Kelly’s day part four

“Personal journal,myself and my two senior most officers are sitting down to lunch with the members of the narisian parliament witch includes the leader of the government ,the speaker of the parliament. We are sitting at the head table witch includes the most senior members of the government.”
“Captian,i understand this is your first visit with a foregn head of sate sense you left home port?”the speaker asked.”yes mr. Speaker,that is true. I am pleased that narisia is our first visit with a foregn leader!” Captain styles said.
“I assume that earth will be lunching more ships?” Minister of defense asked. “Yes that is corect! We are working on building the x class vessel and down the road more advanced ships. “Commander perizu said.
“Is this a military ?”foregn minister eshella asked. “No mam! We are a space exploration force. We do use a military hierarchy but we are exploration. We are under the auspicises of a private cooperation. “Commander shumar said.
“Your planet stil has nation states?”trade minister dereva asked. “Madom minister,the planet is negotiating a united government. We have a frame work. It is not fully implimented yet!” Styles said.
“What is the goal of your mission ?”government leader emek asked. “We wish to learn of other cultures. We wish to build relationship with other worlds. We are curious by nature.we want to otherstand orthers. We believe that is important. ” Styles said.
“I see. I too as curious. Your world has peaked my curiosity captain. I hope to visit your world one day!”the speaker said.”i will pass that along to president Alexander. “Styles said.
“Supose a world ask you to leave! “Leader of the opisistion derkang asked. “We would be obligated to leave! “Styles said.” What if a world has a resource you wanted or neaded. What if that world was unwilling to trade!”derkang asked.
“Mr. Leader we are not imperialist or pirates. We will do not take what we cannot get!” Mr. Perizu said. “There was a time you were? ” minister dereva asked. “Yes that is corect!”captain styles answered.
“As i understand,your planet very nearly destroyed a hundred years ago?”health minister asked. “Yes but in that time we have an unprecedented era of peace!”shumar said. “The term unprecedented is quite concerning!” The eldest member of the parliament styled the most hounerable member said. “A lot of things have changed. We are different. We are not going to return to our old ways! “Perizu said. “How can you be sure?”derkag asked. “We cannot to a total certainty!” Shumar said.
X 1000
“We have incoming!” Boyd anounced. “Evasive action !”kelly ann temporarily in command ordered. The x tried to veer out of the way. The ship zigged and zaged. The mistle exploded. The ship dodged the impact.
The x fired on the nearby ship. The x fired a multiple volley on the closest warshp. A destroyer fired on the x. The x was hit but the fireing was confined to the near aft.
The x hit back and fired masive volleys on one of the nearby warship. One of the cargo ships followed suit and fired on the warship.
“that ship. It is from the planet earth isint it?”ontep asked in a qausi rhetorical mannor. “Confirmed excellentcy!”the weapons officer said. “I never forget a species. Especially one like this! “Ontep said.
“They should know better then to meddle in things that do not concern them! “The first officer said. “You are correct!”the commander said.
The flagship flew pass the other ships. It headed right for the earth ship. The vessel fired on the x.
The x could feel the impact on the ship. It reverberated thoughout the ship. It impacted the bridge. “Shields at 57 percent !” Boyd anounced.
Kelly recognized the style of the attacks. She found it hard to believe that the man who killed her family would stil be on active duty. She was sure it was him. She just felt that it was him.
The x flew at the enimy ship. The vessel hit multiple volleys on the warship. The x may be out manned and out gunned. Kelly refused to acept that. She would fight on no matter what.
The cargo ships hit the enimy ships as well. Kelly started to develop a plan to help the cargo ships get a way. 
“Trajaten get me the lead ship of the cargo fleet!”kelly anne ordered. Trajaten hailed the flagship of the murchent fleet.
“Captain! I have an idea on how to get your flotila to safety but your not going to like it!” Kelly said. “I don’t mutch like what we are doing now!” He said. Then she told him the plan. 
The smaler cargo ships atempted a withdraw. They were covered by several biger vessels and the x. ” Fools!  they have to know they  have to know they will never make it!  ” Ontep said.
The x flew at high warp and operated in a dive bomb like raid. The x fired and ran on the nearby vessel. It then went to another ship and fired multiple times.
The bigger more powerful ships worked to cover the smaler veasels. It was not clear if the plan would work. They were hopfull.
The bigger ships focused on obe ship and hit it. The x focused on hiting every one. A kind of special teams like in american foot ball. The smaler more vanerable ships tried to get away.  The x ran interference for the vessels.
The orions tried to stop them. The x was relentless. They were undetered. “Hit um hard and hit them often!” Kelly said.
Kelly wyane was surprised by the words of his wife. She was the kindest person he ever knew.this was unlike her. She was almost like a different person. She almost seamed to be enjoying it.
  ” My parents are dead!” Kelly said. “I did not know. I’m sorry!” He said. “It happened a few years ago.i don’t like to talk about it! ” she said. “I can understand that! I can’t imagine it. Losing mutch of your family ! “He said. “You don’t get over it! At least i have not!” She said.
Another flashback
” i wish i could find those who caried out that attack and get justice!” She said. “You don’t meen that. Revenge is never a good idea. It never goes well! ” he said.
The rest of the convoy tried to run interference so that the orthers could get away. The x was determined to keep the enemy from getting to the smaler more vanerable ships.
The x was hit from the flag. “Shields at 45 percent !” Boyd reported. “Find me a weakness ! “Kelly ann ordered. Boyd scaned the ship. He found a smal device and targarted it.
“They have knocked out one of our secondary sansor relays! It is weaking havok with our systems. “The science officer said.
  One of the cargo ships unleshed a berage of plasma projectiles at the flagship. The x folowed suit and fired on the flagship. Two frigates came at the x. The x dodged the attacks. The x was safe this time.
“Is there a nebula nearby?” The acting captain asked.”yes there is!” Tivora said. The doctor in command went over and looked over the data on the nebula. “Tel the ship to head for the nebula. The orions are superstitious. They won’t follow us in. They believe it to be haunted. “Kelly the acting captain declared.
“Not every orions believe in that superstition. “Tivora said.”yes! That is correct!”trajaten said.”this one does !” The ‘captain’ said. “Are you sure?” Steveren asked. “Yes!”she said.

She remembered fleing and seing ontep. She saw him ordering the bodies be placed in statis. She did not understand why. Later she was told that many orions believed that if the newly deceasd were not encased,there sprits would esape and haunt the living. She hoped she was right. She believed that she had ontep peged. She knew who this man was. Would she be proven right?
End of part four