New beginning part three

Planet Cyrus six.
Cryus six was uninhabited planet. It was capable of supporting life. On the planet , a starship was on the planet.
Some objected to the ship landing on the surface. Others felt that the ship should remain in orbit. For now ships landed .
The Asimov was a proximity class vessel. The vessel was designed for planetary exploration. The vessel was built by Eller was part of there long-range exploration program.
Captain corner styles looked around  the planet. Styles and his crew had been working around the clock Sence they arrived.
Years earlier an unmanned setilite detected evidence of a metallic mass on an otherwise unmolested world. This peaked the curiosity of Lyman Eller. He comisoned an expedition to Cyrus six. The mission was to investigate.
After several days of searching they found a massive ship. The vessel appeared to be a warship of some kind.  They had difficulty even getting inside. They finally got inside the vessel.
They there was having trouble acesing the computer. Then they could not read the alien script when they did. What was going To be exciting turned out to be mundane.the work was painstaking without any promise of success.
” what do you got?’ styles said. “We qauntrumed dated the ship. The ship is from the future. We believe somewhere around 700 years to be exact. ” Gina feel said.
“How long has it been hear?” corner asked. “200 years give or take. ” keny he’ll said. ” the ship is showing signs of a battle . “Gina said. “Did The battle happen hear or in the future?” styles said. “That is the bug question. ” fell said.
“Adamiv to commander stykes. ” a voice from.a com unit said he pulled out the communicator and flipped it open. “Styles hear. “He said. “Sir The old man has recalled us to galaxy’s edge. Efective immediately. ” the female voice said.
“Very well. Inform Eller command that we are preparing to depart. Recall all personnel.stand by to lift off. “Styles said. “You got it sir!” ” the female voice said .
The survey teams Began to dismantle the operations on the surface. They began to return to the ship. In a short amount of time the ship was ready to lift off.
Asimov five
“All decks standing by. ” a male officer reported. “Alight. Stand by for lift off!”the captain said. A claxon went off.
“Begin to ascend Kelly. “The captain said. The pilot Kelly Wayne renelds lifted the ship off.The vessel left the ground. The vessel lifted off and then ascended to the sky.
“Oficial log commander corner hadden styles reporting.I find myself saddened then we are leaving without completing the mission. I can’t help but think that we are on the verge of an important discovery. That Wil have to wait for another day I suppose. ”
The vessel left the confines of the planet. “We have cleared the planet sir!”Kelly Wayne renelds reported.
“Set course for galaxy edge station.warp five. ” corner ordered. The pilot plotted the course. “Course laid in. ” Kelly said. “Very good. Hear we go. “The captain said. The asamov was off.
Gorn ship
Tarming was formidable figue. He was a warrior who was seen as a hero of the gorn. He was a key ally of dameg. He was a key military commander. He was not quite as vocal as dameg but he felt as dameg did.
The captain was given a private cominicae. It was from dameg. He read it. Dameg asked him to join him. There was no doubt that he would. If the gorn government would not deal with the human hegemony  the warship commanders would. It would be decisive and definitive.
“Pilot alter course. Set course for the pall mall sector. Maximum warp. ” tarming said. The pilot did as instructed. The ship headed for the staging area.
Damegs warship
“Sir? We have the support of several key commanders.things are falling into place. ” the com tech said. “Excellent” he said.dameg was pleased by the development.he would show up the gorn hierarchy and the humans.The gorn would be on the March. He would assure that.
Galaxy’s edge outpost.
The base was built forty years earlier. The base was constructed by Eller industries to be the base of operations for deep space exploration and first contact with other worlds.
“Now nearing the base. ” a science tech reported. ” request permission to dock. ” commander styles ordered. “Sending request now ” the tech said.
After a few seconds the base got back to the tech. ” control has cleared us at upper pylon b. ” the com tech said .
“Kell take us there. ” the captain ordered. The pilot took the vessel to the pylon. “We are now in position. “Kelly w renelds reported. “Activate moorings . ” styles ordered. The moorings were engaged. “Moorings in place. ” The pilot reported.
