“To the outor rim and beyond part 14

  Commander sherad was nervous. He acepted that he would not survive this battle. He was fine with that. If he had to go out he wanted to strike a hard blow to his enemy at the same time. He feard that he might fail. His death might be in veign. He wanted some kind of victory. He would have it. One way or another.
The posioning of vega would be aceptible. It would be the rallying cry on both sides. To the humans a kind of remember vega mantra. The romulons would use it for propinganda perpouses as a building point. He might be awarded by the preator postumously mayby even by the emparor. He would not be there to witness it but oh well.
X 1000
“They are atempting to hide there signiture by using sansor ghost,distortion and even venting plasma. I believe i have them!” Tivora said.
“Stay on them kell !”styles said. “Aye sir! “He said. The x tried to catch up with the hostile.
The hostile deverted every ounce of power to speed for the ship. The weapon would be turned into one gigentic dirty bomb.
  The x commander would not pull out all the stops such as what serad did. They would do what had to be done within reason. 
Vega colony
“We are about to be attacked! I want every ship in the sky. We are on full alert!”governor ronald egder said. “Orions? Nusicans! ” the aid asked . “No romulons!”he said. “Who?” The aid said.
  The x found the ship and fired. The vessel was hit. “We bearly scrached the paint!” Boyd reported.
The romulon ship reterned fire on the x. The x was hit. “Shields holding!” Tivora reported. The ship deployed canisters. The canasters hit the ship. The x fired a lazer burst.
“Target that explosion and fire!”styles ordered. The ship hit the explosions. One of the nichelle was hit. There was exstensive damage all over the ship.
  The ship fired every last torpedo it had. The x tried to dodge them. They dodged most of them but the ship was hit. Several decks had been sealed off.
The x fired again. The lazer hit the agresive ship. The ship was hit. The bridge exploded. Serad had survived.
Serad knew that his time was already pass. He was going out with a bag. He sat the ship on auto pilot. He riged the ship on a colision course. The ship headed for the x.
The x pulled up. The x fired and ran though the wake. They plowed though. The ship was determined to servive. This could not be the end.
The x came out like a pheonix from the ashes. The ship was batered and bloody but intact. It came though on to the other side.
“We are at all stop!” Kelly w said.”hold position ! I want a full damage asestment!”styles said.
The x repared itself enough to return to earth. Then the exstensive repairs begun.
“I believe the time has come to venture beyond the confines of our home space. I believe the time is right to venture into the unknown! “Lyman eller said.
“How can you say that? Space is a dangerous place. As evidenced by what just occured. The evidence indicates we should go inward! Build at home?” Deligate fernando juan qunard asked.
“Yes space is dangerous. It is wondrous as well. We have already started this jouney. We should play it though!” Eller saud.
“Mayby we should wait! Lick our wounds. Perhaps this is not the time!”Evelyn journot said.
“Mr. Secratary general ! May i be heard?”captain styles asked.”yes you may!”secritary general gerrad mfume said.
“Thank you mr. Secritary general ! Humanity is at a crossroads. We canot turn inwards. Our future is amoung the stars. Humanity has an uncrenchible thurst for knowledge. We have an opotunity to gain more knowledge . Risk comes with any quest. Just as it did when eropian setilers came to the new world. I believe this is our destiny. We have already made enimies but we have made friends . Who knows todays enemies may be tomorrows friends . We just don’t know. I believe that the road will be hard but worth it. A hundred years from now this will be remembered as a turning point. What will it be? Witch path will you chose ?”styles asked.
Home of perizau
“I asume you heard the news?”styles asked. “Earth has agried to begin long term exploration of space under the auspicious of the united earth space probe agency! The h.e has signed on. ” Perizau said.
“I know this is not your cup of tea jose. The hagomony wants a sr representive on the flagship. Now a future ship will have a eropian commander until then they will setle for a member if the iner circle. I would like that to be you! You can bring marie. “He said.
” Its not me corner! I am not an explorer. I like farming. I am content hear. I have already made history ! I have no need to do it again !”he said.
” I need you! Give the name of another enginer as qalified as you to be chief enginer. History choses you not vice versa!”he said. “Corner that us really lame!”he said. ” I know ! I’m desprit!”he said.
“What would my rank be?”he as.”you were a colnel in the eropian forces. We are using naval ranks. Full commander!”he said. “Oh no! I want to be captain of engineering ! “He said.”captain! You would outrank bryce! “He said.”that is my condition!”perizai said. “I will have to clear it w the director but ok. Will you acept?”he said.”alright !”he said.
“I want in?”steveren said. “I am suprised. You don’t strike me as someone who stays in one place for very long!”styles said.
“You are starting something. This is living history and i want to be a part of it! I predict this will go beyond humanity. Mayby not now but some day. I promise i wil behave and try to be civil around tivora. “The andorian said. ” This might be a hard sell but your right. I do need a guide and advisor. Pending aproval by my superiors welcome to the team!”he said. He schock his hand. “Welcome to the future!”steverin said.
“Now clear of dry dock. We are free to nevigate!”kelly w exclamed. ” Set course ! To the outor rim and beyond !”
The crew of the x will continue.

