New beginning part five.

The andorian scout ship was on course for the human sector. “Incoming vessel. “The voice of the computer said. “Can you identify the vesel?” steveren asked.
“Vessel is gorn warship. ” the computer announced. Steveren knew that once thew warship detected him he was a goner.
He knew that his little scout ship stood no chance against a gorn heavy cruiser.
Gorn ship bridge
“Detecting scout class vesel. It is andorien. Vessel is civilian design.”the tech said. “Persue.” the commander said.
The gorn ship altered course and chased the andorien vessel. The warship ran towards the andorien ship.
The ship fired on the andorien vessel. Steveren attempted evasive munuvers. The ship barley dodged the impact.
The warship fired again. He again tried to evade the impact. This the reer of the ship was hit. Damage was minor and contained.
Steveren knew he could not keep this up forever. He would have to get innovative. The vessel headed to the ship ans used the shields to catapult him away from the warship.
The warship found headed for him. The scout ship did the sane thing again. The warship altered it’s shielding. He could not attempt this a third time. He had to think of something quickly.
Planet sigma epsilon.
The x had four shuttle and five startle pods. The ship launched the shartles. Kelly Wayne piloted startle one.
Kelly w was nervous about his wife going down to the surface. She was chief medical officer. There was no way she was going to sit on the side lines. She had the heart of a healer. The ship began to land.
The entire city was efected by the attacks .several buildings we’re in fire. Others were in ruins. The deviation was clearly evident.
The scout ship landed at a staging area in a field. The field used to be the center of town.this was where the founders parade occurred.
The hatch opened. The response team excited the crafts . “welcome to sigma epsilon. I am lt. Governor bryian Glover. Acting head of sate. “Glover said.
” commander corner styles commanding officer starship x1000. ” styles said.”we captured a gorn he is in status under heavy guard.”the civil defense director said. “I will want to quesrone him. “Styles said. “Of  course!”the acting governor said.
Dr. Renelds and her staff got right to work. They began to look over patients. She hated the afterafects of weapons discharge. While humanity was at peace. The old nation state at war was a thing of the past. There was external threats.
Dr. Renelds was at heart an optimist .events like this made that difficult. It challenged that. Could Eller dream become a reality? She had no idea.
She did what she could.she was not sure if her presence hear really made a difference. She did what she could  and hoped it was enough. That was for history to judge.
Detention facility
“Captain styles ? Sergent. Jason Boyd. Twenty third infantry unit out of space command 27. ” he said. “Commander corner styles . starship x 1000.” he said.
The door was sealed.”where are you from?”styles asked. “West Sumner Maine. You?”Jason asked.”outside Chicago. ” styles said. The man under Jason guarded the perimeter of the room. “We are ready when you are sir!”the sergeant informed the captain. “Revive him!”styles ordered.
The gorn was given a pill. He woke up. He went bizerk.the soldiers aimed there energy rifles at him. The captain waved his hands. “As you were men!”Jason ordered.
“I am captain corner styles Of the earth vesel x 1000. You have committed an act of war. “The captain said
“You committed act of war. This is our world. You violate our space. “The gorn said. “We checked.we found no evidence of claim!”captain said.”we left transponder! You violate our world’s. You will pay for your sacrilege!”the gorn declared. “We never detected your transponder. “Captain said
“Ignorence Of law not excuse. Pay you must.”the gorn said. The capital. Went over to a corner. “You think that there is validity to his claim?’the sergeant asked. “There could be. We tried to make sure that there is no claim by other species but we could have made an oversight!”styles said.
“What do we do now?”the sergeant asked. “This was an act of war regardless. There we’re other ways to do this. I don’t like any options. “Styles told the sergeant.
His com badge went off. The Capitan pulled it out. “Go ahead!”styles said. “Captian we have detected a scout ship. It is adrift.the vessel is heavily’s engines are burnt out. “Sotril said.
“Can you identify it?” he asked.”sir, the vessel is andorien. “She said. ” leave orbit . go get them. This could be related to the attack by the gorn.”the captain said. “Aye sir. “Lindsey said.
The ship left orbit. The x 1000 left orbit. The x went after the andorien vessel. “Sir the vesel activated it’s after spared no effort to get hear. “She said. “Could the andorien be trying to warn us?” perizau said. “We have no contact with them. “Gina said. “They are agresive species. My people have had several conflicts with them. I doubt they would go out of there way to help you. ” sotril said.
The vessel got closer to the derelict. Ship.”I am detecting a lot of damage ” Emma said. “There is evidence Of a battle. ” the Vulcan said. “Engage a grapple. Tow the ship into The cargo bay. “Styles ordered.
The scout ship was brought into the bay. A medical team entered the bay. They went to extract the andorien pilot. The pilot was alive but unconscious. The pilot was imietly brought to the infirmary.
Once the andorien vesel was sucesfully on bored,the x headed back to the planet.
“Commanders log, March 3rd 2150,the x 1000 has successfully retrieved the derelict ship. The ship has returned to the planet. I have rejoined the ship. ”
The Andorian started to wake up. “Helo can you hear me?”styles asked. “Yes. I understand you. “Steveren said. “I am commander corner styles commanding officer of the earth ship x 1000. ” styles said.”steveren I am an independent prospector.  Commander there is a gorn fleet staging in the Cyprus sector. More ships are arriving. Aces file 7543 password red heriozon. There you can aces the coordinates of there staging area. I believe they plan to invade the planet sigma epsilon. “Steven said.
“Thank you I will not forget this. Io we you a great debt. ” styles informed him. “We should let him rest .” Dr. Rebelds said.
The captain and first officer went to the hallway. “Ok! Bryce inform the acting governor of an imminent attack. I am going to talk to g.e base. We need to move fast. ” corner suggested. “Agreed. ” Bryce said.
Confrence room.
Sergeant Jason boyed  entered. “Sir my unit is setilling into there bilots sir. “Jason said. “It may be a little cramped. ” styles said. “My unit are used to it sir. We will a just.” the Sergeant said. “You know the misson?” styles asked. ” yes sir. It is a bold plan but I think I can work. ” Jason said.
“I hope so jayce I really do. If that fleet gets near the planet the collonest are doomed. ” the captain said . “I know that. My unit are good . I trust them. ” the sergeant said .
The door opened, lt. Shumer,Dr. Reynolds ,the chief engineering officer, trajaten,Kelly Wayne Reynolds,science officer sotril,and environmental officer Gina brell arrived.
The captain introduced the senior staff to sergeant Boyd. “Wait are you married?” Jason asked. “Yes we are! ” Dr .Reynolds answered. “Your first names are both Kelly?”Jason asked. “Yes ?”Kelly w said. “Doesint that get confusing?” Jason asked.  They chuckled. “At times” she said. “Was that an obstacle to your getting together?”he asked. “A little bit” he said.
Jason found himself staring at the female Vulcan science officer. “What? Have you never seen a Vulcan before?” the female Vulcan asked. “Yes I have seen a Vulcan before just not so pretty . I’m sorry that was inappropriate. I spent most of my time in caves and swamps. I am going to shut up now!”Jason said. “Your fine sergeant. ” the Vulcan said.
“Ok. The gorn is amassing a fleet in the Cyprus sector. I spoke to galaxy edge,we will randevez with the fleet in Andrea sectors . some ships are further away and will take longer. X 1001 and 1002 are in the fleet. The gorn have several factions . the military and political leadership tend to clash at times. This may not be authorized by the political class. We have to push the fleet into a corner. ” styles said.
Then the meeting was concluded. Everyone got up. They began to disperse.Jason went over to trajaten. “I made a fool of myself didint I?” Jason said.”slightly sergeant ” the com tech said.
The fleet was assembled at the randevez site. “All ships standing by ” trajaen said . “understood. Order the fleet to move out.” the captain said. The fleet moved out.
The fleet met up near the Cyprus sectors . the two fleet opened fire the battle had begun.
End of part five.
I do not want to rewrite “arena” but I have used some illusions and Easter eggs .  “arena ” was a great episode of the original series. It is considered a favorite by many fans.
I have taken some scenes from a story I wrote  earlier such as the two Kelly’s and Jason meets sotril.