Commander corner styles went to the station. He went to the commanders station. ” corner it is good To see you. ” commander utan narsu said. “You too. “He said
“What I am about to say is classified. “The commander said. “I understand. ” corner said. “There was an attack on the epsilon sigma colony. The casualties in cochren city and Grayson city are very high. It May go up. Before the attack on a colony , our setilite on sigma rgo were also destroyed. The evidence suggest that it was from the same person. ” the commander said.
“Have we been able to identify the attackers?” corner styles asked.”yes. They are called the gorn.they control a regional empire not far from human controlled space. They are agresive and militaristic. Before today They showed no interest in us if they even knew we excited. We heard if them but that was about it. We avoided there space. We have gone out of our way not to agitate the old powers. It has seemed to have back fired. “Narsu said.
“Do we have any idea why they attacked us?” styles asked. “None. The entire human frontier is on high alert. ” the commander said. “I see. I am not surprised. “Styles said.
“Our favorite Commodore from e.d.f has ‘requested’ that we turn over the x fleet to there control. The old man agreed as long as we got To staff the commanders and had yay or nay on department heads. You interested in commanding the x 1000?” the commander  asked .
“Yes I am. Is this a  would you be interested or Is the job myine if I want it?” corner asked.
“Its yours if you want it!”The commander asked. “Then yes I will accept. ” styles said . “excellent the old man has The foremost respect for you. ” narsu said.
“I appreciate that sir. ” he said. “Did you find anything interesting on Cyrus?” narsu said. “I did. We found a crashed ship. It seams to be from the future. ” the commander said. “Do you think it’s important?”narsu said. “It could be!”corner styles said. “I will comicate that to The old man. ” the commander said.
He went over to the airlock where the x 1000 was. Corner saw an officer In a I.d.f uniform. He was looking over the ship.”excuse me?” commander styles asked. “Oh I am lt. Bryce shummer earth defence force. I am adjutant to Commodore eagen. “Shumer said.
  “I will try not to hold that against you. ” styles said. “Thank  sir. ” shumar said. “I will be commanding the x. “Corner announced. “Congradations sir. We suspected you would be In line to command one of the x class ships.”shumar said.
“Do I meet the approval of the Commodore.?” corner asked. “You have a good reputation. You served in e.d.f before joining Eller corps. ” shumar said. “Seems like a life time ago. ” the captain said.
“Are you going to have some e.d.f people in your senior staff or just cooperate people?” Bryce asked.”I would be interested in employing edf people as long as there loyalties are to the ship and to the mission not to the comadore or advancing the agenda  of the e.d.f. ” corner said.
“Of course. That is very resonable.why you know someone interested in signing on?”he asked. “I might.  “Bryce said. “I would be interested in having you as my second in command but I don’t need you trying to undermine me. “Corner said.
“I would not do that. I will speak my mind in private. You bet I will. In public your in charge. ” shumar said. “I see. ” he said.
Galaxy edge medical center
“Uh you are Dr. Kelly Ann renelds.”corner said. “Yes I am. ” she said. ” look we have not had a chance to staff  x. You came nightly recommended. I know you have young children and may not want to sign on  a full mission ,We would only need you for this mission. “Styles said.
“I would be chief medical officer?”Kelly Ann asked. “It would be your department. ” the captain said. “Alright I am in. “She said .”excellent! I was hoping you would say yes. “The captain said.
At transport vessel arrived at the station. “Bon jour Mr. Perizau!”captain. Styles said. “Beleve me commander there is nothing good about it. “The French man said. “I understand that this was not your first seconds or third choice. “The captain said.
“You are right on that captain. It is is a good thing I  like  the old man. I will have you know this is temporary. My military days are over. When the european hagemenoy was absorbed into the earth government, I decided not to stay on. I never regretted It. ” he said.
“I am glad you are hear. I want the best.” the captain said. ” yea yea. You don’t have to butter me up captain. I have agreed to come on borred. ” the chief said.
“Understood no more butering you up!”styles said. “Very wise. ” the chief said. “This Is my wife Marie. ” he said. “Welcome on bored. “He said.