“To the outor rim and beyond !” Part 13

Sense the first warp test flight on earth, humanity began to experiment with starships. A fleet or freighter were built. Trade routes were set up thoughout the human sector and beyond.
Ships set up for defense were also built. There were several agentcies involved in that aspect. The planet earth was in negotiations to develop a united space service. There were exploration vessels and colonial.vessels as well.
   This was an unprecidented time. The human sector was under attack. The call was sent out to defend humanity from impending attack.
The call was answered. Ships arived to defend the sector and stop the invasion. The ships imidietly struck the romulin swarm.
The romulan vessels hit back on the human fleet. While humans had fought the orions and nusicans, this was different ! This was a real space battle.  this was the test of humanity and there quest to go out into space.
The humans tried to block the romulons from advencing beyond what they had. Then they hoped to push them out of there space.
  Styles felt like he understood better how to fight the romulons.the romulond ambition was bigger then there level of technology. They had the ships. Right now it was an even match. Styles hoped with one  tiny mistake,that could all change. Styles was watching for it. 
Obored the romulan vessel witch first discovered the humans,the commander was very frustrated. The commander wanted a quick swift victory. That was not happening. Not at all. The humans were holding there own. It seams they adapt quickly to circumstances. They were definitely doing that.
Perizau wanted a longer shakedown. He wished the first mission was not a space battle. He wanted a qieter mission like scientific scaning but there was not to be. Perizau did not like that the captain and sr officers tried to do the inposible and expected the enginers to keep the ship together.
So far the ship held together . He was stil not sure humanity was ready for this. This did not help the case. Perizau really disliked the exploration thing. It seam to grow.
 boyd found a glich in the flagship of the hostile swarm. Boyd exploited it. The ship fired on the flag. The flagship was in trouble.
The primus had failed the preator. The romulons would not win this day. They would learn from this incident and do better next time. It would not be the primus.
Commander sherad got the order for the fleet to withdraw. The commander refused to follow the orders. He was not giving up,not yet.
  “Sir the fleet is leaving! “Tivora reported. “Will they return again?”shumar asked . “Yes but in a few years. “Steveren said.”great something to look foward to!”kelly w said.
“We have a problem ! The advanced scout is gone! He is on course for vega colony. I detected a mess amount of energy transfered. They are transfering all non esential system even life suport and a chance to return home!” Tivora said.
“Its a typical romulon ploy! If they can’t win they go what you call scorched earth!”steveren said. “We are the fastest ship! Kell set course for vega!”he said.
“They are going to fire what they use to call.a dirty bomb?”dr. Kelly said. “My gosh! “Shumar said.
The x 1000 went to warp. Time was of the esence. The race was on. While the ship could not destroy the vega colony it could wipe out a mess section of the colonies. The colony could colapse. Not a victory but revenge,spite. It had to be stoped! The race was on.
End of part 13.

