Kelly Wayne reported.the ship was off.
Damegs flagship arrived at the staging area. Dameg was impressed with his fleet. He hoped that a quick victory would either force the hand of the emparer and his court or cause there overthrow and see them replaced with hard liners who would support the reclaiming of territories with the transponder.
The fleet was almost in place. Soon Dameg would be ready to strike. When that happened all bets would be off.
Sigma epsilon
“Now arriving at the colony ” keny gell reported. “Take us into orbit Kell.” “styles ordered.the pilot took the ship into orbit.
The x had landing capability but given it’s size it was impractical. The republic was technically in s sate of war. He would rather stay in orbit in case the gorn decided to return with all there friends.
“Now in orbit!” Kelly Wayne announced. “Ok doctor I want you to assemble medical teams and prepare to go down to the planet”styles said.” you got it sir .” the doctor said. “Ok I will command startle one, Bryce you have shartle  two. Kelly w with me. Lindsey you will command the x in our absence. ” corner ordered. ” you got it. ” Lindsey said.
The team left the bridge. They got ready to leave the ship . they got ready to join the relief effort on the surface.
The ship used tunnels. They considered elevators on the ship but had bot found a way to make it happen.
End of part four.
Eller star corps uniforms
There is a black suit and white shirt witch is a formal dress.there is a red suit coat . there is a red field jacket and a red strom jacket..there is a Gray and black uniform. And a Gray uniform as well.
For non commissioned persons,the crew is a blue field coat. A blue suit. They use a Gray standered duty uniform.
E.d.f use tan dress uniform. They have a green fatigue similar to our u.s army uniform.
Bryce shumar is the same as the captain of u.s.s esex referenced in power play. Sence this is an alternate reality his fate being killed on the far away planet is not settled in stone.
There are no transporters or turbo lift yet.

New beginning part two

The gorn did not stick around. The gorn ship left after the attack. The deviation was evident. The earth defense force quickly mobilized. Relief ships arrived.
The ships immediately went to the surface of the planet.magshift command post were set up. Emugurgintcy infirmeries were quickly set up.
Medical teams got right to work. As did other teams. Whole streets had been destroyed.
Sergent Jason boyed was in command of a smal unit. He had been aiding in triage.they evaluated the condition of the wounded.he was a solder not a magic but was trained in emergency medicine.
His team went from person to person. All of a sudden there was an energy weapon. He ordered his unit to move out. The team returned fire on the attacker. It was a large reptile like humanoid.
The reptile started to go at one of the soldiers in the unit. The man was picked up. The man was shaken . the unit fired on the creature. Several solders fired simultaneously on the creature.
The gorn was forced to drop the solder. The private was wounded but was not too bad off. Several in the unit went over to help him.
The gorn ran to a high populated area of the street. Boyed led His unit in pursuit of the creature. They fired on the creature. The creature was wounded but undetered.
The creature kept on going. The unit fired on a crane like fell on the gorn trapping him. The man fell. The unit fired and the gorn was rendered unconscious.
Gorn home world
Office of the emperor
“Captain dameg has located five transponders on five different worlds. We have found two that are under the control of a race called the humans. They control a smal empire in fairly remote area of the
Quadrant. They seam to be growing in influence. ” admiral cirbrel said.
“Are these humans a threat to our existing empire?”the emparer grand vizer asked .”not currently . they will be. If human expansion continues at current rate our sphere of influence will converge. ” admiral tirbrin said .
” we have a duty to reclaim our ancestral lands .” cirbrel said. “I realize that but we have a duty to secure our existing realm first .” the minister of infrastructure and interior jicray said.
” yes but we have a duty to our past and our future. We cannot ignore our obligation. “Tirbin said.
“What do you purpose ?”the emparer asked. “We want to lunch a full scale mobilization. We should lunch a full scale invasion of thus human republic. I believe that they will capitulate and sue for peace.” cirbel said .
“This is not The time. We must build up our frontiers not create New one’s.I strongly object to this.”jircray said .
“I strongly object to you ‘minister'”tirbin said.the interior minister pulled out some of the swords that was in His back. The admiral pulled out his sword.
The emperor stoped both of them. “I will consider both opinions. You are dismissed. “The emperor said.
The two factions left.this included the military General staf and the cabinet ministers . the two factions dispersed.
“We cannot allow worlds that are destined to be ours to be occupied by aliens. ” admiral tirbin said. “I know. I don’t intend to. ” admiral curbil said . “we cannot allow the bureaucrats and technocrats to deny our rightful future ” turbin said. “We will not. I assure you of that .”cirbel said.