“Star trek New beginning “

Gorn heavy cruiser bridge
“Sir I have detected an ancient beacon. It is on a planet nearby. The planet is uninhabited. There is an unmanned setilite network over the planet”a gorn tech said.
“This is gorn sacred must always be. Pilot set course for the planet. “The commander ordered.
The gorn were a combination of humans and reptiles. They were known as strong and domineering.they were resourceful and agile. They were feard all over the galaxy.
“Course plotted sir.”the pilot said. “Activate the electro magnetic pulse.”the commander ordered. The gunner activated the pulse. “Weapon on line exceletcy. “The weapons tech said.
The gorn heavy cruiser went near the planet. “Now in orbit.” the pilot said. “Inciate the pulse tech!”the captain ordered.
The weapon tech activated the pulse injector. The pulse crippled the setilites on the planet. All of the setilites were drained of all energy.
“All alien setilites are off line.”the science tech reported. “Very good.did you upload the data before you activate the pulse?”the commander asked. “Yes I did excelntcy.”the science tech said.
“Analize it at once.I want a full report. “The commander ordered. “Yes sir.”the science tech responded.
“Sir I have located another transponder. It is on a world nearby.”a second science tech said.
“Can you confirm what that it is one of our ancient transponders”?the commander asked. “ fully conforms to the specification of our transponders.” the second science tech said .
“Life forms?”the first officer asked.”there are life forms . unable to determine. Acording to sensors this colony has only been there for about filthy years or so. ” the second science tech said.
“I believe the technology on the uninhabited planet is the same as the colony world “the science tech said.
“Whoever they are ,it seams they are planing an invasion. At least they seam to be expanding or preparing to expand. ” the first officer said.
“Sir the setilites belonging to something called Eller industries . there is also references to an earth defence force and the human republic. ” the first science tech said.
“This human republic could be a threat to our hegemony commander. We cannot ignore it”tactics officer marcook said .
“Agreed. Inform gorn command at once. “Captain dameg said .”sending at once excelentcy.”the com tech said.
“Gunner target the central setilite. “The captain ordered. The gunner adjusted the targeting sensors.”ready sir!” weapons officer turag said. “Fire!”the captain ordered.
The gorn heavy cruiser activated it’s central turret. The turret is usually hidden until it is ready to be used. The Turet was on line. The ship fired the ion based weapons. The central setilite was hit. The gorn ship fired a projectile Weapon.the setilite exploded.the blast spread though the setilite network.
“Target destroyed .” the gunner reported. ” excellent. Pilot set course for the colony. Maximum warp. “The pilot set the course. The gorn heavy cruiser went to warp.
Planet sigma epsilon
The planet was a human colony started shortly after humans began to perfect warp travel. The planet was mostly rural except for two major cities.the cities rivaled the earth cities of Paris and New York.
The planet became a major hub of activity for trade and commerce in the colony world’s.
Everything seemed normal. No one suspected that something was about to happen. Usualy in cases like this,one is not warned.
Obital station
Command deck
“I am picking up unusual readings. I am trying to identify it. “A sansor tech announced. The tech modified the sensors.
“Unknown vessel. It has multiple canyons as well as some kind Of mistle launchers and smaller turrets. It has advanced shielding. “The tech said.
“This is a war ship. Send planetary alert one. This is not a drill. “The commander said. The com tech sent the alert.
“Now in weapons range!”the gorn science tech said. “Target the ships first. Imobolize them. Then we will deal with the colony. “Captain dameg said.
The gorn vessel fired the emp on the human vessels. There power was eliminated.the ships were sitting ducks.
The gorn vessel then fired on the orbital station. The station power was knocked out. The station was then destroyed by multiple mistles.
The gorn vessel then fired on the capital citty. The ship could not take out the power on the planet as fast as they did with the setilite and the ships and station. The gorn disabled key sections of the city.
The gorn then hit key buildings.they hit the office of the governor.they hit the parliament building. They hit army bases. They hit the other city as well. They avoided the rural areas .
The gorn heavy cruiser could not conqur the colony by themselves. The gorn wanted to send a mesege.the fleet could deal with the colony later.
The gorn wanted to send a message. The gorn was at war with anyone who tried to colonize there planets that had the ancient transponders. They would be back. The gorn would get there planets back.
The gorn ship then moved off. They would be back . the heavy cruiser went to warp.
The devastation could be seen every where. The governor’s mansion had been utterly destroyed. The colony governor had been killed. His wife and children had been able to get out.
The parliament building was stil intact. There were multiple holes in the structure. There was multiple damage to the complex.
Whole cities were almost destroyed. There was no way to not notice the davistation.
This was the opening salvo.
A hundred years earlier, humans perfected space warm this led to deep space travel. This also led to unmanned proves.they also set up colonies. They set up freighter and exploration vessel. Humanity had had mostly peaceful contact with other world’s. That had just changed. Now humanity was at a crossroads.
End Of prologue.

