To the outor rim and beyond part six

Unknown vessel
“Human vessel is on course for us! They have sped up to intercept us!” The science officer said. “They do not scare esily. They run to where orthers would flea! Excellent ! “The commander said.
X 1000
“We are now in cominications range! I can send a message in my native tounge. Perhaps they know timurian. ” Trajatan said “Do it!”styles ordered.
Unknown vessel
“They are contacting us in timorian!” The com tech said. “Acording to the data we acumilated. They do have a trading relationship with the timurians. It could be a trade laungrege!” The first officer said.
“This makes sense. They must sense we are a preditor. Why try to set up a dialogue with an invader?”the gunner said.
“Perhaps they are not eiger for war! Some races perfer to solve conflict without blood shed. It is fasinating. They are not pasifiats but not warioriers! Perhaps something in between. “The commander said.
“No response !” Trajaten said. “There weapons are fully charged!” Boyd said. “Come on! Talk to us!”styles said.
Unknown vessels
“Orders commander?”the gunner said. “Open fire!”the commander fired. The vessels opened fire. The mistle detonated. The ship was flung foward.
” we had to seal off the cargo bay!” Tivora said. “Return fire!”he ordered. The ship fired with a lazer. The lazer hit the ship.
“Minor damage! “The science officer said. ” fire again “the commander ordered. The alien vessel lunched another wepon. This time one of the sansor aray was destroyed.
“We have to switch to the back up sansors!”tivora said. “Do it!”styles said.
“Sir! I have located the atomic luncher. It is hevily shielded. If we could damage it!” Boyd said.
“I could go in an e.v.a suit. I think i can go in,plan an explosive device from the outside . We don’t need to destroy it,just slow them done!”shumar said.
“It would be highly dangerous!”tivora said. “There is not much at this point that is not.captian. let me go. I can take care of this. Let me prove myself !”shunar said. “Go'”styles ordered. 
First officer styles left the small command center. He put on an e.v.s suit and headed for the airlock. He left the ship. He activated the jetpack and off he left. 
A smal scout craft was investigating a nearby area. The pilot detected the battle. He decided to move on to investigate.
“This is not good. Not good at all.perhaps i should asist!” The pilot said. “That would not be reccomended!”the computer said.”i did not ask you!” The pilot said. The computer did not say anything .
The computor was right. The pilot often did not listen to reason. He ordered the ship to head for the battle.
The x 1000 fired on the alien vessel with a full voley of lazers.styles could not believe this! One minute he was on he was in space in one of tbe furst deep space battle well if you did not count skurmises with nusican and orion raders.
Either they were servive the battle or be destroyed. If they were destroyed,the alien commander would probably order more ships to join him.invasion. if they stoped him,they might have time to perpare. 
  Shumar went to the ship. He was able to navigate himself to the atomic weapons port. A scaning device detected him.
A lazer be came at him.he fired on it with a hand lazer. He seared off the beam. Before he could enjoy his success ,another beam came at him.
“This is just not my day!” Shumar said to himself. Shumar tried to evade the orther lazer. He decided to pus his lazer on overload. He threw the lazer at the port. He got out of the way. The lazer hit the port. The lazer beam was deactivated.
Now the hard part he thought to himself . He hoped there were no more lazer ports. If ge was he might be toast this time. One problem at a time he suposed.
The x was hit again. “We need to transfer non esential power to shields and weapons . We will have to evacuate several decks!”tivora said. “Do what you have to do!” Styles ordered. “Aye sir!” The Vulcan female reaplied.
  “We have incoming ! It seams to be some kind of mine!”boyd said. Kelly w tried to evade the mine. The mine was geting closer. The ship just mished it.the mine exploded. The wake hit the back of the ship but nothing else.
“Warp drive is off line!”tivora said. “Dawn it!”styles said. ” We have to overpower that ship!”boyd declared. “I know!”the captain said.
End of part 6