Eller industries
San Francisco
Lyman Eller was the c.e.o of a compony that specialized in exploration of the galaxy as well as working with the earth government in developing New technology. Eller wanted to focus on deep space exploration. He knew that government contracts facilitated that. He hoped that mankind would focus on exploration and peaceful contact with other worlds.
The door opened. A man entered. “Craig come in. “Eller said. “Sir the colony of sigma Epsilon  was attacked by an  vessel. The vessel confined there attacks to the two cities. The earth defense force wants you to attend an emergency meeting of The General staf in new York. “Craig said.
“Very well. I will attend. “Eller said .”I will inform the e.d.f press office . “Craig said . “they are going to want to militerize Eller industries. “Lyman said . “I know that. We have to hold out. “Craig said.”I have a few ideas. This compony has navigated a lot of turbent watters sense it’s inception shortly after the third world war,I know what I am doing. .” Eller said. “I trust you sir!”Craig said. Eller chuckled.
  New York city
Earth defense force command complex
Lyman Eller and his enterage that included Craig Edison his right hand man entered. The military top brass was there.
One of the military top brass that Lyman considered to be his arch nemises was there. Commadore ghram eagen. Eagen had a different vision for humanity then the Commodore did.
General Pratt the chairman of the joint chiefs of staf for the earth defence force called the meeting to order.
“Our colony on epsilon sigma was attacked by a ship our allies have identified the ship as belonging to the gorn hegemony. Before the attack an unmanned setilite network on tau rho was attacked by The same ship. We believe that this was a prelude to a larger attack.”the General said.
“President Alexander has declared a sate of emergency on sigma epsilon . there is also a sate of alert in the outtor rim colonies. We are deploying the fleet to the outer rim colonies. “Commadore eagen said .
“Who is this gorn?”Eller asked. “The Vulcan , andorians ,numorians have all all had encounters with them. The are reptilian humanoid.they are aggressive. Predatory at times. ” General derail said.
“We have to show force. We want all hands on deck. We will not tolerate any incursions in our space. ” Pratt said.
Eller did not want to see the militarization of the colonies. After a while the assembly was dismissed.
“Mr. Eller, ” eagen said. “Commodore!”Eller said.”I want to bring the x fleet into the military.”eagen said “no way comadore. The x fleet is designed for deep space exploration. It is not a war fleet.I will not allow my fleet to be perverted. ” Eller said.
“You built your fleet with assistance from the department of planetary defense and e.d.f , you cannot refuse me Mr. Eller. “Eagen said.
“Right not only x 1000,x 1001 and x1002 are viable. X 1003 won’t Be space worthy for six more months. I would be willing to loan the three ships to the fleet with some stipulation. “Eller said.
“What are they?”eagen asked.”the x ships will stil Be in the custody of the Eller industries. They will be on loan to the e.d.f star navy . I want them under the command of an Eller industry enploye . I get to chose the commander. I get Vito power over all department heads including The commander of the marine detachment. I don’t want any unauthorized modification without being consulted.I want the ships to be part of the main special ops.” Eller said.
” I don’t like having my hands tied Mr. Eller.” eagen said. “Nor do I. I can’t get everything I want. Fine I accept that . neither can you. You want use of x fleet fine. You will get it on my terms.  ” Eller. Said.
” fine! I agree to your terms !”eagen said . “very well. I will inform the dock master at galaxy edge to have the ships ready to lunch” Eller said.
“Understood. ” eagen said.
Eller industry h.q
“I wish I could go myself . ” Eller said. “I know you would if you could. “Craig edson said. ” I would if I could. I leave the planet. I go into convulsions. So I will get someone else. “He said. “Do you have someone in mind to command?”Craig asked. “Yes I do.” Eller said.
End of part two.

The universe according to trajaten part 6

A large ship came out if warp. The combat ship was right on top of the startle. The vessel to took a position right on top of the scout ship.
“Do you have a visual?”the captain asked. ” yes I do!”luzole said. “On screen!”the captain ordered. The screen was activated.
On the screen the large vessel appeared. It looked like a combat ship. It had various weapons turrets.
“Do you recognize that ship ?” the captain asked. “No I do not!”luzole said. “Hail them!”styles ordered. Kelly Wayne activated the com array. “No response!” the male Kelly remarked.
“Has there been any reports of incursions In this region?”Jason asked. “No there has not. This is quite parculler . “Luzole answered.
The ship tried to activate a tractor beam. Styles ordered evasive munuvers. The startle was not match for the large combat ship.
“I am not thinking they are hear to present cookies and ice cream and welcome to the galaxy party. We need to evade!”styles said.
The ship tried to activate the tractor beam. Kelly did everything he could to dodge it.