To the outer rim and beyond part 12

Romulon vessel
“I have the human vessel !we will be in weapons range shortly!” The gunner said. “Excellent !” The primus said.
The romulan scout vessel had joined up with the swarm. The commander disliked playing second fiddle especially to the field primus. He and the primus had been rivals. He was displeased with having to be unsder any one especially him.
X 100 bridge
“They are heading right for us!” Tivora reported. “You should seak a safe harbor until the reinforcement arive! This is completely nuts! ‘Only a fool takes on a war fleet in a hover car!” Steveren said.
“I have an idea! Besides you can’t run from a bully. They have already encoached too far into our space. ” Styles said.
  Romulan vessel
“They are not atempting to flea!”the gunner said. “Either they are incredibly brave or incredibly stupid!” The primus said. “Perhaps they have some Klingon in them!”an officer said.they laughed.
The swarm serounded the x1000. They opened fire on the human vessel. Styles could not believe that this was happenng. Was there voyage over before it even started?
Steveren found a soft spot in one of the ships and took advantage of it. Boyd fired on it.the aft ship was hit.
The ship was hit. Styles thought to himself mayby we are not ready. Mayby we should go back to earth and in ten years or so try again. Then he thought now is the time.
The x 1000 fired back on the romulons. “I have an idea ! “Steveren said. Styles was not sure about how much they had trusted steveren. So far he had proven to be a key aset. They bearly knew him. Yet at this point there was no reason to doubt him.
The x fired on the aft vessel. The orther ships tried to cover the wounded bird. The x fired on the rest of the fleet. 
The x fired voleys on all of the ships. The x was hit. The decks afected by it was sealed off and evacuated. 
The x went towards a nearby ship and depreserized an airlock.they fired on the area. It got out of the way. The x fired lazers and projectiles on the warship. The warship was on fire.
Two vessels came at the x. The x came at the warships. They fired every thing they had. The x sped away.
Orther ships came at them. The x came at them. The x fired on the ships. The x knew that they would not make it but all they had to do was not yield. They had to hold out until the rest of the fleet arived.
Suddenly the earth fleet arived.they fired on the romulin ships. The whole game had changed. What would happen next?
End of part 12

To the outor rim and beyond part 11

Romulin border
  Romulon fleet
“Field primus! Incoming mesege priority one from romulis. It is the preator! ” the com tech said.
The primus went over to a scicluded section of the bridge.he took an ear peace. He activated it. ” Hello excellentcy!”the primus said.
“Primus! I want you to randevez with the advence scout. I want you to engage the hunans in bate. I want to begin my program of expansion! “The preator said.
“Your crew stands ready preator! “Primus divrek said. “We must expand our empire!” The preator said. “We will excellentcy!’divrex asured his superior.
After the transmission ended,the primus took out the ear peace. He went to the command area of the bridge. ” Pilot set course for the diverex! Best possible speed!”the primus ordeed. The swarm moved out.thet headed for the scout ship and the human sector.
The battle lines were drawn.both sides were preparing for an inevitable battle both sides knew were comming. Both sides hoped to stop the orther side. It would not be easy on either side.
The x 1000 crew worked there but off to get the ship repaired. They all did there part and then some. Captain styles was pleased with his crew. He was looking foward to getting to know them. He hoped he would be able to. The mission was a gamble. Now was the real test. Every thing would be clear soon.
“I was able to boost lazer efentcy. With steveren help i created another weapons port. It is a repulser beam. It is designed to deplete the shields . It is a slow process. It could be an aset!” Boyd said.
“We will take anything we can get. We need multiple weapons in our arsenal !” Tivora said.
“Look i don’t want you to think i am a war monger. My job is to design build and improve weapons but i try to stic to defensive weapons. I know Vulcan tend to be pacifist. I believe in the zefrem cocren,jeremy Grayson,philosophy of peaceful exploration and contact.we need to be able to defend ourselves !”boyd said.
” i know that. I know that thou are not a war monger. I have never thought that!”she said. “I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I am an armory officer literally because i feel someone has to do it. I want to make the universe safe for the sciencentist,the exploers,and the diplomats. ” He said.
“Thy do not need to justify thyself. Your complex,most people are. No one is quite as they seam to be on the serface.i am  sure of that. I am favorible to getting to know thee more complexities and all! “Tivora said.
” Man! Really ! We have a job to do! Get a room!” “Steverin said.”way to wreck a moment steverin!” Boyd said. “I do what i can!” The andorian said.
Chief engineer perizau entered the bridge. “Well our new guest is a bit of a pain in the but but he deliver on his promises. He was a big help in many ways!” Perizou said. “Good work!every one!” Styles said.
“Captain! I have located a fleet of romulon ships. They are heading our way!”tivora reported.
“That is a formation the romulons call a swarm. It is under the command of a field primus,a comadore if you will. They are usually from a noble family and close to the preator. They are well traned and usually have a lot of influence. “Steverin said.
“Will our friends arive in time?”trajaten asked. “They will be hear as soon as they can. This is a turning point. In what direction i don’t know. Will we move foward in space or will our exploration of space be stifled perhaps for a few generations i don’t know. There is no going back. Win or lose nothing will be the same!” Styles said.
“Set course for the fleet! ” shumar ordered. Kelly w renelds set the course. He activated the engines. The ship went to warp. The ship was on course for the future. Whatever that form it was about to take.
“The human ship is on course for us?” The science officer anounced. “Very good!”the primus said.”one ship?”a centurian said. “There will be more. I am sure of that. ” The primus said.
Manny of the crew thought that this would be a cake walk. The primus knew better. He knew that victory was not asured. Even if they won this round ,they still might not win the overall campaign. History as always was stil unwritten until it happened.
End of part 11

To the outor rim and beyond part ten.

