in the shadow chapter two(3)

Cyrus two
“Captains log ,March 24th,2151, our investigation into the mysterious ship continues.despite all efforts we have not found a way to turn it on. ”
“There is no evidence of missing device. This ship should be fully operational. ” chief enginer perizau said.
“Is this some kind of fail safe?” the captain asked .”that is my gues is that the ship was rendered inert but could be reactivated. That I cannot prove.”Emma said.
“The ship could be an enormous paper weight?” the captain asked.”it’s possible. ” Emma said.
“There is something else we need to consider. “Gina said. “What’s that?” captain styles asked. “This could be a pendoras box. Perhaps it’s best not to try to reactivate the ship. Maybe  whoever deactivated it did so for the good of the universe. “Gina said .
“I see what you are saying lt. I disagre. ” styles said. “On earth we had doomsday weapons . thermal nuclear weapons designed as a weapon of last resort. The principle of muturaly assured destruction . maybe it is best to leave it alone .” Gina said
“This is a huge mystery. Perhaps one of the biggest mystery in universal history. We cannot ignore it. It fell into our lap. We have to look into this. “Captain styles said.
Gina felt dismissed. She felt like she was being ignored. She was a Jr officer but she felt like she had a right to be there. She had much to contribute. She just wished that others would see that.
X 1000
Mess hall
“Your unusually quiet today? ” lt. Bryce shumar asked. Lt. Lindsey markum chuckled. “Are you saying I’m loud? ” Lindsey asked. “No is something up linds?” he asked. “There is concern about the captain. He seams to be obsessed with this mystery ship. Concerns are everything from is this our sole mission to what if we get it working. ” Lindsey said.
“He is convinced that this ship is important . ” Bryce said. “What do you think Bryce?” Lindsey said. “I have no reason to question the captain at this point. ” Bryce said .
“At this point! You might later?” Lindsey said. “As first officer I reserve the right to weigh in should I need to but I don’t see that now. ” Bryce said. “You do now you are a starship officer not a politician.” she asked . shumar laughed. “Well one has to do a little bit of politics in this job. ” Bryce said .
“Ok. I won’t bug you about this ! For now I will let it go.” Lindsey said. “Thank you. ” Bryce .
At another table the andorian steverin entered. “Hello !” he Said to tivora and Jason. ” hi steverin.” Jason said in a less then thrilled tone of voice .
Jason liked steverin. He considered him a friend . he was the first alien who was not vulcan,numorian or galiderian. Right now he really wanted to Be alone with tivora. He liked her. He hoped that there budding friendship would develop into something deeper. That might not happen if steverin interfered.
Vulcans and andorian did not get along. They had fought in border skirmishes. They were involved in a kind of cold war. Tivora and steverin were not hostile towards each other. While he appreciated that the x tried to instil universal good Will but why now?
“Are your services needed on this missions?”the andorian asked.”so far it has been low key. This ship could have. Been Booby trapped. So far my people have Been mostly window dressin which is fine with me. I fear for my marines. Sometimes security forces become pawns. A kind of expandibles. I don’t want that to happen hear. ” Jason Said.
“Commander styles is not a person who would blindly sacrifice any of his crew unless he felt it was absolutely necessary ” tivora said .”I know that. Styles answers to Eller industries and to earth defense force. I trust the old man I am not sure about those at the hexagon.” Jason said.
“Why do you refer to the CEO of Eller industries as the old man ? ” steverin said. “It is a term of enderement. It goes back to his grandfather the first Lyman Eller. He created Eller industries after the third world war and the post atomic horror that followed. He was the man behind zefren cochrane. He was the infrastructure arm of the post atomic reforms . he teamed up with Jeremy Grayson and the dove society . ” Jason said.
“Is it true he can’t leave earth ?” steverin asked .” he has a rare disease . if he leaves earth he will start to degenerate. On earth he is fine. ” Jason said.
“Odd someone with his love for space unable to do what he loves .” the andorian said. ” it is more common on earth then one might think. He lives vicariously though us I guess.” Jason said.
Qurters of perizau
“That man is impossible !” perizau said. “The captain ?” Marisa asked. “He wants the impossible .that ship is impenetrable. That does not to matter to grand marshal sir corner styles !” he said.
“Excuse me!” Marie said. She went into the bathroom. She felt sick to her stomach. After a brief time she came out. ” you ok? ” Jose Marie asked . ” yea I’m fine !” she said.
“You sure?” he asked. “I am feeling a bit under the weather that’s all. ” she said. “Ok” he said.