At every turn part four

“Captain’s log,our mission of exploration into uncharted reigions was interupted after we were attacked by a combat ship. We have learned that the attackers are part of a group of bounty hunters. Apearently our civilian advisor an andorian has several warents against him. We are not clear on where to go from hear” captain Styles said in his log.
Trajaren and tisora entered the bridge. “I asume you two have something for me!”captain styles said. “Mr. Steveren served in the andorian military. He even commanded an andorian warship. He fell into disrepute.he fled andorian space. He joined a group of pirates. “Trajaten said.
“He is wanted by several different planets. Some are capital charges. Some are related to his military carer,others are related to his carer as a pirate. “Tisora said.
“I consulted with some sources i have in noborian government and the military ,what is odd is the bounty was inactive until a few weeks ago!”trajaten said.
“Who called in the marker?”boyed asked. ” The planet coridon!” Trajaten said.”coridon is a planet ritch I’m minerals including dilithium cristles. The planet coridon has fallen victom to piracy and raids near its planet. Vulcan has a limited trade relationship with them. The planet is a hotbed of controversy. They have been under constent threats of invasion by nearby worlds. ” Tisora said.
“What were the charges that the coridonians leveled against him?”Lindsay asked. “Cutting off ligitimate trade,ilegal blokade,crimes against sencience. This all occured during a conflict between coridon and andor. ” Trajaten said.
“The incident occued 17 years ago!” Lindsay said. “Odd that the case is reopened now!”shumar said. “It is!”styles said.
Planet pacifica
  Vulcan embassy.
“Ambassador! An andorian gentleman is asking to see you!”an aid said. “Do you know why ?”the ambassador asked. “No he said that he would only discuss it with you!” The aid said.
The consil general decided to meat with the andorian citizen. The door opened,the tall man with an antanae entered the office. The ambassador dismissed the room. His aides excited the office. The door closed.
“My naime is steverin! “He said.”so how can i help you?”the diplomat asked. “Well i have come hear to inform you of what i believe to be a threat to Vulcan security. ” Steverin said.
“What kind of a threat?”the ambassador asked. “Humans do not believe that Vulcan were not atempting to target humans a few mounths ago. Humanity fear that Vulcan may not want human to become more developed. Human are considering orginizing against the Vulcans. “Steveren said.
“How do you know this?”the ambassador asked. “I was an advisor and go between for the flagship of there deep space exploration program the x 1000. I saw there first hand there program of working to procure weapons and technology to wage a gerila war against Vulcans. They want basically a war of atricion. ” steveren said.
“You were involved in this program?” The ambassador asked. “Yes i was. “The andorian said.
“Why are you teling me this now?”the ambassador said. “I never planed on helping them. I did it to gather evidence. While i have no great love for your people,there are rules. There are guidelines. Rules of engagement. I bring you what i know !”he said.
“Your evidence will have to be closely scrutinized. “The ambassador said. “I understand that. I will fully cooperate with your investigation. ” Steverin said.”I see. We will need detailed satements. You will need to disclose every thing to us. ” The ambassador said. “I will do so!” He said.
  The prefect of Vulcan was informed of the developing event. He called together the top members of his cabinet.
  “Minister of justice !”the prefect said. “We have been given evidence that earth is planing to wage a war of atrition against us. The evidence is circumstencial. His story is plausible !”the justice minister said.
“Do you believe it?”the prefect asked. “I am not totally convinced of this evidence. I cannot disprove it either. “The justice minister said.
“I see. Minister of defense stukun what is your view?”the prefect asked. “I find the evidence underwhelming but i do not believe that the evidence should be ignored. I think we have to look into it further. “The defense minister said.
“Hunanity has come a long way. There is always the danger of them returning to there infantcy.we should not rush to a conclusion but should consider the possibility. “The foregn minister said.
“I want the evidence brought to Vulcan . I want it closely examined. I want to speak to our ambassador to earth”prefest tavarsis said.
New york
  Office of the president
“Ambassador skoden. “President rodny Alexander said.”Mr. President we have information sugesting that the earth government is perparing to wage what you call a gerila war against us.  We are reviewing this information but until the investigation is complete,we are suspending all joint activities. “The ambassador said.
“I would like to review that information !” The president said.”it will be provided to you.  Until this is resolved,all interaction between our two peoples will be limited.”the Vulcan ambassador said.
“I am sory to hear that but i will respect it. “The president said. The ambassador left the door. The door closed.
  X 1000
“I can’t acess the Vulcan data base. “Lindsay said. “Can you acess the earth data bsse?”styles asked. “Yes i can!”Lindsay said.
“Captain urgent message. It is from eller!”trajaten said. “I will take it in my qurters!” He said.
Qurters of captain styles.
“Sir!”styles said. “We have a problem. Steveren whatever ligal trouble he seemed to be in has been resolved. He ended up on Vulcan claming we are planing to comit terrorist acts against them. ” Eller said.
“Steveren said that. What proof is he presenting?”styles said. “We don’t know yet. We have not seen it yet. We are waiting to get it. We will closely review it. “Eller said.
“This makes no sense. He has done a lot for us. I can’t understand this. “Styles said. “I would like you to head for vega colony. I know your conducting reserch but we need you to be debrefed. We could be isolated for a while!”eller said.
“Look I’m sory sir. I honestly never saw this comming.” The captain said. “I know that. “He said.
“He said that?”boyed said. “Thata what we hear. We have not seen anything concrete yet. The Vulcan are taking it seriously.they are haulting all operations and interaction with us. Orher government may follow suit. “Styles said.
“We are being recalled to vega for consultation. “Shumar said. “We are on the verge of some major developments !”gina said.”i understand but we have our orders. “Styles said. “Why do i feal like we are always one decision away from this whole thing being scraped?”perizau asked. “We kind of are jose !” Styles said.
Vulcan freighter
“Captain! Incoming message from Vulcan transportation ministry. They are advising all vessel in or heading to human space to leave or avoid. “The freighter com tech said.
“Head for the talerite base in the lacocren sector. “The freighter captain ordered. The helm oficer complied with the order.
“We have incoming object. Scaning. Object is a probe. The sansor aray is off line. The functional. “The monitor said. “All stop!”the captain said.
The probe exploded. The freighter tried to get away. The shock wave spread to the freighter. The freighter was hit.the freighter started to drift.
The crew tried to get the ship to stop. The vessel finally went to a full stop. There was a gaping hole in the ship. The areas around the hole were sealed off.emurgentcy bulkheads fell into place. The crises has begun!
End of part one
Earth has a united earth government in place. Right now it is stil in the infantcy phase. The president is an interem president.
Acording to star trek chronology second edition,earth formed a united government in 2113. My story is based around 2150. This is a contradiction.
My inspiration for president Alexander is jery doyle. Doyle of course played micheal garabaldi on Babylon five. My background for the president is that he is from newfoundland and Labrador.
Skoden is the farther of sarek the farther of spock. Skoden was referenced in star trek three. It has been sugested that the pilot of the lander in first contact was skoden.
Pacifica the ocean world was mentioned in “conspiracy ” and “manhunt”