End of part three.

New beginning part two

The gorn did not stick around. The gorn ship left after the attack. The deviation was evident. The earth defense force quickly mobilized. Relief ships arrived.
The ships immediately went to the surface of the planet.magshift command post were set up. Emugurgintcy infirmeries were quickly set up.
Medical teams got right to work. As did other teams. Whole streets had been destroyed.
Sergent Jason boyed was in command of a smal unit. He had been aiding in triage.they evaluated the condition of the wounded.he was a solder not a magic but was trained in emergency medicine.
His team went from person to person. All of a sudden there was an energy weapon. He ordered his unit to move out. The team returned fire on the attacker. It was a large reptile like humanoid.
The reptile started to go at one of the soldiers in the unit. The man was picked up. The man was shaken . the unit fired on the creature. Several solders fired simultaneously on the creature.
The gorn was forced to drop the solder. The private was wounded but was not too bad off. Several in the unit went over to help him.
The gorn ran to a high populated area of the street. Boyed led His unit in pursuit of the creature. They fired on the creature. The creature was wounded but undetered.
The creature kept on going. The unit fired on a crane like fell on the gorn trapping him. The man fell. The unit fired and the gorn was rendered unconscious.
Gorn home world
Office of the emperor
“Captain dameg has located five transponders on five different worlds. We have found two that are under the control of a race called the humans. They control a smal empire in fairly remote area of the
Quadrant. They seam to be growing in influence. ” admiral cirbrel said.
“Are these humans a threat to our existing empire?”the emparer grand vizer asked .”not currently . they will be. If human expansion continues at current rate our sphere of influence will converge. ” admiral tirbrin said .
” we have a duty to reclaim our ancestral lands .” cirbrel said. “I realize that but we have a duty to secure our existing realm first .” the minister of infrastructure and interior jicray said.
” yes but we have a duty to our past and our future. We cannot ignore our obligation. “Tirbin said.
“What do you purpose ?”the emparer asked. “We want to lunch a full scale mobilization. We should lunch a full scale invasion of thus human republic. I believe that they will capitulate and sue for peace.” cirbel said .
“This is not The time. We must build up our frontiers not create New one’s.I strongly object to this.”jircray said .
“I strongly object to you ‘minister'”tirbin said.the interior minister pulled out some of the swords that was in His back. The admiral pulled out his sword.
The emperor stoped both of them. “I will consider both opinions. You are dismissed. “The emperor said.
The two factions left.this included the military General staf and the cabinet ministers . the two factions dispersed.
“We cannot allow worlds that are destined to be ours to be occupied by aliens. ” admiral tirbin said. “I know. I don’t intend to. ” admiral curbil said . “we cannot allow the bureaucrats and technocrats to deny our rightful future ” turbin said. “We will not. I assure you of that .”cirbel said.
Eller industries
San Francisco
Lyman Eller was the c.e.o of a compony that specialized in exploration of the galaxy as well as working with the earth government in developing New technology. Eller wanted to focus on deep space exploration. He knew that government contracts facilitated that. He hoped that mankind would focus on exploration and peaceful contact with other worlds.
The door opened. A man entered. “Craig come in. “Eller said. “Sir the colony of sigma Epsilon  was attacked by an  vessel. The vessel confined there attacks to the two cities. The earth defense force wants you to attend an emergency meeting of The General staf in new York. “Craig said.
“Very well. I will attend. “Eller said .”I will inform the e.d.f press office . “Craig said . “they are going to want to militerize Eller industries. “Lyman said . “I know that. We have to hold out. “Craig said.”I have a few ideas. This compony has navigated a lot of turbent watters sense it’s inception shortly after the third world war,I know what I am doing. .” Eller said. “I trust you sir!”Craig said. Eller chuckled.
  New York city
Earth defense force command complex
Lyman Eller and his enterage that included Craig Edison his right hand man entered. The military top brass was there.
One of the military top brass that Lyman considered to be his arch nemises was there. Commadore ghram eagen. Eagen had a different vision for humanity then the Commodore did.
