Episode one ” to the outer rim and beyond “

Space! No one knew just how vest it was. Just how big it was not known. It had been speculated but no one knew for sure.
That was why mankind was out hear. To explore the unknown. To learn more about the galaxy. They have much to learn. They would not have it any orther way.
First mankind became curious about there seroundings. They sought to explore and conquer at times. Then the exploration of the planet. Then the next step was space! 
It was nearly a hundred years sense mankind developed warp drive. They had begun to slowly develop a space fleeet. It took time.
There had been various operations designed to brench out beyond the confines of earth and near by regions. It had been slower then they wanted it to be.   Many humans  prefered maned exploration but unmanned exploration though undesired but necessary.  The earth space probe agency found it easier to lunch. They lunched fleets of probes.
There were some who argued for unmanned only. Many disagreed with that. Besides probes,setilites were also put into place. They provided a lot of valuable data.
Alpha cinterie
University of alpha cinterie
” Sir! The echo star setilite just stopped transmitting ! ” a techinician said. “See if you can’t get it back!”the supervisor instructed the tek. The tek got right to work.
The setilite was being blocked by a dampening field. When they were sure that the field was in place,a ship came in. The vessel came in.
“Gain acess to that data! I want it! ” the commander said. The tek was able to hack into the setilite. He reported the sucessfull upload. Then the vessels opened fire on the setilite. The setilite exploded.
The unknown vessel went to warp. The debre remaned. The disapearence of the setilite created quite a mystery. One that would have to be solved.
End of prolougue.