Vulcan heart part two

From the obital space station,tisora and jason joined others and took a transport to the planet.
“I heard this planet is a center of trade and comerce for this sector!”jason said. “Vulcans andorions and noberiens frequent this planet!”tisora said.”so i might see aliens i have never seen before ?”jason asked.”there is a very good chance of it !”tisora said. “I feel like we have bearly scarced the serface. Before a hundred years ago we really had no idea what was out there or if anything was!”jason said.
“You have several new world to discover!”tisora said. “I am excited. Can you tell?”he asked rhetoricaly. “Yes i can!”she said.
“I’m sory. I try to contain my excuberence around you. It us hard to do that. “Jason said.
“I understand! I am not trying to change you. My people believe in tolerence of other people’s beliefs and pratices. We call it. Infinate diversity in infinate combinations. I live by that viewpoint!”she said.
“You don’t want to become a stoic?”she asked. “I personaly believe logic is the best philosophy. I would perfer every one would embrace the teaching of surek. I don’t believe that will happen realistically. I am libertarian in this matter!”tisora said.
“Fair enough!”jason responded. “Do you wish i showed emotion?”she asked. “At first but i gues i have come to respect different cultures. I think i have become less ethnocentric sense we left earth space !”he answered. “I have observed that!”she said.
The shartle discended to the planet. It landed at a ground based port. The shartle went to a designated birth. The shartle activated its landing struts. The ship fully completed the landing proticals. The pasingers waited for clearence to disembark the craft.
“Attention pasingers! This is the co pilot speaking. You are cleared to exit pod 2147. Thank you for using trax transportation services. Have a day full of stars to guide your night. “The spokesperson said.
The pasingers got up from there seats. They headed for the exits in a very orderly fashion. Tisora and jason folowed the orthers and departed the craft.
The port was similar to an earth space port. There was information areas as well as food courts and a prominade. “So where to?”she asked. “I don’t know about you but i want to explore beyond the space port! “Jason said. “Agreed! “Tisora answered.
They excited the transport hub. They walked around the area. They picked up a packet from the planitary transportation ministry. They looked it over.
“Apearently there is an outside bizare not far from hear!”tisora said. “Lets check it out! “Jason said. “Agreed!”tisora said. Tisora led the way and jason folowed.
The planet had a plesent climate. Every major citty had an urban center and a rural. The urban was mostly government buildings. The rural had outside shops. The planitary inhabitents perfered to be outside when possible. Manny off world representives perfered business be done inside. Given the climate it was no reason why natives perfered the outside.
“This is a beutiful planet!”Jason said. “I could see why manny would find it astectically pleasing. It is an efecient world!”tisora said jason laughed. “At times i forget your non emotional but i usually remember !”Jason said.
“Do you resent that i am unlike you?”tisora asked. “No i don’t. I am still working on sheding my ethnocentrism. I respect your views. I see the advantage of non emotion. I am just not ready to adopt it for myself !”he told her.
“That’s fair !”tisora said. They went to the table. She saw a series of trinkets. “Look i have many wondrous objects. This is all that remains of the sword of kahless!”the merchent said.
“It seams far fetched that this is indeed from kahless weapon!”tisora declared. “Are you acusing me of lyng?”the merchent asked.
“We should move on!” She said. She kept on going. “I have never heard of kahless. Who is he?” Jason asked.
“He is a qausi myithical leader of the Klingons. He overthrew a tyrent and created the first Klingon empire. “The vulcan female said.
“Who are the Klingons?”he asked.”they are wariors. Similar to the vikings or spartons on earth!” She said.
“We probably should avoid them as we continue to spread out into deep space!” He said.”that would be very wise. “She said.
The two walked further though the various tables. Jason saw a flower he liked. He considered getting it as a gift for tisora.
He had lost sight of his friend for a few secconds. He heard a noise. He stoped for a few seconds. He tried to asertain what it was.
He listened. He came to suspect that it was some kind of weapons fire. He ran to see what had occured.
He was schocked at what he saw. He saw a male. He was a dibiasien. He was dead. He had been schot by an unknown alien hans pistol. Standing over him was a women. She had the energy pistol aimed at him. It was tisora.
“Tisora put down the weapon!”he urged her. She did not say anything. She paused. He went over and took the pistol. Then a local police force arived. He put the hand weapon down on the ground.
The police seronded the area. They sicured the area. Jason had no idea what had gone on. It apeared at least on the serface that tisora had just killed a man for no apearent reason. The police believed that too. He knew that she was in a lot of trouble.
End of part two.

Ruins part two

X 1000
“Captain’s journal,we are ariving at a class m planet capible of suporting human life. There are no humanoid life forms on the planet. Acording to data from one of our probes,there is evidence of an civilization. Its fate is not know. I am going to land the ship so that we can begin a comprehensive scan of the planet!”styles said.
“All decks are standing by! “Commander shumar anounced.”the ship went though ascent and decent on earth and mars but never on an alien environment. This is a first!” Perizu said.
“Trajaten all ship buliton,all crew are to have emurgintcy harness in place !” The captain said. “Sending !”he said.
The bridge crew sat down and put on the seat belts. “There has to be an easier way to visit a world then landing all the time!”shumar said. “Someone at eller has come up with an idea of mater energy transportation. It is just a concept at this point!” Kelly w said.
“I don’t know about anyone else but i think i would like it to stay that way!” Styles said.  “the crew has given the ready signal!” Trajaten reported.
“Lets do it! Kell begin discent!”styles ordered. The vessel went to the planet at impulse power. The vessel slowly lowered itself. As it was discending the crew took in the crew.
The ship had neared what apeared to be a space port left over from the previous civilization. The vessel activated its landing struts.
“Landing complete ! ” tivora anounced. ” We will begin an inicial survey of the planet. Plants animal stuctures. This will give our science department including botonest and biologest something to do for a change !”styles said.
“This is an alien environment ,no one is to be alone. Two people minimum. Everyone should check in every. 30 Minutes no exception. Ten  minutes over due, we send in the search party!” Shumar said.
“Tivora you will overse scientific teams coordinate with bryce!”styles ordered.
“Just in case i recomend all teams be armed. Just in case!”boyd said.
” Agreed!” Styles said. “Captain as a linguistic expert i would like to look over the artifects. I am getting a bit of what humans call cabin fevor!”trajaten said. ” i can understand that. Your on the team ensign !”styles said. “Thank you sir!” He said.
“I would like to get things started as soon as possible !” Styles said. Everyone agreed.
The planet was serene. It was qiet. Erily so. There was a bird that resembled an eagle. The citty showed signs of decay but was stil well preserved.
The airlock opened,the survey teams began to exit the craft. Some techs brought equipment with them. The landing parties got right to work.
Styles looked around. He stoped for a minute. “What are you doing corner?” Shumar said. “Taking it all in. Think of it a guy from a smal town in rural ilinois on a distent planet ! I’m hear. Uspha and eller had become a fan club for space enthusiasts. Now all bets are off. Mayby we do live in mythical times! ” Styles said. “Now your sounding like eller! “Shumar said. “He tends to rub off on people !” Shumar said.
“Ok I’m good now! Now i can go begin the survey!” Styles said. “Are you going to do this on every planet we visit? “Shumar asked. “Probably. I will try to be discrete on habited planets!” He asured his exo.
Perizu oversaw the transfer of equipment to the planet. He did not have the enthusism that the captain did. He suported the process but was not excited about it. Not much excited him. He was a meloncoly kind of guy.
They set up the equipment. They got to work looking everything over.
Perizu saw his wife marie . He stoped what he was doing and went over to her. “What are you doing hear?”he asked. “We are on another world. I want to see it! ” marie said. “It may not be safe hear! “He said. “I won’t stay long. I have to see this. I can’t just look at it from a window. “She said.
“You won’t stay long?” He asked. “No i won’t. I had to see it. I am going where no pregnant human female has gone before !” She said. He did an eye role. He tried not to smerk but he did.
Trajaten looked over some structure. “You going to follow me everywhere ?” Trajaten said. “We are to stay together. Captain’s orders!” Gina said. “Very well! He said.
“It is a monument?”gina asked. “That is what i am thinking. It definitely resembles a monument. ” Trajaten said. “Can you translate it?” She asked. “I am going to try!” Trajaten said.
What no one knew was that they were not alone. Someone was watching them.
End of part two.