General Pratt the chairman of the joint chiefs of staf for the earth defence force called the meeting to order.
“Our colony on epsilon sigma was attacked by a ship our allies have identified the ship as belonging to the gorn hegemony. Before the attack an unmanned setilite network on tau rho was attacked by The same ship. We believe that this was a prelude to a larger attack.”the General said.
“President Alexander has declared a sate of emergency on sigma epsilon . there is also a sate of alert in the outtor rim colonies. We are deploying the fleet to the outer rim colonies. “Commadore eagen said .
“Who is this gorn?”Eller asked. “The Vulcan , andorians ,numorians have all all had encounters with them. The are reptilian humanoid.they are aggressive. Predatory at times. ” General derail said.
“We have to show force. We want all hands on deck. We will not tolerate any incursions in our space. ” Pratt said.
Eller did not want to see the militarization of the colonies. After a while the assembly was dismissed.
“Mr. Eller, ” eagen said. “Commodore!”Eller said.”I want to bring the x fleet into the military.”eagen said “no way comadore. The x fleet is designed for deep space exploration. It is not a war fleet.I will not allow my fleet to be perverted. ” Eller said.
“You built your fleet with assistance from the department of planetary defense and e.d.f , you cannot refuse me Mr. Eller. “Eagen said.
“Right not only x 1000,x 1001 and x1002 are viable. X 1003 won’t Be space worthy for six more months. I would be willing to loan the three ships to the fleet with some stipulation. “Eller said.
“What are they?”eagen asked.”the x ships will stil Be in the custody of the Eller industries. They will be on loan to the e.d.f star navy . I want them under the command of an Eller industry enploye . I get to chose the commander. I get Vito power over all department heads including The commander of the marine detachment. I don’t want any unauthorized modification without being consulted.I want the ships to be part of the main special ops.” Eller said.
” I don’t like having my hands tied Mr. Eller.” eagen said. “Nor do I. I can’t get everything I want. Fine I accept that . neither can you. You want use of x fleet fine. You will get it on my terms.  ” Eller. Said.
” fine! I agree to your terms !”eagen said . “very well. I will inform the dock master at galaxy edge to have the ships ready to lunch” Eller said.
“Understood. ” eagen said.
Eller industry h.q
“I wish I could go myself . ” Eller said. “I know you would if you could. “Craig edson said. ” I would if I could. I leave the planet. I go into convulsions. So I will get someone else. “He said. “Do you have someone in mind to command?”Craig asked. “Yes I do.” Eller said.
End of part two.

At every turn part two

The elivator opened,the captain and first officer entered the bridge. “Captain and exo on the bridge!”s crewman said. “Report!’styles said.
“Ship came out of no where. It began to open fire. “Gina said. “Maintain fire!”styles ordered. Jason aquired the target and fired. Several plasma rays struck the hostle vessel.
The vessel took evasive action. The vessel fired ,treated and came back and fired again on the x. It fired on multiple section of x.
“Try hailing them!”styles ordered. Trajaten tried to establish contact with the combat ship. “No response !”teajaten said.
  Lt. Kelly wyane renelds took evasive action. He tried to take the ship out of the line of fire.the warship knew what it was doing. The crew of the comat ship were well traned in military tactics and combat.
The ship came around and hit the x. “Shields at 78 percent !”gina reported. “Damage on c deck!”jason reported. “Sir! Most of the attack have beem restricted to c deck!” Gina said.  The ship fired back on the hostile vessel. The ship fired on the x. It hit the deck with the crew qurters.
The ship fired multiple voleys near the deck with the crew qurters.
“Why are they hiting the crew qurters?”trajaten asked. “My gues is that they want something in the crew qurters!” Shumar said. ” Oh no!” Jason said. “What is it jayce? “Styles asked. “I think that they may be going after steveren!”boyed reported.
After fireing frequent voleys on the area in and around c deck. The ship then moved away and lunched some kind of pod.
“Some kind of pod is heading our way!” Gina anounced. “Bording party!” Shumar comented. “Send a security team to c deck. Order every one to stay in there qurters!” Styles said. “Sending !”the com officer said.
