Beyond vega part 2(b)

“Captain’s oficial report,commanding officer corner styles recording. We have been sumoned back to vega colony. We are to receve new system upgrades. We are also having crew rotation and getting some new officers as well”
Qurters of jose marie and marie perizu
“You sure i cannot convince you to return to earth?”he asked. “Only if your coming with me!”she reaplied. ” I would love to return to earth but i am needed hear on x. X is going to make history. It already has. I need to be a part of it. The European hagemeny wants me there to represent there interest. I respect the engineers but only to a point!” He said.
“I want to be where you are!”she said. She grabed his hand. “I belong with you! We are a family ! That is how it should be!”she said. She placed his hand on her belly. “Alright !” He said.
“I can’t believe we are taking on new crewman. I have yet to remember all the names of the curent ones. Many of your names sound alike! Really you have two paul mckinons can’t you order one of them to change there names or have a fight to the death or something !”steveren the andorian said.
“I can’t order them to change there name. I could sugest it i supose. I am not going to endanger there life either !” Captain styles said. “It was only a sugestion!” The andorian declared. “Alright !”the captain responded.
“Space command asures me these replacement are the best!”styles said. “Oh they just want to get rid of them and they are trying to butter us up!”trajaten said. “I had not consider that! “Shumar said. “Nor had i!” He said.
“Captain now nearing the vega outpost!”science officer trivora reported. “Take us out of warp!”styles ordered.
Kelly wyane,ships pilot deactivated the warp drive.the ship went by impulse to the outpost.  “Now in position !”tivora reported. “We are cleared to dock!”trajaten anounced. “Begin docking procedures!” Styles ordered.
The ship backed up slowly. It only used thrusters as he coasted into the birth. “Activating morings!” Tivora said.”Docking acheved!” Shumar reported. “Good work every one! “He said.
“Do you know anything about the new crewmen?”steveren asked. “We have there oficial files. “Styles said. “We don’t know what kind of baby blanket they had as a child but that we know the important things!” Shumar said.
Steveren was confused. Human anecdotes were usually very confusing at least to the andorian. He decided to go with it.
“Lets go meet the new crewmembers! Bryce with me! Jason you have the bridge !”he said.”aye sir!”boyed said. They entered the elivater. The door closed.
The captain and first officer waited at the airlock. “I hear lt. Markum is quite a go getter!” Shumar said. “I have heard that as well! She is young but has already made her mark. I considered her for first officer but you had a more impressive resumae !” He said. “I am glad i won out!”he said.
“There is a good chance you will ve ofered one of the next x clasd ships. I will definitely consider her for the task if you get it!” Styles said.
“You may change your mind. I hear she is a bit hard to work with. I have never met her but i hear things . She is not known as a team player!” Shumar said. “Few ship commanders are Bryce !” Styles commented. “True but even a leader has to be to a point!” Shumar replied. “Sir the new crew is ready to bored!” A crewman anounced. “Open it up mr. Daniels!” He ordered.
The crewman opened the hatch.the new crew began to flood in.the captain and first officer greated the new crewman. Then they came to lt. Markum.
“Lt. Lindsay markum reporting as ordered.”she said. “Welcome abored!”the captain said.”you have an impressive record lt!”shumar said. “I will endevor to live up to your expectations for me!” She said. “Glad to hear that!”the first officer said.
She moved on. She walked off. More crew were welcomed abored.
Captains qurters
“First impresons?”styles asked.”she is sure of herself !”shumar said. “It could be a vener,a frount!”the captain said. “Mayby! I hope she works out!” Shumar said. “I am sure she will!”the captain said.
“Her medical report check out?”styles asked. “Yes. Did you think that it would not?”dr. Renelds asked. “No i figured she would. Just making sure!”he said.
“Oficial report,the x 1000 has left vega outpost. We are resuming our exploration of uncharted reigion. Where it will take us is unknown but it begins now!”