The society part five

  The security team serounded the comadore. They had hand lazers on stand by. They escorted him back to the shartle. They got him inside.
While kelly w picked up styles and got him into the shartle. The body of the late commander was then brought abored. The door was sealed.
Kelly w took the pilots chair and the craft lifted off. The vessel headed right for the x. The craft then returned to the hanger bay.
X 1000
“Trajaten to dr. Renelds!”he said. “Go ahead ensign!” She said. “There was an incident on the planet. We have woundered!’the com tech said. “We will be standing by!”she asured him.
She feared the absolute worse. She loved her husband very much. She was woried about him. She chided herself. This was her crew,her family . Whoever was injured,it was no less serious. She felt bad for feeling that way. Whoever it was,it was someone loved one. Her feeling were understandible but she still did not like it. She did not like it at all.
They roled him in. “Oh no”she thought. It was the captain.while not quite as bad as if it were her husband ,this was bad. She had great respect for the captain. Everyone in the crew did. She and her staf got right to work.
“What happened?”!bryce asked. “Suicide bomber! Vulcan female ! The captain was injured! I am assuming command of this vessel efective imidiatelly ! ” engstrom said.
This made everyone very nervous. No one would say so.” Get me the Vulcan ambassador to babel! I don’t care if he is trying to acheve kolinar. I want to talk to him!!”engstrom said.
“He is responding!” Trajaten said.”on  screen !” He said. “You don’t want it in your office?” He said. “Negative! Maine viewer! ” he said.
“This is ambassador vosok! “The Vulcan male said. He looked about 60 wich meens he was probably a hundred and 60 or older.
“As a dully empowered representive of united earth and her colonies, i deliver the following message ! The attack on our colony near vega and the assasination atempt on the life of myself and my team constitutes an act of war! We demand a formal apology and reperations. I want full disclosure of the operation including those who planed and caried it out or prepare for a military response !” Engstrom said.
Everyone was a gasp. No one dared show emotion. No one suported this but he was a superior officer. Like it or not he was in command.
“I can asure you this operation was not aproved or sactioned by the Vulcan government. I have evidence that the ships were decomisioned. They vanished from a suply depot. Thr facility was raided by orion scavingers. We have documentation of all of this. “He said
“How do you explane the suiside bomber?”engstrom asked.”she is a Vulcan x patriot who lived on a planet under the influence of the intergalatic under world. She had ties to orion and other orginized crime. “The ambassador said.
“You have an answer for every thing. You know what i think.the Vulcan don’t like us. We are irational,ilogical, we act on whim,if we continue to expand our two races sphere of influence will colide. I doubt this will make you happy ! I think you don’t wait for to advance technologically. I think you want to attack now! Soften us up. Either conqur us or slow us down!”engstrom said.
” I assure you we are peacefull people ! We were not involved !”the ambassador declared. ” is there your oficial response ?” The commadore asked. “We will fully coperate with any investigation. If Vulcan nationals were involved ,we would be willing to extridite them! “He said. “Not good enough end transmisson!” He ordered.
“Arest miss tivora,suspicion of sedition and treason. “The commadore said. “Woa! No way. There is no evidence she is involved !”shumar said. “She could be a plant! The comadore said. “These are paralous times bryce!” Julie said. “He is making them worse! I am taking command of the x!” Shumar said.
“This is mutiny!”he said. “Yes it is! Jason take this man to his qurters! ” he said .”gladly!” Jason said. “This is wrong bryce! We have a chain of command!” She said. “We have a constitution and a uniform code of justice! As an earth citizen and a eller employe she has rights. “Shunar said.
As the comadore was escorted out,he screamed at the top of his lungs. “You will regret this shumar!” He said. “I am taking command. I will go to batt for all of you at the court marshal !”he said.
“Alright jasson take tivora! Go hand hold the Vulcan ambassador. This orion end i think it is conected!” Shumar said . “You got it!” Jason said.
“What are you doing?”julie asked . “Jewles ! I am convinced that a third party is trying to put a wedge between earth and Vulcan ! Either the orions are behind it or they know who is. “Shumar said.
“Why would anyone want to stop earth Vulcan relations. Our people are crodjial. I think long time alience seams far fetched. They view us as too driven by emotion. We think of them as too stuck up. ” She said.
“In the last few years our two peoples have begun to work together. There is talk of full normilization,embisies,exchange of ambassadors,mayby even joint science missons and border security. Despite our diferencea,both sides have a deep respect for the rule of law. Right now there is distrust. In fithty years i can see our two people coexcisting working together. In a hundred. I see that bond getting stronger. I imagine that makes people nervous. Mayby Orion mayby someone else. “Shumar said.
“This is all speculation. It is all quite a leap. We have a good case against the Vulcan. If you hear a quack you should think horse!”she said.
“Unles a hourse is using duck noise!” He said. “I have no response to that! “She said. “Jules let me check this out. If im  wrong you can say i told you so !”he said. “If it were any orther man i would be staging a counter corps against you! 24 Houers!” She said. “Ok!”he said.
Tivora’s quarters
“Alright ! I will do the talking. Your a bit of a cowboy!  Not to mention that the ambassador is probably being pushed on all fronts!”she said.
“Me a cowboy? I resemble my remark ! Ok i will be the jr partner! “He said. “We had better get going !”she said.
“Look! The captain and i talked about it before he was attacked. We won’t alow a japinese style internment of earth citizen of Vulcan discent. You have proven your loyalty and themselves. You should not have to. I want you to know beyond a shadow of question that i never doubted you for one seccond!” He told her.
“I am sory that i backed away! ” she asked. “The crew is a family. Your my family tivora. “He said.he started to hug her. “Sory!”he said. She huged him back.
Vulcan embasy
“I stand by my previous satement!”vorshock said. Tivora spoke in vulcan. “Someone is trying to put a wedge between our worlds. “She said.
“The attacker came hear from rigal 9. She spends most of her time on coridon and worlds used by the orions. She met with man named ardilon. He is a tiburion. He does not apear to have ties with the orions. We know little about him. “Voshek said. “You have been a great help! “She said.
” Please lt! (English ) don’t let it end this way!” The Vulcan said. “I won’t ambassador !”he said.
End of part five