The pod attached itself to an air lock. The pod activated some kind of landing strut. The strut interfaced with the airlock and became bearthed with the x.
Soldjers in helmits and some kind of advanced body armor tried to gain acces to the rest of the ship.
A security team,heavily armed headed down the coridor. They headed for the pod. Once they were in sight,the enemy trops opened fire. The security oficers returned fire on the hostles.
The enemy trops advanced. The security force mantained fire on the enemy forces. A hostle troper threw a non lethal gas. The gas knocked several of the x.crewman out. Several were knocked out. The tropers kept advancing. Those not afefted kept chasing the bording party.
The bording party were not easily detered. They followed the officer who had some kind of tracking device. They found the location of steverin and headed there.
Steverin was in his qurters. He knew that something was going on. He knew that they had been borded. Who or not was bording the ship,he was uncertain.
He grabed his personal pistol. He did not let anyone know he had it. He would not let it go. He was glad he did have that policy. He opened the door and ventured out.
He saw the soljers. He recognized there uniforms and helmits. “Bounty hunters!”he said. He was wanted by so manny. Many races had it out for him. Witch one put put this marker or was it all of them. Half of the people who hated him hated each other.
“Look if its me you want. I will surender. These people are not involved. Don’t take it out on them. Your contract i asume is on me!”steveren said.
“Put down your weapon!”the camando in charge said. The andorian complied. The trops came over.
He ofered no resistence. A device was placed on his arm. It activated a restrictive field they controled. He could only move if they moved him.
“Tell the crew not to interfear!”the comando incisted. “Alright !”the andorian said. “Bridge i have steverin in custody!”the commander said. “Look they are bounty hunters. I have had my share of ligal difficulty. I have surendered to there custody. They will let you leave if you do not interfear. This is my challenge not yours. Save yourselves !”steveren said. ‘I would follow his advice captain!”the lead commando said.
“Very well! I am recaling my security people. Leave quickly !”styles said. “With plesue!”the commando said.
“Order our people to fall back!”styles said. “Sending !”trajaten said. “We are doing as you ask!”styles said. “Don’t follow us. Go the opisite direction!”the leader said.
The comandos and there captive went into the pod. The pod lunched. It reentered the ship. The ship went to warp.
“They are gone!”gina said. “What now?”shumar asked. “We do as they said. Helm plot a course oposite of there’s. “Styles said.
“We are just going to abandon him?”Jason asked. “I see no orther chioce!”styles said. Kelly entered the course. The x went to warp.
End of part 2

Beyond vega part five

“Acting captain’s log, our ship is atempting to get out of this reigion and return to earth controled space. We suspect that those that unlesed a toxin harmful to males of our crew now plan to attack us”
“We are perpairing to strike back before they can strike us. It is a risk. We have no chioce at this point. We have to fight or be destroyed. We chose to fight!”
“I have found them! Detecting one heavy crusher and three escort vessels. “Tivora said.
“We cannot hope to defeat them!” Steveren said. “Its either take on the fleet or take on the meteors! “Lindsey said. “I know. You must know there is no way that we can sucesfully take on those ships !” The andorian said.
  “I know my duty! I don’t believe that there is truly anything that is imposible. I believe that anything is possible if you try hard enough !”markum said. “Do you know how silly that sounds?” The andorian asked.
“Alter course! Head right for them!” Lindsey ordered. Marie complied. “On course!”she said.
Alien vessel
“They are heading right for us!”the sansor officer reported “they are no match for us. They must know how fool hardy this is !”the weapons officer said.
“I suspect they do but they know that they don’t have any other choice! They are traped and they know that! “The commander said.
” They will be in fireing range shortly excellentcy.”the sansor officer reported. The commander waited for the ship to arive.
Tivora and emma studied the data on the enemy ships. They compared there capibilities with the capibilities of the hostile ships.
They knew that it was going to be a tall order to overpower or outrun the hostiles. There was little chioce.
“You think we will make it?”emma said. “The ods are a but bleak but acording to the ods we should have exploded in our first couple of weeks in operation. “Tivora said.
