Restart conclusion

On the order of the president of the human republic, the earth defense force mobilized. The ships left the docks. Ships on patrol near Pluto were recalled to earth. Ships on the outer rim headed back to earth to protect there home world.
Office of the president
“Mr. President we have launched everything we have. “Defence Secretary arnie clanton reported. “Have we begun continuity of government protocol?” the president asked.
“Wr have sir. ” the presidential chief of staf Edwin Leonard said. ” good! Hopefully we won’t need it but we may.” the president said.
Earth fleet
Earth vessel Kingston
Admiral Tony bell looked over his fleet. One of bells ancestors led a revolt against sanctuary districts in u.s. bell had grown up hearing the story.  He always believed in power of the few over an insermontible foe.
” we got something. ” a tech reported. Bell went over to him. “Report!” the admiral asked. ” detecting an energy beam. It is some kind of super warp gateway. ” the tech announced.
“Order the fleet to that gateway! Now!” the African American admiral in command of the fleet ordered. The fleet moved out and headed to the gateway.
X 1000
“I have activated self destruct protocol. Captain I need your pas code. ” tivora said. He took out a smal device. He put it in a slot then turned the key. On the screen the words ‘code. Accepted’ was displayed.
” lt. Shumar ” she said. He did the same. Then Lindsey markum activated hers. Then tivora was about to activate it.
The x got inside the egress. Kelly Wayne tried to get the ship close to the center of the gateway. Styles hoped that humanity would go on. He believed that the sacrifice of the x would not be in veign.
Earth ship Kingston
“I have a hostile fleet. Sending coordinents to the helm. ” a tech reported. “Intercept!” admiral bell ordered. The fleet moved to the gateway.
The fleet entered the gateway.once they were inside they fired on The cubes.
“Calvary has arrived. ” tivora reported. ” hold on on The self destruct. ” styles ordered. The science officer agreed. The x fired on the cubes.
Tivora got an idea.she started to try to tap in to the Borg mainframe. She surmised that the Borg operated as much of a complex network. They were essentially one entity. A collective. A hive. She thought of them as a single unit.
The fleet tried not to let up on them. A kind of strength in numbers. That strategy was not  best in deeling with the Borg. They had to try.
Tivora was able to hack into the mane frame of The Borg. She merged with the x’s computer.then she melded with the enemy . she saw a series of images. Some did not make sense.
Some was of her own childhood. Seeing her parents .she relived key events of her life. Meeting her uncle. Going to school etc. Then she saw a massive war between ship s. She saw a massive battle.
She saw some kind of reset. She saw the Borg. She saw the creation and rise of the Borg.  She saw the bud up of there empire. Then what she preceved to be s potential in which humanity battled the Borg.
She focused on getting to the heart of the collective. She pictured herself entering a white matrix of some kind. She went inside.she exploded.
“The cubes are off line!” Gina reported ” get us out of hear !”styles ordered. The ships left the gateway. The ships fired on the gateway.the gateway exploded. The doorway vanished.
“Is the threat over?” Emma asked .” for now! They will be back. ” tivora said. ” agreed. ” styles said.
Queters of styles
“I do not fully understand it but I believe that in another reality the  tried to conquer humanity abd nearly suceded. Some how they have learned of this time line. ” tivora said.
“How did this time line get created?”styles asked. “I saw an  image of a massive war.a war between two powers. One faction was the ship we have been looking at. ” tivora said . “could the war in the distant future have somehow reset time?” styles asked. ” it could have. ” she said. ” the Borg learned of it. I assume other races will if they have not already. ” the captain said.”I agree with that asestment. “She Said.
“My staff is uncertain of captain styles report of a massive temporal restart. The old man believes it. Do you?” the president asked. “I do Mr. President. ” guinen asked. ” I was prety sure you would. ” the president said.
“Captain’s log with the defeat of the Borg, the sleeper agents have been discovered. The evidence is overwhelming that this was not a threat from without but within. For now the crises is over. The ship with the blessing of chairman Eller is returning to investigate a mystery ship . ” styles said.
X 1000
“All decks standing by. ” trajaten said. ” take us out!” the captain ordered. The x went to warp.
Next up.
The romulsns led by commander emero plot to steal the future ship from the x crew. Enero has an ally is it Guinean ?

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