The society part 4

“Captain’s journal after colecting data from the debree field. While the evidence indicates that the vulcans are waging a gurila war against us probably aimed at destobolizing us. ”
“While the evidence sugest that the vulcans are behind this ,i have my doubts. It just does not seam to add up. Eaqily troubiling is the presence of earth representitive commadore engstrom. He seams to have an ax to grind. ”
Qurters of engstrom
“You wanted to see me sir? ” the captain asked. “Yes come in! I want to get underway as soon as possible ! I want to see the look on the devils when we are stil alive!” Engstrom said.
“Sir. I am concerned by the battle with the vulcan ship. You almost got my crew killed. The evidence was clear this was a suiside mission ! Yet you were going to continue to engage them!” Styles said.
“Corner ! It was a simple mistake. An oversight!”he said.”one that could have gotten my crew killed!  A captain has to be a bit of a dictator. He cant be second guised for every minute detail. In exchange for the loyalty that is required for a deep space mission ,a captain is that much more responsible to protect his crew. A crew trust there commanding officer with there life. Is a solum duty. These people have sacrificed a lot. They deserve better. “Styles said.
“Look i made a mistake. Contrary to my persona i am not God! I apolozize ! Can we move on now?”engstrom asked.
“Look! During a battle there can only be one commander! You can assume command of the x. The ship so much as get its paint chiped i will be lodging a formal complant!”corner said. “Understood captain!” Engstrom said.
“Sir! I am woried about tivora! She wont leave her qurters. She won’t see me!”boyd said. “Look she is woried. Earth history does not paint a rosey picture of what hapends when one group attack another. “Styles said.
“Sir! About that. I am concerned. Will this become another japinese internment. If there are more like the commadore!”boyd said. “The commidore is a prick who think way too highly of himself !”the captain said.
“He is a commadore so he must have some influence!”boyd said. “He is commanding a garrison that protects live stock shipments while i am bodly going where no human has gone before. That ought to tell you something ! Jason! Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I for one don’t want to repeat those dark chaptors of human history ! ” styles said. “Alright !” Jason said.
Qurters of lt. Julie holister
The chime rang. “Come in!”she said. The door opened. It was commander shumar. “I wondered when you would come by or if you would come by !” Julie said.
“I have been buisy. As your boss said,we are in a defacto sate of war ! “Bryce said.
“Can i have a hug or we are going to be formal ?”she asked. He huged her.  “It is good to see you! So you got your wish! Off into deep space ?”she said. “I told you i would !”shumar said.
“Eller industeries is staering a publicity effort to promote his program. There is a bryce shumar action figure!” She said. “No! Your kidding?”he asked. She took it out of the draw. “You have one?” He asked. “In 20 years or so it will be a colectors item!”she said.
“I don’t want to know. So how can you work for a man like engstrom?” Shumar said. “He is not so bad when you get to know him. “Julie said. “He seams like a relic form a bi gone error. He reminds me of general custor. “He said.
“So how have you been?” Sge asked. “Good! Buisy. Now i am. I left uspha because i did not think it was going any where. We seamed to be more of aj agency reserching climate information then space exploration. Then i jouned eller industeries. They talked a good game but got very little results. Now the two have joined forces and I’m out hear. We are going to make a go if this. In 30 years humanity will be a house hold name out amoungst the stars!” Shumar said.
“It seams so. If we are not whiped out first . Don’t get me wrong i agree with you. The fact is the old gaurd does not like new blood. It may be a strugal! It may not be the romantic picture eller likes to paint!” Julie said.
“Nothing is easy. The first colony is Virginia vanished. Rome was not built in a day. It could be dark at first !”she said. “I know that. If we suceed we wiill built something . Something future generations can be proud of!” He said.
“We never did quite agree on this. You were the dreamer. I was the realest!”she said. “I tempered my idealism for a while. I see it may be possible !”bryce said.
“Captain’s journal we got underway ans headed for the planet babel. We arived in record time. The planet is a center of intergalatic diplomocy. It has compared to an intergalitic united nations. I hope they have a little more luck then they did. ”
“Now in orbit!” Kelly w said. “Alright ! Prep the shartle! I am going down there! ” engstrom said.”i am going with you!” The captain said. “That is not necessary captain! I can handle this !”he said. “My ship was almost destroyed. This involves me! Besides regulation states that a commanding officer may accompony all off ship missions! I looked it up!”styles said. “Fine but stay out of my way! “He said. “Fine! Shumar you have the bridge !” He said. “Aye sir!”shumar said.
The x had one shartle. It was a cramped craft in a cramped hanger bay. The original design called for three shartle pods. It was just not pratical.  The design team considered not having any shartle. It was decided that a ground craft was needed for the nature of there mission.
Kelly w took the controls. The vessel was cleared to depart. The bay opened. The craft left the bay. The vesel was off.
“To stand on an alien planet ! It is disqueting a little!”engstrom said. “Regretible it has to be under these circumstances !”kellt w said. “It was bound to happ. Force is a universal laungrege lt!”the commadore said. No one said anything in response.
The craft began to discend to the planet. The craft lowered itself to the space port. The craft touched down and docked.
The door opened, the team excited the craft. They walked though the area. A vulcan female came towards him. Styles and the commidore’s chief of staf went up to the vulcan. The vulcan detonated herself. The rest of the team tried to sicure the commadore.
The commander was dead. Styles fell back. He was unconscious. Things had just gone from worse to even worse.
End of part four