Luzole had viewed the humans as throw backs. She saw them as hicks. She believed that they stumbled on to warp driver at before they were ready. Now the universe might have to creep the consiqances for that. She was impresed with how they were handling this current crises.
The ship did not let up. It continued to Persue. The startle found a blind spot in the ship. Kell w kept flying in and out. He did not want the craft to get stuck in the hostle’s exhaust or whatever it was.
The warship seemed determined to swoop the ship up. The startle was just as determined to evade it.
“I wish this craft had weapons!”the captain said. “It is a courier. It is designed to transport personally and equpment. “Trajaten said.
“Of course!”style said. The ship continued to try to elude the unknown vessel. “I have an idea but it is a sooty!”Jason said. “Ok! What is it?”the captain said. “They want us a bored there ship. Let’s give them what they want. ” Jason said.
“Are you suggesting we surrender lt?”the numorian commander asked.”not at all! “Jason said. “Kelly you got it?”the captain asked.”I believe I do sir!” the pilot said.
The craft flew into a service duct.the scout vessel flew inside. The vessel held position.
The craft flew inside. The scout ship held position. The captain and everyone but the doctor and the pilot stayed inside the craft.
The team dispersed.they all had weapons in hand. Tisoraand Jason stayed together.
“Were you angry I went to dinner with commander Grant?”she asked.”Tory this is really is not a good time!” Jason said.
The two moved out. They saw an alien security team. They fired on them. They returned fire on the team.
“So you have no idea who these people are?”trajaten said. “None! There have no report of incursions. This is quite unusual!”luzole said. “Alright.”he said. “You think we would lie about this?”she said.”no I don’t. There was the cover-up of the plague on osamis two!”he said.”that was 150 years ago. We are not like that any more!”she told him.
The Vulcan and human x marine stunned the would be asalients. The two moved on. “I am not am angry with you. I am really not!”Jason said. “Were you hurt?”She asked “your your own person. That is how it should be.i would never stand in the way if you having a sense of fulfilment. “He told her.
Another soldier came at them. Jason fired his hand laser. The soldier was stunned. He fell to the ground. The two moved out.
The captain fired on a unit. He was able to subdue them all by himself. He did bot rest with his laurels. He kept going. The aliens were not of any race he had encountered.
Unforunently the x had made some enemies but this race did not appear to be any of them. Perhaps this attack was random. It did not add up.
Chief perizu tried to study the layout of the vessel. While he was not one who saw a conspiracy under every Bush,he had to wounder if This was not a plot by the numoriens. This was not numorien technology. He was sure of that. Who was it ?
“We seam to be well hidden at least for now!”Dr. Kelly told her husband.”so far we are. This area is hard to scan due to radiation from the reactor.
He hoped that they would not be seen. What was there end game?how would they escape for good. Could they get to safety. For now they were free. They had a chance.
X 1000
“Sir! Numoriens confirm they have lost all contact with the startle carrying the captain and the team. “Ending Jessica lakefeld said.”they are way overdo !”Gina said.
“Emma! Are the weapons off line?”commander shumar said. “No sir! The diagnostic is complete. The weapons are fully functional. “The young relief officer with long brown hair said.
“Alright Lindsey take the helm!”shumar ordered. Lindsey took the pilot’s station. “Get me the station commander!”the executive currently in command ordered.
Within a few secconds,the view screen the office of the commander was displayed.
“Commander we wish to go looking for the captain !”the commander said. “That is not wise commander. We have our best ships out looking for them. We will keep you informed”!the commander said.
“With all due respect commander.this is our team.we can’t Sit on the sidelines on this. “Shumar said.
The commander thought it over.”very well ! Please coordinate with our teams. “The commander said.
“Will do. “Shumar said. The message ended. “Alright,get us out of hear before they change there mind!”the commander said.
On the unknown ship,the team tried to stay clear of the hostile. The hostle fired on perizu. The French engineer returned fire on the aliens.
Tragaten and luzole arrived and aided the engineer. “I had this under control trajaten!”the enginer said. “Oh sorry! I should not have interfered!”the numorien said. “No you should not have!” the enginer said.
The com tech was astonishedby his remark. He had no idea if he was serious or not. He decided not to find out.
The captain kept going. He fired at anything not part of the team. He knew he could not keep this up forever. He hoped that the numorians would come to the rescue.he would resist and evade until then.
Jason and tisora kept moving. They found a door. They opened it.the two opened fire on the tech in the room. The techs were stunned. They fell to the floor.
She Sat down . she started to access the files. “That make this quick tor! “Jason said. She tried to go rapidly.
The captain kept going. He had been able to elude the hostile.he came into a room. There was a large group. The captain was surrounded. He had to give up for now.
To be concluded.