Ruins part four

“Personal journal,exploration of uncharted teratory is frought with unknowns. The exploers find harsh climate,new deseases and animal threats. Exploration of space is not different. It too is fraught with danger.”
“During our mission batiling romulan robots,we lost petty officer sawer. Now we have lost another. Able crewman tim vilsack. Would he be the last?”
Crewman carl ayote and heidi mconnel ran for there lives. “Are we going to make it?” Heidi asked. “Yea we are! “He said. The creture chased them for a while but then found something else more interesting and then moved on. They would find them interesting again . That they know.
Trajaten and tivora worked on translating the artifects. “I’m sory to look over your soulder but this is a mission for the experts,science teama,not much for a solder and adninistrator!”styles said.
“Well! These artifects are what you would expect in a celebrates the founding of the citty. Another celebrates the oldest citizen. “Tivora said.”what is interesting is that there it apears that this planet is not these people planet of origin!”trajaten said.
“They are from another world?”styles asked. ” They describe there homeworld as beyond the great basan we think. We are having difficulty translating it. I think they came from a far off reigion.”trajaten said.
“The tridarnie home world’s location is not known . Up until a hundred years ago the tridarnie were considered myithical but an arkeological team discovered multiple prof of there excistence. “Tivora said.
“Was this a colony or did they conqur an excisting civilization?””styles asked.
“I’m leening towards a colony.i have found nothing to convince me of more then one civilization!”tivora said. “I have come to that conclusion as well. “Trajaten said.
” boyd to captain! Your needed at the command post! “He said. “On my way. Keep investigating!”he ordered.”will do!” Tivora said. He left the area.
“Vilsack is dead. It was like a dinosore!” Carl ayote said. “It almost got us!”heidi said. Dr. Renelds scaned them with her devive. ” SOMETHING WRONG isn’t it?” Heidi asked. ” you both have a perisite! “She reported. They both frieked out.
“Look i need you to remane calm!” She said. ” I would like to perform emergentcy exploritory sergery !”she said. “Can you remove it?”he asked. “This is brand new teratory! To be honest i don’t know. “She told him.
“Ok! “He said. “There is something else. I don’t dare take them to the x. I will have to set up an o.r out hear!” She said. “Anything you need! We will do it! “Styles said. “Thank you! I will need everyone on the serface screaned before they can returned to the ship! ” dr. Renelds said. “Agreed. Captain to all units! All unit are to return to base camp. Be on high alert for cretures that resemble earth dinosaurs. When you arive you will submit to medical screning. No one is to return to the ship until cleared by medical. ” Styles said.
After a while they called styles over. “Sir we have a problem! Team five has failed to call in? We can’t reach them. Team five is petty officer wolf,petty officer cobert ,crewmans ridge and rendel. “Shumar said. “Oh my! Alright ! We wil begin a full search for them. We have to find them!”he said.
“We will lunch search parties! Shumar asemble it. Teams of five at a minimum!” Styles said. They agreed. Then they got right to work.
End of part four

Ruins part three

“Captain’s journal,after completing landing ,the crew of the x 1000 has began to explore the planet. A planet that seams to be shrouded in mystery. ” 
Perizu team discovered a space port. There were ships there. “This planet had warp capible ships!” Perizu said. “Could some of the inhabitents have esaped?”shumar asked. “I am not even close to drawing that kind of conclusion. “Perizu said. “This citty is better preserved that i would have thought. “Shumar said. “We are working to find a time frame for when all of this occured. “Perizu said. “Well ! Keep me aprised! “Shumar said. “You got it !”the chief engineer said.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds began to look for evidence of bodies. While she assumed that most had decayed. Many were used to feed in by caryon eaters. She hoped to find something. If this the disaster happened hundreds of years ago or longer it could be difficult to find it.
This had to be a pain staking investigation. She found animal remains. She needed something tangible.
Trajaten got to work. He looked over a monunent. He compared the laungrege to orther languages. He was hoping to find a corelation.
“Trajaten to tivora!”he said.”go ahead!”tivora said. “Can you come see me!”he said.
Tivora went to his location. “What do you have?” Tivora asked. ” this language seams very similar to an ancient dialect of vulcan ! I am not sure! “He said. Tivora looked it over. ” this resembles several dialects. “She said.
“I may be able to translate it. At least a rough translation. I suspect it may be a war monument of some kind. “Trajaten said. “If this is a similar language it seams either Vulcan influenced this planet or this planet influenced Vulcan. “Tivora said.
” there might be mutual influence! “Trajaten said. “That seams very plausible ! “She said.
The captain looked over the city.tivora and trajaten came over to the captain. “I believe this planet is a colony of the tridarnie!” Tivora said.
“The who!”styles asked. “The tridarnie was an ancient empire that controled mutch of the reigion in the ancient times. They rulled a vest area. There homeworld was destroyed by an unexpected super nova that wipped out there homeworld. “Trajaten said.
“This was not in the tridarnie sphere but the tridarnie had influence far away from teritory they ocupied! ” tivora said.
“If this is a tridarnie colony,this sugest that the tridarnie had more influence that we believed.we night have to ajust our history books. Captain earth may have just contributed to the galaxy!” Trajaten said.
“Glad to hear it!” Styles said. We have translated some of the monuments. They are what you would expect in a capital citty. “Tivora said.
“We still have no clue of what killed the inhabitants or when?”styles asked. “Corect! ” tivora said. “Ok. Good work!”he said.
Dr. Renelds was called to an area near the river. The crew located fosils. Dr. Renelds got to work anilzing it.
The captain came to the beach.”what do you find?” Styles asked.” There is probably half the citty population in hear!” Dr. Renelds said.” You confIrmed that these are remains ?”shumar asked. “Yes i have . These are remains.”she answered. ” you found none in the city?”styles asked. “They have probably been eaten by animals or decayed. ” She said. “Is there any clue to what happened to these people ?” The captain asked. “Not yet!”she said.
His comunicator beaped. He pulled it out. “Go ahead!” Styles said.” Lt. Commander cooper lyions hear. We have anilized several animals. They are free of any virus or any orther pathogin!”he said.
“Your sure?” Styles said. “We have more work to do but what we have anilized is free of any virus!”he said. “Understood. Keep me aprised!”he said. “Will do!” He said.
“Kell there is a saying,what kills us killls them eventualy. Why is animal life thriving! Why was int animal life wiped out?”he asked.”netche said whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. These animal.may have mutated. Mayby the animal adapted to this.its posible but unlikly that a geniticaly enginered virus was used designed to kill humanoid life. I don’t think that hapened but i am putting it out there!”she said. “Alright!”he said.
In another area,one of the teams were serveying. A wooded area. “This place gives me the creeps!”crewman vilsack said.” I know what you meen!” Ayote said. “Don’t tell me your frightened!” Crewman heidi McConnell said. ” NO!” they said.
Theu kept walking. Suddenly the ground seamed to open up. The team ran as fast as they could. Crewman vilsack felt the ground quake. He was falling.
The two tried to turn back. He warned them to keep going. They ran. He fell in.
The crewman saw a large creture. The creture came right for him. The man was lifted up. The creture swallowed the crewman.
The two orther crewman kept running. They tried to endure and make it out alive. The race to survive was on.
End of part three.