She knew she needed to tell him eventually . she was not ready to just yet. They had both accepted that she could not have children.  He seemed to be fine with it. Would he be ok with having a child ?
“Things are quiet hear ? ” Dr. Renelds commented. “Indeed . the excitement is on the surface . ” Kelly Wayne renelds said.
“We have a perimeter alert ” Kenny gell said. ” can you identify what it is” Kelly Wayne asked.
” negative. Vessel is not in the earth database. ” Kenny said. ” hail the vessel ” Kelly w asked. “They are responding. ” trajaten said. “On screen. ” Kelly w ordered.
The alien com tech activated the view screen. The screen displayed the image of the alien bridge. They were astonished to see Vulcans.
“This is a Vulcan ship?” Kelly w asked. “How dare you insult us.we are nothing like them. No I am commander emero of the rihansu bird of prey Sun raider. We know you are examining an unknown ship. Turn it over to us!” the commander demanded.
“We don’t recognize your claim to it. If you wish to petition the republic parliament …” Kelly w started to say.
“We do not petition, you will turn the ship over to us or prepare to suffer the consequences!” commander emero said. “We will not yield!” Kelly w said.
“They have stoped the transmission!” trajaten said. “They are charging weapons! “Kenny reported. ”  primary alert. Shields up! Warn the captain.  ” the acting captain ordered.
Rihansu bird of prey
“Prepare a plasma war head. ” commander emero ordered. The weapons officer targeted the x. The mistle left the bird of prey. The mistle headed to the x. The war head exploded. The shock wave pushed the x back.
The plasma biased warhead was launched again. It hit the shock wave. The x was made adrift. There were small explosions all though the ship.
The x tried to get back to the planet.the bird of prey also tried to get to the planet.
“The x is under attack !we may come under attack ourselves!” the captain said.
The warship arrived at the planet.the ship fired. The plasma hit the landing party. They ducked. The bird of prey launched a grapple.
Styles ordered the crew to leave the ship. The ship went to the sky.the ship hooked on to the ship. It tried to pick up the vessel. Left the planet.
” did everyone make it out?” styles asked . ” five are missing. Gina and Emma are among the missing ” a crewman said.  “Dawn it!” he said.
“The Rihansu vessel has the dreadnaught!” Kenny said .”Persue!” Kelly w ordered.the x followed the ships.the bird of prey detonated a plasma warhead. The two ships were gone.
“We lost them ! ” Kenny said. ” this is not good!” Kelly w said . the ship went back to the planet.
End of  chapter two.
Next up.
Styles discovers that a mysterious women he recognizes is involved with the rihansu. While gunen activates the ship. Emero tries to get the empire to back him.
In the prime universe, earth encountered the romulins in the twenty second century.they fought a war before the founding of the federations . they never saw what the romulins looked alike until “balience of terror ” (2266) sense this is an alternate reality that goes out the Windows . the pocket book star trek novels call the romulins rihansu. Humans call them romulins because they remind them of the Roman empire. They dislike being called that.
Jeremy Grayson is an ansester of Amanda Grayson and Spock. In the novel “strangers form the sky ” Jeremy Grayson started the dove society. The dove society operated like intelligence gathering agency except it worked to spread pacifism. The novel was contradicted by star trek first contact but that’s ok. While I love first contact I also enjoyed strangers from the sky.

Restart prologue

Among the stars, there are legends of a ships from far away. Ships with powerfull weapons.some believe that these ships are from another place. Other say from another time perhaps even the future.
There are hundreds of legends on a thousand different world’s. They are all different. They all have common threads.
Some where two factions fought for dominance. The weapons got even dreadfull .weapons that could wipe out whole soler syistoms in seconds.
The story was that the two sides faught it out. Then a massive cascade of weapons caused the universe to explode and restart.
Could the ships have some how been displaced in time . could evidence of that conflict remain?
On a distant planet there was a large ship. Perhaps a combatant of that forgotten war. Captain corner styles looked over the ship.
He had so many questiones. Where did the ship come from? How did it get hear?
“Corner! We got something” lt. Bryce shumar said. “What do you have Bryce?”corner asked. “The reason recant access the internal computer core is that it was purged. By purge I mean purge. They spared no expense to erase all information. I think they wanted this data gone. “Shumar said.
“If this was a ship involved in an apocalyptic war it makes sense that they would want to hide any information that could leed to a repeat of the conflict they faced. “The starship commander said.