The storm part five

“As the storm continues,nurves have become fraid. Uncertainty grows. So far the ship has wrethered the storm very well but every one is wating for the orther shoe to drop. Everyone is certain it will!”
“Want i would not give for a cup of coffe right now!”styles said. “We could heat it up with a hand lazer!” Trajaten said. “That might not be a good idea!” Shumar said.
“Sir! The storm has increased in magnitude but decreased. I believe it will countinue to increase for a few more houers! I am not sure that thr shields can protect us foever. ” Tivora said.
“Do you have any idea how long this storm will last?” Bryce asked. “Acording to my calculations at least eight more houers commander!” She said.
“We may have to devert more power! ” tivora said. ” We cut all power there is cut!” Trajaten said.”no we have not!” She said. “We need ship wide intercraft and ship to ship !”trajaten said. “No one seams to be out! “Tivora said. “Who would venture out ib a storm in a ruber digny!” Kelly w said.
” Are you sure the shields won’t hold?” Styles said. “I am certain of it!” Tivora said. “Vulcan your never wrong ! This is why my species always treaded lighly with your people . For a non emotional people you people are prety arogent!”trajaten said.
“Woa! Time out! This is not helpful! ” Styles said. “We could transfer power from my ship!”steveren said. “We considered it but it could short circut the ship. Our computors probably are not conpatible! It would be like trying to interface an eller 235 to a comadore 64. “Perizou said.
“The comunicators are indipendent of the com system . There don’t seam to be any ships in the vicinity. If we need to we can comunicate by flare. It is non esential power right now! “Styles said.
“I guess i am out of a job for the time being! ” trajaten said. “Find us some other extra power! We have a long road ahead!” Styles said.
Tivora was working on power transfer when jasson came over.”you ok?”jason asked. “I am trying to protect the ship! I understand that these may seam like draconian cuts but i see no orther choice !”she said.
“Every one is nervous and on edge. As the otther storm passes,so will this one!” He said.
“I have never been to Vulcan . Earth is my home. I want to aer humanity suceed and join the universial community. I am not trying to step on anyone’s toes. “She said.
“Your an aset to this ship. When we come though on the other side,it will be because of you! Just sit tight. You will make it!”he said.
Med bay
“Dr!”ensign gina elso said. Two crewman brought in a crewman. He had some kind of radiation burns. She began treating him.
“Crewman ridgly was working on a conduet near the engine room. “Dr. Kelly renelds said.
“We have confirmed we have a smal leak!” Perizau said. ” Have you sealed it?” Shumar said. “For now but i fear while the shields have held,some how tge infrastructure of the ship has been compromised! We may see more of these!” Perizau said.
” i am not totally sure it is related to the storm. It could be a design flaw!” Kelly w said. “I considered that as well! ” perizau said. ” I want those areas that area screaned for radiation posioning! “Styles said.
Qurters of the captain
“You think mayby we are not ready. It is too soon?” Styles asked. “Frankly this is how you learn. School of hard knocks. The early exploers in the 15 and 1600s paved the way for meritime traval and opened up a new world.  When john f kenedy said we are going to put a man on the moon in ten years,it seamed like a pipe dream.  Someone has to take the first step. To every great story there has to be a beginning !” Shumar said.
“I really would rather not be the guy who failed. I don’t want to be a footnote in history !”styles said. “We will make it. This storm is not going to lick us!” Shumar said. “I hope your right bryce. I really do! ” he said.
  The ship was rocked. “That was an unusually stronger ion! The storm is continuing to intensify. It has gone beyond my prediction !” Tivora said. “You are falible!”trajaten said. “Qiet!” Styles ordered.
The ship was hit. An airlock was hit. “Seal off the deck! ” styles ordered. “I can’t. It is not responding!” Tivora said. ” We will have to do it manualy!” Perizau said. ” Come on! Tivora take charge on the bridge !” Styles ordered.
Styles,shumar,trajaten,perizau and boyd left the bridge. The elivator were shut down so they had to use stairs. They made it to the area. They put on environmentle suits.
There was a gaping hole in the ship.  Air was pooring out. They all knew this was dangerous work even with the e.v.s suits. If they were sucked out into space they were vanerable to the storm. If they were struck it ment certain death.
  It had to be done. The team perpared to go out. The door had to be sealed. Manual release required at least four people opearating the manual release at once. This was risky.
What felt like wind blew though the deck. The e.v.a suit was working. They got to work.
Dr. Kelly had to treat more radiation sickness. There must be more cracks. The situation seamed to be getting worse. She hoped this could be turned around.
   The ship was hit again. This time on the other side. This time it was the hydroponics. Where the emergincy food suply was. They now had several problems on multiple fronts. The strugle was on.
End of part five

