Beyond vega part three

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Every thing seamed normal. There was no warning or indication of impending problems. Then it hit and when it hit,nothing was the same.
On the bridge,crewman bryian cayden was performing his duties. While he was performing his duties,he started to fell odd. Then he went into convulsions.
Soon other bridge crewmembers started to go into convulsions. The crew on the bridge went into a panic. Some over there fellow crewman ,others for themselves. Would they be afected by whatever this was.
As the dutty officer,gina was the defacto commanding officer until the captain arived. She had to act. She went over to one of the wounded crewman. She tried to treat the crewman at best she could.
Crewman not efected by the mystery ailment were buisy treating those that were.  They were kept buisy and then some.
In engineering, the night shift had been working on routine maitinence and diegnostic on the engines.  Then just as what occured on the bridge,several crewman began to go into convulsions.
Qurters of renelds
Dr. Kelly ann renelds had falled asleep. She was relaxed. Her com unit went off. It took her a few seconds before she comprehended what was going on. She activated the unit.
“Yes!”she said. Her husband started to wake up a little bit.”doctor we have multiple medical emergentcies all over the ship!”the doctor said. “Ok i will be right up!”she said.
“What’s going on?”kelly w asked.”i wish i knew! “She said. She got dresed in a rapid pace. She heard a noise. It was coming form her husband. She ran to him. He was having the same convulsions. She tried to help him.
  Tivora had been meditating. She was lost in her thoughts. She woke herself out of the trance. Somehow she knew something was wrong. She did not know what it was. She got up and decided to check it out.
She excited her qurters. The minute she left her qurters,she found a crewman on the ground.he was passed out. She went over and looked him over. He was unconscious. She had no idea what had caused him to be incompacitated. Tivora took out her communicator. “I have an injured crewman on c deck!”she said. “We have wounded all over the ship!”a medical crewman said. Tivora did not anticipate this hapening.
The whole ship was in crises. A masive number of crew members sucombing to the ailment. More were faling victim to it by the second.
Lindsay markum was sleaping. The alert went off on her com unit. “Markum hear!”she said.”sir! Crew members are faling victim to an unknown pathogin. We need you on the bridge! “Gina said. “I will be right there!” Lindsay said.
Lindsay got dresed quickly and ran to the bridge. She saw emergentcy team caring crew person afected by the pathogin. She arived on the bridge.
She went inside an elivator. She saw trajaten. “Bridge i assume?”the alien asked. “Yes that is corect! Do you have any idea what is going on?”Lindsay asked. “Probably about what you know!” Trajaten said. The door opened.
The two entered. “We had four crewman sucomb to the ailment. All male. “Gina said. “Are you in the clear!” Lindsay asked. “We don’t know enough about what this is to make that determination ! ” gina said.
“Are all of the crewman afected male?” Lindsay asked. “From the information i have yes they are!” Ema said.
“I have two thories. Both are eaqualy horifying, one it takes longer for the virus to afect females or the virus is ment to destroy males!” Trajaren sugested.
“As it was on earth, some races see males as more of a threat. This could be a ploy to weakon us. It could also be a strike against males. A type of gender war. ” Lindsay commented.
“Why are you unafected?” Ema asked. “I may be afected later. I could be a carier with no simptoms. ” Trajaten said. “Report any simptoms !”Lindsay said. “Of course!”he answered. “No one has heard from the captain or commander shumar!”ema said.
“I will go check on them! Right now chain of command is murky but gina stay in command for now. Emma we are going to need to be at peak efentcy on weapons and tactics. This may be a prelude to a bigger attack! “Lindsay said. “Will do!”the young officer reaplied.
Lindsay entered the elivator and excited the bridge. The bridge crew resumed there duties as best as they could.
Tivora helped the man to sickbay. She then left the infirmory. She had to check on jasson. She went to his qurters. She presed the chime. Ordinarily she would never do this but in light of recent events,it seamed the logical thing to do.she picked the lock by hacking into the controls. The door opened. She went inside the room.
  She found jasson passed out on the bed. She went to his side. She checked on him. He was unconscious but stable.
Lindsay walked in a brisk pace towards the captain’s qurters. The captain and first officer were the only ones who had there own qurters. The ship was described as a submarine in space.
When she arived she pushed the chime. There was no response. Lindsay took out her com unit. “Gina this is Lindsay ,i need the captain’s qurters opened up!” She said.
Gina noded to emma who sat at the armory station to activate a security overide. She presed the overide button. She entered her authentication code and her pasword.
Outside the qurters,the door swished open. Lindsay ran into the qurters. She found the captain passed out.
She waited until the medics arived. She then ran to the qurters of the first officer. He too was passed out.
“I would like to help! I need to do something ! ” marie said. “Take the pilot chair” gina instructed. She took the helm. The door opened,Lindsay entered the bridge.
“Most of the senior officers are incompacitated. What is the chain of command?”Lindsay asked. “After captain and first officer, then chief engineer down the list of department heads. I am in the chain but as a science officer during a time of crises,my expertise should lie with the science divison. The medical officer could perform that duty but she is buisy and given recent history it would be problimetic. Lt. Markum you seam the logical chioce to command the x!” Tivora said.
“Any objections ?”Lindsay said. There was none. “Alright gina your exo. Ema your armory officer. Trajaten please report any simptoms at once. Have a designated understudy. “Lindsay ordered. He agreed.
“This is a crisis but we will get though it. We will do it together. Lets stay sharp people!”she said.
End of part three.