“So far we have found no evidence of it possible that there were survivors and they buried those that were killed. You think they went some where else?” Bryce asked. “I think so. I think that maybe they saught to leave the life and the war they survived ” styles said .
“Why leave the ship? Why not destroy it? “Bryce asked. “I have no idea. Perhaps for symbolism perhaps to hedge there’s hard to know. ” styles said.
“You think it is important ? ” Bryce asked. ” I do. I don’t know why. It could be an important clue to our past and maybe our future. ” the commanding officer said.
Planet earth
Parris France Europian alliance.
” so your not going to be bored with me? ” Jamie said. “No I’m not ” the man said. “Your going to command galaxy two base. A new space station on the other frontier. I am a paralegal. I research law cases. ” Jamie said. “I won’t get bored.” the man said.
He took a ring. “Come with me ! Mary me!”he said. She screamed “really?” she said. ” yea! Will you Mary me ?” he asked. All of a sudden something happened. Her face went blank.
The women started to run. ” Jamie ?where are you going? ” the man asked . she did not answer. She just keep running .
He caught up to her. “Jame! Stop please.we can talk about this!”the man said. She picked him up. She threw him across the ground.he fell to the ground.
He got up. “What’s gotten into you!”he said . suddenly an appendage came out of her hand. She injected him. He fell to the ground.
She then went to the European alliance parliament. She detonated herself. The device was intentionally detonated outside the complex. The parliament was relatively untouched.
Another bomb was detonated in New York, San Francisco,Santiago,soul, and cape town and cambera. All of the continents were hit. This was a message. A preemptive attack.
End of prologue.

New beginning part five.

The andorian scout ship was on course for the human sector. “Incoming vessel. “The voice of the computer said. “Can you identify the vesel?” steveren asked.
“Vessel is gorn warship. ” the computer announced. Steveren knew that once thew warship detected him he was a goner.
He knew that his little scout ship stood no chance against a gorn heavy cruiser.
Gorn ship bridge
“Detecting scout class vesel. It is andorien. Vessel is civilian design.”the tech said. “Persue.” the commander said.
The gorn ship altered course and chased the andorien vessel. The warship ran towards the andorien ship.
The ship fired on the andorien vessel. Steveren attempted evasive munuvers. The ship barley dodged the impact.
The warship fired again. He again tried to evade the impact. This the reer of the ship was hit. Damage was minor and contained.
Steveren knew he could not keep this up forever. He would have to get innovative. The vessel headed to the ship ans used the shields to catapult him away from the warship.
The warship found headed for him. The scout ship did the sane thing again. The warship altered it’s shielding. He could not attempt this a third time. He had to think of something quickly.
Planet sigma epsilon.
The x had four shuttle and five startle pods. The ship launched the shartles. Kelly Wayne piloted startle one.
Kelly w was nervous about his wife going down to the surface. She was chief medical officer. There was no way she was going to sit on the side lines. She had the heart of a healer. The ship began to land.
The entire city was efected by the attacks .several buildings we’re in fire. Others were in ruins. The deviation was clearly evident.
The scout ship landed at a staging area in a field. The field used to be the center of town.this was where the founders parade occurred.
The hatch opened. The response team excited the crafts . “welcome to sigma epsilon. I am lt. Governor bryian Glover. Acting head of sate. “Glover said.
” commander corner styles commanding officer starship x1000. ” styles said.”we captured a gorn he is in status under heavy guard.”the civil defense director said. “I will want to quesrone him. “Styles said. “Of  course!”the acting governor said.
Dr. Renelds and her staff got right to work. They began to look over patients. She hated the afterafects of weapons discharge. While humanity was at peace. The old nation state at war was a thing of the past. There was external threats.
Dr. Renelds was at heart an optimist .events like this made that difficult. It challenged that. Could Eller dream become a reality? She had no idea.
She did what she could.she was not sure if her presence hear really made a difference. She did what she could  and hoped it was enough. That was for history to judge.
Detention facility
“Captain styles ? Sergent. Jason Boyd. Twenty third infantry unit out of space command 27. ” he said. “Commander corner styles . starship x 1000.” he said.
The door was sealed.”where are you from?”styles asked. “West Sumner Maine. You?”Jason asked.”outside Chicago. ” styles said. The man under Jason guarded the perimeter of the room. “We are ready when you are sir!”the sergeant informed the captain. “Revive him!”styles ordered.
The gorn was given a pill. He woke up. He went bizerk.the soldiers aimed there energy rifles at him. The captain waved his hands. “As you were men!”Jason ordered.