The storm part three

“Any non esential power was teansfered to shields. We have tried to reduce any thing non esential. This includes creture comforts. We will have to live off rations. ”
“I am a bit reluctant to make all of these drastic cuts but feel that we have no orther chioce. I know that this is taxing on morale but we seam to have no choice!”
“These power transfer are not teribly popular ?” Captain styles asked. “No they are not! I have receved multiple complaints from officers and crewmen alike. “Bryce said.
“I figured. I liked to think this is unnescisary bryce but i don’t think it is! “Styles said.
“I don’t either corner. I am not sure how to prevent the natives  from getting restless ! ” Shumar said.
“I know. I hope the storm passes in an extremely timly fashon !” Styles said. “We all do !” Shumar said.
“I predict that the storm will strike in three hours ,30 minutes,22 seconds !”tivora said. “Do you think the storm will hit presisly at that time!” Kelly w said. “Not presisly. It is an estimate. I believe it will be close to that ! I canot provide a precise to the second prediction lt!”she said.
“Of course not!”the helmsman said. “I do try to be as acurate as i can be!” Tivora said. “Of course !” He said.
“The countdown is on!” Styles said. “I just can’t wait to be on the other side!” Kelly w said.”we all feel that way kell! How are your family ?” Styles said. “A little frazled but we will be ok!” Kelly w said. “Children should not be on space ships!”the andorian said. The whole room staired at the andorian. Some gave him a bit of a dirty look. “It is just my opinion ! Hesh!” Steveren said.
Boyd was happy to get some shut eye. He went to ‘his’qurters,he saw a poster of the sanfransisco 49ers football was tivora’s side. Was she a fan? Imposible he thought . One never knew. He hoped he could get some sleep before the storm touches down.
Steveren saw tivora. “What are you doing ? ” he asked. “What do you meen? ” she asked in a folow up question.
“Jason has a bit of a crush on you!” Steveren observed. ” I am aware of that!” She responded. “Why do you not try to discourege this?” The andorian asked.
“I do not wish to. ” she said. “Your being selfish?”he said. “Your acusing me of emotion?” She asked. ” humans and Vulcan are too different to have a meaningful friendship. I meen both individualy and politicaly. Look no vulcan romance with non Vulcan have been sucsessful. I know how this will end. You will try but you won’t be able to overcome your cultural diferences. Your just too different . I will be left to pick up the peces. I will have to console him. Please just walk away. ” Steveren implored her.
“Do you think so little of me mr. Steveren?” She asked. “Not you personaly. I sm quite found on you. It has little to do with you!”he said. “You just don’t like vulcan ?” She asked. ” it not a matter of like or dislike but i do understand your people . Perhaps more then you do. You conform acording to your nature. It is default.  You think you can date or mary boyd and stil adhere to the tenets of surek. The elders not even the elders at sanfransisco will alow the relationship . You risk becoming a periah. You won’t do that. I just want you to consider all of this !” He said. “I will be careful. ” She said. “I will be watching! Tread lighly!” The andorian said.
With that they seperated.
Marie could not believe the news.she was totally taken aback. She had long ago acepted that they would never have kids. They considered adopting but had not taken any serious move towards that end.
Hospital paris
“It has been a year doctor. We just can’t seam to get pregnant !” Marie said. “Well i have done test after test. Your village was exposed to nuclear radiation during the third world war. While earth government and vulcan health ministry are working to cleen it up. There are stil after afect. I am afraid there is little i can do. I think the chances are you will never be able to reproduce!” The dr. Said.
Marie could not believe this. What would her husband’s reaction be? She was a bit concerned. The time would come.
“I gues this is the moment of truth! ” styles said. “I gues so!” Bryce said. “I keep wondering if we could have done more!” Kelly ane said. “It is never a good idea to play saterday or monday morning qurter back!” Bryce said. “I don’t understand !” Tragaten said. “Not important !”styles said.
The storm was heading there way. “Hear it comes!” Tivora said. Could they servived? It was not clear. They were about to find out.
End of part three

