In the shadow chapter five (6)

The x fired on the super starship. Jason and troops left the on bored shartles. The shartles sped towards the ship.
The pods attempted to get a foothold on to the super starship. The scout crafts attached itself to the ship. The vessels were grappled to the ship.
Each craft left a pilot in place. On Jason’s order the troops moved out. The troops were able to open a hatch and entered the ship. They we’re immediately fired on by rihansu forces. They returned fire.
” sir! We are being hailed. It is the supper starship. ” trajatan reported.”we got there attention. On screen !” commander styles ordered. The numorien activated the view screen.
On the screen, was the bridge of the supper starship. The command center was filled with rihansu officers. There was also The other gunen.
“I am commander emero of the rihansu star empire.  I know you studied this vessel. It is a very potent vessel. Our sezure of this vessel is quite complete. The balience of power in this quadrant has taken a dramatic turn of events. I sugest you leave the vicinity of my ship now. If you do not withdraw you will suffer my wrath. ” emero declared.
” this is commander corner styles if the human vessel. X 1000. You cannot possibly believe that we Wil not you have what could be the most powerful starship In the galaxy.” the captain remarked.
“You seam like a practical man commander. I don’t expect you will like it. It is simply how it is. I can destroy you and I don’t hesitate to do so. You must have  seen what you did to the Sun nearby.” emero said.
” is that your view as well miss gunen?” the commander asked. ” the rihansu are the future corner.they Will be the next universal power. ” she said. “The future us future.the story is still unwritten. ” styles said.
“That is not how we see it commander. I am very confident that we will be victorious. ” emero said. The screen deactivated.
“He has terminated the feed.” trajatan said. “I did not not want to talk to him any ways. ” styles said.
The andorian activated more mines.the mines exploded. The mines hit The supper starship. The mines did almost no damage but it was a distraction. Then the x fired a volley of ions on the ship.
The supper ship tried to clear the mines and weapons. “Return fire on those fiends! ” emero ordered. The supper starship fired on the x. The x was hit.
“Shields at 45 percent!” Lindsey reported. “Divert non essential power to shields. ” styles said. The x returned fire on the enemy vessel.
On the super starship Jason and his troops battled the Romulin and remen troops. Jason was not sure who was more firce.the rihansu or the remens.
The remens were strong. The harsh climate and conditions in there imposed home world gardine them. They had to adept or die. This was combined with there status as a labor class for the rihansu empire.
Jason and his forces advanced.he was determined to win this battle.he had spent of his adult life fighting battles. He had fought in space on ships and on planets. He had fought them all. He had fought nusicans and Orion and other pirates. This was different.this was the first foreign army he had battled. This was dirtier and was a dirty war,a gurila war. A war where all was fair as long as he brought a potential for a victory or a stale mate.
Jason understood war. He understand battle.he even understood a love for war. He was a soldier a warrior. Mayby a relic if the past. Mayby he did not belong in the post anatomic horror era of humanity. Was he obsolete? Then there was tivora. She was pacifist . a positive realist maybe even an optomist Vulcan style of course.
Jason kept moving. The forces fired on the romulan troops. They advanced. They kept moving further into the hostle territory.
In the holding cell ,Gina ,Emma and the orthers could only wait. Wait for what they had no idea. They hoped that it was a wait to be rescued. It might not be that.
The team got close to the holding cell. They hit the guards. They I opened the door. ” come on let’s get out of hear.” Jason said. “What took You so long?” Gina asked. “Funy!” he said.
They moved. They were hit by the romulans. They held there own. “Gina I need you to hack into the ships computer. ” Jason said. “I thought you rescue me to rescue me not to put me to work. ” Gina said.
Gina went to a terminal. Jason and others in his team covered her.she got right to work.  She tried to gain access to the another time and place she would consider it fun. Too much was at stake. The fate of the universe depended on this.
While the x battled the super starship. The x was hit hard. The x endured. The fleet was on it’s way. Stytles hoped that the x could hold Out until the fleet arrived or the marines captured the ship.
Gina felt the pressure. She knew The stakes. She had a break though. She was able to gain access to a central control. She believed that she could cause the ship to go back into hibernation mode.
The x was hit. ” shields at ten percent. ” Lindsey reported. ” please tell me that you can divert power ?” styles asked . ” not really. ” Lindsey said. She knew he would not be happy with that answer. It was the true answer.   
