Vulcan heart part two

From the obital space station,tisora and jason joined others and took a transport to the planet.
“I heard this planet is a center of trade and comerce for this sector!”jason said. “Vulcans andorions and noberiens frequent this planet!”tisora said.”so i might see aliens i have never seen before ?”jason asked.”there is a very good chance of it !”tisora said. “I feel like we have bearly scarced the serface. Before a hundred years ago we really had no idea what was out there or if anything was!”jason said.
“You have several new world to discover!”tisora said. “I am excited. Can you tell?”he asked rhetoricaly. “Yes i can!”she said.
“I’m sory. I try to contain my excuberence around you. It us hard to do that. “Jason said.
“I understand! I am not trying to change you. My people believe in tolerence of other people’s beliefs and pratices. We call it. Infinate diversity in infinate combinations. I live by that viewpoint!”she said.
“You don’t want to become a stoic?”she asked. “I personaly believe logic is the best philosophy. I would perfer every one would embrace the teaching of surek. I don’t believe that will happen realistically. I am libertarian in this matter!”tisora said.
“Fair enough!”jason responded. “Do you wish i showed emotion?”she asked. “At first but i gues i have come to respect different cultures. I think i have become less ethnocentric sense we left earth space !”he answered. “I have observed that!”she said.
The shartle discended to the planet. It landed at a ground based port. The shartle went to a designated birth. The shartle activated its landing struts. The ship fully completed the landing proticals. The pasingers waited for clearence to disembark the craft.
“Attention pasingers! This is the co pilot speaking. You are cleared to exit pod 2147. Thank you for using trax transportation services. Have a day full of stars to guide your night. “The spokesperson said.
The pasingers got up from there seats. They headed for the exits in a very orderly fashion. Tisora and jason folowed the orthers and departed the craft.
The port was similar to an earth space port. There was information areas as well as food courts and a prominade. “So where to?”she asked. “I don’t know about you but i want to explore beyond the space port! “Jason said. “Agreed! “Tisora answered.
They excited the transport hub. They walked around the area. They picked up a packet from the planitary transportation ministry. They looked it over.
“Apearently there is an outside bizare not far from hear!”tisora said. “Lets check it out! “Jason said. “Agreed!”tisora said. Tisora led the way and jason folowed.
The planet had a plesent climate. Every major citty had an urban center and a rural. The urban was mostly government buildings. The rural had outside shops. The planitary inhabitents perfered to be outside when possible. Manny off world representives perfered business be done inside. Given the climate it was no reason why natives perfered the outside.
“This is a beutiful planet!”Jason said. “I could see why manny would find it astectically pleasing. It is an efecient world!”tisora said jason laughed. “At times i forget your non emotional but i usually remember !”Jason said.
“Do you resent that i am unlike you?”tisora asked. “No i don’t. I am still working on sheding my ethnocentrism. I respect your views. I see the advantage of non emotion. I am just not ready to adopt it for myself !”he told her.
“That’s fair !”tisora said. They went to the table. She saw a series of trinkets. “Look i have many wondrous objects. This is all that remains of the sword of kahless!”the merchent said.
“It seams far fetched that this is indeed from kahless weapon!”tisora declared. “Are you acusing me of lyng?”the merchent asked.
“We should move on!” She said. She kept on going. “I have never heard of kahless. Who is he?” Jason asked.
“He is a qausi myithical leader of the Klingons. He overthrew a tyrent and created the first Klingon empire. “The vulcan female said.
“Who are the Klingons?”he asked.”they are wariors. Similar to the vikings or spartons on earth!” She said.
“We probably should avoid them as we continue to spread out into deep space!” He said.”that would be very wise. “She said.
The two walked further though the various tables. Jason saw a flower he liked. He considered getting it as a gift for tisora.
He had lost sight of his friend for a few secconds. He heard a noise. He stoped for a few seconds. He tried to asertain what it was.
He listened. He came to suspect that it was some kind of weapons fire. He ran to see what had occured.
He was schocked at what he saw. He saw a male. He was a dibiasien. He was dead. He had been schot by an unknown alien hans pistol. Standing over him was a women. She had the energy pistol aimed at him. It was tisora.
“Tisora put down the weapon!”he urged her. She did not say anything. She paused. He went over and took the pistol. Then a local police force arived. He put the hand weapon down on the ground.
The police seronded the area. They sicured the area. Jason had no idea what had gone on. It apeared at least on the serface that tisora had just killed a man for no apearent reason. The police believed that too. He knew that she was in a lot of trouble.
End of part two.