In the shadow chapter one(2)

Senate complex.
The members of the inner circle left the office of the prator.this included commander emero. Emero was a rising star in the rihansu star empire. He was from a middle class. He started out as a ulan and made it to the officer training program. He was now a future leader of the empire. Perhaps the General staff the Senate maybe even the prator’s chair.
The aristocracy wanted to protect there own . they tried to slow him down. He knew that. He was not going to let that happen.
He went to his office in the military complex .he saw that someone was there. He turned on the lights. There was a lady.she was not rihansu.
“Commander emero!” the lady said “who are you?” he insisted to know. “The future! I could be your future. ” she said.
“What do you want? How did you get in hear. ” he asked. “I go by many names. You can call me gunen. ” she said.
“What race are you?” he asked. “I am elorian. My home world is a long way away. That is not important. The rihansu could be a strong force In the qudrent. We need the right leaders. The swarm plan is a good one. Whoever wins early battle in the conflict with humanity will be on the fast tract to field primus the admiralty or higher. I would like that to be you!” she said .
“Me! But why?” the commander asked . “you are a are respected by the people you command from ulan all the way to sub commander. ” gunen said .
“You must be representing a group of some kind. I do not want to Be a puppet. I don’t want to aid a hostle takeover of the empire by a foreign force. ” the commander said
“That is not our goal. We do not want the empire to fall but to seceed. We want the rihansu star empire to check other powers such as the Klingon,tholien,gorn and others including the human Vulcan alliance.” gunen said.
“I see. ” he said. “We want a balience. We do not want the increase of human  influence in the alpha and Betts quadrant. ” she said
“Why do you fear human expansion?”emero asked . “we have our reasons. I know of a device that will give you personally an advantages. Not only over the enemies of the emperor but an advantage over the prator,the Senate and the fleet.” gunen said.
“How do I get this. Advantage?” the commander asked. “Right now a super ship from the future is in the hands of the humans. They can’t turn it on.I know how to turn it on. I need your full cooperation. I need to be assured that i can trust you. “Gunen said
“You have my support. “He said “I knew you would. ” she said. ” who is we?” he asked . “all in good time !” she said.
Romulan bird of prey
“We are cleared to depart ” the com officer said. “Very good. Clear all mornings .” emero said. “Moorings  away!” the pilot said. “Take us out!” the commander ordered.the Bird of prey left the dock.
“We are clear. Now in open space.” the pilot reported. The bird of prey joined the swarm. “We are ordered to move out by the primus.” the com tech said. “Procede pilot.” the commander said. The swarm moved out. “Now on course ” the pilot said.
He took a sip of a popular rihansu tea. He put it down on the code table next to the command chair. The first officer sub commander drulok came over to the commander. “Speak!” the commander said. “Why did we bring on bored a civilians ?” the exo asked. “I am not at liberty to say!” the commander said.  “It is most unusual. ” the commander said. “We are in the midst of unusual times. ” the commander said. “Normally I would be informed. Is the commander no longer confident in his first officer ?” he asked. “Yes I am. This is a vital matter for the empire.I cannot discus it. ” emero said
“Very well commander!” the first officer said .he returned to his station. He had no idea if the first officer Was going to become a problem. They had been close allies even friends. Now he was not sure if he could trust him.
He would be catefull. Romulons were not unfamiliar with power struggles.while life on a romulan ship was not like the Klingon where promotion was urned by assassinating there predecessor but sometimes it came to that.rihansu loved back room deal and in the shadow scheming.
The commander would have to stay in his toes. He always did.he did not get where he was by being lazy or complacent. He would watch his back.
Romulan swarm
“We are now at the border!” the science officer reported. “Very good! Order the swarm to enter formation and move out!” primus prelot said. The ship’s left the border. “We are clear !” the science officer reported.
“Sir? The Sun raider has broke formation. It is heading for the Cyrus syistom .” the science officer said.
“Why are they going to the Cyrus system?” sub commander nuzek asked. “Com tech order emero to return to formation. ” the primus ordered. There was no response. “Do we peruse?” the weapons officer said. “Negitive. We have a mission  to complete. ” the primus said .
A few minutes earlier.
Sun raider
“We have cleared rihansu space. ” the pilot announced. ” we have been ordered to stay In formation. ” the com officer said .
“I have orders from the prator. These supersede the order of the field primus. There is a copy in the ships archive. Pilot set course for the Cyrus sector. ” the commander said.
The first officer was not sure how to take all of this. He would not make a big deal of it for now .
“The humans have discovered a powerfull starship.the ship is inactive . it can be brought on line. We have brought on a technician who believes she can reactivate it. We must move quickly.if the humans bring it line they could deal a blow to the empire!” he said.
End of chapter one.
I like to come up with actors or actreses I would like to play these characters. My inspiration for emero is actor Ben brat.
I considered having emero crew placed in to suspended animation. Perhaps replaced with alies of gunen but it just did not work with me.

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