The super starship fired the Canon that could destroy a star system. The x bridge crew all prepared for the end . there was no way they could avoid this.
Styles regretted that he would not be able to see humanity extend further into space. He would not see humans working with other races. He would not marry or have children.
All of a sudden the pulse vanished.the super starship went dark. They just got a miracle. Styles knew that it was not quite over. It had only begun!
To be concluded.
Next up
The crew of the x deals with the super star ship.

Asamov’s rule

“Captains log,while investigating the destruction of an alien vessel, we have discovered evidence of some kind if terf war between two factions of the enigmatic romulan empire. We speculate that perhaps it is a struggle between the romulons and robots they use in there fleet”.
“We have offered assistance but our offer was soundly rejected In no uncertain terms. I have decided to maintain corse away from any potential battle zone”
“Stress level is unavoidably but understandably high. The crew has done well in extraordinary situions. I am hopeful that we can stear clear of the ships on either side.”the captain said In his .
Mes hall
Commander Bryce Schumer entered the mess hall. He saw lt. Lindsey Markum sitting at a table. She was clearly doing research. “Linds you do know that this is your off time?”the exo commented.”we are essentially a submarine in space. I did not realize we had off time !” Lindsey remarked In response .
“What are you doing?”he asked. “I am trying to put together a profile on our romulan friends. We have almost nothing to go on.most of it is interpolation from our brief but momentous encounters. “She reported.
“Trajaten and steveren don’t have By inside information?”he asked. “Not really. The numoruens are on the other side of the quadrant. They have had almost no contact with them. The andorians gave them a wide birth.he called it the brotherhood of empire’s.  “Schumer said.
“It other words they don’t think a war of empires Is in anyone’s best interest particularly there’s. “Lindsey Said in response.
“Prety much!” so what do you have?” the commander asked. “The romulons seam to be warlike but nit quite warriors.they are not barbarians like the mongrals or Vikings. They seam to be very civilized. They seam to function as a well run natio sate. They have a well run navy and I would assume a standing army as well.they seam to be technologically advanced and developing. They seam to have a desire to expend . I suspect there may be a kind of manifest destiny but that is conjecture!” she said.
“I get the feeling that they may be a aristocratic society?”he commented.”I think so. I suspect it is not a complete one but yes . I see it nay parallel with the Rom on empire on earth or perhaps the Soviet union in the 20th century. “She said.
“This robotic situation may dominate there attention for a time. I suspect humanity and the romulons will be in open conflict one day. “Shumar said.
“I hope not but I think that you are probably right!  She told him.
Rihansu flagship
“They could have utterly destroyed us. They did not anialate us completely even though they could have. “The commander of the ship said.
“These attacks are not random.there  is a tactic.there is clearly some kind of plan. “The primus answered.
“What are your orders?”the pilot asked. “We will make repairs. I want to monitor the nearby syistoms. These robots will not stop. I don’t know what there next target Will be! We will need to get this fleet up and running as soon as we can. ” the primus said.
Office of the primus.
The chime rang. The door opened.”excellently! The starship commander wishes to speak to you in private!” a guard said.
“He may enter!” they primus answered. The commander entered. “What are the robots up to?”the commander asked. “We programmed them to serve the empire. To aid us in achieving our goals. I suspect that they are stil performing there tasks only now they do it for themselves. ” the primus said.
“If that is true they will attack any ship they see as a threat. That would explain the attack on The rygeliens. “The commander said.
“The scientist that tried to prove there worth to the pretor have created a monster. I warned the Senate that robotic ship piloted by a robotic crew was a bad idea. Almost as bad as using remons to do our bidding. The battle agents the humans showered the Senate to direct conflicts . we were not ready. In time we will be” the primus said.
“You believe we can defeat the robots?  “The subordinate asked his superior. “In time ! The may excel In stamina and brute force. We will outthink them. I believe that we will be victorious. The coast may be high. ” the primus said.” I see! “He said.
Ki bartan
Office of the preator
“You told us that the robots were designed to serve us. You assured us you had proper safe gourds. This was not supposed to happen but yet it has. ” the preator said.