“I am captain corner styles Of the earth vesel x 1000. You have committed an act of war. “The captain said
“You committed act of war. This is our world. You violate our space. “The gorn said. “We checked.we found no evidence of claim!”captain said.”we left transponder! You violate our world’s. You will pay for your sacrilege!”the gorn declared. “We never detected your transponder. “Captain said
“Ignorence Of law not excuse. Pay you must.”the gorn said. The capital. Went over to a corner. “You think that there is validity to his claim?’the sergeant asked. “There could be. We tried to make sure that there is no claim by other species but we could have made an oversight!”styles said.
“What do we do now?”the sergeant asked. “This was an act of war regardless. There we’re other ways to do this. I don’t like any options. “Styles told the sergeant.
His com badge went off. The Capitan pulled it out. “Go ahead!”styles said. “Captian we have detected a scout ship. It is adrift.the vessel is heavily’s engines are burnt out. “Sotril said.
“Can you identify it?” he asked.”sir, the vessel is andorien. “She said. ” leave orbit . go get them. This could be related to the attack by the gorn.”the captain said. “Aye sir. “Lindsey said.
The ship left orbit. The x 1000 left orbit. The x went after the andorien vessel. “Sir the vesel activated it’s after spared no effort to get hear. “She said. “Could the andorien be trying to warn us?” perizau said. “We have no contact with them. “Gina said. “They are agresive species. My people have had several conflicts with them. I doubt they would go out of there way to help you. ” sotril said.
The vessel got closer to the derelict. Ship.”I am detecting a lot of damage ” Emma said. “There is evidence Of a battle. ” the Vulcan said. “Engage a grapple. Tow the ship into The cargo bay. “Styles ordered.
The scout ship was brought into the bay. A medical team entered the bay. They went to extract the andorien pilot. The pilot was alive but unconscious. The pilot was imietly brought to the infirmary.
Once the andorien vesel was sucesfully on bored,the x headed back to the planet.
“Commanders log, March 3rd 2150,the x 1000 has successfully retrieved the derelict ship. The ship has returned to the planet. I have rejoined the ship. ”
The Andorian started to wake up. “Helo can you hear me?”styles asked. “Yes. I understand you. “Steveren said. “I am commander corner styles commanding officer of the earth ship x 1000. ” styles said.”steveren I am an independent prospector.  Commander there is a gorn fleet staging in the Cyprus sector. More ships are arriving. Aces file 7543 password red heriozon. There you can aces the coordinates of there staging area. I believe they plan to invade the planet sigma epsilon. “Steven said.
“Thank you I will not forget this. Io we you a great debt. ” styles informed him. “We should let him rest .” Dr. Rebelds said.
The captain and first officer went to the hallway. “Ok! Bryce inform the acting governor of an imminent attack. I am going to talk to g.e base. We need to move fast. ” corner suggested. “Agreed. ” Bryce said.
Confrence room.
Sergeant Jason boyed  entered. “Sir my unit is setilling into there bilots sir. “Jason said. “It may be a little cramped. ” styles said. “My unit are used to it sir. We will a just.” the Sergeant said. “You know the misson?” styles asked. ” yes sir. It is a bold plan but I think I can work. ” Jason said.
“I hope so jayce I really do. If that fleet gets near the planet the collonest are doomed. ” the captain said . “I know that. My unit are good . I trust them. ” the sergeant said .
The door opened, lt. Shumer,Dr. Reynolds ,the chief engineering officer, trajaten,Kelly Wayne Reynolds,science officer sotril,and environmental officer Gina brell arrived.
The captain introduced the senior staff to sergeant Boyd. “Wait are you married?” Jason asked. “Yes we are! ” Dr .Reynolds answered. “Your first names are both Kelly?”Jason asked. “Yes ?”Kelly w said. “Doesint that get confusing?” Jason asked.  They chuckled. “At times” she said. “Was that an obstacle to your getting together?”he asked. “A little bit” he said.
Jason found himself staring at the female Vulcan science officer. “What? Have you never seen a Vulcan before?” the female Vulcan asked. “Yes I have seen a Vulcan before just not so pretty . I’m sorry that was inappropriate. I spent most of my time in caves and swamps. I am going to shut up now!”Jason said. “Your fine sergeant. ” the Vulcan said.