the society part two

Planet gestone
“So let me get this straght! Your species sleep once every five years ?” Kelly w asked.
“Yes! We hybernate for a year. “The grand megistrate said. “Is this cultural or a biological necesity?”dr. Kelly asked. “We do need a prolounged hybernation period but the duration and time apears to be arbitrary ?” A science advisor said.
“You must worry about being attacked?” Jason said. ” We have an advance misstle shield program. One is chosen to be revived  an emurgentcy!” The megistrate said.
” megistrate! It is time!” An aid said. “I wish you well sir. I look froward to renewing our friendship in a year!”captain styles said. “As do i !”styles said.
The door closed. “Well we had getter get back to the ship! There is a comet nearby. I figured we would take a look!”styles said.
The shartle headed back up to the x. “Its nice to contact a friendly species!” Kelly w said. “I figured they had to excist!”shumar said. “I think we will find a lot of them are  out hear. More then we think. “Shumar said.
The hanger opened,the shartle.”you don’t seam quite as impresed by this? ” Jason asked.”if you have seen one hybornation you have seen them all!”steveren said. The shartle came in and went to its birth. The shartle completed its docking. The crew got out.
“Perizau did you keep my ship in one peace?” Styles asked. “Yes sir! “Perizau said. “I did make a few calibrations. Nothing too major!” Tivora said. “I see!”styles said.
“Whever a science officer or enginer says that i get concerned!”shumar said. “I do too!” He said.
“Hi it was incredible. I was standing on an alien world. Some of it was erily similar. Others like nothing i have experienced before! You really should have come!”boyd said. “I wanted to take care of some thinga while we are in orbit. “Tivora said.
“Trajaten i noticed while we humans have the need to touch every thing then pinch ourselves to make sure we are really hear,it does not seam to phase our non human population. Do you lose the wounder! The awe of it! Does it become mundane?” Boyd asked.
“My species can’t remember how we came by space traval. We believe we have been space capible for at least a thousand years. Mayby its different . I don’t think we have lost the wounder.there are always reminder when we least expect it. ” Trajaten said.
“Ta da! Your new chair!” Tivora said. It was a smal folding chair. “Its not much but in a pinch it will do !” Tivora said. “We had to scronge for the materials. At our next layover we can get a better one!” Tivora said. “It will do. Thank you. ” Styles said.
“Captain,there is a message comming in over sub space. Priority one. Its from lyman eller!” Trajaten said.
“What’s the time stamp?” Styles asked. “Eight hours ago!”the com tech said. ” Whatever it is. They pulled out all the stops to contact us!” Shumar said. “I will take it in my quarters! ” the captain said.
In the smal cramped qurters the captain activated the mesege. “Captain ,greatings my friend. I wish it could be under better circumstances. A convoy of suplies heading from vega to deniva was attacked. One of the freighters was destroyed as was one of the patrol ships. Casulties were fairly lught but we lost half of the cargo. The attacking ships were Vulcan. The Vulcan claim that the ships were older ships no longer in service. ”
“We have always had a good relationship with the Vulcan but we dont speak the same laungrege.  While we have close diplomatic ties with them. It has only gone so far. They see us as rackless imature,looking before we leep. We see them as dull,unimaginative. Some are calling this a 22 ond century pearl  harbor. I need  you to head for vega.  There you will escort commadore robert engstrom to the planet babel. The Vulcans want to present evidence they cleam will.clear them. For there safty we have decided on a nutral location. ”
“The mission will be commanded by commidore engstrom !you will command the ship. I know you and bob don’t always see eye to eye. He commanded the patrol fleet and insist on heading up this invrstigation. I need you to be the vioce of reason.  We will keep in touch eller out!” The screen faided.
“I don’t have a lot of information yet! A convoy of suplies was attacked by ships confirmed to be solaya class heavy crushers! The Vulcan claim they are old vessel no longer in service. “Styles said.
” The solaya class were withdran from service thirty years ago. Most of the ships were destroyed and the materials recycled.”tivora said.
” Our orders are to escort a uspha flag officer to babel to confur with the Vulcans. ” Styles said.
“Captain my people are peacefull. We engage in defensive activities but even then we try to resort to force only when absolutely necessary. We would paticipate in a sneek attack !”tivora said.
” Are we considering war ?”perizau said. “I don’t know. Like i said i have little information at this point. “Styles said.
” Captain! May i wished to be releved of duty ! “Tivora said. “Of course!”styles said. She got up and left.
“Kelly set course for vega,maximum warp!” Styles course. “Course laid in” kelly w said.
“Look i. Biased obviously but the Vulcans are skidish about lower tech words getting warp drive. They see themselves as more enlightened then orther races especially emotional ones. I suspect they may feel like humanity is peaking too early. They may want to slow you down or worse. Force you to acept some kind of colonial oversight.  sometimes logic can be used to justify anything. ” Steveren said.
“I can’t believe that. I was skeptical of Vulcan but after meeting tivora. I have a whole new view of Vulcans!” Boyd said.
“Look not all vulcan are sweet like tivora. Some Vulcan tend to be pragmetic. If they felt humans were a threat to the universe,they might in there mind justify sutch an action!” Steveren said.
“You think she is sweet?”boyd said. “You do. Look i don’t want to stir things up. I would be lying if i did not say that there was a posably that the Vulcans would do something like this! ” steveren said.
“Why use older vessels? ” dr. Kelly asked. ” to save the newer vessels. It is a common tactic by some races to use what humans call the b team. “Steveren said.
”  maybe. it stil does not make sense ! “Styles said. “This may not be the last incident . There may be more attacks!” Steveren said. ” i had considered that as well! “Styles said.
The x headed back to human space. The ship headed for the vega colony.
Alien ship
“Sir! It has begun!  In response to the incident near vega, earth has expelled the Vulcan ambassador frim earth. All relations between the two governments have ceased. Earth is reinforcing there borders! “A cominications expert a bolien said.
“Excellent ! We will now begin phase two of the operation!” Dr. Ardilon said. The bridge crew all agreed.
End of part two

The storm part 7

Perizau was looking over the engines. Every thing looked fine.he was convinced that something was wrong and was bound and determined to find far he had not found any problems. This failed to aleviate his fears. Very little could at this point. 
The door opened, the andorian entered the engine room. He went over to the chief enginer. “I am not going to like what you are about to say am i?” The chief asked. “Probably not! “Steveren admited.
“Ok go on?” The chief instructed him. “We are going to use my ship to reinforce key areas of the ship. “Steverin said.
“Are you nuts? ” perizau asked. “You have a better idea?” The andorian asked. “We will have to build during a storm! We are asuming the e.v.a suits will continue to function ! “Perizau said. “Do you have a better idea? ” He asked.
“No! Let me gues the captain has already aproved your plan!”perizau asked. ” yes he has!” Steveren said. “Do you know how this crazy this is? “Perizau asked. “In crazy times the only answer is to get crazy! “Steveren said. “That is a great idea?” Perizau said.
“I hope you are planing on getting your hands dirty! “The chief asked. “Of course. I will never ask someone to do something i am not wiling to do myself ! I will go. Besides i want to make sure that they do it right!” The andorian said. “Of course!”perizau said.
The hanger bay life suport had been deactivated so they had to use e.v.a suits just to get into the bay.
They got right to work. They had a lot to do. It was not fun. It had to be done.
First they took the outor part of the ship. Then they aplied it to key parts of the ship.
They had to constently monitor there suits. They rotated the repair crews quite regularily. Styles incitested on being there the whole time. He was not afraid of hard work.
As they worked,it ocured to him,this was the beginning of something. A human adventure. The beginning of a new era. He watched humans,trajaten,Vulcan ,andorian working side by side ib commin cause. All had a steak in this. Was this the start of something . A comunity. Who knows.
  “You ok corner?”shumar asked. “Yea just doing some day dreaming! “He said. “I see ! You don’t think we are doomed! This is not the titanic or the kontiki or edmond fitzgerald 0r the andoria doria?” Shumar said. “I don’t think so. We are not finished yet!” Styles said.
The armor covered bridge and engineering. They then returned to the ship. The crew was kept in several areas of the ship.
Dr. Kelly worked on develponing a treatment for the radiation sickness. She hoped to be able to slow down the progresson of the sickness.
“The storm is showing no signs of decreasing. We are looking at a few more days of this! Mayby a week!”tivora said. “Great! “Shumer said. “The shields do seam to be holding!”boyd said.
“The week was difficult. It was nurve wreaking. The fear seam to got worse. There seamed to be no relief. It seamed to be the new normal.” Styles said.
“We kept teling ourselves it will all be a distent memory when we are on the other side. There never seamed to be the orther side. It felt like time stoped and we were stuck in the storm. ”
  Styles had fallen asleep. He started to awake. “I must have dozed off! Please tell me i did not snore!” He said. “You did not!”tivora said. “Phew!” He said.
“The storm has stoped. ” Tivora said. “Is it over over?” Styles said.” It apears to be!”tivora said. “Kell mantain course!”he said.
“This no man’s land ,what the crew nicknamed ‘the desert” went on for another week. It was two weeks of nothing . Finally we found a unhabited planet. It could suport life. I ordered kelly to asume orbit of the planet. ”
“I wanted a full diegnostic of all systems. The ship would be refited. Steveren agreed to alow all of his ship to be used on the ship. The ship was getting a full make over!”
“You se really happy lately!” Perizau comnented. “I am always happy ! I am a verry bubily person . You on the orther hand no so much!” Marie said. “Your hapier then usual. I did not believe possible but i am sure of it!” He said.
“I have been wating for the right opotunuty to tell you. This seams like the right time! “She said. ” I asume your not leaving me for that andorian or worse some german guy? “He asked. “No or both counts. “She said. “Good!” He said.
“I’m pregnant !”she said. “What? Are you sure?”he asked. “Yes dr. Kelly confirmed it. “She said. “I thought you could not get pregnant ?”he asked. “So did i. Kell is going to monitor the pregnancy carefully but every thing is good so far! ” she said. He huged her. “Wow!” He said.
The senior staf assembled. The ship was under a veil. “You sure its ready?”styles asked. “Yes ira ready!”Steveren said. The veil was lifted. “Welcome to the new and aproved x 1000. “Perizau said. ” My friends we have come home?”he said. “We really need a name orther then x 1000!”steveren said. Everyone staired at him. “Its just a sugestion! Heash!”he said.
“Stil no captain’s chair?” Styles asked . “Maybe in the next refit!”shumar said. “Very well! ”
The ship lifted off. The ship cleared orbit of the planet. “Now free to navigate!” Kelly w said. “Set course into the unknown . “Styles said. The ship went to warp.
The end.

