In the shadows

The distant future.
A space fleet was moving out. The fleet had everything from frigates to dreadnaught and everything in between. The fleet was heavily armed with multiple weapons ports.
“We have located the enemy ship . the fleet has set course.” the hongorian tech reported. “Engage!”the suprime commander ordered.
The expansive fleet moved out. The fleet headed to the nebula where the enemy ship. The ship was hiding. The ship was never ment to be used. It was a bluff. A doomsday machine. Now that seemed unavoidable .
Saberu supper starship
“Detecting hongorian fleet. “The computer said. A tall but thin man went to the center of the bridge.he looked human but with a bulge in his neck. Simular to a  rhino head. “Intercept! ” the leader of the saberu ordered.
Instead of running,the supper starship headed for the agresive hostile fleet. The ship came in weapons hot. All of the turrets were activated .
Hongorian fleet
“Excelentcy! The juggernaught is not trying to flea. It is heading right for us. ” the tech said. “I knew that they would. Hear we go!” the commander said.
The enemy fleet and ship were staring each other down. The hungorian ships opened fire on the saberu super ship. The supper ship had good shields. The shields could not last forever.
The saberu fired back. The ship had a power draining weapon.the pulse weapon hit several ships. Several vessels were immobilized.
The ships not affected by the pulse broke formation and fired on the juggernaught. The super starship was hit from all sides. The ship was surrounded from all sides. There was no way it could make it.
Several ships were able to come up with defences against the pulse weapon. The ships hit back on the supper ship.
The super ship tried to get pass the war fleet. The juggernaught tried to get back the enemy fleet. The fleet was battered. Both the fleet and juggernaught were impacted.
This was one ship against a massive fleet. It should not have gone this way. It should have been an easy victory. It was far from it. The battle was longer and harder then anyone anticipated.
No one knew how it happened. Did the hongorian fleet acidently trigger The doomsday switch ? Did an enemy ship activate it on purpose or out of spite or frustration. Did the saberu ship activate it? No one knows.
The ship exploded. The explosion surged with other super novas. The universe exploded. Somehow time restarted. The saberu ship should have bee. Destroyed.the ship reemerged in the past. It was discovered by commander styles.
Office of the prator
“There seams to be a New power in the galaxy. ” admiral bocray said.”explain!” prator giral said.”they call themselves the human republic. They have expanded into the uncharted area. They were recently involved in ultracations with the gorn and a mysterious cybernetic race. Right now they are far from rihansu sphere of influence. If there expansion continued our interest will run in conflict with there. ” admiral bocrar said . “what is your recommendation ?” preliot the first consul to the prator asked.
“We lunch several swarm near republic space and where they frequent.a show of force. ” admiral butel said.
“Thus could hasten a conflict ?” a second consul remarked. “Conflict is not a bad thing ” commander emero said. “I agree. Do it!” the prator ordered. “I must object !” senator jechav said. “Your pacifism is we’ll known. Peace will not win the day. ” emero said. The senator was not happy by those words.
Jwchav great great grand farther was a celebrated admiral who won multiple conflicts with Klingon,choline,k’zinti,tzencafe and other. Jachav was a tecepint of nepotism. He was a marginal figue in rihansu politics.
“My word is final. You have my blessing. Jolan tru !” the prator said.
After the meating emero went to the military command complex.he went to his office. ” commander emero.” a lady said. “Who are you?” he asked. ” the future your future.” it was revealed that she was gunen.
End of part one.

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