“Captain’s log ,repairs are going foward. The crew has really steped up to the plate. They are all performing well under these circumstances.  ”
“Mr. Steverin has proven to be quite an aset. I am a little concerned about him. He did come out of no where. He has been a good resource!”
Mess hall.
Tivora tried not to stare at the andorian who was across the room. She found it hard not to.”you really don’t trust him?”boyd asked. “It may be a bit irational. I am trying to look at this rationally and logically. Our people have had a storied history. Unfortunately that is interfeering with my objectivity! You are entering a strange new realm!”tivora said.
“Do you think humanity is ready to venture out into space ?”boyd asked. “No one can be completly ready. I think it may be time for hunanity to venture out! I am fully suportive of humanity exploration of the universe. ” She said.
The andorian went to the two at the table. “I am suprised to see a Vulcan on a human ship!” The andorian said. “I have never been to Vulcan ! I grew up on earth. I am an earth citizen!”she said. “She seam very stioc. I asume you are a folower of surek?” He asked.
“I am!”she said. “I figured you were. You seam the type!” Steverin said. “Who is surek?”boyd asked. “Our grestest philosopher. We were war like saveges. We used our mentle abilities as weapons. War lords used there mental abilities to opress. Surek transformed our society in a very short amount of time! ” she said.
“I am hoping that something similer is happening on earth. We have come a long way in a short amount of time. I hope it will last!” Boyd said.
“I suspect it will. I think humanity is ready for the next chapter ! I have confidence that you will make that choice!”she said. “You are an idealest! I hope that is true. “Steveren said. “I take it you are more cyinical?”she asked. “Our people tend to be more on the cynical side. I gues i have adopted that way of thinking !” He said.
Captain’s qurters
“The romulons seam to be a likley competitor to the humans.i believe that we will be seing a lot of them in the future !” Styles said.
” it does seam that way! ” eller said. “I believe that the romulons are planing to strike again ! They will bring friends. We need to do the same. “Styles said. “Very well. I will arange it. “Eller said. “Very good'”styles said.
End of part

To the outor rim and beyond part 9

The ship was brought in to the cargo bay. The ship had no scout ship ir shartle. It did have esape pods. That was about it.
The ship docked. The vesel activated the landing strut. Captain styles,tivora,and chief engineer perizou entered the bay. The first officer excited the craft. Then they were all shocked by the new arival.
“This is steveren of andoria. ” Shumar said. He saw tivora. “A Vulcan !”Steverin said. ” An andorian!”she said.
“I take it your two species know each orther ?” Styles said. “The Vulcan and the andorians have had a frosty relationship to say the least!” Tivora said.
“Not to mention the wars we fought!”the andorian said.” The last one ended 70 years ago.”tivora said. “We have much to discus!” Styles said.
Confrence room
“They are called romulans. They are a regional power with asperations to expand beyond there borders!”steverin said.
” I have heard of this race. They had been content to govern teritories close to home. The new crop of leaders seam to favor expansion. “Tivora said.
” no one knows what a romulan looks like. In battle they don’t alow themselves to be captured.if they lose they destroy themselves. They use autimated drone ships and robots to supliment there fleet as well as using concured people as canon fotter.  “Steverin said.
“What brought you hear?”tivora asked.”i was a prospector. While on a case i came on a romulon raid. I saw an attack on an ithimite convoy. I have been folowing them from a safe distence. Look the romulons are on the prowl. They are the next emurging power in the qudrent!”steverin said.
“There technology lags behind several orther powers. There goal of expansion would be checked by the tholiens ,sheliek,breen,Klingon and andorians and orhers. They are not a threat beyond there general vicinity. ” tivora said.
“They adapt quickly ! They are very inovative and creative. They are good at thinking on there feet. I liken them to the ancient iconians. Iconians were no one! Every one thought the menthars would be the big power. The iconians develped the gateway. I am convinced that the romulans are going to be a major player in the future ! “Steveren said.
“They are a threat to humanity. We cannot continue our exploration program without runing into the romulans!” Styles said.
” I want to get the ship repared as soon as possible. “Styles said. “We are puling out all the stops to do just that sir !”chief engineer perizau said. “Use whoever you need! ” styles said. “Thank you sir!” The chief enginer said. With that the meating was ajurned.
“Mr. Steverin! Care to get your hands dirty?”perizau asked.”absolutely !” He said.
Boyd went over to tivora. “I take it you don’t trust our guest?”he asked. “I have my doubts. I am wiling to trust but varify!”she said.
Romulin vesssel
Repairs were going foward on the vesssel. The ship only had q crew of 12. Every one had to pitch in. No one was exampt. They got right to work.
Qurters of commander
” They are formidable sir. They are new to deep space . If we intend to expend,we must deal with the humans! This is the time excellentcy. We have a window of opportunity but it is dwindling ! “The commander said.
The preator considered the options. ” I am sending more ships. They will randevez with you shortly. I want that ship destroyed. I want a victory against the humans! Do not fail me commander! “The preator said. “I will not!”he asured him.
End of part 8

