Restart chapter two (3)

“Commanders log,after a series of attacks on earth the x returned home. The docking we were heading to exploded. Suspected cause sabotage. Why? While some in the earth government suspect off world invvement ,Manny are suspecting an internal threat. Could what Manny call Pax Humana be unveiling. How do we stop it if it is?”styles asked .
Perizau had been outside. While earth defense force corps of engineers wanted to investigate the chief insisted on leading The investigation himself. He and armory officer Jason boyed led the investigation outside.
They returned to the x. They went though decontamination protocols and took off the helmets. “Report!”styles ordered. “We found evidence of an explosive device. It was fairly smal but potent. The device seemed to designed in order to take out the dry dock. Had the x docked , it would have been totally destroyed. ” chief engineering officer perizau reported.
“I found evidence of the same cyber tech found on the bomber on earth. ” Jason boyed said.
“Someone wanted to take US out!”Bryce shumar said. “I think so.”Jason said “wee I concur.” perizau said .”I am going to keep us in orbit. Space command won’t like it. I am not risking the ship . someone tried to take us out once,I am not giving them another opportunity. ” commander styles said. “Agreed. ” the engineer said.
“Look it possible I am so veigh I probably think the attacks was about the x ,what if this was a plot to lure the x hear? To ambush us?”boyed said.
“Why? There are currently three of the x class current deployed. More on The way. Why not sabotage galaxy edge? ” styles said.
“I don’t’s just a theory.a hunch. I would not mention it to ant controlling legal authority. I figure what a conspiracy theory between ship mates.” Jason said. ”
“I can’t disprove your theory. Styles rule five, a theory is true until disproven. ” styles said.
Vulcan embassy
San Francisco
Tivora was born and raised on earth. She had never been yo Vulcan. She held earth and human republic citizenship. Under Vulcan law she had right if return to Vulcan space but never saw the logic in attaining it. While she followed the teaching if surek She had no real connection to her ancestral home world.
She went to the gate.she was greeted by an older Vulcan who was accompanied by a smal enterage.she made the traditional Vulcan silute. The older Vulcan returned it.
“Peace and long life ambassador shavel !” tivora declared. ” live long and prosper tivora! ” the older Vulcan said.
The older man advised his enterage to disperse.they did so. He took her to a bench. They Sat. “It us agreeable to see you again my neice.”the ambassador said.”likewise uncle. ” She said.
“I assume you are not hear to engage in idol chit chat or anecdotes of times passed. ” he said . “indeed not uncle.” tivora said.
“You always were one to get right to the point. I feered being on earth might dull your Vulcan sences.your farther and I disagreed on your education. I wanted you to attend schooling on Vulcan. He would not hear of it. ” he said.
“I recal those ‘conversations” quite vividly .one does not need to live on Vulcan to be Vulcan. I fully adhere to principles of logic. “She said. “I know that. We should what is the terran expression cut to the case !”her uncle said.
“I have no objection. ” tivora said.”very well. A hundred and fithty years ago we lost contact with a ling range exploration vessel .it was assumed lost with all hands. It was seen twenty years after it vanished. The crew had cybernetic enhancements. The crew tried to transform the other crew. We lost a lot of ships ans personal. We used unmanned dreadnqught to defeat the ships . the incident was classified . we never encountered anything like it again. Over the years there has been similar stories. Nothing substantiated. Mostly in the outer rim. None of the major governments will discuss it.there has been nothing recent. The last sutch event was hundred years ago. ” the ambassador said.
“Manny suspect that these attacks are not internal unrest . ” tivora said. “I have had doubts myself . humans are a bit of an oddity there has not been strife for some time. We suspects that may be an outside connection. ” the uncle declared.
“Can I see those records ?” tivora asked.”this is a sensitive matter . it is not something we like to duscus even among ourselves. Very well. ” he said. “Thank you uncle. “She said.
“Lyman Eller have you met him ?” the uncle said. “On numerous occasions. ” tivora said. “He us quite a curiosity. He is known for being a Space enthusiast but he never leaves earth. He keeps to himself. We have tried to meet with him he always send a surrogate. They Say he has a virus that confines him to the planet . they say He cannot servive off the planet. As far as we can tell this Lyman Eller never exvusted until his father died. His farther was cremated ,no autopsy performed.then suddenly an heir shows up. ” the uncle said.” I have heard the stories.I cannot  confirm or deny them. “Tivora said. “Of course. ” he said.
Landstulle hospital
” you looked over the bodies? ” Captain styles said. ” I did. The cybernetic technology was fused with the bodies!”Dr. Renelds said.”fused?” captain styles asked.” it is as though the body has been merged with the cyber tech.I have never seen anything like it. ” Dr. Renelds said.
Room of commander andrae Rasmussen.
“Andrae!” styles said. “I never thought you would be back to earth so soon. ” andrae said. “I heard you were selected to command the galaxy two base?” andrae said.”physically I should be able to return to duty . I am not sure I am mentally up to it. “Commander Rasmussen said.
“I am so sorry about Jamie ! ” styles said. “It does not makes Sense. Some say that she was part of a terrorist group.there is no way corner. ” he said.
“I am going to get to the bottom of this. ” corners said. “She hit me with something.they can’t remove it. They are trying to. Good thing I gues my brother berlinghof would probably try to reverse engineer it. “He said.”he probably would at that. ” he said.
Qurters of steverren
“What do you have? ” captain asked. “Well I have some digging. There is an area of space between andorian and telerire space.the area is quarantined.there is a death penalty if you try to there. The area is prone to instability.  There was reports of creatures with cybernetic technology. The are a is sealed off by mines.any ship is fired on if it. Did leave.”steverren said.
“I did some checking. One of the attackers was a deep Space freighter. It was near the qaretined zone. The freighter vanished . the pod was found. He was the lone survivor ” lt. Shumar said.
“Could that person have acidently been exposed to something.” Dr. Renelds asked. “Its possible. ” Jason said. ” some kind if cybernetic life form ?” Gina brell asked. “Mayby only an alien race that uses cybernetic technology. ” perizau said.
” I want answers . ” the captain said. “I don’t think I like where this Is headed!”the andorian said. “I am not sure I do. ” Bryce said. “I want all records pertaining to the I investigation into that freighter. I plan on retracing the steps of that ship. The answers are out there. I intend to find them. ” the captain said.
Marie perizau entered “Marie can I help you?” Dr. Renelds asked.” I have been feeling I’ll. Its strange !” she said.  ” let’s see what we can find out. ” the doctor said.
She got on the bed. She did multiple checks. ” what is it Kelly?”Marie asked. ” your pregnant!”she said “that’s impossible . I can’t have children. ” She said. “I can confirm it. Everything seems fine. ” she said. She was very surprised.
End of chapter two.