Autimation part five

A large robot fired on the team.this robot did not speak. It was a killing machine only. Its only perpose was to take out the enemy and it did this very well. It was not done yet.
“We have to fall back!”styles ordered. The team tried to withdraw. Several of the security officers tried to cover the rest of the team.
The robot fired some knd of energy ray from his eye. It incinerated the thruster rifle. Within the rifle was gone as though it never excisted.
The team had been concerned before but was even more concerned now. The robot seemed to have the upper hand. How could they hope to survive this on the enemy’s home turf.
The robot picked up the security officer. Boyd and his team fired trying to free him. The robot was equped with prety advanced shielding. The fireing did little.
Boyd took a head schot. It did nothing. The robot aplied presure and snaped the man’s neck. It was dead. They threw him across the room. 
Every one was a gasp. They just witnesed a fellow crewman die. They did not have time to mourn. They barely had time to notice. The robot would not give them that time.
The team fired multiple times on the robot. It fired on one of the gaurds weapon. The weapon was destoyed. “Warrel retreet! That’s an order!” Styles said. “Sir?”he asked. “Do it!” Styles said.
The man complied with the order reluctantly. The rest of the team came at the large robot.  Boyd took his rifle and set it to explode. He knew it was a gamble. He threw the weapon at the robot. The weapon exploded.  The robot had a gaping hole in its imitation stomick. The robot came at the team. 
“That might not have been a good idea on my part!” Boyd said. “This thing does not give us a lot of options. These robot mission is our destruction. My gues is that they are to leave no survivors. “Styles said. “Great ! ” dr. Kelly said.
The robot fired a ray and went for styles gun. Styles moved it in time. “Why go for guns? Why not use that energy weapon to desintrigate us?” Gina asked. “My gues is that it only works on metal not on organic tisue. “Dr. Kelly said. “If they take out our weapons,i doubt we will last too long! “Perizau said. “I have a feeling your right jose!” Styles said.
” We can’t surender! Its certain death!” Boyd said. “No we can’t! Fall back!” Styles said. The team atempted to retreat. “I have an idea. Every one cover me!” Styles said. “Why do i think i am not going to like this? “Perizau asked. “Just think if it fails you will be that much closer to the captaincy !” Styles said. “I don’t want to be captain! ” perizu said. He thought to himself “i am not sure i really want to be out hear. ”  he would not say that out loud.
  The other team members especially the security people tried to provide cover for the captain as he atempted his ambicious plan. He crawled up and he got on to the robot. He fired on the eye. He fired at pount blank then roled on to the ground. He experienced a particularly hard landing. He was bleeding in a few places but nothing too serious.
The robot eye weapon had been disabled. Was it perminent was not known. The robot was still very operational. The team fired on the robot.
Captain styles ordered the team to fire on the legs. One of the legs gave out. The team fired simultaneously. The robot exploded.
“Why do i think this is not over yet?”perizue asked. “Because it is not! My gues is the robots will just keep coming. Death by a thousand slashes. The romulin strategy is to ware us down then kick us when we are down. The romulins are a slight step up from us. Both of us adapt quickly. Both our species are growing technologically. Neither one of us is wiling to wait! We want to explore,contact other species,they want to expend militerily conqur! “Styles said.
“How far will they go? “Gina said. “I am not sure they have limits. They may resort to biological chemical warfare. ” Styles said.
“What about the robots. As alien races develop smarter robots,what if they become more powerful then the builderS?”perizu said. “It could happen !” Styles said.
“Still glad you came out hear doctor?”perizue said. “I am always up for an advanture. There is risk.  What will we gain far outweigh the risk!”kelly said.”tell that to crewman sawer!”he said. “Jose we can debate this later!”styles said.
“Of course. This is hardly the plase to raise a child. Its too dangerous!” He said. “Marie is pregnant ?” Boyd asked. “Yes we just found out!” He said. “Congrats. Look jose this is a dangerous galaxy . There is a lot of wounder. I believe for every agresive race there are friendly races! “Styles said. “Perhaps. There seams to be too manny agresive ones!” Perizau said.
X 1000
  The command module fired on the x 1000. “Shields holding at 88 percent!” Emma said. ” I am gusing it has more advanced shielding then the rest of the shilp?” Shumar asked. “Yes that apears to be true!”tivora said. ” They don’t give up easily !”shumar said.
The command mod flew at the x. It performed a dive bomb like raid. It hit the ship on all sides. The x was hit. The x fired on the command module.
The command module swung around and fired again on the x. “Shields at 85 percent!”emma said. The x fired again on the command module. The command mode came up at them.
  Emma was new at this. She was young. She just graduated from west point and was on loan to eller industries for this mission. She never thought she would be manning the weapons concil during a major mission. She tried to find a target.
She took a gamble. She fired a full volley. The command module was hit. The x fired again. “There weapons port is off line!”tivora said.
The command module atempted to ram into the x. Was this the end? Was the mission over before it started? The module was heading right for the x.
End of part five