“Ok. The gorn is amassing a fleet in the Cyprus sector. I spoke to galaxy edge,we will randevez with the fleet in Andrea sectors . some ships are further away and will take longer. X 1001 and 1002 are in the fleet. The gorn have several factions . the military and political leadership tend to clash at times. This may not be authorized by the political class. We have to push the fleet into a corner. ” styles said.
Then the meeting was concluded. Everyone got up. They began to disperse.Jason went over to trajaten. “I made a fool of myself didint I?” Jason said.”slightly sergeant ” the com tech said.
The fleet was assembled at the randevez site. “All ships standing by ” trajaen said . “understood. Order the fleet to move out.” the captain said. The fleet moved out.
The fleet met up near the Cyprus sectors . the two fleet opened fire the battle had begun.
End of part five.
I do not want to rewrite “arena” but I have used some illusions and Easter eggs .  “arena ” was a great episode of the original series. It is considered a favorite by many fans.
I have taken some scenes from a story I wrote  earlier such as the two Kelly’s and Jason meets sotril.


New beginning part four

Galaxy edge. .
The human republic began to trade and interact with other world’s. New colonies demanded on trade with non human world’s. Humans tried to build good relationship with other species.
The two species that humanity worked with the closest was the Vulcan and the numoriens. Both planetary nation states had set up consates and offices on the galaxy edge outpost.
“You wanted to see me?” a young technician named trajaten asked. “Yes. The ambassador to numoria from earth hasreqested we aid in staffing some positions on there x class vessel. We would like you to report to the x as senior communications officer. “The consular general said.
“I would agree to that. “Trajaten said. “I hoped that you would. Grab your gear. Report to lt. Shumar on bored the x 1000.”the consolate official said.
“You got it sir. ” tragaten told his superior. He got ready to leave his current asigment and headed to his New assignment. He was used to rapid deployment. He did not mind getting up and going to a new asigment. It was how it was.
A young women in an Eller corps uniform entered the Bridge. She had long dark hair. She had braided a pony tail into the center of her otherwise long hair. She was tall. She had a large eye brow. She was recognizable as a Vulcan.
The Vulcan were a key ally of the human .the Vulcan we’re the first alien species,humans contacted. After first contact between the two world’s, Vulcan set up embassy and consulates. Many Vulcan moved to earth.
The young Vulcan female ‘s grand farther moved to New Hampshire. There is a smal town near concord that has become a little Vulcan of sorts.
She wore the red suit with a skirt. The more formal Eller uniform. “Lt. Shunar?”she asked. “Yes . I am lt. Shumar .” he answered. “Lt. Tivora .senior science officer reporting for duty. ” she said .
“Your a Vulcan ?”he asked. “That is obvious sir. “She said in a matter of fact tone. “Your an earth citizen?he asked . “yes I was born at concord general hospital . I am a third generation Vulcan earth citizen. I had citizenship at birth under the Hasan Sununu deceleration of 2102. “The female Vulcan said.
“I see. Welcome abored. “Shumer said. “Thank you sir. “Tivora said. “Are you ready to assume your post”shunar asked. “Yes I am. “The Vulcan said. “Then do do so lt.”the duty officer ordered. She went to the science station. She Sat down.she was used to duty stations in Eller and e.d.f mode.
The door opened ,a human female in a tan edf unufrim suit and skirt and trajaten entered. “Lt. Shumer lt.Lindsey markum reporting for duty. “She said. “Welcome on bored lt. “He said.
“Com officer trajaten . may I take my post?”he asked. “Please!”he said. Numoriens did not waste time. They were practical and efficient.
Captain styles brought a lot of his crew from the Asimov. This included Gina brel the bridge environmental technicians. Lt. Keny gell who would manning an aft bridge post. Lt. Kelly Wayne  renelds was the pilot.
Near the gorn staging area.
Steverin was an andorian.he had served in the andorian imperial guard. After completing his term of service he decided not to re up. He purchased a smal warp capable scout ship. He became a prospectors  and scout. he liked to be on his own. Although he contracted his services, for the most part he was his own boss.
He detected some energy emission. He Got his curiosity peaked. He knew that he should mind his own business. He had to find out what is going on. Even though He knew better.
The ship went in further. He had to enhance his sensors.he did not want to get too close. He would be outnumbered. This was neutral space. This build up was illegal and highly parculler.
Steveren went in further. He got his answers. “Vessel belong to the gorn hegemony.”the computer said. ” the gorn! What are they doing hear?”the andorian male said
“Unable to draw conclusion. “The computer said. “Never mind computer. That was not an enquiry. “He informed the computer.