The storm part five

“As the storm continues,nurves have become fraid. Uncertainty grows. So far the ship has wrethered the storm very well but every one is wating for the orther shoe to drop. Everyone is certain it will!”
“Want i would not give for a cup of coffe right now!”styles said. “We could heat it up with a hand lazer!” Trajaten said. “That might not be a good idea!” Shumar said.
“Sir! The storm has increased in magnitude but decreased. I believe it will countinue to increase for a few more houers! I am not sure that thr shields can protect us foever. ” Tivora said.
“Do you have any idea how long this storm will last?” Bryce asked. “Acording to my calculations at least eight more houers commander!” She said.
“We may have to devert more power! ” tivora said. ” We cut all power there is cut!” Trajaten said.”no we have not!” She said. “We need ship wide intercraft and ship to ship !”trajaten said. “No one seams to be out! “Tivora said. “Who would venture out ib a storm in a ruber digny!” Kelly w said.
” Are you sure the shields won’t hold?” Styles said. “I am certain of it!” Tivora said. “Vulcan your never wrong ! This is why my species always treaded lighly with your people . For a non emotional people you people are prety arogent!”trajaten said.
“Woa! Time out! This is not helpful! ” Styles said. “We could transfer power from my ship!”steveren said. “We considered it but it could short circut the ship. Our computors probably are not conpatible! It would be like trying to interface an eller 235 to a comadore 64. “Perizou said.
“The comunicators are indipendent of the com system . There don’t seam to be any ships in the vicinity. If we need to we can comunicate by flare. It is non esential power right now! “Styles said.
“I guess i am out of a job for the time being! ” trajaten said. “Find us some other extra power! We have a long road ahead!” Styles said.
Tivora was working on power transfer when jasson came over.”you ok?”jason asked. “I am trying to protect the ship! I understand that these may seam like draconian cuts but i see no orther choice !”she said.
“Every one is nervous and on edge. As the otther storm passes,so will this one!” He said.
“I have never been to Vulcan . Earth is my home. I want to aer humanity suceed and join the universial community. I am not trying to step on anyone’s toes. “She said.
“Your an aset to this ship. When we come though on the other side,it will be because of you! Just sit tight. You will make it!”he said.
Med bay
“Dr!”ensign gina elso said. Two crewman brought in a crewman. He had some kind of radiation burns. She began treating him.
“Crewman ridgly was working on a conduet near the engine room. “Dr. Kelly renelds said.
“We have confirmed we have a smal leak!” Perizau said. ” Have you sealed it?” Shumar said. “For now but i fear while the shields have held,some how tge infrastructure of the ship has been compromised! We may see more of these!” Perizau said.
” i am not totally sure it is related to the storm. It could be a design flaw!” Kelly w said. “I considered that as well! ” perizau said. ” I want those areas that area screaned for radiation posioning! “Styles said.
Qurters of the captain
“You think mayby we are not ready. It is too soon?” Styles asked. “Frankly this is how you learn. School of hard knocks. The early exploers in the 15 and 1600s paved the way for meritime traval and opened up a new world.  When john f kenedy said we are going to put a man on the moon in ten years,it seamed like a pipe dream.  Someone has to take the first step. To every great story there has to be a beginning !” Shumar said.
“I really would rather not be the guy who failed. I don’t want to be a footnote in history !”styles said. “We will make it. This storm is not going to lick us!” Shumar said. “I hope your right bryce. I really do! ” he said.
  The ship was rocked. “That was an unusually stronger ion! The storm is continuing to intensify. It has gone beyond my prediction !” Tivora said. “You are falible!”trajaten said. “Qiet!” Styles ordered.
The ship was hit. An airlock was hit. “Seal off the deck! ” styles ordered. “I can’t. It is not responding!” Tivora said. ” We will have to do it manualy!” Perizau said. ” Come on! Tivora take charge on the bridge !” Styles ordered.
Styles,shumar,trajaten,perizau and boyd left the bridge. The elivator were shut down so they had to use stairs. They made it to the area. They put on environmentle suits.
There was a gaping hole in the ship.  Air was pooring out. They all knew this was dangerous work even with the e.v.s suits. If they were sucked out into space they were vanerable to the storm. If they were struck it ment certain death.
  It had to be done. The team perpared to go out. The door had to be sealed. Manual release required at least four people opearating the manual release at once. This was risky.
What felt like wind blew though the deck. The e.v.a suit was working. They got to work.
Dr. Kelly had to treat more radiation sickness. There must be more cracks. The situation seamed to be getting worse. She hoped this could be turned around.
   The ship was hit again. This time on the other side. This time it was the hydroponics. Where the emergincy food suply was. They now had several problems on multiple fronts. The strugle was on.
End of part five