To the outor rim and beyond part 11

Romulin border
  Romulon fleet
“Field primus! Incoming mesege priority one from romulis. It is the preator! ” the com tech said.
The primus went over to a scicluded section of the bridge.he took an ear peace. He activated it. ” Hello excellentcy!”the primus said.
“Primus! I want you to randevez with the advence scout. I want you to engage the hunans in bate. I want to begin my program of expansion! “The preator said.
“Your crew stands ready preator! “Primus divrek said. “We must expand our empire!” The preator said. “We will excellentcy!’divrex asured his superior.
After the transmission ended,the primus took out the ear peace. He went to the command area of the bridge. ” Pilot set course for the diverex! Best possible speed!”the primus ordeed. The swarm moved out.thet headed for the scout ship and the human sector.
The battle lines were drawn.both sides were preparing for an inevitable battle both sides knew were comming. Both sides hoped to stop the orther side. It would not be easy on either side.
The x 1000 crew worked there but off to get the ship repaired. They all did there part and then some. Captain styles was pleased with his crew. He was looking foward to getting to know them. He hoped he would be able to. The mission was a gamble. Now was the real test. Every thing would be clear soon.
“I was able to boost lazer efentcy. With steveren help i created another weapons port. It is a repulser beam. It is designed to deplete the shields . It is a slow process. It could be an aset!” Boyd said.
“We will take anything we can get. We need multiple weapons in our arsenal !” Tivora said.
“Look i don’t want you to think i am a war monger. My job is to design build and improve weapons but i try to stic to defensive weapons. I know Vulcan tend to be pacifist. I believe in the zefrem cocren,jeremy Grayson,philosophy of peaceful exploration and contact.we need to be able to defend ourselves !”boyd said.
” i know that. I know that thou are not a war monger. I have never thought that!”she said. “I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I am an armory officer literally because i feel someone has to do it. I want to make the universe safe for the sciencentist,the exploers,and the diplomats. ” He said.
“Thy do not need to justify thyself. Your complex,most people are. No one is quite as they seam to be on the serface.i am  sure of that. I am favorible to getting to know thee more complexities and all! “Tivora said.
” Man! Really ! We have a job to do! Get a room!” “Steverin said.”way to wreck a moment steverin!” Boyd said. “I do what i can!” The andorian said.
Chief engineer perizau entered the bridge. “Well our new guest is a bit of a pain in the but but he deliver on his promises. He was a big help in many ways!” Perizou said. “Good work!every one!” Styles said.
“Captain! I have located a fleet of romulon ships. They are heading our way!”tivora reported.
“That is a formation the romulons call a swarm. It is under the command of a field primus,a comadore if you will. They are usually from a noble family and close to the preator. They are well traned and usually have a lot of influence. “Steverin said.
“Will our friends arive in time?”trajaten asked. “They will be hear as soon as they can. This is a turning point. In what direction i don’t know. Will we move foward in space or will our exploration of space be stifled perhaps for a few generations i don’t know. There is no going back. Win or lose nothing will be the same!” Styles said.
“Set course for the fleet! ” shumar ordered. Kelly w renelds set the course. He activated the engines. The ship went to warp. The ship was on course for the future. Whatever that form it was about to take.
“The human ship is on course for us?” The science officer anounced. “Very good!”the primus said.”one ship?”a centurian said. “There will be more. I am sure of that. ” The primus said.
Manny of the crew thought that this would be a cake walk. The primus knew better. He knew that victory was not asured. Even if they won this round ,they still might not win the overall campaign. History as always was stil unwritten until it happened.
End of part 11