“To the outor rim and beyond part 14

  Commander sherad was nervous. He acepted that he would not survive this battle. He was fine with that. If he had to go out he wanted to strike a hard blow to his enemy at the same time. He feard that he might fail. His death might be in veign. He wanted some kind of victory. He would have it. One way or another.
The posioning of vega would be aceptible. It would be the rallying cry on both sides. To the humans a kind of remember vega mantra. The romulons would use it for propinganda perpouses as a building point. He might be awarded by the preator postumously mayby even by the emparor. He would not be there to witness it but oh well.
X 1000
“They are atempting to hide there signiture by using sansor ghost,distortion and even venting plasma. I believe i have them!” Tivora said.
“Stay on them kell !”styles said. “Aye sir! “He said. The x tried to catch up with the hostile.
The hostile deverted every ounce of power to speed for the ship. The weapon would be turned into one gigentic dirty bomb.
  The x commander would not pull out all the stops such as what serad did. They would do what had to be done within reason. 
Vega colony
“We are about to be attacked! I want every ship in the sky. We are on full alert!”governor ronald egder said. “Orions? Nusicans! ” the aid asked . “No romulons!”he said. “Who?” The aid said.
  The x found the ship and fired. The vessel was hit. “We bearly scrached the paint!” Boyd reported.
The romulon ship reterned fire on the x. The x was hit. “Shields holding!” Tivora reported. The ship deployed canisters. The canasters hit the ship. The x fired a lazer burst.
“Target that explosion and fire!”styles ordered. The ship hit the explosions. One of the nichelle was hit. There was exstensive damage all over the ship.
  The ship fired every last torpedo it had. The x tried to dodge them. They dodged most of them but the ship was hit. Several decks had been sealed off.
The x fired again. The lazer hit the agresive ship. The ship was hit. The bridge exploded. Serad had survived.
Serad knew that his time was already pass. He was going out with a bag. He sat the ship on auto pilot. He riged the ship on a colision course. The ship headed for the x.
The x pulled up. The x fired and ran though the wake. They plowed though. The ship was determined to servive. This could not be the end.
The x came out like a pheonix from the ashes. The ship was batered and bloody but intact. It came though on to the other side.
“We are at all stop!” Kelly w said.”hold position ! I want a full damage asestment!”styles said.
The x repared itself enough to return to earth. Then the exstensive repairs begun.
“I believe the time has come to venture beyond the confines of our home space. I believe the time is right to venture into the unknown! “Lyman eller said.
“How can you say that? Space is a dangerous place. As evidenced by what just occured. The evidence indicates we should go inward! Build at home?” Deligate fernando juan qunard asked.
“Yes space is dangerous. It is wondrous as well. We have already started this jouney. We should play it though!” Eller saud.
“Mayby we should wait! Lick our wounds. Perhaps this is not the time!”Evelyn journot said.
“Mr. Secratary general ! May i be heard?”captain styles asked.”yes you may!”secritary general gerrad mfume said.
“Thank you mr. Secritary general ! Humanity is at a crossroads. We canot turn inwards. Our future is amoung the stars. Humanity has an uncrenchible thurst for knowledge. We have an opotunity to gain more knowledge . Risk comes with any quest. Just as it did when eropian setilers came to the new world. I believe this is our destiny. We have already made enimies but we have made friends . Who knows todays enemies may be tomorrows friends . We just don’t know. I believe that the road will be hard but worth it. A hundred years from now this will be remembered as a turning point. What will it be? Witch path will you chose ?”styles asked.
Home of perizau
“I asume you heard the news?”styles asked. “Earth has agried to begin long term exploration of space under the auspicious of the united earth space probe agency! The h.e has signed on. ” Perizau said.
“I know this is not your cup of tea jose. The hagomony wants a sr representive on the flagship. Now a future ship will have a eropian commander until then they will setle for a member if the iner circle. I would like that to be you! You can bring marie. “He said.
” Its not me corner! I am not an explorer. I like farming. I am content hear. I have already made history ! I have no need to do it again !”he said.
” I need you! Give the name of another enginer as qalified as you to be chief enginer. History choses you not vice versa!”he said. “Corner that us really lame!”he said. ” I know ! I’m desprit!”he said.
“What would my rank be?”he as.”you were a colnel in the eropian forces. We are using naval ranks. Full commander!”he said. “Oh no! I want to be captain of engineering ! “He said.”captain! You would outrank bryce! “He said.”that is my condition!”perizai said. “I will have to clear it w the director but ok. Will you acept?”he said.”alright !”he said.
“I want in?”steveren said. “I am suprised. You don’t strike me as someone who stays in one place for very long!”styles said.
“You are starting something. This is living history and i want to be a part of it! I predict this will go beyond humanity. Mayby not now but some day. I promise i wil behave and try to be civil around tivora. “The andorian said. ” This might be a hard sell but your right. I do need a guide and advisor. Pending aproval by my superiors welcome to the team!”he said. He schock his hand. “Welcome to the future!”steverin said.
“Now clear of dry dock. We are free to nevigate!”kelly w exclamed. ” Set course ! To the outor rim and beyond !”
The crew of the x will continue.