To the outer rim and beyond part four

United earth forces traning center sahera africa
The officer in command called his men to attention. They snaped to attention as ordered. ” Boyd please follow us!” The officer in command said. Jasson boyd had no idea what was going on. He follow the c.o in a smal confrence room. He saw a man he did not recognize. “I’m captain corner styles with eller industeries. We are planing to lunch our protoype! We need an armory officer. I see you have been involved in operations against pirates,protecting cargo. “He said.
“Our unit is one of the most elete. As a marine i am traned in multiple disiplines. Why me! There must be several in my unit that are more deserving then i am !” Boyd said.
“Your a team player but your not afraid to speak your mind. You have out firther then most. I think you are the best person for the job!”styles said.
“There is a lot of paper work is there not?”he asked. “Yes you would be a department head. Yes there would be. Part of the perks ,coperal is that you would be an officer,full lt!”he said.
“How long is this mission ?” He asked. “We are investigating the dissapearence of a probe ! It is unclear. “Styles said. “I might find myself out on a job?” He asked. “Its possible ! We all might. I am sure earth steller service will take you back. “He said. “I do like a challenge. I accept!”boyd said. “I hoped you would welcome abored lt!”styles said.
Eller industries
” We stil need a medical officer, and a com officer!” Styles said. “I have an idea for com officer?”eller said. “Why do i think this is going to be a doozy? “Styles asked. “Because it is! At the tumurian embisy is a techician named tjajaten. He literally created a meens of comunucation between our two worlds. ” Eller sugested.
“An alien? Come on lyman. Is this not an earth ship?”styles said.” Yes it is. Of course is it. Tivora is s Vulcan. “He said. “Tivora is an earth citizen. She pronounces the citty of bangor corectly. Tjajaten is an officer of the tumurians a foregn sate! “Styles said. “Corner my boy! The tramurians have been alies ever sense we made contact with them in 2088. They are key trading partners. “He said.
“Look ly! Earth is new to this space thing. We can’t rely on other powers. We have to stand on our own two feet. We have to be self relient. ” Styles said.
“I am going to share a secret with you corner.  Sence cocren warp flight mankind has sought to leave its infantcy. It has tried to build something. Put aside hatred ,violence,be productive not destructive. I want to reach out to other worlds in bridges. “Corner said.
“Your an idealest ly. Friends with alien worlds. Don’t get me wrong i like vulcans. I don’t understand there rigid stoism or supreson of emotion. I like the other worlds i have met. Not sure about nusicans and orions. I know the perpose of the x fleet is exploration at least on paper.i figured it would become military eventually !”styles said.
“I don’t want that! Defense is inportent. We can’t bury our heads in the sand and pretend they bad guys arnt out there. The nusicans and orions have taught us that. Corner i do not want to see human history played out in space. There must be more then endless games of servival of the fitest! We need to make friends. We need to join the comunity of worlds! ” he sais.
“You realy want trajaten?”styles asked. “He is the best and we need the best. Comunication is the key to our mission !”he said. “Ok i will see what i can do!” He said.
Tumurian embisy reno nevada
“Mr. Trajaten!” Corner styles asked. “I believe in getting to the point. Do you want me in your crew? “The alien asked. “Yes i do!”styles said. “I accept ! I will need to move some of my equipment i would like three of my most trusted tecks to join me! “He said.
“Sure ! Did you know this was coming?”he asked. “You are new to the neighborhood . I suspected you might want help. I believe i am a good canidate for that!”he said. “Please bored as soon as you can!” He said. “Of course!”he said.
X one thousand
“Sir! Our com officer brought a lot of equipment abored! “Shumar said. “I figured. “He said. “We have finate space!” Shumar said. “Make it work bryce!”styles said. “Very well! “The new first officer said.
” Any news on a cmo?” Styles asked. “There is a prime canidate!”shumar said. “I sense a problem !” He said. ” Well she is the wife of the helm officer! “He said. “We have orther husband and wife teams on the ship ! ” styles said. “Not in the senior staf! “Shumar said. “Has she been in space?” Styles said. “Yes she has!”he answered.
“What is the problem bryce? “He asked. “Her name is kelly!”shumar said. “Ok! Prety comon name. More comon then bryce i think. “Styles comented. “The helm officer is named kelly. We will have two kellys. I hope to avoid the military hierarchy thing for the most part. That would be difficult !” Bryce said.
“Is she qalified?” Styles asked. “Yes very! She comes highly recomended !” Shumar said. “Hire her !”styles said. “Very well!” The exo said.
  Later on.
The door opened,lt. Boyd entered the bridge. He wore the black uniform. “Lt. Boyd reporting as ordered!” He said.”take your station ! ” styles said.his station was next to tivora. There eyies met. “Have you never seen a Vulcan before?” Tivora said. “Oh no i have . I just have not met one so prety as you.i meen i am going to shut up now. I am a marine who does not get out much !”he said. “I see!”she said.
“Sir i have one last request to bored!” Trajaten said. “From who?” Styles said. ” A jose marie perizau ! “The alien said. “He must have changed his mind!”shumar said. “I figured he might! Permission granted. “Styles said.
As soon as he was abored,the french officer went to the bridge . His wife was shown to there qurters. “Welcome abored!”styles said. “Thank you!” He said. “I think its time we got under way!” Styles said. Shumar agreed.
The senor crew was asembled. Doctor renelds was present. ” We are cleared to depart!” The com officer said. ” Clear all docking clamps!”styles ordered. Tivola presed the jetison button.the clamps retracted. “Clamps ejected!” Tivors reported.
” Kelly begin ascent!” Styles ordered. The pilot lifted the ship off. People all over the world wached the ship lift off and ascend to the stars. The ship went to the sky and then left the planet.
“We have cleared the planet! “Tivola said. “Alright ! Set course for the outor rim! Hear we go into the unknown!”styles said. The ship went to warp.
End of part four