“I believed that the proper safe gourds were in place!” senator kenole said. “The evidence is clear that they were not senator. Now the entire star empire could be in jepordy. ” the preator said. ” I understand that excellently. “He said in response.. “Whatever occurs you will be held responsible if not by me in this life by a higher power in the next. Mostlikly by me!”the supreme leader said. “Understood clearly excellently!” the scientist and senator said. “Good!”the leader said.
X 1000
” I have refined the sensors. I am going to attempt to locate the rougue fleet. “Tisora reported.
“I would like to find that fleet and soon!” the captain said. The Vulcan science officer knew how important her task was.she worked hard to get it done.
Jason went over to her. “Never a dull moment is there?”Jason asked.”there does not seam to be does there ?”tisora said in response.
” I believe I have found the fleet! At present course and speed they seam to be heading right for a telerite colony !”she reported.
“Wich one?” steveren asked. “The planet atoka!” tisora said. “The colony is run by naturalist similar to to your neo trandsidentionalest. ” steveren said.
“I assume that they are not armed?” styles asked.”that is correct!”the andorian replied. “Send a message to the colony. “The captain ordered.
Trajaten sent a message to the planet. “We are being jammed. “The tech said. “Why am I not suprused! Ok we need to stop this threat. We are out manned and out gunned. I cannot sit by and do nothing. You are the officers. Come up with a plan! We have to stop that threat!” the captain said.
End of part five.


Ki bartan
“Senator kezelle, the preator wants to see you!” A security officer said.
The senator was just put in charge of research and development for the empire. The preator learned he had a digenitive desease that would not kill him but would render him ibmoble. The preator wanted to seak his legacy by expending the empire. This ment doing the imposible. Kezele was happy to be in the senate. He had sold jewery at a beach. One day he and the preator then a deputy pro consul and him got in a political debate. Next thing he knew he was opointed to the senate.
The preator had an office in the senate,it had become cerimonial.the preator had another office down the street.  It was convenient for the preator,not so much for every one else. That was probably how the preator wanted it.
“Excellentcy!”he said. “Sit down my friend! I understand you have lunched a fleet of drone ship manned by robots?”mirkek asked . “Indeed! Without life suport ! We can utilize more power !”kezele said. ” Good! The rumors are that earth has bought technology and weapons from the galideriens and Vulcan and andorians. They may try to negotiate trade agreements. Human influence is growing. It is a direct threat to our program. “Pretor said.
“We can win this war. It will require full scale mobilization. We will have to divert resources to war production. This meens rationing. My drone program will be a good start. This will be a long struggle. “Kenzele said.
“I want the x 1000 destroyed. I want humanity brought to its knees. I do not need to conquer earth just get them out of the way! Understand i like it. I always have but i liked your predasesor as well! Do not fail
me senator!” The preator said. “I won’t!”kezele said. “Good! See that you do not!”he declared.
X 1000
The ship fired a canon into space. It sliced open an asteroid. “Impressive isint it.the thruster canon.  This is a sate of the art unit. This ship is close to it!” Boyd said.
“And yet,i stil don’t have a chair!”styles said. “I don’t understand ! Weapons ?”tivora said. “We have to be prepaired. There are dangers out there!”boyd sugested. “I know. I just don’t understand all the ambience serounding them!”tivora said.
“You ok bryce?”styles asked . “Yes i am. Its just that i gues i figured we would be further along technologically. Most of our technology was borowed. Much is not original !” Shumar said.
” Look we are stil new to this. At first a lot of advances will be though trade and comerce. I know eller industries is working on new projects. So are uspha and government agentcies. In ten years you won’t recognize how far we have jumped. Consider where we were ten years ago?  ” Styles asked.
“Ok i see what you are saying? Your probably right! I gues i am restless!  “Bryce said. “Mankind”s time is coming? “Styles said. “I hope so. We have been though much. War,holocoast,aftermath. We need a break sometime!”he will. “We are starting something. We are setting the stage for a glorias new era!”he said. “I hope so. I am rooting for it. I am not so sure!” He said.
” Captain incoming mesege! It is a distress call from freighter mid atlantic. They say they are under attack !” Trajaten said. “Can we confirm that it is the midatlantic? “Styles said. ” I can’t confirm its identity !”trajaten said.” Frankly it smels like a trap! ” perizau said. “Indeed it does but i can’t ignore it! Kell lay in a course for the freighter’ maximum speed!” Styles ordered.
The ship went to warp. “Gues we get to test out the new technology !”!he said.
End of part one