He looked at the buildup . it was clearly a battle fleet. A buildup ,a staging area for an invasion.
“Computor what is the nearest territory of a non gorn planetary alience?”Steverin asked . “a group of planets all belonging to a race called terans or humans. ” the computer said.
“They are going to strike the humans. ” the andorian male said. The andorian had heard about the humans. They were New to space fearing. They were allied with the Vulcan.
Vulcan and androgens were enemies. They had faught several wars.there were stil multiple outstanding territories under disputes. Steverin had no personal qurel with Vulcan. His government had no contact with the humans good or bad.
Steverin decided to warn the humans. He activated his ship’s after burners. The ship had a maximum warp of warp four.2. He went to maximum warp. The ship was off to warn the human government.
X 1000
Qurters of shumar
Bryce made diner to welcome Lindsey to the crew. “So we are going to be out numbered in the iner circle?” she asked.”yes you and I are the only e.d .f officers in the department heads.  Commander styles has brought Manny of his own people from the asamov. The chief engineering officer is x euro hageminy officer. The c.m.o is Eller medical official. I hope that we can become one happy crew. “Bryce said.
“You think the captain will be a straight scooter or will you and I be token officers?”she asked .”he was e.s.f a long time ago. There us nothing to cause me pause. He says that he will not play favorite.I am willing to give him a chance. ” he said.
“People like Eller believe that humanities future lie in exploration and peacefull contact. They see the militarization of space as something to be avoided. I don’t like war but to be totally disarmed is to be totally dead. “Lindsey said.
“Perhaps we can be prepared to sefens ourselves. At the same time we can engage in research exploration and diplomacy.I can’t believe we cannot walk and chew gum at the same the same time. “Bryce said.
“You could be right. I hope you are. “She said. ” we should give him a chance ” Bryce said. “Agreed. ” she said.
X 1000
The captain had changed from the red suit to a Gray uniform and black pants.  ” captain on the bridge” Emma a relief officer said. The department heads were assembled. The engineering medical and executive we’re there.
“All decks on stand by . ” trajaten reported. ” alright. Request permission to depart. ” styles ordered. ” we are cleared “the alien com tech said .
” clear all moorings  !”styles ordered.the mornings were ejected.”moorings away. “Tivora reported. “Thuster only.take us out”corner said.
Kelly Wayne piloted the x 1000 away from the base. The ship went towards the base and bounced away from the station. “We are clear. ” Gina reported.
“Pilot set course for sigma epsilon colony warp four. ” styles said “should we bot start off slow captain?”the engineering officer said.”time is off the essence chief. ” he said “fine! Caution is the better part of vallor “the French man said. “Thank you grandma “the captain said the chief did not know how to take that comment.
“Course laid in. Engaging now. “Kelly Wayne reported.the ship was off.
Damegs flagship arrived at the staging area. Dameg was impressed with his fleet. He hoped that a quick victory would either force the hand of the emparer and his court or cause there overthrow and see them replaced with hard liners who would support the reclaiming of territories with the transponder.
The fleet was almost in place. Soon Dameg would be ready to strike. When that happened all bets would be off.
Sigma epsilon
“Now arriving at the colony ” keny gell reported. “Take us into orbit Kell.” “styles ordered.the pilot took the ship into orbit.
The x had landing capability but given it’s size it was impractical. The republic was technically in s sate of war. He would rather stay in orbit in case the gorn decided to return with all there friends.
“Now in orbit!” Kelly Wayne announced. “Ok doctor I want you to assemble medical teams and prepare to go down to the planet”styles said.” you got it sir .” the doctor said. “Ok I will command startle one, Bryce you have shartle  two. Kelly w with me. Lindsey you will command the x in our absence. ” corner ordered. ” you got it. ” Lindsey said.
The team left the bridge. They got ready to leave the ship . they got ready to join the relief effort on the surface.
The ship used tunnels. They considered elevators on the ship but had bot found a way to make it happen.
End of part four.
Eller star corps uniforms
There is a black suit and white shirt witch is a formal dress.there is a red suit coat . there is a red field jacket and a red strom jacket..there is a Gray and black uniform. And a Gray uniform as well.
For non commissioned persons,the crew is a blue field coat. A blue suit. They use a Gray standered duty uniform.
E.d.f use tan dress uniform. They have a green fatigue similar to our u.s army uniform.
Bryce shumar is the same as the captain of u.s.s esex referenced in power play. Sence this is an alternate reality his fate being killed on the far away planet is not settled in stone.
There are no transporters or turbo lift yet.