Episode one to the outor rim and beyond part three

In a small village of france,former head of the European corps of enginers jose marie perizau was in the fields.
His wife directed eller and styles to where he was. He had become a farmer.
“Leftent colnel parizou!”eller said.”i am not a leftenent colnel any more! Call me jose!”perizau said. ” Look i am putting together a team to investigate the disapearence of a probe on the outor rim. We need a chief enginer ! I would like you to assume that role. “Styles said.
“My days in space are over! I perfer my gardens. Humanity is not ready for the stars. A hundred years perhaps mayby sooner. It is not time!”he said in a french accent of English.
“I can’t agree. If not now,when? We are at a turning point mr. Parizue! I fear that we may turn inward. I am pleased with what humanity has accomplished. We need to take that next step! “Eller said.
“Your probe. It was mostlikly a malfunction !”the french engineer commented. “Perhaps ! That is why we are going ! We want the best. We want all the people and entities of our planet represented. This is important !” Lyman eller said.
” Why me? There are others in the e.h that could fulfil thr duties of the engineer !”the colnel said. “Not with your sature! You are the most notted enginer in eroupe perhaps the most noted European satesman. I need credibility. You provide that!”lyman said.
“I am not suportive of space exploration at least. Not at this time. Down the road maybe. Not now! “He said.
“The debate is over sir. We are going ! You can come or not! I do not care either way! “Corner styles said.
“I am not interested. You will have to find someone else!” The frenchman said. “Is that your final answer ?”styles asked. “Yes it is! “He said. “We can’t stun him with a lazzer and force him to go. It is his chioce ! ” eller said. The two left.
The man just stood there. His wife came over. “What was that all about?”she asked. “They wanted me to join there space exploration mission ! I declined!” He said.
Eller industries
“Mr. Eller! The united earth space probe agency has signed on.they want lt. Bryce shumar to be first officer!”ann grayson,ellers asistent said.
“I know shumar ! I served with him when i was in uspa. He is a good man. I am ok with it. ” Styles said. ” Very well ! Inform uspa command to send lt. Shumar To the shipyard. ” Eller said. “Will do!” Ann said. “I gues i better get over there myself !’styles said.
“I wish i could go in space ! I dare not risk it with my health so i will do it vicariously though your reports so be therough. “Eller said. “I will sir. You have my word!”he said. “When you leave earth,history will be made. Nothing will be the same. Life for humanity will be foever altered. The new fronter will have bean open. You are the new columbus!”eller said. “I will make you proud sir!”styles said. “Of that i have no doubt !” Eller said.
Lt. Bryce shumer went by shartle from uspha headquarters in sanfrancisco to the shipyard owned by eller industries. “Nervous sir?”the pilot asked. “Not nervous but it is overwhelming though. I have spent most of my life in space. To go out beyond the rim. Wow!”he said.
The co pilot presed a button. A hiden base in the ice apeared. Thr craft entered the hanger bay.they saw the x 10000. “Is that it?”shumar said. “Indeed it is welcome to the future ! ” the pilot said. The craft went to a hatch. The ship attached itself to the vessel. “The pod is docked!”the pilot said.
Shumar got up. He excited the traval pod and entered the ship. “Welcome abored ! I’m kelly Anderson senior helmsman! I have supervised the final stages of the stake down. “He said.
” This crew suports a standered compliment of 46?”shumar said. “Give or take! Yes. Most of the compliments is manned. We stil need an armory officer, engineer ,comunications and medical but i have an idea for medical !”renelds said.
“I’m listening! “The man said. “My wife kelly is one of the leeding general practionors on earth. She has served in private practice as well in the uspha medical corps. ” renelds said.
“Your wife’s name is kelly?”shumar asked. “Yes sir ! “He said.”i will look over her resume. It will up to captain styles !”shumar said. “Yes sir! Of course!”the pilot responded.
Shumar entered the bridge .the bridge was smal. “Where is the captain’s chair?”shunar asked.”we do not have one! We had a prety tight budget. We did not design one. We did we just did not include it in the final cut!” Renelds said.
“This is science oficer,sivola !”renelds said. “A vulcanian!”shumar said. “I grew up on earth. I am a discendent of one of the first vulcan who arived to aid the human transition to space age !”she said.”it is good to have you abored!” Shumar said. “It is agreible to be abored!”she said.
Shumar looked around the bridge. It was compact but eficient. This was going to be quite an adventure. Soon it would begin.
End of part three