To the outer rim and beyond part 8

Bryce shumar arived at the area near the atomic lunch bay. He took out the granade. The granade was designed to operate in space.
The device floated to the luncher. He set on a time delayed detination. Then he got out of the way.
Th granade exploded. The luncher was hit. It was not destoyed but damage beyond the ablity to operate properly.
X 1000
“There atomic luncher is off line!”tivora said.”good work mr. Shumar! Finily some good news!” Styles said.
Alien ship
“We cannot use our atomic weapons !”the gunner said. “They are very intuitive ! They adapt quickly to change! They are quite fasinating cretures! ” the commander said.
“The vessel primary drive is off line! They will have to rely on impulse !”the science officer said.
“I have located the space walker !”the gunner anounced. “Target that sodjer! Eliminate him!” The commander said.
A lazer beam headed his way. He tried to avoid it. The blast destroyed his booster pack. He was drifting. He was a siting duck.he knew it.
“Great i get out in space. Go where no one had gone. Die my first week. Either i will be a foornote or a martyr. A pionor but a dead one!”he thought.
The lazer beam was hit him. He would be a goner. He felt something push him away. It was a ship.
By the looks of it,it was some kind of scout craft. He was brought on bored. The hatch opened.
“Nead a lift?” The man asked. He got closer to see who it was. The man was tall. He had blue skin and antinas. “What are you?”shumar asked.
“My race are called the andorians. We are pecefull well for the most part. We get iretated esily but i am prety even kealed normally !” He said.
“You have any idea who these people are who are attacking us are?”shumar asked.
“They are called romulans. They control a good size empire. They are zenophobic. They were content in keeping a tight lid on there own space.recently they caught the expansion buz. They have begun to spread out. I suspect they will keep going.”hw said.
” in order to expend they will have to deal with us. Our space is right in there way. Sounds to me like a war in the making. “Bryce said. 
“That is usually how it goes. The romulans apitite may be biger then there abilities to pull it off!”the andorian said.
Shumar thought to himself that there own abilities might not be up to snuf on there end. He would not say that outloud.
The x 1000 waited for the enemy ships next move.  “Hail that ship!” Styles said. “Sending ! No response !”trajaten said.
“At present we are basically evenly matched! “Tivora said. “We are both prety batered and bloody!” Styles said.
“Vessel is moving away! “Boyd reported. “They are probably going to try to regroup. This is not over! “The captain said.
“We are not going to persue?” The armory officer said. “Negitive ! We are in  no shape to persue. We need to lick our own wounds. They will be back. So will we!”styles said.
“Sir detecting another ship. Scout class. Commander shumar is abored. He said he has made a friend!”trajatan said. ” I see! ” the captain said.
End of part 8

