At every turn part two

The elivator opened,the captain and first officer entered the bridge. “Captain and exo on the bridge!”s crewman said. “Report!’styles said.
“Ship came out of no where. It began to open fire. “Gina said. “Maintain fire!”styles ordered. Jason aquired the target and fired. Several plasma rays struck the hostle vessel.
The vessel took evasive action. The vessel fired ,treated and came back and fired again on the x. It fired on multiple section of x.
“Try hailing them!”styles ordered. Trajaten tried to establish contact with the combat ship. “No response !”teajaten said.
  Lt. Kelly wyane renelds took evasive action. He tried to take the ship out of the line of fire.the warship knew what it was doing. The crew of the comat ship were well traned in military tactics and combat.
The ship came around and hit the x. “Shields at 78 percent !”gina reported. “Damage on c deck!”jason reported. “Sir! Most of the attack have beem restricted to c deck!” Gina said.  The ship fired back on the hostile vessel. The ship fired on the x. It hit the deck with the crew qurters.
The ship fired multiple voleys near the deck with the crew qurters.
“Why are they hiting the crew qurters?”trajaten asked. “My gues is that they want something in the crew qurters!” Shumar said. ” Oh no!” Jason said. “What is it jayce? “Styles asked. “I think that they may be going after steveren!”boyed reported.
After fireing frequent voleys on the area in and around c deck. The ship then moved away and lunched some kind of pod.
“Some kind of pod is heading our way!” Gina anounced. “Bording party!” Shumar comented. “Send a security team to c deck. Order every one to stay in there qurters!” Styles said. “Sending !”the com officer said.
The pod attached itself to an air lock. The pod activated some kind of landing strut. The strut interfaced with the airlock and became bearthed with the x.
Soldjers in helmits and some kind of advanced body armor tried to gain acces to the rest of the ship.
A security team,heavily armed headed down the coridor. They headed for the pod. Once they were in sight,the enemy trops opened fire. The security oficers returned fire on the hostles.
The enemy trops advanced. The security force mantained fire on the enemy forces. A hostle troper threw a non lethal gas. The gas knocked several of the x.crewman out. Several were knocked out. The tropers kept advancing. Those not afefted kept chasing the bording party.
The bording party were not easily detered. They followed the officer who had some kind of tracking device. They found the location of steverin and headed there.
Steverin was in his qurters. He knew that something was going on. He knew that they had been borded. Who or not was bording the ship,he was uncertain.
He grabed his personal pistol. He did not let anyone know he had it. He would not let it go. He was glad he did have that policy. He opened the door and ventured out.
He saw the soljers. He recognized there uniforms and helmits. “Bounty hunters!”he said. He was wanted by so manny. Many races had it out for him. Witch one put put this marker or was it all of them. Half of the people who hated him hated each other.
“Look if its me you want. I will surender. These people are not involved. Don’t take it out on them. Your contract i asume is on me!”steveren said.
“Put down your weapon!”the camando in charge said. The andorian complied. The trops came over.
He ofered no resistence. A device was placed on his arm. It activated a restrictive field they controled. He could only move if they moved him.
“Tell the crew not to interfear!”the comando incisted. “Alright !”the andorian said. “Bridge i have steverin in custody!”the commander said. “Look they are bounty hunters. I have had my share of ligal difficulty. I have surendered to there custody. They will let you leave if you do not interfear. This is my challenge not yours. Save yourselves !”steveren said. ‘I would follow his advice captain!”the lead commando said.
“Very well! I am recaling my security people. Leave quickly !”styles said. “With plesue!”the commando said.
“Order our people to fall back!”styles said. “Sending !”trajaten said. “We are doing as you ask!”styles said. “Don’t follow us. Go the opisite direction!”the leader said.
The comandos and there captive went into the pod. The pod lunched. It reentered the ship. The ship went to warp.
“They are gone!”gina said. “What now?”shumar asked. “We do as they said. Helm plot a course oposite of there’s. “Styles said.
“We are just going to abandon him?”Jason asked. “I see no orther chioce!”styles said. Kelly entered the course. The x went to warp.
End of part 2