“I just can’t see us making it out of this one. ” Emma said. “Don’t give up. This is not over yet!” Tivora said. “Oh ok!” Emma said.
“Captain i have an idea. “Trajaten said. “Lets hear it!” Lindsey said. “Near teravien space is a area known as the gazerem. The area has zevite. My government adopted the zevite protical. If this race has never been near gezerem,they may not have a shielding against zenite!”trajaten said.
“In high doses it go destroy a ship. In low doseges  it could weaken the structural intregrety of a ship. If we can generate something similar to zenite,we may be able to slow them down !” Steveren said.
“Can you do it?”Lindsey asked. “Yes i believe i can!” Emma said.”do it!”Lindsey ordered. “It is a good idea but it may not be enough! “Steveren said. Every one gave him a dirty look.
“Target stragic areas. I want them weekond not destroyed. I don’t want to hear it steveren!”she said. “I did not say anything !”he said.
Alien ship
“Nearing the hostile !”the technician said. “Weapons on ready! “The gunner reported. ” Hear we go!”the commander said.
“Almost in fireing range!”tivora said. “Is our lite surprise ready?”Lindsey asked. “At your command!”emma said. ” target the escort ships first. Don’t hit thr morther ship until they hit us. “Lindsey instructed. “Understood!” Emma said.
The ships got closer. The two ships would soon be in range. The battle would soon begin.
“Now in fireing range!”emma said. “Get off the first schot em! Tivora! Go!”Lindsey said. The x fired several phased enurgy at a nearby escort ship.
While tivora flooded the escort ship with the zenite. They floded areas with important weapons or other equipment. The hope was to soften them up. 
The escort fired on the x. Several decks were hit. The shields were holding. There was some damage. 
“Shields at 88 percent !”emma said. ” Target an area hit by the zenite! Fire!”Addison ordered.
The x fired on the escort with a pulse canon. The area contaned a secondary turet. The turet exploded. The x also hit a com relay. The relay was knocked out. The escort vessels fired on the x. Several decks were damaged. The x held together.  The x would come back swinging.
The x fired on the second escort ship. The plasma charge hit the vessel. One of the canions was knocked off line.
The third escort vessel fired on the x. The x’s aft section was hit. A coridor exploded. The explosion spread though the deck. The deck was sealed off. Emergency bulkheads was activated.
“Shields at 68 percent !”emma said. ” the ship had held together very well considering!” Emma said. “It has indeed!”Lindsay said.
Emma found a soft spot in the first vessel. She took the initiative and fired. Multiple phase pulse hit the enemy ship. The enemy ship was hit multiple times. The ship was a siting duck.
“First vessel imobilized!” Tivora reported. The two other ships fired simultamiusly on the x. The bridge was hit.
There was a fire on the bridge. Crewman tried to put out the fire on the bridge. The ship was in trouble. Lindsay was not going to give up.
She had to prove to captain styles ,commander shumar, to the entire crew,to eller and to every one else. Most importantly she had to prove it to herself.
The x fired on the second ship. The ship had been weekond by the zenite and orther attacks. The x kept fireing. The ship was imobilzed.
“Two down one to go!”gina said.”get me a target! Make it count!”Lindsay said. Emma nodded. She ajusted her targarting sansors. She aquired the target. She presed the fire button.
The x fired several projectiles at the third escort ship. The ship was hit. “All three ships have been nutrilized!” Tivora anounced. “Very good! “Lindsay said in response. 
Alien ship
“All three ships have been nutrilized !” The science officer reported. ” How could this have hapened?” The captain asked. “What do we do now?”the first officer asked. “Open fire! We will handle this ourselves ! “The commander said.
End of part five

Ruins part five

“Journal what started off as a simple planitary servey has terned into anything but.  One crewman is dead,killed by a creture that resembles an earth dinosaur.  At least two crewman hath tested positive for a parisite. Another team had vanished. ”
“The landing teans canot return to the ship until they have been screaned for the pathogin. We all have our work cut out for us and thensome!”