To the outor rim and beyond part six

Unknown vessel
“Human vessel is on course for us! They have sped up to intercept us!” The science officer said. “They do not scare esily. They run to where orthers would flea! Excellent ! “The commander said.
X 1000
“We are now in cominications range! I can send a message in my native tounge. Perhaps they know timurian. ” Trajatan said “Do it!”styles ordered.
Unknown vessel
“They are contacting us in timorian!” The com tech said. “Acording to the data we acumilated. They do have a trading relationship with the timurians. It could be a trade laungrege!” The first officer said.
“This makes sense. They must sense we are a preditor. Why try to set up a dialogue with an invader?”the gunner said.
“Perhaps they are not eiger for war! Some races perfer to solve conflict without blood shed. It is fasinating. They are not pasifiats but not warioriers! Perhaps something in between. “The commander said.
“No response !” Trajaten said. “There weapons are fully charged!” Boyd said. “Come on! Talk to us!”styles said.
Unknown vessels
“Orders commander?”the gunner said. “Open fire!”the commander fired. The vessels opened fire. The mistle detonated. The ship was flung foward.
” we had to seal off the cargo bay!” Tivora said. “Return fire!”he ordered. The ship fired with a lazer. The lazer hit the ship.
“Minor damage! “The science officer said. ” fire again “the commander ordered. The alien vessel lunched another wepon. This time one of the sansor aray was destroyed.
“We have to switch to the back up sansors!”tivora said. “Do it!”styles said.
“Sir! I have located the atomic luncher. It is hevily shielded. If we could damage it!” Boyd said.
“I could go in an e.v.a suit. I think i can go in,plan an explosive device from the outside . We don’t need to destroy it,just slow them done!”shumar said.
“It would be highly dangerous!”tivora said. “There is not much at this point that is not.captian. let me go. I can take care of this. Let me prove myself !”shunar said. “Go'”styles ordered. 
First officer styles left the small command center. He put on an e.v.s suit and headed for the airlock. He left the ship. He activated the jetpack and off he left. 
A smal scout craft was investigating a nearby area. The pilot detected the battle. He decided to move on to investigate.
“This is not good. Not good at all.perhaps i should asist!” The pilot said. “That would not be reccomended!”the computer said.”i did not ask you!” The pilot said. The computer did not say anything .
The computor was right. The pilot often did not listen to reason. He ordered the ship to head for the battle.
The x 1000 fired on the alien vessel with a full voley of lazers.styles could not believe this! One minute he was on earth.now he was in space in one of tbe furst deep space battle well if you did not count skurmises with nusican and orion raders.
Either they were servive the battle or be destroyed. If they were destroyed,the alien commander would probably order more ships to join him.invasion. if they stoped him,they might have time to perpare. 
  Shumar went to the ship. He was able to navigate himself to the atomic weapons port. A scaning device detected him.
A lazer be came at him.he fired on it with a hand lazer. He seared off the beam. Before he could enjoy his success ,another beam came at him.
“This is just not my day!” Shumar said to himself. Shumar tried to evade the orther lazer. He decided to pus his lazer on overload. He threw the lazer at the port. He got out of the way. The lazer hit the port. The lazer beam was deactivated.
Now the hard part he thought to himself . He hoped there were no more lazer ports. If ge was he might be toast this time. One problem at a time he suposed.
The x was hit again. “We need to transfer non esential power to shields and weapons . We will have to evacuate several decks!”tivora said. “Do what you have to do!” Styles ordered. “Aye sir!” The Vulcan female reaplied.
  “We have incoming ! It seams to be some kind of mine!”boyd said. Kelly w tried to evade the mine. The mine was geting closer. The ship just mished it.the mine exploded. The wake hit the back of the ship but nothing else.
“Warp drive is off line!”tivora said. “Dawn it!”styles said. ” We have to overpower that ship!”boyd declared. “I know!”the captain said.
End of part 6

To the outor rim and beyond part five

The alien vessel came on to another setilite. “Detecting another setilite commander!” The sansor tech reported.
“Alter course! Set course for the setilite!”the commander ordered. The helm officer altered the course. “On course commander!”the helm officer reported.
“As soon as we are in range,activate the dampening field!”the commander ordered. “Will do sir!”the science officer said. “Gunner you know your orders!”he said. “Yes sir i do!” The gunner said. The vessel headed for the next setilite.
As soon as the vesel arived at the setilite,they hacked into the mainframe,uploaded the data to there system. They then destroyed the setilite and moved closer to human space.
  X one thousand
Captain styles entered the engine room. The room was small. Every thing on this ship was. It was eficient. Leen and meen.
“Does the engine room meat to your aproval?”styles asked. “Not at all! I think that two mounth old designed this engine room !”peruzeu said. “We had no chioce ! Its all about resources jose!”styles asked. “I know ! I stil don’t like it ! “Perizau said.”can you make it work?” Styles asked.”i don’t see that i have a choice do i ?” The chief enginer said. “Not really !”styles said.
“I figured!”he said. “This is only the beginning. If this mission is sucessfull who knows. We might have ships in the future that will defy the imagination!” The captain said.
“I am not realy that imaginitive !”he said. “I noticed. Look i am glad you decided to sign abored.”styles said. “I think this mission is doomed to failure. In case it is not,the European hagemony and france in general needs to be represented in the iner circle !”he said.
“Hedging your bets?”styles asked. “A little bit! !”He said. “I am under no ilusion that this is going to be easy. I am cogniscent of the fact that we could lose and lose badly. We could lose every thing ! We may not return. What if it can be done? What if we can sucesfully go where no one can ventured prevuysly. I have the dream of stars i gues!” Styles said. “I do not but i hope you are correct!” The enginer said.
Boyd kept looking up at tivora.he tried not to. Many vulcans looked stern,savere even cold.she did not. He found her intreging. He did not know why but he did.
“Is it true that your race do not poses emotion?”boyd asked. “It would be desirible for that satement to be true but it is not.we poses emotion ,we chose not to employ it. It requires a lot of practice and disipline. “She said.”did you ever express emotion?”he asked. “We did. We were violent,war like. A philsopher named surek reformed our people. “She said.
  She saw something on her bored. “I need the captain up hear right away!” Tivora informed the com officer. He contacted the captain.
“It is just as before ! The setilite stoped transmitting. “Tivora reported. “It is nearby the last location. If it is an intruder,they may be moving closer to our space! ” boyd said.
“Alter course ! Set course for the setilite!” Styles ordered. Kelly wyane renelds altered the course. “Course ploted and laid in !” He reported.
“Your name is confusing ! Can i call you by your middle name?” Shumar asked. “Its wyane. I have never been a fan of it. My name is kelly ! Kell is exceptible!”he said. ” How did you and your wife meeat?”styles asked. “My sister set us up! She thought it would be cute ! We hit it off the rest is history ‘” kelly w said. “I see. Cute or weird!”schumar said.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds was looking over her medbay. Like every thing else on the ship,it was cramped. The medbay was not designed for mass triarge. That concerned her. She hoped it was not a concern that would need to be adresed. She feared it might.
Although she had a smal staff,she liked them. They were a smal but good staf. She was glad to be hear.
Alien vessel
“Commander! I have located a ship! It is heading for us!” The science officer said. “Have they detected us?” The commander asked. “I do not believe so! ” the tech anounced.
“Plot an intercept course!” The commander ordered. ” Aye sir!”the pilot said. ” Now we meat what may be a new advasary! “The commander said. The vessel headed for the earth ship.
X one thousand
“We have an incoming ship! It is hevily armed. It is using mostly atomic weapons!” Tivora said. “They have set course right for us! “Boyd reported. “Alter course! Intercept !”styles said.”sir! Your taking us into combat?”dr. Renelds said. “No choice . Like it or not. They are coming to us!”styles said.
End of part five