  “This is the last known location of the team!”boyd said. “Team was this way. The other will pick a different direction. We will see where it leeds!” Styles ordered. The teams dispersed.
“You think they are alive?”perizu said. “I really hope so. I knew there might be casulties but having already done one funeral and now with at least one more i am not looking foward to it. I am woried that they are not. I chose to keep hopful until i know orther wise!” Styles said.
They heard a noise. They ran towards the sound. They saw crewman tod ridge. ” Tod your ok!”styles said. ” Stay back!”he said. The man seamed to be delerious. He started laughing. “I told you stay back!”he said
“What’s going on?”perizu said. ” We are gone captain. Our future is them. We died the minute we set foot hear. We signed our deatj warent. Some worlds are better left alone! Some questioned should never be ansered!”ridge said.
The man came towards him. The team fired. The crewman was hit. The crewman did not stop. Styles said a forgive me and then fired.
He fired at point blank range. The man was hit. The man had evidence of a head wound but stil came at him. He seamed to be a zombi. The whole team fired at once. The man exploded and started to transform into an oil like substance. The team fell back.
“Is that the parisite?” Perizu asked. “That is what i am thinking! “Styles said. “Are we all going to end up that way?” A crewman asked. “Not if i can help it!”styles asured the crewman. 
A medical tent was set up. Dr. Renelds and her staf got every thing set up. Carl ayote agred to go first in case it did not work.
The put on surgicall goans and mask. Every thing had been sterilized. “Hear goes nothing !”dr. Renelds said.
She started opening the crewman up. It was near the instestines. “That is nasty looking !” Steverin who was asisting the medical team said. They atempted to seperate it from the body. “It fuised!”a nerse said.
She atempted to use a lazer to get it free. The creture emited a goo. The goo hit a nerse. The.nerse was in pain.
“You cannot kill me dr. Renelds!”the creture inside ayote said. “How do you know who i am?”she asked. “I know what ayote knows! You cannot harm me! Even if you kill ayote,i will endure!” The creture declared.
The creture caused the crewman exploded. The creture went the air. Steveren caught the cteture. Steveren strugled to keep the creture. “You sure this is wise?”dr. Renelds asked. “I don’t think it is going to eat me. It is rather ticked off!”Steveren said. The creture struggled to break free but the andorian,for now had the uper hand. 
“Can we kill it?”a nerse asked.”that i don’t know. It seams unable or unwilling to infest me as it does with humans and presumibly the tridarnie colonest. “He said.
The creture was trying to get away. The andorian was persistent. He saw the danger it could inflict and was not going to alow it to keep going.
“Can you restrain it indefinitely !”one of the medical team members asked. “That would be a no! I am not super andorian!”he said.
“Can we drown it?”a nurse asked. “It may be afraid of the water but i am not sure i would risk it!” He said.
“You! Whats your name?”steveren asked. ” Able crewman eric mahascal “he said.”i am not sure how able you are but i am about to find out i gues! “He said.
The young crewman was a bit confused. “You have a land lazer?”he said. “I am required to sir!”he said. ” Aim for the creture’s head and fire !”he said.
“Yes sir!”he said.
The young man aimed his hand lazer at the head of the parisite. He hastily fired. The creture was hit. The head exploded. The rest of the creture went limp.
” As i suspected,the creture is only invincible when conected to a host ! I suspect he did not know that he could not infest an.andorian. i am hoping that he does not comunicate telipathically with his fellow cretures. We may have an advantage but i fear it will be short lived!” He said.
“It is too late for crewman ayote. I really don’t want to atempt any more surgeries! ” kelly ann said. “We will need to somehow contain crewman mconnel . She is not one of us at least not for the time being !”the andorian said.
“We will double security on her!”dr. Renelds said. “That was the frekiest thing i think i have ever seen!”nurse ramsdel said.”i have seen worse. One time i steped foot on a planet of mudusons. You go insane if you look right at them!” He said. “I need to do an autopsy on ayote!”dr. Renelds said. Everyone was mentaly and physically excahusted. The worst was far from over. It had only begun.
End of part five