To the outer rim and beyond part four

United earth forces traning center sahera africa
The officer in command called his men to attention. They snaped to attention as ordered. ” Boyd please follow us!” The officer in command said. Jasson boyd had no idea what was going on. He follow the c.o in a smal confrence room. He saw a man he did not recognize. “I’m captain corner styles with eller industeries. We are planing to lunch our protoype! We need an armory officer. I see you have been involved in operations against pirates,protecting cargo. “He said.
“Our unit is one of the most elete. As a marine i am traned in multiple disiplines. Why me! There must be several in my unit that are more deserving then i am !” Boyd said.
“Your a team player but your not afraid to speak your mind. You have out firther then most. I think you are the best person for the job!”styles said.
“There is a lot of paper work is there not?”he asked. “Yes you would be a department head. Yes there would be. Part of the perks ,coperal is that you would be an officer,full lt!”he said.
“How long is this mission ?” He asked. “We are investigating the dissapearence of a probe ! It is unclear. “Styles said. “I might find myself out on a job?” He asked. “Its possible ! We all might. I am sure earth steller service will take you back. “He said. “I do like a challenge. I accept!”boyd said. “I hoped you would welcome abored lt!”styles said.
Eller industries
” We stil need a medical officer, and a com officer!” Styles said. “I have an idea for com officer?”eller said. “Why do i think this is going to be a doozy? “Styles asked. “Because it is! At the tumurian embisy is a techician named tjajaten. He literally created a meens of comunucation between our two worlds. ” Eller sugested.
“An alien? Come on lyman. Is this not an earth ship?”styles said.” Yes it is. Of course is it. Tivora is s Vulcan. “He said. “Tivora is an earth citizen. She pronounces the citty of bangor corectly. Tjajaten is an officer of the tumurians a foregn sate! “Styles said. “Corner my boy! The tramurians have been alies ever sense we made contact with them in 2088. They are key trading partners. “He said.
“Look ly! Earth is new to this space thing. We can’t rely on other powers. We have to stand on our own two feet. We have to be self relient. ” Styles said.
“I am going to share a secret with you corner.  Sence cocren warp flight mankind has sought to leave its infantcy. It has tried to build something. Put aside hatred ,violence,be productive not destructive. I want to reach out to other worlds in friendship.build bridges. “Corner said.
“Your an idealest ly. Friends with alien worlds. Don’t get me wrong i like vulcans. I don’t understand there rigid stoism or supreson of emotion. I like the other worlds i have met. Not sure about nusicans and orions. I know the perpose of the x fleet is exploration at least on paper.i figured it would become military eventually !”styles said.
“I don’t want that! Defense is inportent. We can’t bury our heads in the sand and pretend they bad guys arnt out there. The nusicans and orions have taught us that. Corner i do not want to see human history played out in space. There must be more then endless games of servival of the fitest! We need to make friends. We need to join the comunity of worlds! ” he sais.
“You realy want trajaten?”styles asked. “He is the best and we need the best. Comunication is the key to our mission !”he said. “Ok i will see what i can do!” He said.
Tumurian embisy reno nevada
“Mr. Trajaten!” Corner styles asked. “I believe in getting to the point. Do you want me in your crew? “The alien asked. “Yes i do!”styles said. “I accept ! I will need to move some of my equipment i would like three of my most trusted tecks to join me! “He said.
“Sure ! Did you know this was coming?”he asked. “You are new to the neighborhood . I suspected you might want help. I believe i am a good canidate for that!”he said. “Please bored as soon as you can!” He said. “Of course!”he said.
X one thousand
“Sir! Our com officer brought a lot of equipment abored! “Shumar said. “I figured. “He said. “We have finate space!” Shumar said. “Make it work bryce!”styles said. “Very well! “The new first officer said.
” Any news on a cmo?” Styles asked. “There is a prime canidate!”shumar said. “I sense a problem !” He said. ” Well she is the wife of the helm officer! “He said. “We have orther husband and wife teams on the ship ! ” styles said. “Not in the senior staf! “Shumar said. “Has she been in space?” Styles said. “Yes she has!”he answered.
“What is the problem bryce? “He asked. “Her name is kelly!”shumar said. “Ok! Prety comon name. More comon then bryce i think. “Styles comented. “The helm officer is named kelly. We will have two kellys. I hope to avoid the military hierarchy thing for the most part. That would be difficult !” Bryce said.
“Is she qalified?” Styles asked. “Yes very! She comes highly recomended !” Shumar said. “Hire her !”styles said. “Very well!” The exo said.
  Later on.
The door opened,lt. Boyd entered the bridge. He wore the black uniform. “Lt. Boyd reporting as ordered!” He said.”take your station ! ” styles said.his station was next to tivora. There eyies met. “Have you never seen a Vulcan before?” Tivora said. “Oh no i have . I just have not met one so prety as you.i meen i am going to shut up now. I am a marine who does not get out much !”he said. “I see!”she said.
“Sir i have one last request to bored!” Trajaten said. “From who?” Styles said. ” A jose marie perizau ! “The alien said. “He must have changed his mind!”shumar said. “I figured he might! Permission granted. “Styles said.
As soon as he was abored,the french officer went to the bridge . His wife was shown to there qurters. “Welcome abored!”styles said. “Thank you!” He said. “I think its time we got under way!” Styles said. Shumar agreed.
The senor crew was asembled. Doctor renelds was present. ” We are cleared to depart!” The com officer said. ” Clear all docking clamps!”styles ordered. Tivola presed the jetison button.the clamps retracted. “Clamps ejected!” Tivors reported.
” Kelly begin ascent!” Styles ordered. The pilot lifted the ship off. People all over the world wached the ship lift off and ascend to the stars. The ship went to the sky and then left the planet.
“We have cleared the planet! “Tivola said. “Alright ! Set course for the outor rim! Hear we go into the unknown!”styles said. The ship went to warp.
End of part four